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Ginger Dalton

By Julianne Mosher

Looking for something to do on a cold winter’s day? May I recommend the latest offering at Theatre Three as the stage turns into 1980s New York City where we meet a 30-something single lady who’s trying to navigate dating, the prospect of marriage and an overbearing (yet lovable) grandmother.

With a small, yet strong, cast of five, Crossing Delancey is a refreshing romantic comedy that will make anyone in the audience smile. Although it has simple, predictable plot (especially if you’ve seen the 1988 film starring Amy Irving), Theatre Three’s production is still a must see. 

The show, written by Susan Sandler and directed by Colleen Rebecca Britt, follows Isabelle “Izzy” Grossman (Michelle LaBozzetta), a young, single bookstore worker who spends almost every day at her Yiddish grandmother, Ida’s (Ginger Dalton) apartment on the Lower East Side. 

We watch Grossman as she falls for local author Tyler (Antoine Jones), who frequents her bookshop, meanwhile Ida recruits a matchmaker, Mrs. Mandelbaum (Catherine Maloney) to find her granddaughter a nice boy. Mandelbaum has the perfect suitor for the independent Izzy — Sam (Steven Uihlein), a local pickle vendor who comes from a nice, Jewish family. Izzy must answer one question; does she go after her crush who barely knows she exists, or does she “settle” with someone who’s seen her standout amongst the crowd in their community for years?

Upon entering the theatre, the stage transforms to a typical 1980s kitchen to the right and small bookshop on the left thanks to Randall Parsons’ scenic design. There, Ida and Izzy share stories, food and drink. LaBozzetta’s Izzy is a bold modern-day woman (with great 80s style from Jason Allyn’s costume design) and her monologues make you laugh when she breaks the fourth wall. Her colorful jumpsuits and bowler hat are straight out of a John Hughes film’s closet.

The two suitors of the plot, Jones and Uihlein, bring a table full of emotions; you’re going to fall in love one, but hate the other, audibly rooting for the pickle man to win Izzy’s heart. Maloney’s Hannah Mandelbaum is an unsung hero as a supporting actor whose comic relief brings joy to the stage. Portraying a stereotypical Jewish matchmaker, her character is a lot of fun.

However, Dalton’s Ida, or Bubbie as she’s lovingly called by her family, is a riot. Dalton does a great job playing this dynamic granny who’s just looking out for her granddaughter. Everyone knows a Bubbie — she looks out the window, tells tales about how all the boys wanted her back in the day, shows off her muscles and sings in Yiddish full of heart and humor.    

With funny and authentic dialogue throughout the show, the characters are genuine and shine bright on the stage. You won’t want to miss this one.

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson  presents Crossing Delancey through Feb. 9. The season continues with Ring of Fire: The Johnny Cash Musical from March 1 to March 30. Tickets are $40 adults, $32 seniors and students, $25 children ages 5 to 12, $25 Wednesday matinees. To order, cal 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

By Julianne Mosher

Celebrating its 40th year, Theatre Three’s production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is as great as it is in the present, just as it has been in the past, and as it will be in the future. 

A pillar of the holiday season, not only in Port Jefferson but across Long Island, the Dickensian tale of Ebenezer Scrooge (Jeffrey Sanzel) and the ghosts of Christmas Past (Cassidy Rose O’Brien), Present (Scott Hofer) and Christmas Yet to Come (Steven Uihlein) is a story that taps into the hearts of the young and the old, making it the perfect way to kick off the season of giving. 

The theater opened its annual show on Nov. 9 to a packed-out house filled with an audience dressed in their best Christmas best. Young girls wore their red velvet dresses with bows, while fathers wore silly, ugly Christmas sweaters and Santa hats. Ushers greeted visitors to their seats in top hats and Victorian-era gowns, a nice touch to the show which is set in the mid-1800s.

When the curtains opened up, the stage turned into the dark, dreary streets of London where the poor and hungry begged for food. We are brought inside Ebenezer Scrooge’s office, that he once shared with the late Jacob Marley (Stephen T. Wangner), where he works during Christmas Eve — a holiday he absolutely despises. Scrooge’s nephew is Fred (Uihlein), a young man who is starting a family of his own, but who yearns for his uncle’s approval since it’s the last piece of his mother he has on earth after her death during childbirth. Scrooge, an angry, frugal man, wants nothing to do with the holiday, and isn’t shy about how he feels about it. Bah-humbug.

Scrooge has an underpaid, overworked clerk, Bob Cratchit (Ray Gobes Jr.), who is a man of simple means and a high spirit. Scrooge is unkind to him, as well, but reluctantly gives him off on Christmas Day. 

