Eye on the Street


By Jennifer Donatelli

Valentine’s Day often sparks the age-old debate about whether love at first sight is real or just a romantic notion. Some people swear by it, claiming that an instant connection or an inexplicable bond can form in the blink of an eye. For them, it’s more than just attraction — it’s a deep, immediate understanding or a shared energy that can’t be ignored. Others, however, argue that love is something that builds over time, shaped by experiences, conversations and vulnerability. They believe that true love cannot be rushed, and that the initial spark is often mistaken for infatuation or chemistry.

TBR News Media recently asked Long Islanders what they thought about love at first sight.

Lisa Goldfeder

Lisa Goldfeder from Babylon

“I don’t believe in love at first sight. You have to get to know someone first, spend time with them, be friends, then the love will come. People who say they believe in love at first sight are more like infatuated to me.”

Lonnie Goldfeder

Lonnie Goldfeder from Babylon

“I believe you can fall in love when you first meet someone. You have that feeling that they’re ‘the one’ and everything else follows.”

Frank Borrero

Frank Borrero from Huntington

“I believe in love at first sight, but not the kind of love that lasts forever. I love women, so every woman I meet is love at first sight to me. A pair and a spare is my motto.”

Neil Clay

Neil Clay from Stony Brook

“I believe in love at first sight. It’s how I met my wife. We both went outside to throw our garbage in the dumpster and I knew from that minute I met my soulmate.” 

Lucia Trowe

Lucia Trowe from Huntington

“I definitely think you can fall in love with someone when you first meet them. My husband told me seconds after we met that he loved me and asked me to marry him. We were married 40 years.”

Michael Joseph

Michael Joseph from Huntington

“I don’t believe in love at first sight unless you’re picking a dog. How can you know you love someone from a chance meeting or look?”


Angie Zang

By Katherine Kelton

Welcoming 2025 can mean many different things to different people. Do people still believe in setting goals for the new year, or has this practice become outdated, with goal-setting becoming more or less infrequent? 

TBR News Media took to the streets to ask Long Islanders about their New Year’s resolutions to understand this phenomenon across different groups. 

Jake Schwarzbard

Jake Schwarzbard, East Setauket

The Ward Melville High School senior is looking forward to the warmer weather, which will help him stick to his New Year’s resolution of “being on my phone less. “I feel like it is taking up too much of my day. I would like to try doing more activities, like golfing.” 

Cara Macedonio

Cara Macedonio, Stony Brook

The Emma Clark Library clerk discussed a few of her resolutions: “Go to the gym is basic, but that was one of them. My resolution is to find a fun job that I like.”

Claire Sloniewsky, Old Field

The senior at Ward Melville shared some of her “several” resolutions, which she wrote down on her phone to remember throughout the year: “One of my main resolutions was to spend more time outside, whether on a daily walk or something more high-impact, like going on a run or looking at nature. I feel more grounded when I do that, and it’s pretty isolating and tiring when I’m inside. Another was to read more. I’m already a pretty big reader, but I want to prioritize it this year.”

Angie Zang

Angie Zang, Coram

The elementary school student shared her goal for the year while roasting a marshmallow outside of The Frigate, “I would like to get better at ballet.”

Lindsay Day

Lindsay Day, Three Village

Another Emma Clark Library clerk shared her goal: “My New Year’s resolution is to make more meals at home instead of dining out.”

Spencer Edelbaum

Spencer Edelbaum, Three Village

A local Druther’s Coffee frequenter shared his New Year’s resolution, which he states is his permanent goal: “I have a nonprofit called The Spot. I do a lot of helping; I just love a lot of people. I would just continue loving into people’s lives.” 

Michael Joseph

By Jennifer Donatelli

As the year comes to a close, it’s a time to reflect on the individuals who have had a profound impact on our lives. Whether through their kindness, wisdom or unwavering support, people leave an indelible mark, shaping us in ways both big and small.

