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Dr. William Wertheim

Dr. Wiiliam Wertheim. Photo courtesy of Stony Brook Medicine

By Daniel Dunaief

When Dr. William Wertheim visited Mozambique, where Stony Brook University has created the Global Health Institute, he was on a boat that got stranded in low tide.

The convivial and supportive Wertheim, who is Executive Vice President for Stony Brook Medicine, immediately climbed out of the boat and helped push it closer to shore, waiting for the tide to come in.

Stony Brook University’s Dr. William Wertheim with Malakhi Washington. Photo by Dr. Sierra Washington

“When he was out on the Indian Ocean with some fisherman, myself and my eight-year-old son, he was very quick to roll up his sleeves and start pushing the boat ashore,” said Dr. Sierra Washington, the director of the Stony Brook Center for Global Health Equity.

Indeed, Washington suggested that pushing the boat forward became a theme for Wertheim’s visit.

TBR News Media is pleased to recognize Wertheim as a person of the year for his leadership, his deep listening skills and his ongoing commitment to the university and the surrounding communities.

For a few weeks in the spring, Wertheim’s roles and titles changed, even if the manner and his focus did not.

In June, former SBU President Maurie McInnis named Wertheim executive vice president for Stony Brook Medicine, as he shed the interim label he had taken on starting the previous October.

A few weeks later, Wertheim effectively took over for McInnis, who resigned after four years to become president of her alma mater, Yale University, when he became officer-in-charge at Stony Brook University.

“Having Wertheim named as officer-in-charge gave everybody a sigh of relief,” said Dr. Todd Griffin, vice dean for clinical affairs and vice president for clinical services.

Justin Fincher, interim chief deputy to the president and senior vice president of government and community relations, said that Wertheim, who has been at Stony Brook for 28 years, “is the epitome of the university citizen. He’s the person we all think about as a leader among leaders.”

While Wertheim was in charge of the university for about six weeks until current Interim President Richard McCormick arrived in August, he supported leadership across the campus, offering to listen or provide advice.

“He was trusting the team in place to lead,” said Fincher. “He takes his ethic of care from his training as a medical doctor and applies that in every setting and in every decision.”

Indeed, first and foremost among Wertheim’s many responsibilities and roles, he continues to serve as a practicing physician with several hundred patients.

Finding the time to see patients requires taking some extra hours. He also relies on support from other physicians and nurse practitioners who work as a team whenever he is unavailable to see his patients.

“Seeing patients is at the core of what I do,” said Wertheim. “I did go to medical school for a reason.”

A graduate of Harvard University, Wertheim earned his medical degree from New York University School of Medicine.

Through his medical practice, Wertheim not only helps the patients who come see him, but also recognizes and can offer solutions to challenges patients or doctors face.

“It’s one thing to hear about a problem, but another thing to have that sense that this really does affect what happens, when you’re going through the care of patients,” Wertheim said.

This year, doctors had trouble setting up appointments in one particular department, and Wertheim struggled to schedule appointments for his patients. Griffin, one of the senior leaders on Wertheim’s team, was able to assess the challenges for doctors in seeing new and follow-up patients. Under the guidance, nurse practitioners now see follow-up patients. This change cut the delay time in half in under a year.

Pulling in the same direction

Griffin has known Wertheim for 25 years and appreciates the way Wertheim has brought various efforts and initiatives together.

From left to right: Scientific and Pedagogic Director Professor Cesaltina Ferreira Lorenzon, Executive Vice President for Stony Brook Medicine Dr. William Wertheim and Dr. Sierra Washington. Photo courtesy Stony Brook University

“We are a number of different entities: the hospital, the school, physician practices,” said Griffin, suggesting that Wertheim helps all those people “pull the oars in the same direction.”

One of Wertheim’s directives that has been particularly effective involved developing a new governance structure for Stony Brook Medicine. Whereas groups had been creating strategic plans for one year, Wertheim asked them to develop a three- and five-year plan.

Wertheim also unified service lines, combining such areas as ambulatory care and hospital expertise.

By understanding how patients transition from ambulatory to hospital care, Stony Brook Medicine can ensure a smoother and more patient-centric experience.

As a leader, Wertheim makes a concerted and ongoing effort to interact with staff throughout the system, including medical assistants, front-desk representatives and janitors, to name a few.