Later that night, Scrooge is visited by his former partner’s ghost. Marley warns Scrooge that he has the opportunity to avoid the same fate — a dire one where he roams the earth entwined in chains and money boxes because of his lifetime of greed and selfishness — with visits by three ghosts. He must listen to them or he will be cursed and spend eternity in the same purgatory as his friend.

The visits of the ghosts are done spectacularly. The Ghost of Christmas Past brings Scrooge back to scenes of his boyhood and young adulthood where we see the relationships between him, his family, his sister, Fan (Ash Stalker), Belle, his first love (Julia Albino) and his first job — an apprenticeship with Mr. Fezziwig and his wife (Scott Hofer and Ginger Dalton).

The Ghost of Christmas Present enters next and takes Scrooge to the homes of Fred and Bob Cratchit. Fred’s holiday party shows the group making fun of Scrooge, while the Christmas dinner with the Cratchit’s shows how poor the family of six copes with Scrooge’s poor wage. We meet Tiny Tim (Stanley Zinger), Cratchit’s ill son who the family prays gets stronger by the day. This opens Scrooge’s eyes. 

Enough so that when the Ghost of Christmas Future comes on stage, the audience lets out an audible gasp.

Upon the stage is a 13-foot grim reaper who towers over Scrooge and his grave. Scrooge watches his possessions be stolen and sold, while mourners mock him during his funeral. He begs for forgiveness to the reaper and he vows he’ll change for good. 

On Christmas morning, Scrooge is a new man. He sends a turkey to the Cratchit home, donates money to a charity he previously rejected and attends Fred’s Christmas party where he is welcomed with lovingly opened arms. The next day, Scrooge increases Cratchit’s wage in which Tiny Tim says the famous line, “God bless us, everyone.”

Theatre Three’s rendition of A Christmas Carol is always a treat, but this production was quite magical. Sanzel, who also serves as the show’s director, celebrated his 1,590th performance as the bitter, but complex, Scrooge — and he keeps getting better.

In fact, after performing the show for 40 years, the entire company has perfected the show. They have it down to a science with their special and unique adaptation, impressive set design (by Randall Parsons), stunning costumes (by Parsons and Jason Allyn) and fantastic lighting (Robert W. Henderson Jr.). After performing the show for four decades, we can’t wait to see how the next 40 look at Theatre Three. Don’t miss this one.

CAST and CREW: Julia Albino, Jason Allyn, Karin Bagan, Steven Barile, Jr., Kyle M. Breitenbach, James Bressler, Kelsie Curran, Ginger Dalton, Olivia Davis, Angelina Eybs, Sari Feldman, Roy Fleischer, Brad Frey, Jason Furnari, Christina Gobes, Ray Robes Jr., Skye Greenberg, Tim Haggerty, Kathleen Arabelle Han, Robert W. Henderson Jr., Scott Hofer, Patrick Hutchinson, Zach Kanakaris, Giovanni Ladd, Linda May, Cassidy Rose O’Brien, Randall Parsons, Mia Rofrano, William Roslak, Vivian Leigh Rumble, Jennifer Salvia, Jeffrey Sanzel, Aidan Sharkey, Ash Stalker, Amelia Theodorakis, Melissa Troxler, Steven Uihlein, Stephen T. Wangner and Stanley Zinger

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present A Christmas Carol through Dec. 28. All tickets are $25 in November and range from $25 to $40 in December. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

Time for witches, ghosts and toast!

By Heidi Sutton

It’s kooky and it’s spooky and it’s hauntingly good. Now in it’s 7th year, A Kooky Spooky Halloween returns to Theatre Three in Port Jefferson to celebrate one of the most popular holidays of the year. 

Written by Jeffrey Sanzel and Steve McCoy, the adorable musical tells the story of Abner the Ghost (Steven Uihlein) who has just graduated from Haunting High School and is assigned to be a spooksperson at Ma Aberdeen’s Boarding House, (known for being the most haunted house in Harrison Corner USA and for having the best toast!) as its last ghost, Baron Von Yost, has recently retired. Abner is given a diploma and a medallion of invisibility and is sent on his way with two rules: never haunt before sunset and never, ever lose your medallion.

But Abner has a shocker of a secret — he’s afraid of the dark! When he confides in his best friend Lavinda the Witch (Cassidy Rose O’Brien) she gifts him a nightlight and promises to help him get settled in. With Lavinda’s help, what could possibly go wrong?

It’s Halloween and Abner arrives at the boarding house  just as Ma Aberdeen (Ginger Dalton) and her boarders the Petersons — Paul the periodontist (Liam Marsigliano), Penelope the p.r. professional (Katy Snair) and their daughter Pip (Sarita Alvarado) — and Kit Garret (Julia Albino), a girl who “just came from a small town to a big city with a suitcase in her hand and hope in her heart,” are stuffing goodie bags for trick-or-treaters in the kitchen.

