Tips for tackling leftover Halloween candy

Tips for tackling leftover Halloween candy

Photo from Culinary.Net

Going door to door for candy and treats is part of many families’ Halloween traditions, and the routine almost always ends with a kitchen loaded with treats. When the spooky season comes to a close, consider these ways to use up those delectable goodies.

Take Some to Work
A tried and true classic. It’s likely you won’t be the only person in your office bringing in leftovers a few days after Halloween, but there’s a good chance you have coworkers without kids who may not be as tired of treats as parents.

Freeze It
Certain candies like chocolates freeze better than others, so be conscious of what you’re putting in the freezer. This method keeps your sweets better longer and allows you to use them as ingredients in baking desserts throughout the year, or you can simply thaw a few at a time for snacking.

Make Trail Mix
The traditional recipe calls for peanuts, raisins and small chocolate pieces, but you can take matters into your own hands with a creative hodgepodge of just about anything you’re left with after Halloween passes. Candy corn, pretzels, chocolates and other sweets are perfect for mixing up as a snack to put in baggies for work or school – just choose your family’s favorites and toss together.

Set It Out for Guests
Leftover goodies don’t have to be hidden in the pantry. Grab a small glass dish, fill it with wrapped fun-size candies and place it on an end table, kitchen island or anywhere guests often gather and would feel invited to take one.

Donate it

Groups like Operation Shoebox, which supports our troops, will gladly take donations. Halloween Candy Buy Back, a nationwide program, partners with participating dentist’s offices to “buy” kids’ Halloween candy in exchange for money, raffle tickets for prizes, toothbrushes, local business coupons, and other items.

Other ideas:

  • Save it for decorating a gingerbread house.
  • Stuff it into a piñata.

Visit for more Halloween treats and recipe ideas.