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Stony Brook Mill Pond

A scene of destruction in Western North Carolina after Tropical Storm Helene. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/NCDOTcommunications

By Kurt Johnsen  

On August 19, 2024, a “thousand-year” rain event breached Harbor Road and drained the Stony Brook Mill Pond. TBR News Media published my memoir of my personal relationship with the pond and my deep sorrow of its loss on Aug. 29.

I live in Asheville, North Carolina and on September 28, I awoke to a Natural Disaster that was beyond my comprehension. Tropical storm Helene had scourged our beloved Western North Carolina.  I’ll first note that my wife and I were fine, and our home only suffered minor damage. I stepped outside and began to witness what was soon to be apparent destruction of “biblical” proportion.

Overnight, 40 to 100 miles-per-hour winds had ravaged our region. Asheville received 14 inches of rain, much of Western North Carolina received two feet of rain and even up to 30 inches, all in the previous two days. Trees were downed everywhere and with them thousands of power lines cutting off electricity and making even simple travel down the road impossible. Soon, the magnitude of the destruction started to become evident. 

Close to 900,000 acres of forest were downed or damaged, thousands of homes were destroyed and 150,000 people were displaced. If you haven’t yet, you can go on YouTube and watch the hundreds of videos showing events that, before this, we only witnessed from afar often in third world countries. Two miles from our house  Biltmore Village was flooded and EVERY business was gutted or ripped down. Eighty percent of our beloved River Arts District was destroyed. The torrents caused massive mudslides. Across the region, houses were torn apart and floated  like balsa wood along powerful rivers that, two days prior, were small streams and brooks. 

There are 104 verified storm-related deaths. It is Incredulous this number isn’t higher. Vehicles, homes, businesses were piled like matchsticks. People’s lives were upended and, for many, will never be the same. Even now, as you drive out to smaller towns that were virtually destroyed,  you proceed through a “tunnel” of the hulks of demolished cars, trucks, houses and other flotsam.

The main Pipeline from the reservoir that supplies most of Asheville with water was shattered and under 28 feet of thick muck! Water immediately ceased flowing out of the tap for, in most cases, months and even longer to become potable. Asheville’s unemployment rate jumped from three to 9 percent overnight. The lack of affordable housing, already a crisis for service industry employees in our tourist-based economy, was extraordinarily exacerbated overnight.

Stop reading for a minute and imagine the all-too-real picture I have painted above. Now, let me put this in perspective. The Mill Pond is approximately 11 acres in size. That is 0.001 percent of the area that was impacted in WNC from Helene. And now, much of Los Angeles looks like Dresden after the firebombing. I will not go far out on a limb to say we have reached the “tipping point”; climate change is now ravaging our planet.  James Taylor sang “I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain.” He had no idea how prophetic his prose would become. 

Author Kurt Johnsen, who grew up in idyllic Stony Brook,  now resides in  Asheville, North Carolina.

Gloria Rocchio standing in front of the Stony Brook Village post office. Photo courtesy of the Ward Melville Heritage Organization

By Rita J. Egan

Ward Melville Heritage Organization’s 45th Annual Holiday Festival on Dec. 8 filled the Stony Brook Village Center with holiday spirit as entertainers played music, a short parade featuring large puppets weaved through the center and Santa visited with children.

It was hard to believe that diagonally across the street from the Village Center laid the remnants of a summer storm that brought down several inches of rain during a short time in the late evening hours and early morning hours of Aug. 18 and 19, altering a landmark in its wake. The deluge of rain left the historic Stony Brook Grist Mill’s dam breached and the Stony Brook Mill Pond drained. Harbor Road running along the pond and Mill Creek Road were destroyed, and part of a home and its backyard fell into the Mill Pond.

Heading up the charge to keep the Stony Brook Village Center, which WMHO owns, running smoothly despite the devastation and working to restore the Stony Brook Mill Pond to its former glory has been Gloria Rocchio, WMHO’s president.

Regarding the aftermath, Rocchio said it was the worst weather-related damage she knows of since she became WMHO president more than 40 years ago. Despite the tragedy, Stony Brook Village Center businesses remained open, and events such as the holiday and Halloween festivals have continued. For her leadership and stewardship skills in keeping continuity and order, TBR News Media has named Rocchio one of its People of the Year for 2024.

Rocchio said when the news of the dam breaching awakened her, she didn’t sleep for the rest of the day. The WMHO president has had to balance environmental, historical preservation, commerce and tourism concerns in the following months.

Regarding juggling all the responsibilities, she said, “I have a very good staff but inevitably I have to be involved.”

She also has been grateful for volunteers (see sidebar) who have offered assistance. Among them, joining WMHO employees, were more than 70 nearby residents who cleaned debris and dead fish in Stony Brook Mill Creek on Aug. 22. Some debris came from the home that partially fell into the pond. Among the items found were suitcases, furniture and apparel. Some larger items, such as a lawn mower, couldn’t be removed immediately.