In one of the funniest scenes in the show, Abner tries out a series of spells, making the group stuff the bags in double time, dance, do jumping jacks, sing, spin like a top, quack like a duck and stick to each other. Just as he is about to undo the last spell, fellow graduate ghost with a grudge Dora Pike (Josie McSwane) appears, steals his medallion of invisibility and nightlight and heads to the bottom of Black Ridge Gulch, the deepest, darkest gorge in the entire world (where it’s really, really dark). Now visible, Abner must convince the strangers who are still stuck to each other help him get his medallion back or it will “all fade to black.”

Director Colleen Britt has assembled a terrific cast to tell this hilarious story filled with singing and dancing, action and adventure and tons of Halloween jokes. Ginger Dalton as Ma who makes the toast is especially wonderful. “What kind of toast do you serve? Rye, whole wheat, sourdough, french?” she’s asked. “White. No butter, no jelly … and no jam!” she snaps. 

This year’s production has amped up the spookiness with floating ghosts, use of the trap door and more special effects, but don’t worry— it is not scary. The show also makes use of the screens on each end of the stage from the set of ‘Matilda The Musical’ to project images. A nice touch.

Costumes by Jason Allyn in shades of black, orange, purple and sparkly white for the ghosts are the icing on the haunted house cake. Don’t miss this one. You and your kids will have a spooktacular good time. Ghostly pumpkin souveniers will be sold during intermission and costumes are encouraged. Meet the cast in the lobby after the show for photos. 

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson presents A Kooky Spooky Halloween through Oct. 19. Children’s theater continues with Barnaby Saves Christmas from Nov. 23 to Dec. 28 and Hansel and Gretel from Jan. 25 to Feb. 8. All seats are $12. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

Theatre Three’s Children’s Theatre closes its summer season with Pinocchio, a musical for the entire family.

Based on Carolo Collodi’s late nineteenth century Italian novel, The Adventures of Pinocchio, the story has been seen on stage and screen, both in animated and live action versions. As with all Theatre Three children’s theatre, the company creates its own musical based on the original material. Pinocchio has a book by Jeffrey Sanzel, with new songs by Jeffrey Hoffman and Douglas J. Quattrock.

Anabelle (Emilia Guzzetta), underling apprentice fairy—third class, is assigned by Ondine, Queen of the Fairies (Ginger Dalton), to help an angry and withdrawn woodcarver, Geppetto (Steven Uihlein). 

After failing to change the recluse through song, the nervous fairy teams with the energetic and outgoing Cassandra, the Enchanted Cricket (Michelle LaBozzetta). Together, they enchant a stick of wood. Hearing the wood speak, Geppetto fashions it into a wooden companion, Pinocchio (Kiernan Urso). When they realize that the puppet is alive but lacks a sense of right and wrong, they cast a spell on his nose to grow when he does not tell the truth.

Meanwhile, two wily crooks—Carpacious Cat (Gina Lardi) and Ferdinand Fox (Ryan Van Nostrand)—set up their scam “Festival El Grande” to fleece the villagers. When they discover the magic wooden boy, the pair embark on yet another scheme. 

Along with the professional acting company, Pinocchio features two dozen students from Theatre Three’s Summer Dramatic Academy.

The score features the original songs “Lovely Thoughts,” “Bad Harmony,” “You Can Count on Me,” “Taran-Tella Da Truth,” “Put Tomorrow in Your Hands,” “Keep Your Chin Up and Smile,” and the calypso “Festival El Grande.”

The production is directed by Sanzel while  Quattrock and Hoffman, who musically directed, form the two-keyboard combo. Choreography is by Kiernan Urso, costume design is by Jason Allyn and Melissa Troxler is the production stage manager.

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson presents Pinocchio through Aug. 10. Running time is one hour with a 15 minute intermission. Photos with the cast are available in the lobby after the show. Final performances are Friday, August 9, at 11 a.m., and Saturday, August 10, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. 

Children’s theater continues with Theatre Three’s annual productions of A Kooky Spooky Halloween from Oct. 5 to 19, and and Barnaby Saves Christmas from Nov. 23 to Dec. 28. 

All seats are $12. Call the box office at 631-928-9100 or visit theatrethree.com for tickets and information. 

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By Julianne Mosher

For what is now a quarter of a century, Theatre Three’s Annual Festival of One-Act Plays is a favorite tradition that should not be missed out on. 

Now in its 25th year, more than 12,000 submissions from playwrights across the country have been sent to the Port Jefferson-based theater over the years in hopes that their short, under 30-minute shows have a shot of being performed on stage. This season, Director Jeffrey Sanzel said there were over 2,000 submissions and just eight made the cut. Of those eight, none disappointed. 