To round out 2024, TBR News Media took to the streets, asking locals to nominate their Person of the Year. Here are their responses

Dorinda Haberfield, Smithtown

Dorinda Haberfield, Smithtown

Haberfield nominated her mother, 97-year-old Genevieve Antonucci, as her Person of the Year, because of “everything she has been through in her life.” “She lived through the Great Depression, the loss of her father at a young age, homelessness and having to work to help support the family,” said Haberfield.

“Her perseverance and resilience has been a true inspiration and example of integrity and strong character,” she added.

Lisa Goldfeder

Lisa Goldfeder, Babylon

When asked to nominate someone as Person of the Year, Goldfeder immediately said Caitlin Clark, the WNBA basketball athlete.

“She single-handedly changed the landscape of women’s basketball, with TV viewership rising over 300%,” Goldfeder said.

Michael Joseph

Michael Joseph, Halesite

Joseph nominated Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, for his dedication to his country and for “having the courage to put it all in a public memoir.”

Margaret Munsch

Margaret Munsch, Huntington

Munsch nominated her son “because he is my heart, and gives me a purpose for living.”

Gladys Brandow

Gladys Brandow, Oceanside

Brandow’s nomination for Person of the Year is her son Steven, “for being brave, accomplishing his goals and pursuing his dreams,” despite the death of his father as a teenager.

Michelle Mulderrig

Michelle Mulderrig, Syracuse and Huntington

Mulderrig said she would nominate “anyone who has faced the diagnosis of cancer.:

These people have had to navigate waters they might find themselves drowning in. So for anyone battling cancer and the people it affects around them, you are all heroes to me,” said Mulderrig.


By Katherine Kelton

Daylight saving time ended on Sunday, Nov. 3, giving Americans an extra hour to enjoy — except in Hawaii and most of Arizona.

On Long Island, this meant an earlier sunrise and saying goodbye to sunsets after 6 p.m. The next day in Port Jefferson, people enjoyed quintessential fall weather on the ferry to Connecticut. TBR News Media asked these passengers: How did you enjoy your extra hour?

Mary Rose and Alan Goldberg, East Setauket

Mary Rose and her husband Alan were in Massachusetts when the “fall back” happened. The pair were visiting their daughter. Even though the two had a “very long conversation the night about falling back and getting that extra hour,” they forgot the day off until they were about to leave their hotel. For them, the extra hour meant time to “sit around and chat, visit our daughter, hang out and be together.”

Monica Landivar, Stamford, Conn.

Monica Landivar, on left, from Stamford, Connecticut, on a day trip to Port Jefferson, shared the practical benefits she enjoyed from daylight saving time: “To be totally and completely honest, it was relaxing. And also, the good thing was that I had extra time to do some work around the house.”

Alenna Lin

Alenna Lin, Stony Brook University

Alenna Lin, a freshman at Stony Brook University, enjoyed the extra hour to reorientate her schedule. “I spend many hours studying for all my classes, so my sleep schedule naturally gets destroyed, especially after two back-to-back midterms last week,” she said. She could “go to bed an hour early, wake up at a reasonable time and be more awake during lectures.”

Amal Sani, South Setauket

A senior at Ward Melville High School, Amal Sani shared details of her three-day weekend, saying, “I had Monday off for senior skip day, so I had an extra hour and an extra day to do work.” She was sitting in Local’s Cafe in Port Jefferson doing college applications and school work, which she said she has been very occupied with. “Daylight savings was much needed,” she added.



By Toni-Elena Gallo

Labor Day is a time for families to come together and savor the final moments of summer. It’s one day when adults don’t have to think about working and kids don’t have to worry about the impending first day of school. So, this Labor Day, TBR News Media asked beachgoers at Lake Ronkonkoma how they were enjoying their day off.




Jenny, Corona

Jenny spent the day relaxing in the sand at Lake Ronkonkoma. She sunbathed, while watching her parents try their hand at catching some bass, pumpkinseed and perch. “We definitely take them home to eat. They’re delicious!” she shared. The family was very happy that Lake Ronkonkoma County Park was not too crowded. They were accompanied by their adorable dog, Bruno.