Rocchio said WMHO was grateful for the help they have received. Reflecting on the last few months, she was reminded that Stony Brook’s hamlet gets its name from the stony mill creek. “This is the heart of Stony Brook.”

Richard Rugen, WMHO chairman, said Rocchio has been working 24/7.

“It is a job for three people, and the reason she’s able to handle it is that she not only has been doing it for a very long time, but she has worn so many hats on Long Island relative to civic things, that she’s got an inventory, a mental inventory, that is like none other.”

Rugen added that Rocchio began her journey with WMHO during a time when she was able to get to know philanthropist and developer of Stony Brook Village Center Ward Melville, as well as his wife, Dorothy, and other notable WMHO board members. To this day, Rugen said, Rocchio respects their vision of the Stony Brook Village Center and WMHO’s other properties.

“I don’t think a board meeting goes by — and if it does, it’s a short one — where the Melville mantra is not brought up: What would Dorothy and Ward think of this idea?” Rugen said. “So, they are still there in that respect.”

Since the storm, Rocchio has been in constant contact with elected officials, including Suffolk County Legislator Steve Englebright (D-Setauket). The legislator has worked on various projects with WMHO and secured grants for the nonprofit during his former role as a New York State assemblyman.

Englebright said Rocchio tremendously respects the architectural and overall vision of Ward Melville and Richard Haviland Smythe, the Village Center’s architect. The legislator has seen Rocchio at work, most recently restoring the historic eagle on the center’s post office.

“It’s a fragile entity that needs constant attention and care, and in this case, repair, and she’s the right person,” Englebright said. “She’s doing almost curatorial-quality care for that architectural treasure that is the village, but it’s not a static exhibit. It’s a community. It’s where people live and shop.”

Englebright said that during the last few months after the storm, Rocchio has continued making the Village Center a welcoming place and kept it “vibrant and economically viable,” adding that such a task is important but not easy.

“She’s not just passively overseeing the Ward Melville Heritage Organization,” the legislator said. “She’s making sure that it remains a part of our living experience and our consciousness.”

WMHO board grateful for community’s help

Ward Melville Heritage Organization President Gloria Rocchio and Chairman Richard Rugen said they appreciated the assistance Long Island residents offered after the August storm that left Stony Brook Mill Pond drained.

Rae Marie Renna, general manager of the Three Village Inn, drove from the South Shore immediately after hearing about the dam breach and offered rooms to occupants of five homes that were evacuated near the dam.

Rocchio said Avalon Nature Preserve offered to patrol by the Stony Brook Grist Mill after people were walking into the drained pond, which is dangerous as the mud acts like quicksand. Residents have also called animal rescuers such as Sweetbriar Nature Center and Frankie Floridia, of Strong Island Animal Rescue League, when they have spotted fish and wildlife in distress. Both Rocchio and Rugen said the animal rescuers who have saved fish, turtles and more were risking their own safety when walking in the drained pond.

Rocchio added that some of the animals were confused after the storm. Canada Geese have been sitting on a sandbar when the tide goes up and then swim with whatever water is there. One goose adopted TEB North Country Car Care service station after the pond drained and was named Scooter. Owner Brian Barton and his staff gave the goose cracked corn and water. When it was too hot, they bought the goose a kiddie pool to swim in.

Olivia Ross, of Port Jefferson, has been selling bracelets inscribed with Stony Brook Strong and Save the Mill Pond for $2 each where all proceeds are going to WMHO. Rocchio said,  “She has worked tirelessly with us.”

The WMHO president and chairman said among the volunteers, especially during the Aug. 22 cleanup, were Town of Brookhaven Councilmember Jonathan Kornreich (D-Stony Brook), New York State Assemblyman Ed Flood (R-Port Jefferson) and Lois Reboli of the Reboli Center for Art and History. Local businesses such as Crazy Beans Restaurant, Sweet Mama’s Restaurant and Premiere Pastry Shop contributed food and beverages, while Stony Brook Kayak & Paddleboard Rentals, along with Lessing’s Hospitality Group and the Three Village Dads, also took part in the cleanup. Stony Brook Fire Department was on standby to assist in an emergency, and the Town of Brookhaven Highway Department delivered dumpsters.

Rugen said they were grateful for everyone who had volunteerism “in their hearts.”


Above, what Blydenburgh County Park could look like if the dam isn't put back ... this is West Brook in Bayard Cutting Arboretum several years after the dam failed and a beautiful stream valley with great biodiversity has emerged. Photo from John Turner

By John L. Turner

Due to the extensive development of Long Island, starting with European colonization nearly 400 years ago, virtually no species, natural area, or landscape has been untouched. Some of these “touches” have been minor, others moderate, while still others have been drastic or complete, like the virtual destruction of the Hempstead Plains, a once 40,000 square mile tallgrass prairie located in the middle of Nassau County. True too, for the timber wolf which was eradicated early in the Island’s settlement driven by a bounty paid during the 17th century for each dead wolf. 