For an-hour-and-a-half, during Sunday, Feb. 25th’s performance, the nearly sold-out audience sat quietly, engaged, watching, listening to what is about to appear on stage. The festival brings these little vignettes that are full of story — some that are hysterically funny, while others leave the room quiet because of how serious and emotional the act ends. 

The festival opens with Brian C. Petti’s Bovine Existential, with Linda May and Phyllis March playing two cows who are waiting in a slaughterhouse holding pen discussing fate, mortality and morality. Both May and March play the animals well, and while a serious topic of philosophy, they still had the audience in stitches. 

The second act features Deirdre Girard’s A Year to Grieve and at first the audience doesn’t expect what will eventually happen. We see Thomas (Evan Teich) and Heather (Brittany Lacey), two mystery crime writers working on Heather’s latest novel. The friendship between the two is sweet, until one decides to make fiction real. Both Teich and Lacey shine — as usual, since both are returning Festival performers. 

To lighten the mood, we’re sent to a tomb in Verona, Italy to see Juliet (Cassidy Rose O’Brien) who woke up from her slumber and didn’t kill herself with her fiancé’s dagger in Juliet Wakes Up by Laura Neill. Compared to the original Shakespearean tragedy, this is anything but. Quite frankly, this should be a whole show on Broadway, rather than the & Juliet musical that is currently out. I like this version better. Juliet is met by Rosaline (Julia Albino), her cousin, and Willow (Gina Lardi), the apothecary worker who sold the poison to begin with. The three ladies hatch a plan to hide Romeo’s (Jae Hughes) body after Juliet stabbed him to death, instead.

The first half ends with Rescue by Kevin Podgorski, and this one is not for the weak at heart. We’re introduced to Dot (Ginger Dalton), who has a large bruise on her face. She’s talking on the phone with her two friends, Maeve (March) and Allen (Andrew Markowitz), who are desperately trying to help her out of a toxic and dangerous home situation at the hands of her grandson, Charlie (Steven Uihlein) that Dot has been taking care of since his mother died. Powerful and sad, when the act ended there was a silence, with several audience members saying, “wow.”

After a brief intermission, we’re set in a car on a highway leading to the Colorado border for Aleks Merilo’s The Nearest Far Away Place. A young woman (Courtney Gilmore) hitch hiked a ride from Wisconsin by a man who eventually we learn is a corrections officer played by Rob Schindlar. Uncomfortable and nervous about what is waiting for her across state lines, the young girl tries to chat the man up, but quietly spoken, he has no interest until he begins talking about his own family and how he hasn’t spoken to his own daughter in years. With a serious undertone, it has its highlights that will make you laugh because of the two opposite personalities; Gilmore’s annoying teenage girl self (which we can all relate to somehow) and Schindlar’s stoic manly façade. 

A complete left turn into Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend’s The Curse, we’re taken into an alternate version of The Little Mermaid featuring a mer-man, Jeremy (Sean Amato) who was washed up on land and realizes he has feet. Turns out, an evil enchantress named Donna (his co-worker of all things) turned him human as punishment for his man-splaning over her during staff meetings. He only comes to this realization by Beth (O’Brien), a passerby who sides with Donna. After some serious plays beforehand, this one was funny and lighthearted, which is just what we needed.

In Grave Matters by Michele Markarian, Paula (Lardi) is at the grave of her father asking for a sign from him to get over the family drama since her parents had passed. Well, the dad didn’t show, but her mom, Beth (Dalton) came by instead. This one, again, has those serious undertones, but Dalton’s annoying motherly comments (that again, we can all relate to somehow) make it funny and surprisingly realistic — despite her being a ghost, of course.

And we end with the beautifully crafted The Hike to Hart Lake by Johanna Beale Keller which features Albino, Amato, Hughes, O’Brien and Uihlein as five friends who hike up a mountain in their 20s to a beautiful scenic view they never forget. Always saying they should all go back, life happens, there are deaths and slowly the group becomes one over the course of 80 years. While all five actors are standouts, Hughes had the audience in tears with their powerful monologue at the end of the performance. 

With a minimal set with just a few props moved around for each play, the costumes designed by Jason Allyn match each performance perfectly — and remember, we’re sent from present day, to the 14th Century and then into the future. So, buckle up, grab some tissues and make sure you sit in for The 25th Annual Festival of One-Act Plays. It isn’t just a show… it’s an experience you won’t want to miss.

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson presents the 25th annual Festival of One-Act Plays through March 23 at The Ronald F. Peierls Theatre, on the Second Stage. All seats are $25. Please note: Adult content and language. Parental discretion is advised. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

By Stephanie Giunta

Almost 180 years ago, Charles Dickens gave us the immortal gift of A Christmas Carol, which has become a pillar of holiday culture and a reminder to hold the spirit of the season near and dear. 