Katherine, Plainview

Katherine, Josephine and Michael.

Katherine and her mother Josephine were looking for something different to do with Katherine’s young son, Michael. So, when “most things weren’t open,” the family decided to head to the lake and have a picnic. “Our dog, Rocky, is enjoying nature and Michael won’t keep his shoes on,” laughed Katherine








James, Ronkonkoma

James and his dog, Jake.

James’ furry companion, Jake, loved every minute of ripping up his sand-riddled soccer ball. James was joined by family — including a little one who “loves Labor Day” — as they spent their day enjoying the sunshine and breeze.




Ava, East Meadow

Ava and her family.

Ava arrived with her husband and three kids to embark on a day of fishing. Equipped with their rods and beach chairs, the family was eager to give it a shot.





Diana, Ronkonkoma

From left to right: Diana’s friend. her son and Diana.

Diana was with her two children, and was joined by her best friend, and her son. She said that they “were having a phenomenal day” at Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Park, as they took photos near the water. “My son has autism and loves being at the lake. It makes him very happy,” said Diana’s friend.




Emily Augulis, Bohemia

Emily Augulis and her mom, Milynn.

Emily shared that she spent her Saturday in Sag Harbor, with her mother, Milynn. Together, they perused the shops, chatted and admired some of the luxury boats docked in Sag Harbor Bay. “It was a really beautiful way to spend Labor Day Weekend, and [Sag Harbor] is such a nice town,” Emily said.





Maddie Pittigher, San Diego

Maddie with her snorkel.

Maddie spent this Labor Day in San Diego, as she prepares to start her computational biology, doctoral program, in the coming weeks. But, her family provided us with a few thoughts her daughter relayed, about spending her first holiday across the coast. She snorkeled and took in the beauty of the Pacific Ocean.“I had such a beautiful time at the beach. It was a great day to just relax, take time for myself and think about the sacrifices of those who work every day.” Maddie said that if she were back home on the Island, “she would be eating burgers and hot dogs” in her family’s backyard.


Pixabay photo

By Ava Himmelsbach

Long Island prides itself on its beautiful weather — but, more specifically — on its gorgeous summers.

That is why this past weekend, Port Jeff locals and visitors were asked: “What do you like to do during the summertime on Long Island?

Photos by Ava Himmelsbach

Carolyn and Julie

Many Long Island residents thrive in the summer weather and enjoy spending time outdoors when the sun is out. Julie highlighted her relaxing visits to the local beaches: “We just got a parking permit for the beach, so we go on the beach, drive on the beach, that’s fun.” She, also, noted her enjoyment of going fishing and eating out.

“She’s from Florida,” Julie added with regard to Carolyn, who replied, “I used to live here!”

Amanda, Michelle, Kaitlyn and their children

“My favorite thing to do in the summer is go to the Shirley Beach splash pad with the toddlers,” Michelle said.

She loves that spot due to its free admission combined with the opportunity of play time outside for her children.

“Going to the ocean, [especially] Smith Point,” Kaitlyn added. She mentioned that she enjoys the beaches, closer to home, as well. “My favorite thing is to go to the parks around us,” Amanda stated.

Gallya (right,) and her friends, Sima and Sandra

Gallya, a Long Island resident, was joined by her visiting friends Sima and Sandra, who had just arrived on the Island that day. 

“Walking through Port Jefferson, it’s such a great little village,” Gallya noted. “I like to go on the fishing boat, I like to go eat ice cream at the shack, I like to bring my closest friends that come from different parts of the world — presumably in reference to her friends Sima and Sandra — to share the beauty of this part of America.” Port Jefferson is undoubtedly a favorite for locals and visitors alike in the summertime. “I like to go to the restaurants in town, the meditation center and all the little boutique shops. I love to walk on the waterfront where they do sailing and rowing,” Gallya added. 

As for the rest of Long Island, she enjoys visiting the wineries and farms out east, as well as hiking at Avalon Park.