There are few places where these impacts have been more extensive than with the more than 100 streams and rivers flowing outward from the center of Long Island to the salty waters that surround it. For centuries these streams were viewed as only having commercial value; modified by dams the streams became artificial ponds to supply water for cranberry bogs and for the harvest of ice. 

Mills were constructed in many places, taking advantage of the water funneled over constructed dams, to grind corn, saw wood or for fulling clothing fiber. Today, there are very few unobstructed streams on Long Island. (One of the few is Alewife Creek in Southampton which drains Big Fresh Pond, emptying into North Sea Harbor).  

The ‘brook’ in Stony Brook. Photo from John Turner

Obstruction is the reality at “Cutsgunsuck,” the Setalcott Indigenous Nation’s name for a “brook laden with stones,” a brook that we know today as Stony Brook. This “stone laden” brook, fed by freshwater oozing out of the Upper Glacial aquifer on its northward flow to the harbor, was drastically altered about 275 years ago, with the construction of the dam to funnel water for the Stony Brook Grist Mill so only a limited section of the original brook remains. Predictably, as with all dams, the water backed up behind the newly constructed dam, creating a pond in the process and drowning much of the stream and streamside environment — and its interwoven array of plants and animals  — that had evolved in place over many thousands of years. Same was the case with the dam in Blydenburgh County Park creating Stump Pond. 

Victims of these dams were the migratory fish, American Eel and Alewife, a species of river herring, that undoubtedly used Stony Brook and the upper reaches of the Nissequogue River centuries ago to spawn and develop. These fish, known as diadromous species,  live in two worlds — in the case of American eels spawning in the ocean (the Sargasso Sea), migrating inland to freshwater streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds to spend more than a decade growing and maturing before returning to the ocean. Alewife behave in the opposite fashion — coming inland to spawn with the adults and young leaving to develop in the ocean. 

Eels and river herring are important components of the coastal food chain, nourishing cormorants, wading birds, eagles, and ospreys while back in the sea, a host of predatory fish such as striped bass, bluefish, and tuna. Mammals that prey on these species include river otters, making a slow comeback on Long Island, and seals. The dams created insurmountable obstacles to the completion of their life cycle so for these fish and the other species that feed upon them two ecological threads were severed. 

The Northern Dusky Salamander found in the Stony Brook Mill Pond. Photo from John Turner

Other animals that prosper in cold and clear streams lost out too, seeing their habitat lost or substantially diminished.  Remarkably, one of them is a species hanging on in the truncated stream segment south of the now drained portion of the Stony Brook Mill Pond — the Northern Dusky Salamander, an amphibian discovered by someone helping wildlife in the pond after the dam failure; a species which has not been seen on Long Island in nearly a century and was presumed extirpated here!

The northern dusky is one of nine native salamander species that call Long Island home and some naturalists wonder if this population constitutes a new species since it’s been reproductively isolated from other populations of the species, the nearest being in Westchester county, for some 12,000 to 15,000 years.  DNA work is proposed to sort the genetics out.  

The same adverse ecological impacts occurred when the dam was constructed to operate a grist mill at Stump Pond within Blydenburgh County Park in Hauppauge (which had its dam blow out due to the same storm event in August) but on an even larger scale. The two streams feeding Stump Pond, that is two headwater sections of the Nissequogue River, one beginning in the Hauppauge Springs area near the Suffolk County Center on State Route 454, the other emanating further afield in the Village of the Branch, disappeared with the construction of the dam that created Stump Pond, flooding many dozens of acres of riparian habitat including the killing of dozens of Atlantic White Cedar, a rare wetland tree species.  

What if the dams at Stony Brook Mill Pond and Stump Pond are not reconstructed? What would this mean for the environmental setting there? Almost immediately wetland dependent plant species and wildlife would repopulate the stream and the adjacent low-lying floodplain and the wetland at West Brook in the Bayard Cutting Arboretum can provide insight. Here, the dam failed in 2019 draining an area about the size of the Stony Brook Mill Pond and naturalists have been studying the result ever since.

Migratory fish now have unimpeded access to the full length of the West Brook watershed. Plants have flourished, emerging from the seed bank that has laid dormant for many decades, awaiting just the right conditions to germinate. Within two years 108 native species of wetland-loving wildflowers began to fill in the mud banks on both sides of West Brook, including an extensive stand of cattails. These plants now support numerous insects including a number of pollinators. 

Underappreciated concerns from dams and dam failures are property damage and loss of human life. These concerns are very likely to grow as the frequency and severity of storm events increases due to climate disruption. 