“All those people in those services get to see him and know him,” said Griffin. “He’s not some leader in an ivory tower.”

Role reversal

Wertheim was a vice dean of the medical school a few years ago when Dr. Peter Igarashi, dean of the Renaissance School of Medicine, first arrived.

“He worked for me,” Igarashi said. “I now work for him. There’s a lesson there about be careful how you treat people who work for you.”

Igarashi is delighted that Wertheim supports the work he and others do throughout Stony Brook Medicine.

After Wertheim became interim executive vice president, he visited several clinical sites and met personally with providers.

Through these interactions, Wertheim has built “authentic personal relationships,” Igarashi said.

As a primary-care physician, Wertheim has also communicated effectively to residents and students about the importance of having a fundamental foundation of excellence.

Igarashi, who is a physician researcher, values the complementary nature of Wertheim’s strength as a clinician and educator.

Wertheim “makes it easier for us to bring the benefits from a research discovery or research program to the clinical setting so patients have access to the latest expertise,” Igarashi added.

Carol Gomes, chief executive officer/chief operating officer of Stony Brook University Hospital, has worked with Wertheim for over 20 years. She never feels like “I’m reporting to him. He always says I’m his partner.”

Dr. Bill

In addition to connecting with medical professionals, Wertheim has an ability to connect with people of different ages and in different stages of life.

When he was in Mozambique, Wertheim lived with Washington and her son Malachi, who called him “Dr. Bill.”

Wertheim was “like one of the family,” said Washington. “He’s very down to Earth and was just as easily able to have a stimulating conversation with my son as with hospital directors.”

During his visit, Wertheim and Malachi both shared their passion for the Mets.

Wertheim has been a “great ally” to the Center for Global Health Equity, Washington said, and is always available to discuss core strategic planning.

Wertheim recognized that the limitations on health care workers in Mozambique had less to do with their knowledge and skills than with supplies.

“What they lack are resources,” said Wertheim.

A talented baker

At Harvard, where he was a history and literature major, Wertheim wrote his thesis on the influence of the philosophy of William James on the literature of Robert Penn Warren, author of “All the King’s Men.”

The first time Wertheim read the book, he was on a plane flying to St. Louis. He recalls reading the first chapter, which described the governor’s driver maneuvering down a highway.
“The description is so brilliant, I paused and looked out the window and realized that I was flying over the country that was not dissimilar from what he was describing. It was an incredibly powerful moment,” he said.

As if all of his skills weren’t enough, Wertheim, who is the fifth of five brothers, is also a passionate baker.

“I’m of an age where the kitchen might have been thought of as a place for girls or women,” Wertheim said. “That wasn’t the case in my house.”

He made several mistakes, particularly with his sourdough bread, but has learned from those earlier experiences.

“It’s fun and relaxing,” Wertheim said. “When you spend a lot of time thinking about very serious things, it can be gratifying to focus in on a small task” such as kneading dough.

Gomes recalled recently receiving a croissant. She loved the “very buttery” taste.

Griffin sees overlaps between Wertheim’s medical duties and his baking abilities.

“The precision needed, following recipes being detail oriented, having the patience to bake and make it come out the way you want” is also evidence in how “careful and precise [Wertheim] is in how he engages with others. Big complicated things don’t happen overnight. He’s methodically and carefully putting down the ingredients.

From left to right: Scientific and Pedagogic Director Professor Cesaltina Ferreira Lorenzon, Executive Vice President for Stony Brook Medicine Dr. William Wertheim and Dr. Washington. Photo courtesy Stony Brook University

By Daniel Dunaief

In the midst of the pandemic, a new health effort started at Stony Brook Medicine, the medical enterprise of Stony Brook University, that is saving lives and paying other important dividends.

Dr. Sierra Washington. Photo courtesy Stony Brook University

Led by the Director of the Stony Brook Center for Global Health Dr. Sierra Washington, the university’s initiative has improved the outcomes for many people in Mozambique, particularly pregnant mothers, over the last few years.

The maternal mortality rate at Hospital Central de Maputo was 544 per 100,000 births when Washington, who was trained at Harvard Medical School and is an obstetrician/ gynecologist, joined Stony Brook. That’s about 39 times the rate in Suffolk County, which is about 14 per 100,000 live births.

For a doctor in Mozambique, “you’re losing a mother every week,” Washington said.

When mothers die, the rates of infant and child mortality increases as well.

