Eye on the Street: Rain or shine, North Shore visitors are undeterred

Eye on the Street: Rain or shine, North Shore visitors are undeterred

Photo by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
By Carolyn Sackstein

Between Friday, Oct. 13, and Sunday, Oct. 15, visitors to the North Shore were asked if the six straight weekends of rain had prompted any alterations to their recreation plans or other impact on their lives.

Last Saturday, Oct. 14, was so rainy that outdoor interviews were conducted under an awning, a beachside gazebo and two people followed into the shelter of the Port Jefferson Library. 

Most respondents were sanguine about the recent foul weather, taking the bad with the good.

Judy Spina, Pennsylvania

Spina was here house-sitting for her sister. When asked if she had altered her activities due to the rain, she cheerfully said, “No, I have not. I drove here in the rain two Fridays ago. I just continue to do what I do.”



Joseph Lubrano, Shirley

Lubrano came to Port Jeff Sunday on his motorcycle. “We’re bikers, so yes, we don’t really go out in the rain,” he said. “Any time you have a nice day, like a weekend day — like a Sunday that’s beautiful — we go out. Normally, we would have gone upstate many times, but we don’t do it anymore. The weather has been terrible upstate, too.”

Bruce Folz, Coastal Steward Long Island

Folz, director of the Shellfish Restoration Program for the Coastal Steward Adopt a Beach Program, was manning registration for the beach cleanup that was scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 14. He said rain had reduced the number of participants and, because they were short staffed, Folz could not drive along the shore picking up large debris with his truck. 

“This time of year, we usually have between 20 to 50 people, depending on which service organizations [volunteer] — from the schools to people looking for community service credits. Churches do it also,” he said. “Normally, we have a bigger turnout than this.”

Mary Leming, Stony Brook

On Saturday afternoon, people ran from their cars into the Port Jefferson Free Library. Leming, who teaches a weekly citizenship class, agreed to relate her experiences with this season’s rain. 

“Yes, I have altered my routine because of the many straight days of rain,” she said. “I teach a class at the Port Jeff Library. I like to park by the harbor and walk up to the library.”

But, she added, “With this rain, I don’t get my walk in. I park in the [library] lot. After class, I go straight home and make a hot cup of tea. I have been waiting a month to get my mailbox repaired. The handyman can’t come with all this rain. That’s OK, the garden needs rain.”

Marilyn Haftel, Philadelphia 

Haftel was in town celebrating a confirmation. She said, “We know we need the rain, but we are very happy to see the sun today. We are here visiting, and we can walk around, visit our friends and enjoy this lovely town.” When asked if she had to cancel any activities this summer, she replied, “Where we live, yes — nothing outside. Nothing big, fortunately.”

Sharon Barnes, residence unidentified

Barnes teaches knitting and crochet arts at the library on Saturday afternoons. She said, “Over the last 12 to 15 years, I have a very good group of women.” We asked how the rain had impacted this class besides raining on supplies and materials being carried into the course. Barnes replied, “It has impacted how I dress. I don’t want to be drenched, yet when I put on too much, I get too hot. It’s depressing — it’s been 40 days and 40 nights. I have one student who does not come out when it rains. We are all looking forward to seeing her again, but it is raining and she can’t do it.”

From left, Danny Amron of Florida, Johanna Rennert of Massachusetts, Alexa Whitman of New Jersey, Katie Metis of Queens and Alice Kilkelly of New Jersey

Syracuse University Sailing Team

Also on Saturday morning, the Syracuse University club sailing team was huddled under a gazebo next to the Port Jefferson Yacht Club, waiting for the wind to increase. Johanna Rennert, whose home is in Massachusetts, said, “We will sail in the rain.”

However, Danny Amron, who’s from Florida, explained, “The wind is only at 3 miles an hour, and that is just not enough to move the Js,” — meaning the model of boat they use — “They’ll just bob in the water.” 

When asked if any sailing competitions had been canceled due to the recent storms, Alexa Whitman, from New Jersey, smiled and said excitedly, “Last weekend, there was a whole squall going through. I was sailing out of Larchmont, New York. It was the Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta. There was absolutely no wind at the beginning of the day. It was downpouring the entire time but, at the end, a cold storm went through. It clocked out at 41 knots. It was crazy, but we still went out in it. It was miserable, but we did our best. There were boats that almost flipped. The boats we were in are not supposed to flip. We were in a J/99. I watched one boat whose mast almost touched the water. They had to throw down their spinnaker, they had to dump the whole thing. It was bad.”