For example, the National Centers for Environmental Information, part of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), keeps tallies of storms and for New York noted seven weather related disasters in the 1980’s causing $1 billion worth of property damage. By the 1990’s the total doubled to 14, the same number for the period of 2000 to 2009. 

For the 2010’s? Twenty-nine such events. And in 2023 alone there were seven, the same number you’ll remember for all of the 1980’s. With slightly different circumstances it is not difficult to envision several houses and the occupants within them, living downstream from the failed dams at both the Stony Brook Mill Pond and Blydenburgh County Park, being destroyed and killed, respectively.  

Then there’s the cost of maintaining dams and impoundments. The impoundments behind dams collect sediment which eventually have to be dredged, at considerable expense, or the pond becomes increasingly shallow and eventually disappears from the sediment load. And the warm, still waters in the impoundments are conducive to plant growth, especially by invasive species which often proliferate, eventually covering the entire water surface, compromising other recreational uses like boating and fishing.

For example, the Town of Brookhaven spent more than $4 million of taxpayer funds to combat Cabomba, a species of fanwort that’s a noxious weed, growing in the Upper Lake of the Carmans River (it wasn’t successful in eliminating the weed). 

Suffolk County spent several million dollars more to dredge the sediments from Canaan Lake in Patchogue and Nassau County officials have committed significant staff and equipment in an effort to eradicate Water Chestnut from Mary’s Lake in Massapequa. 

One last example is the state’s more-than-a-decade fight to control Ludwigia, also known as floating primrose-willow, an invasive species that’s proliferated an impoundment in the Peconic River. Multiply these fiscal impacts out to the more than 90 dams and impoundments on Long Island and pretty soon we’re talking real money. Fiscal conservatives like free-flowing conditions. 

For these aforementioned ecological, public safety, and fiscal reasons, the dam at Blydenburgh County Park should not be repaired. A channel, forking from the stream currently,  can be deepened to supply water to the mill wheel if the county ever makes the grist mill functioning again; it has laid dormant for nearly half-a-century. 

The good news is that an alternative vision to repairing the dam at Blydenburgh County Park has emerged that would, some believe, enhance a visitor’s experience: construct a bridge over the stream where the dam gave way so hikers can once again walk around the park and the former pond and add two pedestrian footbridges over the two streams that flow through the park, providing scenic and panoramic views of the stream valleys and diverse wetland meadows that will form. 

A slightly different vision can be advanced for the Stony Brook Mill Pond. Here, the Town of Brookhaven, other levels of government, and the Ward Melville Heritage Organization are moving to restore the dam, an understandable response to what the Mill Pond has meant to the local Three Village community — a landscape that’s loved and cherished. 

The challenge, then, is to determine if there is a way to rebuild the dam and restore the pond but create a richer ecological setting. Can this be done? A good first step would be to incorporate a fish ladder and eel passage that effectively allows for migratory fish to access the pond; the natural-looking rock ramp fish ladder in Grangebel Park in Riverhead and the eel passage further upstream on the Peconic River serve as useful models. Also, establishing a lower pond level through a lower elevation dam would increase stream and streamside habitat for the betterment of the rare salamander and other stream dwelling species. 

Two other actions that could improve conditions at the Mill Pond: 1) Soften the boundary along the eastern edge of the pond by removing the bulkheading encompassing much of the shoreline here, planting this transition area with native wetland plants and wildflowers, and 2) Better control road runoff  into the pond from Main Street. 

A recent conversation I had with someone who assisted in the effort to free stranded wildlife said she noticed an oil sheen on the surface of the remaining pooled water in the southeastern section of the pond where a drainage pipe empties into the pond from Main Street; a number of ducks were swimming around in this water.  On a recent visit, I noticed a few ducks preening and wondered if they weren’t ingesting toxic oil into their bodies in the process.   

If we embrace the alternative described above, a better experience can be had at Blydenburgh County Park and if we make these modifications, a better, more environmentally sound Stony Brook Mill Pond can emerge from the ruins, to once again be enjoyed and valued by the local community. Here, these elements would create enhanced wetland habitat for the betterment of many of our wildlife neighbors — fish, birds, and salamanders alike. And in no small measure, it would  allow for the landscape feature that gave the community its name —Stony Brook — to be enhanced and better protected. Indeed, we’d be putting a bit of the “brook” back in Stony Brook.

A resident of Setauket, author John L. Turner is a naturalist, conservation co-chair of the Four Harbors Audubon Society, and Conservation Policy Advocate for the Seatuck Environmental Association.

Cleanup efforts are underway at the Stony Brook Mill Pond. Photo by Denis Lynch

On Aug. 18, an intense rainfall event — dropping approximately 10 inches overnight — resulted in catastrophic flooding, severely damaging local landmarks including the Stony Brook Mill Pond, the Stony Brook Grist Mill (1751), and Avalon Nature Preserve.