The rate of maternal mortality by 2023 dropped to 365 per 100,000 live births.

“That’s a testament to our sustained collaboration and the work we’ve done,” Washington said, but “it’s still way too high.”

She is aiming for a 50 percent reduction within the next five years.

The benefit for pregnant mothers extends beyond one area, as residents in obstetrics and gynecology train at Hospital Central de Maputo before they are posted to other hospitals across the nation. 

Stony Brook introduced numerous ways to improve outcomes for expectant mothers. Washington introduced education and skills building and created and stocked single use medication kits for quick evaluation and treatment of a hemorrhage or infection, built systems to perform emergency C sections in a timely way and built systems to resuscitate the mother.

In addition to obstetrics and gynecology, Stony Brook has brought expertise and equipment in emergency medicine and general surgery to Mozambique.

“It’s a bilateral exchange,” said Washington. “We send learners in both directions.”

Medical trainees travel to Stony Brook, where they return with ideas and implement them in Mozambique.

So far, 11 faculty and four residents, meanwhile, have traveled over 8,000 miles to the southeastern part of the African continent to Mozambique to teach.

Additionally, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Stony Brook gives resident lectures every Wednesday over zoom to residents in Mozambique. Washington would like to duplicate that in emergency medicine and surgery.

“Almost everyone who comes here once wants to come back,” said Washington.

Indeed, this type of program can help recruit and retain talented medical care professionals eager to contribute to the world as global citizens.

“We definitely feature the program on interview days in departments that are engaged” in this global health effort, said Washington.


Dr. Sierra Washington (left) teaching surgery to Edite Magumber (right) at the Hospital Central de Maputo. Photo courtesy Stony Brook University

Washington explained that the mission of the program is to advance global health equity, beginning in Mozambique, by building capacity for care, education and research.

Collaborators in the two countries are working on five ongoing research projects on women’s health.

The framework she has used to build the system comes from the late Dr. Paul Farmer, who was a medical anthropologist at Harvard University.

Farmer coined the five S’s of global health, which include stuff, staff, skills, space and systems.

The stuff includes critical equipment and supplies, essential medicines, sutures, gloves and other products.

“These are the things Americans take for granted when they walk through the door” at a hospital or a medical practice, Washington said.

The Global Health Equity program currently has one other full-time staff member besides Washington who is an administrator.

She would like to recruit and retain a field director in emergency medicine and surgery in the next calendar year.

Additionally, Stony Brook Health would like to add expertise in nursing, pediatrics and anesthesiology, which she considers part of phase two.

The third phase involves bringing in the kinds of systems that help make hospitals run effectively in areas such as biomedical engineering, computer science and environmental science.

These experts could help ensure that a blood pressure cuff is functioning, that the ultrasound works, the lights turn on, and outlets provide power.

Africa is where people “send second-hand medical equipment that goes to die,” Washington explained. “Without properly trained and equipped maintenance departments and without industry service contracts, there is no way to repair most equipment.”

Financial reality

The Mozambique effort has been operating on what Washington described as a “shoestring budget” of around $100,000 per year.

The system leans on grant money, the good will of the hospital center, and on private donors.

Washington would like to raise $1 million over the next year, which, she suggested, would pay dividends in the health of the population.

Additional funding would help Washington develop a tool kit to reduce maternal mortality for the country.

During their eight week visits, Stony Brook’s visiting residents have stayed with Washington when they travel to Mozambique because the university cannot afford faculty/ resident housing.

“We would love to have an eponymous donation to be able to have a Stony Brook campus here, which would include short term housing, flexible learning space and meeting space,” she explained in an email.

Since the program inception, Stony Brook has raised about $500,000 in cash or in kind. The program currently has a balance of $165,000 that will last for one more year.

Washington is passionate about and committed to the effort, which she describe as “her life’s work.”

Stony Brook Medicine (SBM) has announced several leadership changes within Stony Brook Community Medical (SBCM) and Meeting House Lane (MHL), effective November 1.