Port Jefferson’s Main Street, already adorned with wreaths on the lamp posts in preparation for its 27th annual Charles Dickens Festival, was only trumped by Theatre Three’s warmth and inviting decor during last Saturday’s opening night performance of the holiday classic. Carolers, singing familiar tunes before the show, further ignited the magic of Christmas in the air. 

Revisited, adapted, and never told quite the same way twice, Theatre Three’s version transports the audience back to 19th century England for an introspective, festive excursion that touches hearts and minds in a profound way. Jeffrey Sanzel, the show’s executive artistic director who doubles as the stingy curmudgeon, Ebenezer Scrooge, reinvents the show each season, bringing a unique twist and newfound beauty to the timeless tale. 

Sanzel’s versatility is remarkable; his expressive nature and ability to portray a character with such complex, emotional layers is exceptional. Along with the power of his reprimands, I could feel Scrooge’s sardonic “Good Afternoon!” down to my bones. I felt like I was being asked to leave the office along with his chipper and persistent nephew, Fred Halliwell (Sean Amato) and warm and loving clerk, Bob Cratchit (Ray Gobes Jr.) on Christmas Eve. Both Fred, joyful and optimistic, and Bob, loyal and dedicated, are talented bookends who symbolize the redemption, compassion, and transformative power of the Christmas spirit over even the harshest of humans. 

The Fezziwig duo, played by the talented Stephen T. Wangner and Ginger Dalton, are the essence of fanciful charm. Their playful interaction and bubbly nature personify the merriment of the season. I could smell their mince pies, plum porridge, and zest for life from a mile away. In tandem, daughter, Belle Fezziwig (Julia Albino), wonderfully captures Scrooge’s heart, but pivots beautifully to letting him go to his newfound love: money.

A flawless performance from the three spirits is not to forget. Cassidy Rose O’Brien is angelic as the Ghost of Christmas Past, walking Scrooge through a painful review of his mistakes and heartbreaks, including the loss of his relationship with Belle, and the deaths of his older sister, Fan (Alexa Eichinger, Brooke Morrison) and partner, Jacob Marley (Steven Uihlein). 

I was particularly enthralled with the scene in which townspeople are asking Scrooge to “Buy” or “Sell.” There are so many overlapping dialogues intersecting at once, providing the audience with a line of sight into Scrooge’s psyche, and how he may be processing the key occurrences of his past simultaneously. It was brilliant.

The Ghost of Christmas Present (Wangner) has a belly laugh that echoes throughout the theater, yet showcases the firm, tough love Scrooge needs to realize the gravity of matters at hand.

Lastly, I mouthed “wow” when the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (Amato) appeared on stage. What a vision! The scenes that follow produce a scared-straight version of Scrooge that even he didn’t know existed. 

I would be remiss in mentioning the short scene featuring Mrs. Dilber, Scrooge’s housekeeper (Dalton), in which she was inebriated on his gravesite. Her quick wit and boisterous mirth adds an unexpected and appreciated twang of comedy to the performance.

Randall Parsons and Jason Allyn truly bring 19th century England to Port Jefferson through beautiful production design and authentic costuming. The audience is transported through time with spine-tingling special effects by Robert W. Henderson Jr., and Brad Frey injects jollity into the atmosphere with signature Victorian carols and hymnal tunes. 

When I first saw A Christmas Carol about 20 years ago, I remember being impressed with Scrooge and the cast because they made the story feel so real. Through an adult lens, it was even more apparent. Somehow, Sanzel and the cast are able to draw out a variety of emotions, connecting you not only to Christmas, but the treasures of giving of yourself to those less fortunate, being kind to others, and finding happiness. It’s a show that plays on the heartstrings in so many different capacities, reminding children and adults alike of what is most important during the holidays.

Theatre Three makes Christmas spirit feel so tangible that you can wrap it up in a box with a big, red bow. Bravo to Sanzel and the cast for bringing something so wonderful to life! Be sure to stick around post-performance for a photo memento with Scrooge. The $5 charge contributes to the theater’s scholarship fund.

CAST & CREW: Julia Albino, Jason Allyn, Sean Amato, Karin Bagan, Steven Barile Jr., Kyle M. Breitenbach, Mairead Camas, Shannon Cooper, Ginger Dalton, Alexa Eichinger, Angelina Eybs, Sari Feldman, Griffin Fleming, Brad Frey, Julie Friedman, Christina Gobes, Ray Gobes Jr., Skye Greenberg, Tim Haggerty, Kathleen Arabelle Han, Robert W. Henderson Jr., Patrick Hutchinson, Zach Kanakaris, Linda May, Brooke Morrison, Cassidy Rose O’Brien, Randall Parsons, William Roslak, Jeffrey Sanzel, Finn Thomas, Isabela Thomsen, Melissa Troxler, Steven Uihlein, Addyson Urso, Stephen T. Wangner, Cassidy Worrell, Kaylin Zeidler and Stanley Zinger

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present “A Christmas Carol” through Dec. 30. All tickets are $25 in November and range from $25 to $40 in December. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

See a trailer of the show here.