We are calling on all levels of government — federal, New York State, the Department of Environmental Conservation, the NYS Department of Transportation, Suffolk County and the towns of Brookhaven, Smithtown and Village of Head of the Harbor — to collaborate in the restoration efforts. It is imperative that every elected official work together to restore the Stony Brook Mill Pond, Stony Brook Grist Mill and Avalon Park’s primary access route.

These cherished heritage and nature destinations are integral to our communities, encouraging visitors to explore both the rich history and the natural beauty of the area. Both the Stony Brook Mill Pond and the Stony Brook Grist Mill are listed on the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places. 

The Stony Brook Mill Pond has been of ecological and economic importance for centuries. Before the storm, it provided sustenance and shelter for a variety of wildlife species and played a critical role in stormwater management. The Mill Pond has been a vital component of the Grist Mill’s operations, powering the waterwheel of this iconic Long Island landmark since 1751.

Avalon Nature Preserve, a protected area spanning 216 acres —140 of which are accessible to the public — boasts diverse flora and fauna. It features walking trails, a wildflower meadow and woodlands. Access to the Avalon Nature Preserve has been severely impacted by the destruction of Harbor Road.

The Three Village Chamber of Commerce respectfully asks for your support in these restoration efforts. Representing the Three Village business network, this work is vital to helping the business community in Stony Brook thrive once again. 

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

Three Village Chamber of Commerce

Board of Directors

President Carmine Inserra

Michael Ardolino

Heather Banoub

Robert Brown

Perry Cassidy

Leah S. Dunaief

Colette Frey-Bitzas

Susie Kaiserman

Kenneth P. Kroncke

Ronald J. LaVita

Edwin Miller

Andy Polan

David Prestia

Gloria Rocchio

Nicole Sarno

Martha Stansbury

John C. Tsunis

President Emeritus Charles Lefkowitz

Cleanup efforts are underway at the Stony Brook Mill Pond. Photo by Toni-Elena Gallo

By Toni-Elena Gallo

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, construction began on Mill Creek Rd. in Stony Brook Village, following August’s catastrophic flooding. The storm not only collapsed the road, but emptied Stony Brook’s Mill Pond, caused destruction to surrounding homes and displaced the area’s wildlife.

According to Gloria Rocchio, president of the Ward Melville Heritage Organization, it is a bit of poetic justice that construction began on Wednesday, as it was “exactly 90 days” since the flood hit. However, the rebuilding of Stony Brook is far from complete.

“The Town of Brookhaven will be doing the road and they’re in the design stage at this point. As for tomorrow, they’ll probably start taking down trees,” said Rocchio. “They’re going to start clearing what’s in the creek, because right now, there’s pieces of cesspool down by the grist mill. There’s also a white film on some of the muck, which I heard is detergent, meaning every time the tide goes in and out, the water is taking it to different places,” she continued. The Grist Mill, a Stony Brook staple since 1751, may have up to eight feet of “sand and muck” impacting its turning capabilities, Rocchio said.

Rocchio described the aftermath of August’s storm as “all-consuming” but said she is focused on rectifying the situation and restoring the Stony Brook Mill Pond to its former state.

The WMHO president also stressed the importance of avoiding the collapsed area on Harbor and Main streets as well as the drained Mill Pond itself. She explained that curious passersby have been found standing in the creek, Mill Pond and mud near Harbor Rd. “When we did a cleanup with volunteers, someone got very badly stuck in there. It is like quicksand,” Rocchio said.

In light of the federal government’s response to Gov. Kathy Hochul on Monday that Suffolk County’s flood damage is “not of the severity and magnitude to warrant the designation of Individual Assistance,” Rocchio said many homeowners, including Ron Borgese—a man who lost a portion of his home on the corner of Main St. and Harbor Rd.—have been left reeling.

“Apparently, the area is not devastated enough, but I don’t know how much more devastated you need to be,” Borgese said in a phone interview.

“The house is condemned and the property is shot. So far, I got nothing from anybody.”

Borgese is currently staying with family while awaiting word on assistance. He does not have flood insurance.

Rocchio said the community’s support during this time has deeply touched her, noting that people have donated amounts ranging from $50 to “thousands.”

In the coming weeks, WMHO will host a Christmas auction to raise money for storm damage relief.

For more information on FEMA’s decision, visit www.tbrnewsmedia.com.

Stony Brook Mill Pond. Photo by Giselle Barkley
John Turner

The Ecology and Evolution Department at Stony Brook University, 100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook continues its Living World lecture series with “Should the Mill Pond Be Rebuilt? Reconnecting Severed Threads” with guest speaker John F. TurnerDivision of Land Management for the Town of Brookhaven, in the Javits Lecture Center, Room 111 on the West Campus on Monday, Oct. 21 at 6 p.m.