Following Dr. William Wertheim’s promotion to Executive Vice President of Health Sciences and Stony Brook Medicine a new President of SBCM needed to be identified. Under Dr. Wertheim’s leadership, Stony Brook Medicine is committed to improving integration across its healthcare system. Therefore, the leadership team has strategically unified the roles of President of SBCM and MHL under one leader, as well as integrated the operational leadership of both SBCM and MHL. Dr. Konstantinos Spaniolas, Chief of the Division of Bariatric, Foregut and Advanced GI Surgery at Stony Brook Medicine and Director of the Stony Brook Bariatric and Metabolic Weight Loss Center, will serve as the next President of SBCM and MHL. To support Dr. Spaniolas in his dual role, Dr. Dara Brener will be elevated to Medical Director of SBCM, and Dr. Lara DeSanti-Siska will serve as the Medical Director of MHL.

For operations, Jennifer Crema, the Executive Director of Stony Brook Administrative Services (SBAS), will be promoted to the Executive Director of SBAS and MHL.

After serving as President of MHL, Dr. John Patrick Reilly will be appointed the Director of East End Cardiology Development, where he will lead efforts to shepherd new and innovative cardiac services for the East End of Long Island.

“It is my privilege to work alongside so many dedicated healthcare professionals,” says William A. Wertheim, MD, MBA, Executive Vice President for Stony Brook Medicine. “Their continued efforts in expanding Stony Brook Medicine’s reach through Stony Brook Community Medical and Meeting House Lane clinical practices ensures the healthcare needs of our patients across Long Island are met. I thank Dr. Reilly for his leadership of MHL, and I congratulate Dr. Spaniolas on assuming the role as President of the SBCM and MHL. I also congratulate Drs. Brener and DeSanti-Siska on their new roles. We have very good times ahead for MHL and SBCM.”

“Congratulations to each team member on their new roles within Stony Brook Medicine,” said Carol A. Gomes, MS, FACHE, CPHQ, Chief Executive Officer at Stony Brook University Hospital. “We are fortunate to have an exceptional staff who support Stony Brook’s mission to set the standard for how healthy communities thrive.”


Stony Brook University Hospital

Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH) has been recognized as a 2024-25 Best Hospital by U.S. News & World Report, ranking in the top 15 in the state. SBUH climbed to a No. 12 ranking overall in New York State out of more than 153 hospitals statewide, up from No. 13 in the state last year. In addition to ranking in the top 8% overall in New York State, SBUH also rated high performing in 5 adult specialties nationwide, including Geriatrics, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Urology and Pulmonology & Lung Surgery. The announcement was made in a press release on July 16.

“We are immensely proud to be recognized by U.S. News for our commitment to excellence in patient care,” said William A. Wertheim, MD, MBA, Officer in Charge, Stony Brook University and Executive Vice President, Stony Brook Medicine. “This recognition is a testament to the dedication, skill, and compassion of our entire Stony Brook Medicine team and reflects our unwavering focus on providing patients the highest quality of care.”

“This honor highlights Stony Brook University Hospital’s continued efforts to deliver the highest quality care to our patients,” said Carol Gomes, MS, FACHE, CPHQ, Chief Executive Officer at Stony Brook University Hospital. “I am grateful to our entire team for their tireless efforts ensuring that our patients receive the comprehensive treatment and support they deserve.”

The evaluation of SBUH includes data from Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, Stony Brook Children’s Hospital and Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital, which make up the Stony Brook Medicine healthcare system.

U.S. News evaluated nearly 5,000 hospitals across 15 specialties and 20 procedures and conditions; only 11% of evaluated hospitals earned a Best Hospitals ranking. Hospitals awarded a “Best” designation excelled at factors such as clinical outcomes, level of nursing care and patient experience.

“For 35 years, U.S. News has been a leading resource for patients navigating their health care decisions,” said Ben Harder, chief of health analysis and managing editor at U.S. News. “A ‘Best Hospital’ recognition empowers patients to seek out medical care from the best of the best to treat their illness or condition.”

To calculate the Best Hospitals rankings, U.S. News evaluated each hospital’s performance on objective measures such as risk-adjusted mortality rates, preventable complications and level of nursing care. The Best Hospitals Specialty rankings methodology and Procedures & Conditions ratings methodologymeasure patient outcomes using data from millions of records provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This year, among other methodology refinements, U.S. News incorporated new data on care provided to patients with Medicare Advantage insurance and on care provided to outpatients, nearly doubling the number of patients included in its annual data analysis. The Procedures & Conditions ratings are based entirely on objective quality measures.

For more information, visit Best Hospitals.