By Julianne Mosher

Theatre Three was brimming with excitement last Saturday morning as families with young children came to celebrate the spookiest season with the return of a local favorite, A Kooky Spooky Halloween. 

Written by Jeffrey Sanzel and Steve McCoy, it tells the story of a kind ghost named Abner Perkins (Steven Uihlein) who has just graduated from Haunting High School and has been assigned to be the spooksperson for Ma Aberdeen’s Boarding House (known for being the most haunted house in Harrison Corner USA and for having the best toast!) as its last ghost has retired. Along with his classmates, he’s given his diploma and his medallion of invisibility, and is sent off to work. 

While at the boarding house gearing up for his first shift, Abner tells his best friend, a witch named Lavinda (Cassidy Rose O’Brien), his deepest, darkest secret – he’s afraid of the dark and he’s not sure how he’ll be able to haunt Ma Aberdeen and her guests. Luckily, Lavinda is a great friend, and she hands him a nightlight and a helping hand to help boost his confidence. 

But lurking around the corner is one of Abner’s classmates, a fellow ghost named Dora Pike (Josie McSwane) who is jealous that Abner was assigned the boarding housed that she so desperately wanted to haunt. Acting like a bit of a bully, she steals his nightlight, his medallion (that he needs for his hauntings!) and rushes off. 

Luckily, Ma Aberdeen (Ginger Dalton) and her boarders, the Petersons — Paul (Liam Marsigliano), Penelope (Gina Lardi) and their son Pip (Sean Amato) — and Kit Garret (Julia Albino), a girl who “just came from a small town to a big city with a suitcase in her hand and hope in her heart,” are ready to help Abner get his medallion back and undo a spell the spiteful Dora Pike put on the boarders, despite being afraid of him at first. 

Let the shenanigans ensue. For a full hour, with a 15-minute intermission, we watch the story unfold while learning more about Abner and all his new friends. 

With colorful costumes and catchy songs, (the one about toast will be stuck in your head for days), this production directed by Jeffrey Sanzel is an adorably perfect way to start the Halloween season. Kids of all ages will love the silly personalities on stage, and parents will appreciate the “punny” jokes that are sprinkled throughout acts one and two. 

But not only does it provide big smiles and a good laugh, the message of friendship and acceptance is something every family will enjoy the holiday. Costumes are encouraged for audience members and the entire cast waits in the lobby on your way out for a keepsake photo.

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson presents A Kooky Spooky Halloween through Oct. 21. Children’s theater continues with Barnaby Saves Christmas from Nov. 18 to Dec. 30 and Jack and the Beanstalk from Jan. 20 to Feb. 3. All seats are $12. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

By Heidi Sutton

Every five years or so, Theatre Three reaches deep into its vault of scripts and pulls out a gem. This time it’s Alice’s Most Decidedly Unusual Adventures in Wonderland, an original musical based on the colorful characters sprung from Lewis Carroll’s imagination for his 1865 much-loved children’s novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and its sequel, Through the Looking Glass in 1871. The show opened on Aug. 4 to a packed house.

With the message to be true to yourself and to find your own voice, this year’s production, written by Jeffrey Sanzel, features a brand new score by Douglas J. Quattrock, exquisite costumes by Jason Allyn and a cast of over 35 actors who seamlessly play multiple roles.

Directed by Sanzel, the show opens on a rainy day at Camp Carroll Woods. The campers are bored and the camp counselor tries to keep them entertained indoors with a sing-along. A white rabbit suddenly appears but only one of the campers, Alice (Jillian Sharpe), can see him. In a curious pursuit, she tumbles down a rabbit hole and ends up in Wonderland where her “unusual adventure” begins.

With The Cheshire Cat (Kiernan Urso) always in the shadows, a strong-willed Alice must match wits with a list of bizarre characters as she takes part in a “What’s My Name?” contest with The Caterpillar (Heather Rose Kuhn); joins a tea party with The Mad Hatter (Steven Uihlein), The March Hare (Kaitlyn Jehle) and The Dormouse (Hazel Kamath); catches a ride with The White Knight (Liam Marsigliano); meets Tweedledee (Kaitlyn Jehle) and Tweedledum (Heather Rose Kuhn); and is invited to a game of croquet by The Queen of Hearts (Ginger Dalton), all while trying to catch up with The White Rabbit (Ava Garcia) and find her way home. When the kingdom’s tarts go missing, Alice is accused of stealing and must stand trial. Will she find her voice in time? 

