Letters to the Editor: December 21, 2023
Fire station relocation in Port Jeff
There has been a lot of discussion about moving the fire station because of flooding. A site often mentioned is the Maryhaven building or site. Several issues arise from these suggestions.
One is that of distribution and circulation. Fire stations are typically central to the area that they serve to get fair access to all in the fire district. If a fire station were to be built on the east side of a fire district, another would probably have to be built on another side of the fire district, i.e., make two districts or more. Therefore a careful study of circulation routes and population density would precede site selection.
Secondly, fire stations are very expensive. If you look online a small one runs about $6 million and the average seem to be around $15 million. This would presumably be paid for by the Incorporated Village of Port Jefferson with a bond and tax increase.
We are working on a village grant to study stormwater flooding in the village to find a solution to flooding in the village (this preliminary work was presented at Village Hall on April 5 and is available as a village podcast). A most important area is the fire station and its surroundings because it was once the location of Crystal Lake. We believe that a real effort should be put into a solution for this before it is deemed necessary to retreat.
Similar discussions have arisen about moving Village Hall to Maryhaven. Not sure why because it is an important symbol of community and it’s central placement at the harbor seems important to this meaning.
Michael Schwarting
Campani and Schwarting Architects
Port Jefferson
Will Hochul be a transit Santa or Scrooge?
The next opportunity for MTA to commit funding to advance the Port Jefferson Branch electrification would be within 12 months when the 2025-2029 Five Year Capital Plan is adopted (Editorial, “Long Island’s wish list for Gov. Hochul: Port Jeff Branch electrification,” Dec. 14). This will be followed by the 2030-2034, 2035-2039 and 2040-2044 Five Year Capital Plans. Funding needs to be programmed in increments. First, for preliminary design, engineering and the National Environmental Policy Act review. Following NEPA is necessary to preserve Federal Transit Administration funding eligibility.
Next, Hochul must instruct MTA Chairman Janno Lieber to request permission from FTA to enter the Capital Investment Grant New Starts/Core Capacity program. Then comes final design and engineering, property easements, land acquisition and utility relocation. This would be followed by $1.5-$2 billion in local MTA funding to leverage a similar amount in federal funding under a future FTA CIG Full Funding Grant Agreement. These actions would be spread out over several MTA Five Year Capital programs. As each new Five Year Capital program comes and goes without any dedicated project funding, it will delay any hope of seeing Port Jefferson Branch electrification in your lifetime. A completion date of 2040 continues to be a moving target.
You will know in December 2024 if Hochul and Lieber will be Scrooge and leave coal in your transit stocking or be Santa and leave some real cash under your transit tree.
Larry Penner
Great Neck
An issue of education vs. ignorance
In the past few weeks there have been the past few weeks there have been several antisemitic incidents in schools in Smithtown, Commack and Port Jefferson. Like most Jews I am appalled and disgusted by the spike in such incidents, and fearful about what the future holds for our community and our country. Demons we thought were laid to rest after World War II appear to be rising again, zombie-like. In truth antisemitism is a centuries-old scourge. It’s not so easy to eradicate. Even so, we must now redouble our efforts to oppose it. History has taught us where it leads.
Some may dismiss the appearance of a swastika in a school as a crude juvenile prank, in poor taste but essentially harmless. That’s wrong. Regardless if it was placed out of hateful malice, or out of simple ignorance or stupidity, to a Jewish person the message is the same: “You should be eliminated.” Not because of anything you do, say, or believe, but just because of who you are. A Jew. Over 180,000 American servicemen were killed in Europe in World War II fighting Nazism. Does “Never again” mean anything or is it just an empty slogan? As the war against Nazism passes from living memory are we doomed to just forget what it was?
The proliferation of antisemitic graffiti in schools is symptomatic of gross ignorance about the Holocaust among young people. A recent survey found that among Americans aged 18-39 one in 10 believe it never happened. Another 23% thought it was a myth or that the number of Jews murdered was greatly exaggerated and 12% never even heard of the Holocaust. You might think these numbers reflect ignorance elsewhere in the country, but you’d be wrong. One of the most disturbing findings was that 19% of New Yorkers in this age group think it was the Jews who caused the Holocaust. More than in any other state. The next generation is now in our elementary, middle, and high schools. Is this going to get worse or better?
This is not a political issue. It’s an issue of truth vs. lies. It’s an issue of moral clarity vs moral confusion. It’s an issue of critical thinking vs. uncritical acceptance of propaganda spewed forth from social media. And it’s certainly is an issue of education vs. ignorance. Not just the education children receive in school, although that’s real important. But even more important is what children are learning at home, from their parents. Even the best and most intelligently designed lessons children learn at school will be ineffective if children are taught bigotry, lies and hateful stereotypes at home. Words matter. It’s up to every single one of us to teach our children empathy, compassion, kindness and the value of life. Toward everyone.
David Friedman
St James