Dr. William Wertheim. Photo by Jeanne Neville/Stony Brook Medicine

Stony Brook University President Maurie McInnis has announced that William Wertheim, MD, MBA, has been promoted to executive vice president, Stony Brook Medicine. Dr. Wertheim, who has been serving as the interim executive vice president role will continue to report to the university’s president and is a member of the senior leadership team. In this role, he will continue to work in partnership with academic, hospital and clinical leadership and with community partners to ensure the continued development and excellence of the premier academic medical center and health system. Stony Brook Medicine’s leadership team will continue to report to Dr. Wertheim.

“I have been impressed by Dr. Wertheim’s engaging leadership style that prioritizes collaboration and action,” said President McInnis. “He is deeply respected for his approach that has fostered a culture of teamwork and inclusivity and as a result, Stony Brook Medicine continues to make meaningful strides in expanding patient access, elevating research, and innovating in its approach to teaching and learning. I am confident that Stony Brook Medicine will continue to thrive under his leadership.”

Under Dr. Wertheim’s leadership, Stony Brook has grown patient visits throughout its hospitals, ambulatory centers and clinical practice groups. The recruitment of 28 new providers to the East End has allowed Stony Brook Medicine 14,000 additional patient visits in the community. From supporting the development of clinical research spaces at Stony Brook University Hospital and the Lake Grove and Commack Advanced Specialty Care centers to participation in student and resident research days across the institution, it is clear Dr. Wertheim wholeheartedly believes in Stony Brook Medicine’s research mission and supports innovation in clinical practice.

Dr. Wertheim joined Stony Brook in 1996 and previous to his interim position, served as vice dean for academic affairs of Stony Brook’s Renaissance School of Medicine (RSOM). He also holds the Endowed Chair in Graduate Medical Education at RSOM and is president of the Stony Brook Medicine Community Medical Group.

A graduate of Harvard University and New York University School of Medicine, Dr. Wertheim completed his internal medicine residency at University of Michigan Hospitals, where he also served as chief resident. He worked as a clinical faculty member at the University of Michigan’s Veterans Administration Hospital, then moved to New York, where he worked at The Brooklyn Hospital Center.

“Having been part of this remarkable academic healthcare center for years, I’ve seen the unwavering commitment, the tireless dedication and the profound impact we make on the lives of our patients and their families,” said William A. Wertheim, MD, MBA, executive vice president for Stony Brook Medicine. “Together, we’ve championed excellence in healthcare and education, solidifying our position as a leader in academic medicine. I am deeply excited about the journey ahead and the future we will shape together.”

Stony Brook University Hospital

Money magazine has ranked Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH) as the #2 Best Hospital for Pediatric Care in the country. These services are provided by Stony Brook Children’s Hospital, the leading children’s hospital on Long Island, with more than 180 pediatric specialists in 30 specialties delivering cutting-edge research, technological innovations, clinical trials and breakthrough techniques.

Money evaluated over 6,000 hospitals and narrowed it down to just 74 based on a rigorous analysis of 13,500 data points. The rating is based on five key factors; mortality, safety, readmission, patient experience and timely and effective care. Ranking scores are then translated into a letter grade. SBUH received an overall grade of an “A,” the highest of any New York and Long Island hospital.

“I’m delighted that Stony Brook University Hospital has been recognized by Money magazine for providing world-class pediatric care,” said William A. Wertheim, MD, MBA, Interim Executive Vice President for Stony Brook Medicine. “This ranking is a testament to the exceptional care and dedication of our pediatric team, who work tirelessly to ensure the health and well-being of our youngest patients, who understand that children are not simply small adults but have unique health and social needs, and remain committed to ensuring our community receives the highest quality healthcare services.”

“As Suffolk County’s first and only children’s hospital, we understand the needs of caring for a child affect the entire family,” says Carol Gomes, MS, FACHE, CPHQ, Chief Executive Officer of Stony Brook University Hospital. “I am extremely proud of our team of compassionate and experienced pediatricians, pediatric surgeons and specialists who devote themselves to delivering the best possible outcomes for children on Long Island.”

This past April, Stony Brook University Hospital also received an “A” ranking for General Practice and was ranked number 19 on Money magazine’s prestigious “Best Hospitals of 2024” list.


Ronald McDonald House Charities NY Metro held a ceremonial groundbreaking event for its new house, to be built on the Stony Brook Medicine campus, to provide a safe, secure and comfortable environment for families of children who are receiving medical care at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital. Construction is set to begin later this year with completion scheduled for 2026. Of the $30 million needed to complete the project, $24 million has already been raised.