Of course, a show like this would not be possible without the supporting cast — members of Theatre Three’s summer acting workshops play numerous roles including campers, contestants in a game show, flowers and a deck of playing cards.

The music and dance numbers, accompanied on piano by Douglas Quattrock, are terrific, especially “Here” with Alice and The Cheshire Cat; “Tea!” by the Mad Hatter, “Song of a Very Sad Knight” by The White Knight; “A Question of Belief” by Alice, and “Let the Good Times Roll” by The Queen of Hearts (“Nothing cheers me up like a good clean chop!”)

Full of whimsy and loaded with riddles, the play is a lot of nonsense, as Alice would say, but it sure is fun to watch as it gives a fresh feel to the story of the adventurous little girl following that dutifully late white rabbit through a maze of imaginative vignettes. Meet the cast in the lobby after the show for a keepsake photo.

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson presents Alice’s Most Decidedly Unusual Adventures in Wonderland on Aug. 11 at 11 a.m. and Aug. 12 at 11 a.m and again at 2 p.m. Children’s theater continues with A Kooky Spooky Halloween from Oct. 7 to 21 and the holiday classic Barnaby Saves Christmas from Nov. 18 to Dec. 30. All seats are $12. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com. 

By Heidi Sutton

With the temperatures projected to reach into the 90s for the next few days, it’s time for parents to search for fun indoor activities for their children. May I suggest a visit to Theatre Three to see the adorable show Goldilocks and the Showbiz Bears.

Written by Jeffrey Sanzel and Kevin Story,  the musical is loosely based on the classic bedtime story with several twists and turns along the way as well as the introduction of a noteworthy superhero and a lesson in safety. With a clever script, lovable characters, song and dance, it is the perfect way to spend a hot summer afternoon.

We first meet Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear, show biz bears who have retired from the circus and are now living in a cottage in the woods. It’s the first of the month and the banker, Billy de Goat Gruff, has come to collect the rent money, which they don’t have. The grouchy goat gives them until the end of the day or they will be kicked out. While their porridge is cooling down, the bears decide to go for a walk to think of ways to come up with the rent.

In the meantime, Goldilocks, a Campfire Bluebird Pioneer Scout Girl who lives with her grandmother Granny Locks, sets off to her cousin’s house to deliver cookies. She ends up at the cottage of the three bears by mistake and lets herself in. Just like the fairy tale, Goldilocks tastes the three bowls of porridge, sits in the three chairs and tries out the three beds, choosing Baby Bear’s bed in which to take a nap because it is “just right.”

When Granny Locks realizes that Goldilocks has not arrived at her destination, she seeks the help of local forest ranger Wolf Hunter to find the missing girl. They arrive at the cottage of the three bears just as Baby Bear realizes that “someone’s been sleeping in my bed, and she’s still there!” Luckily the bears are friendly — they even know Granny Locks from their circus days when she was Eloise the trapeze artist.

But the banker still wants his rent money, so the group puts on a show to help young people learn about safety to raise the funds. Soon all the children in the audience are learning about the importance of staying safe and that “strangers can mean danger — so don’t talk to strangers.”

Directed by Jeffrey Sanzel, the seven member adult cast does a wonderful job conveying the story. Cassidy Rose O’Brien, complete with a blond curly wig that bounces when she walks, is the perfect Goldilocks, confident and brave. Jason Furnari embraces the role of villain Billy de Goat Gruff and runs with it, with a masterful performance  reminiscent of Barnaby in Babes in Toyland, as he makes his rounds to collect the rent from fairy tale characters including Henny Penny and the witch living in the Gingerbread House. The long cape and horns coming out of his hat is a nice touch.

Liam Marsigliano shines as superhero Wolf Hunter, Forest Ranger, who’s “ready to help when there is danger.” Steven Uihlein, Jillian Sharpe and Kiernan Urso in the roles of Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear are three of the nicest showbiz bears you’d ever hope to meet and Ginger Dalton as Granny Locks is warm and welcoming. Excellent performances all around.

Expert lighting by Steven Uihlein and costumes by Jason Allyn, from the furry ears and feet of the three bears to the impressive forest ranger uniform, tie it all together for a wonderful afternoon at the theater. This show only comes around every five years so don’t miss it! Meet the cast in the lobby after the show for keepsake photos.

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson presents Goldilocks and the Show Biz Bears on Fridays, July 14, 21 and 28 and Saturdays, July 15, 22 and 29. All shows start at 11 a.m. Children’s theater continues with Alice’s Most Decidedly Unusual Adventures in Wonderland from Aug. 4 to 12 and Kooky Spooky Halloween from Oct. 7 to 21. Tickets are $12 per person. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

By Heidi Sutton

“Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that.” And so begins one of the most popular, most-adapted and most relevant holiday tales ever written, Charles Dickens’ novella, A Christmas Carol. Published on Dec. 19, 1843, the initial print run of 6,000 copies sold out by Christmas Eve. More than 178 years later, it lives on as a story of redemption and hope and serves as a reminder to keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts all year round. 