Some landscape features such as the thousands of dams installed in rivers have severed or compromised ecological connections for animal species, especially migratory fishes. Turner will describe the solutions to such problems, including the recent strong rainstorms in this region that broke several dams, giving an opportunity for restorations that restore fish migration routes.
A noted Long Island Naturalist, John Turner is a founder of the Long island Pine Barrens Association, has worked on land restoration in Long Island for decades and is an officer in the Seatuck Environmental Association and the Four Harbors Audubon Society.
The event is free. For more information, call 631-632-8600.

Olivia Ross’ bracelets, which read Stony Brook Strong or Save the Mill Pond. 100% of the proceeds are donated to reconstruction efforts. Photo courtesy Olivia Ross

By Toni-Elena Gallo

Olivia Ross may live in Port Jefferson now, but Stony Brook will always be where her heart is.

The devastating storm that hit Suffolk County on Aug. 18 and continued into the early morning hours of the next day, left Stony Brook in complete disarray, draining the Mill Pond and destroying businesses and homes. Ross, who grew up in the village, felt she needed to spring to action and help the community that has provided her with such happy memories.

“When I was little, all the way up to me taking my nieces and nephews there. So, when I saw that nothing was there, there was no life, it just broke my heart,” she said in an interview.

“Then I said, ‘Why not have this community come together and do something good? Something to unite all of us together?’ I knew I had to do something to help, because it’s so important to me — there will always be a piece of me [in Stony Brook].”

“I thought of this idea because when I was younger, and the BP oil spill happened, my aunt created these bracelets and sold them to give donations to a company that was helping clean up. So, I thought ‘What a great idea,’” Ross continued.

After meeting Ross down at Stony Brook Harbor Kayak & Paddleboard Rentals, Gloria Rocchio, president of The Ward Melville Heritage Organization, said that what she’s doing is “wonderful.”

“The paddleboard business is helping her with sales, and [when we spoke] she expressed incredible affection for the Mill Pond,” Rocchio said. “If the general public desires, they can support the community in this very difficult time.”

Ross said that 100 percent of the proceeds will go to The Ward Melville Heritage Organization for repair and restoration efforts.

“We’re backing them up, and we want to help restore such important parts of the community,” Ross added.

Ross customizes the bracelets, which she buys in bulk, to say “Stony Brook Strong” on one side and “Save the Mill Pond”’ on the other. The bracelets sell for $2 each but donations are also accepted.

“I wear mine every day,” Rocchio said.

Ross explained that with all the “negativity that goes on in the world,” she was pleased to see the positive reactions she received on Facebook, where her bracelets are available on both her and WMHO’s pages, as well as through her email, [email protected].

“I’ve sold over a hundred, and I’m almost up to a thousand dollars in donations, so I am trying to spread the word more. I’ve had a couple of businesses reach out to me asking if they could buy some in bulk, and then sell them in their stores. I love that idea,” Ross said.

And, as far as the damage that remains in Stony Brook, Rocchio explained that the WMHO is working with all facets of government, including at the federal, state, county and in conjunction with the towns of Brookhaven and Smithtown, to get Harbor Road rebuilt, among a host of other issues.

The Stony Brook Grist Mill will be getting help as early as Friday, from an excavation crew, which will begin digging out the sand damage from under the mill’s wheel, by hand, to allow it to turn once again.

It takes a village. 

Ducks walk alongside the storm-ravaged pond. Photo by Toni-Elena GalloPhoto by Toni-Elena Gallo

By Sabrina Artusa

At Mill Pond in Stony Brook, a group of swans and mallards can be observed on the sandy banks. On occasion, some Canadian geese can be seen as well, crossing the road confused and displaced. 

After August’s rain, Stony Brook’s residents — both people and animals — are gradually recouping. A month later, the road ahead is a little clearer as questions on funding and rebuilding become less intimidating. 

Community support

Gloria Rocchio, president of The Ward Melville Heritage Organization which owns the Grist Mill and Mill Pond, said she is grateful for the “unbelievable” amount of support the community has shown her organization, especially as she navigates the rebuilding process. 

Over 100 people came to cleanup sessions at the Mill Pond where they fished out personal effects that washed into the creek after a nearby house was damaged. 

People across the country have been touched by the disaster — Rocchio has received donations and letters from people nationwide. Some were former residents. 


The resolve to rebuild exists in abundance. Governmental officials such as Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine (R), Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) and community leaders like Rocchio have repeatedly announced their dedication to this area. 

“People sat on the boulders, watched the wildlife, watched the sunset — that’s what we want them to have again. We have to have it back,” Rocchio said. 

Rocchio said her organization has met with an engineer and has hired a marine expert to ensure the debris is cleaned out. Further, she said they are in the midst of designing a new plan for the creek leading to the pond. 