Anne and Zoey

“The beach!” Zoey said when asked about summer activities. “Yes, the beach. We love to go to West Meadow Beach with the grandchildren while they’re here. Anything fun for kids to do, like Rocketship Park,” Anne added, in regard to the location of the interview.

Zoey and Anne agreed that Kilwins, in Port Jefferson, is a fun spot to grab ice cream. “There’s a wonderful park up near Ward Melville [High School], I think it’s Washington Avenue Park,” Anne continued. “We love going there.” 

“Also, the library, Emma Clark Library [in Setauket,]” Zoey concluded.

“We spent a lot of time there yesterday. It’s amazing how much energy you can spend in a library with two kids.”

Pixabay photo

By Toni-Elena Gallo

Back in April, Suffolk County legislators Steve Englebright (D-Setauket) and Ann Welker (D-Southampton) introduced the “Skip the Stuff” bill, which is designed to reduce the amount of condiment packages and single-use utensils distributed.

This bill would prohibit restaurants and food delivery services from providing plastic utensils, straws, condiments or napkins with takeout and delivery food orders, unless the customer explicitly requests them.

This initiative’s goal is to prevent waste, both environmentally and monetarily, as it aims to reduce the pollutant side effects of plastic microparticles and reduce high restaurant overhead costs, respectively.

The bill did not progress out of the Health Committee, as some officials felt that the legislation was a bit of an overstep, and needed fine tuning. Englebright does plan on reintroducing the bill “in some form,” going forward.

So TBR News Media took to the streets, and asked locals what they thought about the matter.

Juan Mendez, Mount Sinai

Juan, an employee of Dunkin’ Donuts, did not believe the bill will make a significant difference, as his

Juan Mendez. Photo by Toni-Elena Gallo

restaurant already follows the proposals, more or less.

“We already do that, unless the customer asks us [for condiments or spoons] to be included,” he said.

He explained that there is “an outside area, for any customers that need napkins or straws,” they are just not put in bags by the staff.

“A lot of users don’t even use [these things automatically included] in the bag. If you don’t need it, it’s wasteful.”

Brittany, Port Jefferson

Brittany, who works in Port Jefferson village, had a nuanced stance on the issue.

“I understand for environmental reasons why this would want to be done, completely. But, when you go out, you need something, especially if you’re getting something like ice cream,” she said.

She added that “maybe, if we could use spoons that were better for the environment,” that could provide a potential middle ground.

Angelina of Miller Place and

co-worker Debbie

Both women felt the bill would have a positive impact on the environment.

“I agree with [minimizing plastic utensils]. At the same time, it can be annoying, when it’s not available but I think it is so good for the environment,” Angelina said.

Her co-worker, Debbie, echoed similar sentiments.

“It is a good thing for the environment. On the other hand, like everything, there is a pro and a con to it. For customers who need these things, it can be an inconvenience. But, we have to look a generation ahead. What kind of lifestyle will our grandkids be having [if we pollute our environment] with plastic? It is time to start thinking about the future, and not just now. If it is for our betterment it is worth the sacrifice, and every change must start somewhere.”

Photo by Toni-Elena Gallo

Debbie declined for her picture to be taken and other personal information to be included.

Sam, Port Jefferson

Sam a hostess, felt that customers expect extras as part of their takeout orders. And, that they may not be

pleased if that changed.

“We always give ketchup and utensils. Nobody really asks for it, but, I feel like if we don’t give them, they are going to [be upset]. People come to expect it, as part of the service. You don’t know where everybody is going — they could be going outside to eat and not going home,” she said.

Pixabay photo.

By Ava Himmelsbach

Among growing anticipation to hear the plans and propositions of the United States presidential candidates, the long-awaited first presidential debate for the 2024 election is scheduled to take place this Thursday, June 27.

With this political face-off right around the corner, TBR had a question for locals: “What topics would you like to see addressed in Thursday’s presidential debate?”

Photos by Ava Himmelsbach

Muriel and Patricia, Smithtown 

Muriel and Patricia are interested to see how the candidates will address various relevant topics. “Well, number one is immigration,” Patricia mentioned. “Climate control is important,” Muriel later brought up.