In the book’s foreword, Dickens writes:

I have endeavoured in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me. May it haunt their houses pleasantly, and no one wish to lay it.

Now the pages of the Dickensian story come to life once again as Theatre Three in Port Jefferson presents its 38th annual production of A Christmas Carol. The curtain went up this past Saturday to a full house.

While preparations are still underway to transform the seaport village back to the Victorian era for its 26th annual Charles Dickens Festival on Dec 3 and 4, Theatre Three is already dressed head to toe for the holidays and carolers entertain theatergoers before the show, setting the  tone for what is to come.

Adapted for the stage by Executive Artistic Director Jeffrey Sanzel, A Christmas Carol tells the tale of Ebenezer Scrooge (played by Sanzel), a successful business man who has chosen money over everything else and has become bitter, lonely and stingy over the years, especially around the holidays. “I have devoted my life to the cultivation of business,” he explains.

We first meet the miserly curmudgeon on Christmas Eve, exactly seven years after the death of his business partner Jacob Marley (Stephen T. Wangner). Caught in a particulary bad mood, we witness him chase carolers from his office, turn away the needy and a pair of charity workers. He snaps at his underappreciated and underpaid clerk Bob Cratchit (Douglas J. Quattrock) and his chipper nephew Fred Halliwell (Sean Amato) the sole child of Scrooge’s deceased sister, Fan, who has dropped by to invite him for dinner. “Keep Christmas in your own way and I will keep it in mine,” he warns his nephew before kicking him out.

That evening Scrooge is visited by Marley’s tormented ghost who offers him one last chance at redemption. Draped in the chains he has forged in life, Marley tells Scrooge he will be visited by three spirits — the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future.

The Ghost of Christmas Past (Danielle Pafundi) appears soon after, all aglow in a white dress, and takes Scrooge to Wellington House, the boarding school he attended as a young boy alone; we meet his adored sister Fan and his apprenticeship at Fezziwig’s (played by Scott Hofer), where the audience is introduced to Scrooge’s one and only love, Belle. This is also where he meets Marley for the first time and where his choices take him down a dark path.

The Ghost of Christmas Present (Scott Hofer) takes Scrooge to meet Bob Cratchit’s family where he learns about Tiny Tim’s failing health and to a dinner party hosted by his nephew where guests play a fun game of Yes or No. 

In one of the most anticipated and frightful scenes, a towering Ghost of Christmas Future (operated by Sean Amato) shows Scrooge the shadows of what is yet to come, including  at trip to the cemetery to see his headstone, and how the people in his life are affected after his death, including a disturbing scene where Scrooge’s housekeeper Mrs. Dilber (Ginger Dalton) attempts to profit from his demise. It is just what Scrooge needs to shake him to the core. In the end, he learns that “life is not about facts and figures. It’s about joy and family and Christmas.”

Directed by Sanzel, the entire production is flawless and the talented cast (playing multiple roles) is excellent. As Scrooge, Sanzel is at his finest in a role he has played almost 1500 times. This is most evident when the Ghost of Christmas Past takes his character to one of Fezziwig’s famous holiday parties. While otherwise slightly hunched over with a slow walk, Sanzel suddenly jumps into the role of a younger Scrooge and  takes part in a Wassail dance (choreographed by Sari Feldman) with boundless energy.

Although in its 38th year, the show is always evolving, remaining fresh and exciting while maintaining its timelessness and important message. The Victorian set, costumes and creative lighting tie it all together to create a magical evening at the theater.

Get your ticket to see this wonderful production “before you dot another ‘i'” and make it part of your holiday traditions. It will make your heart full.

Stay after the show for a photo keepsake with Scrooge. The $5 fee goes to support the theater’s scholarship fund.

The Cast: Sean Amato, Ava Andrejko, Ginger Dalton, Ellie Dunn, Alexa Eichinger, Samantha Fierro, Griffin Fleming, Julie Friedman, Skye Greenberg, Kathleen Han, Scott Hofer, Patrick Hutchinson, Linda May, Brooke Morrison, Danielle Pafundi, Douglas J. Quattrock, Michaela Reis, Dylan Paige Rumble, Vivian Leigh Rumble, Jeffrey Sanzel, Jennifer Salvia, Steven Uihlein,  Addyson Urso, Hannah Waller, Stephen T. Wangner and Cassidy Worrell.

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson presents Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol through Dec. 30. Tickets are $20 per person in November, and $35 adults, $28 seniors and students, and $20 children ages 5 and up in December. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.