The 1699 grist mill was not severely damaged. Over a foot of water washed into the basement on the west side. Now, Rocchio is concerned with waterproofing and repairing the building in a way that prevents further damage. She is also worried that the wheel will suffer from lack of use without water to keep it turning. 

Town of Brookhaven officials have also stated their intentions to construct a dam that has the capacity to allow for larger amounts of water to pass through. The previous dam was not designed to endure such a large rush of water. 

Stony Brook University

Two of Stony Brook University’s residence halls were damaged after severe flooding, putting the buildings out of commission. The Mendelsohn buildings were flooded with 4-6 feet of water. 

 With limited housing, the university initiated a $5,000 incentive to students that cancels their housing plan. The university also added beds to rooms in other halls, making them triples instead of doubles and started placing returning students in nearby hotels. 

“We have expanded our recharge basins to handle increased demand. Last year, we installed a stormwater pump lift station specifically designed to redirect stormwater away from Gray and Ammann residence halls,” William Herrmann, vice president for Facilities & Services, wrote in an email. 

“We have also submitted grants to secure funding for additional mitigation efforts, including the installation of stormwater retention systems, bioswales and rain gardens in the most vulnerable areas of our campus,” he added.


It is uncertain if federal aid will be secured to fund the repairs to town infrastructure. In order to gain access to federal aid through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, damages must meet a $37.5 million threshold. 

Rocchio said WMHO needs funding for the grist mill. 

Homeowners have the option to apply for a grant with the New York State Housing Trust Fund Agency to be reimbursed for damage that wasn’t covered by insurance. Applicants could be given up to $50,000 depending on the county’s median income. Applications should be made through the Long Island Housing Partnership. The deadline to apply is Oct. 7, and grants are awarded until funds are exhausted. Please email LIHP at [email protected] before applying. 

Looking ahead

Stony Brook is moving forward, despite the unpleasant interruption the storm posed to summer affairs. 

Rocchio said that tourism and visitation to Stony Brook village is almost as it was before Aug. 18.

Avalon Nature Preserve has reopened and was relatively unharmed, although some trails needed maintenance.

After the storm, residents from across Suffolk County organized efforts to save the fish that were stranded in the diminishing pond. 

In another instance, a gas station owner, noticing a particularly weary looking Canadian goose wandering outside his gas station, provided food and water to the confused bird, who Rocchio guesses was born at the pond. The bird now hangs around the gas station regularly, even allowing his head to be pet. This owner muses that he adopted the goose, in a way.

“I do believe that when the Mill Pond is back with water that they will come back,” Rocchio said. 

It could be some time until Stony Brook Mill Pond and the Grist Mill return to their former state, but it is a comfort to know that Stony Brook remains alive and well, and that the vitality of the community, like the pond, still flows. 

By Steve Englebright

In the dark early morning hours of Aug. 19, almost 11 inches of rain descended like a cataract upon the central North Shore of Long Island. The storm then crossed into Connecticut where it killed two people and destroyed numerous bridges and roads.

The paved roads and impermeable surfaces within the catchment of Stony Brook Mill Pond caused it to immediately flood. This deluge then spilled over the top of that part of Harbor Road which capped the artificial earthen dam adjacent to the National Register of Historic Places-listed circa 1751 mill. Floodwater poured uncontrollably over the road, creating a thunderous curtain that plunged into the marine side of the dam, quickly and severely eroding its base. The dam failed, and the pond emptied catastrophically into Stony Brook Harbor.

The boundaries of two towns, one incorporated village and one hamlet all meet at this location. In the aftermath of this catastrophe, it is important for each of these governing units as well as all other elements of the community to quickly come together in support of a single plan of restorative action. Fortunately, President Joe Biden has heeded the call of local governments, including Suffolk County, to declare this site a federal disaster area. Much-needed federal dollars may now follow. This precious funding can be wisely utilized, presuming that everyone is cooperating. One of the challenges now before all of us is to find commonality and consensus. In particular, we must reconcile the interests of historic preservation and environmental protection so that they are aligned and mutually supportive within a thoughtfully engineered plan.

Some have wondered if it may be appropriate to leave the breached dam unreconstructed purposefully. Several threshold questions arise from this thought: 

• Should we allow the recently unconstrained Stony Brook Creek to continue to flow freely and allow recovery of natural processes such as the breeding activities of the herring-like fish known as the alewife? 

• What course of action would provide the greatest overall environmental benefit? 

• Would the nationally significant cultural treasure that is the Stony Brook Grist Mill have diminished relevance without its historic impoundment?