Additionally, Muriel and Patricia shared that they would like to hear about the economy in the presidential debate. They are curious to hear how the candidates will speak about topics such as the housing market, Wall Street and student loans.

Barbara Thompson and Kevin Thompson, Islip

Barbara Thompson and Kevin Thompson, Former Islip residents now residing in Florida. They hope to hear conversations free of banter and full of respect in the upcoming debate. “There should always be things on the docket regarding our educational systems and our welfare systems, of course,” Kevin noted. “And the subject of firearms, it’s all a very debatable thing, but no one seems to be making any decisions regarding it. They all seem to be fighting over it.” Barbara added that she and Kevin now reside close to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, a place devastated by a mass shooting in 2018. This tragedy has contributed to their attention to the topic of firearm ownership.

Among these concerns and curiosities involving the topic of firearms, Barbara and Kevin also stated that they hope Thursday’s debate includes topics of social security for the future, welfare for the elderly and aid for immigration.

Nancy and Paul

Nancy and Paul highlighted their interest in topics related to immigration and the economy, as well as oil and its sources. They are both curious to see how the subject of the economy will be addressed in the debate. Paul specified that he is interested to hear more about economic changes that may arise under the elected candidate. 

Nancy and Paul declined for their picture to be taken or other personal information to be included.

Mike and Kristen, Port Jefferson 

Mike emphasized “dealing with foreign affairs” as the primary topic that he hopes is discussed in the debate. He mentioned the need for attention toward the country’s global relations, noting his interest in “strengthening our relationships overseas” and “eliminating the possibilities of going to war.”

“Mental health concerns for everyone should be covered,” added Kristen. They both agreed that access to health care, including care for mental health, should be addressed.

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By Serena Carpino

Father’s Day is always a special time of the year. Families go out for breakfast at Sweet Mama’s, rent kayaks in the Stony Brook Harbor, play a round of golf at St George’s in Setauket, or continue their own fun traditions. 

As Father’s Day approaches, TBR asked local personalities, “What does Father’s Day mean to you? How do you celebrate Father’s Day? What’s the best present you’ve given your father over the years?”

— Photos by Serena Carpino

Eric Rectanus, Stony Brook 

Father’s Day is “a way of honoring the person who took care of you. It’s the person who put a roof over your head, made sure you had food in your belly, loved you and cared for you no matter what.” Rectanus, who lost his father last year, said. “Seeing Father’s Day now compared to when I had my dad, I see really what Father’s Day means because I don’t have him anymore. It’s just that person who gives you unconditional love, no matter what you do in life.” 

Mario Solis, Stony Brook 

“For me, it’s just a time that [my family] can get together, especially with my dad. We don’t have that close of a relationship, so that’s really the only time that I get to spend time with him.” 

Solis said that he and his family celebrate Father’s Day with food. “We eat — eat and just spend time together. It’s nothing special but it means a lot to us.” Solis added that the best gift he has given his father was a tool set. 

Solis declined for his picture to be taken. 

Tatjana Trajkovic, East Setauket

 “Father’s Day is a day to celebrate your dad because a lot of us who have dads sometimes take them for granted and don’t realize that some people aren’t as fortunate as us. So, it’s a day to appreciate these special people,” Trajkovic said.

The family celebrates her father and sister as a “two-for-one special” since her sister’s birthday is the same day. “Usually, we get a cake and split it between them,” she said.

 Trajkovic will be attending college in the fall and hopes to give her father a meaningful present before she leaves. She explained, “On TikTok there’s a special Father’s Day present that’s trending where you have your dad write down all of his important memories and the best stories of his life. I want him to write all of these in a notebook so that I can carry them to college. That’ll probably be the best gift I’ll ever give him, but I suppose it’ll be a gift for me too.”

Christian McClain, Shoreham

Christian McClain, a student at Shoreham-Wading River High School, said that, to him, “Father’s Day means celebrating and appreciating the love, guidance and support my father has given me throughout my life.”