This will be the first Ronald McDonald House located in Suffolk County, and only the second on Long Island. The other Ronald McDonald House is in New Hyde Park in Nassau County, located adjacent to Cohen Children’s Medical Center.

The three-story, 60,000 square-foot building will include 30 private bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms for families, a media center, outdoor playground, interactive playrooms, a community kitchen providing free meals made by volunteers and fully stocked pantries, a fitness center, meditation room and laundry facilities.

“We’ve been planning this for 10 years and now we’re finally able to provide for families in Suffolk County the way they need,” said Matt Campo, CEO, Ronald McDonald House Charities NY Metro. “All of our programs provide a place for families to rest and recharge so they can focus on the health and well-being of their child.”

“This facility will stand as a beacon of hope, compassion and support for families facing their toughest challenges,” said Dr. William Wertheim, interim executive vice president for Stony Brook Medicine. “Our partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities highlights the strength of collaboration, and I am delighted to be joining our resources and expertise to meet the diverse needs of our community.”

During the ceremony, Stony Brook University President Maurie McInnis thanked Suffolk County Legislator Steve Englebright for his help in ensuring that a bill authorizing the State University of New York to enter into a lease with the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island, Inc. was passed in the New York State
Assembly in 2018 during his tenure as a state Assemblyman.

“To know that parents will be near their children as they go through the toughest of times is
heartwarming,” Englebright said. “I applaud the Ronald McDonald House for all their
philanthropic work.”

“The soon-to-be-built Ronald McDonald House will be able to serve as a respite for patients and families whose infant or child is ill by offering a place to stay, food to eat and a place to rest and recharge that is in close proximity to the hospital,” said Carol Gomes, CEO, Stony Brook University Hospital. “There is nothing more cherished than the ability to be able to focus on the care of your child without having to worry about daily life logistics.”

“It’s been a labor of love recruiting the financial support to make this house a reality,” said Cynthia Lippe, chair, RMHC NYM Stony Brook House Fundraising Committee. “Our entire committee is proud of our work and know we have the momentum to raise the final funds to open the house to the public.”

ICR Program Team from left, Brittany Decker, LCSW; Christina Di Lieto, RDN, CDN; Neal Patel, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Medical Director of the ICR Program; Jennifer Cain, RN, ICR Program Administrator; Ashley Ryan, Unit Coordinator; Veronica Barat, MS, CEP, CISSN. Photo from North Suffolk Cardiology

North Suffolk Cardiology, a practice of Stony Brook Medicine Community Medical Group, has recently launched its Pritikin Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (ICR). The first-of-its-kind initiative on Long Island marks a significant milestone in North Suffolk Cardiology’s mission, continuing its longstanding tradition of pioneering cardiac care. 

“Unlike traditional cardiac rehab programs which are primarily exercise-focused, North Suffolk Cardiology’s ICR program offers patients comprehensive lifestyle education at every visit, plus one-on-one access to a multidisciplinary cardiac care team in a state-of-the-art location,” said Neal Patel, MD, ICR Program Medical Director at North Suffolk Cardiology. “Through dynamic interaction with a cardiac nurse, exercise physiologist, nutritionist and licensed clinical social worker, an individualized cardiac wellness plan is created, and patients are taught specific lifestyle methods to enact meaningful change.”  

This program complements the existing comprehensive cardiac services offered by North Suffolk Cardiology, whose mission is to provide full-service exceptional cardiac care to improve a patient’s quality of life. The practice now offers an expanded array of services tailored to a patient’s unique care plan following a cardiac condition or procedure.  

“This groundbreaking program will serve as a tremendous resource to our patients, families and community — both through its ability to help people live heart-healthy lives and because of the expertise, advanced approaches and compassion of North Suffolk Cardiology’s physicians and staff,” said William Wertheim, MD, MBA, Interim Executive Vice President for Stony Brook Medicine and President of Stony Brook Medicine Community Medical Group. “I am so proud that this program is part of Stony Brook Medicine.” 

Located at 45 Research Way, Suite 108 in East Setauket, North Suffolk Cardiology is currently accepting new patients. For appointments, call 631-941-2000. For more information, visit northsuffolkcardiology.com.