 Reasons for restoration

This author would argue strongly for restoration of Stony Brook Mill Pond for reasons that embrace both environmental and historic preservation purposes. These include:

• More than 90% of the Stony Brook Harbor is tidally-influenced salt water. Freshwater habitats within the harbor are rare and enhance its biodiversity. Prior to the dam’s breach, the largest surface freshwater feature of the entire harbor was Stony Brook Mill Pond. Allowing this scarce resource to remain permanently reduced would significantly subtract from this ecosystem’s vibrancy and health.

• The Stony Brook Mill Pond Basin uniquely joins Main Street with the Avalon Preserve — arguably the finest nature center in New York state. This geographic juxtaposition created a remarkable outdoor education classroom that enabled thousands of children and families to directly experience nature. It would be most unfortunate to compromise or lose the open water and aesthetic appeal of this site which could, if restored, continue effectively to foster for each next generation an ethic of learning and respect for the environment. 

• The Mill Pond helped keep the Stony Brook Harbor clean. This relatively-unspoiled harbor’s water chemistry was maintained, in part, by the fact that the Mill Pond acted as a sediment trap and contaminant settlement basin that intercepted substances in road runoff that would otherwise have flowed directly into the harbor. 

• The continued existence of two significant rookeries on the edge of Stony Brook Mill Pond featuring, respectively, cormorants and herons would be uncertain if the pond is not restored.

• While some fish species, such as alewife, might theoretically benefit from a free flowing Stony Brook, it is unknown if this site would support a significant run for such fish. 

• Suffolk County’s largest industry is tourism, and Stony Brook Mill Pond and Grist Mill combine to create a major magnet attracting and welcoming visitors to Old Stony Brook and its vicinity. Any decision to delay reconstruction of the Mill Pond dam could compromise the sense of place of Old Stony Brook. Loss of these landmarks in pursuit of limited or speculative environmental improvements could create significant community resentment, which would only detract from other preservation efforts

Reconstruction of Harbor Road and Mill Pond dam

It is useful to note that the dam at the north end of Setauket’s Frank Melville Memorial Park was subjected to the same storm event and did not rupture. The apparent reason for this is because that dam is armored with cement on its seaward side. Reconstruction of Harbor Road at Stony Brook Mill Pond should proceed expeditiously and be built in like kind to what was there previously except that the reconstructed dam should be armored on its seaward-side in a manner similar to the construction of its sister site in the Frank Melville Memorial Park.

We are fortunate that this event did not cause loss of human life, and that our volunteer first responders were unharmed. Another takeaway from this catastrophe is that its effects would have been worse if the proposed extensive construction of impermeable surfaces already existed on three large properties in the immediate watershed area, i.e., Flowerfield, Bull Run Farm and a former private school.

This ruinous flood should be a wake-up call for planners as they consider these and other intensive development proposals within the immediate watershed of Stony Brook Harbor and its Mill Pond. Going forward, this recent flood event should be top of mind — land use decisions here should reflect awareness, restraint and caution. Although we can hope that the unusual storm that eroded the Mill Pond dam at its base is not a new normal, exceptionally destructive weather events are occurring much more frequently than in the past. A similar torrential flood could occur at any time.

We should restore Stony Brook’s historic Mill Pond and, by extension, also preserve that extraordinary harbor and its namesake community.

Steve Englebright (D-Setauket) is the Suffolk County legislator for the 5th Legislative District and a former New York State Assemblyman.

By Toni-Elena Gallo

Newlyweds Ron Borgese and Hui Yan have suffered a setback to their lives together. But, an adorable puppy has managed to smooth it over a bit.

At 2:30 in the morning on Monday, Aug. 19, the couple’s tiny bichon, Snowy, startled them with loud barking. What they woke up to was catastrophic.

Last week’s severe rain storm destroyed the dam which separated Stony Brook’s Mill Pond from Stony Brook Harbor, and the Borgeses’ Main Street home was in the process of being demolished.

“We left the house, not in fear, but because we thought we might get wet, because a tree fell on our roof, and we thought we saw it come through the roof a little bit. We had no idea what was occurring, because the basement wasn’t even flooding. Then, all of a sudden, we had a torrential 1 foot, 2 foot, 4 foot — all in a half-hour’s time,” Borgese said.

He continued, “Because the dam broke, the whole Mill Pond rushed through a massive hole, which ultimately ripped off our bedroom, and the rest of our house is now condemned.”

Borgese said that Snowy is “our hero right now.” He said that if it wasn’t for him, there would be no doubt we would’ve been swept away with the currents.

As of now, the family is living in a hotel as they determine their next steps. And Snowy is doing great.

“We are waiting to hear from the insurance company, but they’re not cooperating very nicely, so far,” Borgese added. “So, I’m sure hoping that they’re going to do the right thing. If not, we’ll have to figure out what to do.”

He is hoping that FEMA and the Red Cross will be heavily involved with the repair efforts needed in Stony Brook village, and that Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) is serious about her promises to the area.