On Father’s Day, McClain always has baseball tournaments. So, to celebrate his father, he wears light-blue socks and a light-blue wristband. In addition, McClain said that the best gift he ever gave his father “was when my family surprised him with a trip to Italy over the summer.”

Karen Gilmore, Stony Brook 

For Father’s Day, Gilmore said that her “daughter gets a present and gives it to him. We usually take him out to dinner or something like that … we like to go to Ragazzi [Italian Kitchen & Bar, in Nesconset].”

This year, Gilmore’s daughter made her dad a nice picture with watercolor in a recent art class. Gilmore said, “She’s really proud that she’s going to give it to him. [It’s important because] it’s something personalized, something that she made, more than just buying something. It’s something that means something from the heart.”

File photo by Samantha Rutt

By Samantha Rutt

As Mother’s Day rolls around, TBR News Media took to the streets throughout our coverage area, asking locals what this special day means to them.

It’s a day which makes people remember the importance and significance of mothers in their life, and to express love, appreciation and gratitude toward mother figures for their unconditional love, support and sacrifices. TBR wants to know, “What does Mother’s Day mean to you?”

Seema Pandya, Smithtown

Seema Pandya, Smithtown

I think it means the honoring and passing of traditions and wisdoms of mothers to mothers to mothers. Usually, I spend time with my kids, calling my parents and wishing them well.

I used to work at a restaurant in Colorado and for Mother’s Day they would make chocolate-filled buns with raspberries and they looked like breasts! They were so clever. It was a bun with a chocolate areola and a raspberry for the nipple — they were so good!

Jordan Mahmood, Stony Brook

Jordan Mahmood, Stony Brook

Mother’s Day is a day to appreciate my mom for what she does. She is a single mom and she literally means the world to me and my family. Each year we celebrate by spending time together and doing whatever it is she wants to do — it’s really nice spending time with my mom.

Tyler Stephenson-Moore, Queens

Tyler Stephenson-Moore, Queens

I love my mom a lot. Mother’s Day to me is just like the day-to-day stuff, acknowledging all the sacrifices she’s made, honoring her for everything she has done for me. 

Usually, I’ll go to Queens to see her with cards and flowers.

Rubens Meza-Henderson, Centereach

Rubens Meza-Henderson, Centereach

The United States was the country that enacted this holiday. I can say that because before the enactment, nobody cared about that — but now many countries in the world follow the U.S. example. 

Typically, because I am in the restaurant business, every Mother’s Day I work. This year is going to be an exception. Mother’s Day is a very special holiday because we honor the person who has the privilege to carry life in their womb, we were born through that person, honoring that act is very important.

I do believe in the Bible and one of the commandments says that you have to honor your parents. The Bible encourages you to honor your father and mother and there are many ways to honor them. One way is behaving well and another is through words — you have to express your gratitude. I was with my mother a couple of weeks ago in South America. She was a little sick, but she’s well now. I took time off to go see her, to honor and love my mother.

Jen and Jillian Dunn, Setauket

Jen and Jillian Dunn, Setauket

On Mother’s Day, Jillian values time well spent with mom Jen: “I really don’t get to spend too much time with her, so just being able to see her is a gift — that is what is most important to me.” Jillian usually takes her mom out to lunch and goes for a nice walk through one of their favorite spots, Avalon Nature Preserve.

 Jen loves to spend time with her family on Mother’s Day: “This year my son is graduating that weekend, so we will take a trip down to see him.” On a typical year, Jen and her family like to celebrate with a daytime activity like a drive out east or a day exploring local farm stands. “One of my favorite things is picking out flower flats and the kids will help me plant them.” 

Steve Frederico, Stony Brook

Steve Frederico, Stony Brook

My mother has passed and there isn’t a day that I don’t think about her. But on Mother’s Day we always commemorate her. 

I seem to quote her unconsciously — she had these infamous sayings, like, “It’s a great life if you don’t weaken.” 

Stephanie Moncavage, Coram

Stephanie Moncavage, Coram

I love my mom. We spend the day golfing and then my sister and I will make her a nice dinner — of mom’s choice of course.