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Paul Braile

Paul Braile

By Peter Sloniewsky

Paul Braile’s volunteer commitments keep him constantly busy exemplifying his dedication to his community. Whether running Santa Claus Central at the First Methodist Church or managing work for the Port Jefferson Charles Dickens Festival, Braile’s packed schedule reflects his extraordinary commitment to volunteerism and his gift for bringing people together.

Braile has worked in theatrical stage lighting since 1995 on projects for television, movies, theater and corporations including the Super Bowl, Glee and the CBS Thanksgiving Day Parade. In 2001, he moved from New York City to Port Jefferson Village and founded Paul Braile Creative, a company specializing in innovative lighting design.

His volunteer work began in 2005 with the Greater Port Jefferson/Northern Brookhaven Arts Council where he provided lighting for the Charles Dickens Festival. Each year since (with the exception of 2020), Braile has illuminated 16 locations across the village creating magical displays for the community. Today, he serves as the vice-chair of the Arts Council.

Chair of the Council Allan Varela described Braile’s “creative sense and tireless work ethic” as unparalleled, citing his reconstruction of the Roe House Santa’s Workshop. Renamed ElfWorks, the project has become a beloved attraction delighting children and adults alike.

Beyond the Dickens Festival, Braile extends his talents to other community events. He creates lighting for the Port Jefferson High School prom where he also served as president in 2024. Introduced to the prom in 2005, Braile continues to help transform parents’ ideas into reality saying, “It’s all about community and what one can do that can make a difference.”

Braile’s influence goes beyond his artistry. Jon Famularo, a lighting designer who credits Braile with inspiring his career, described him as a mentor since middle school. Famularo praised Braile’s high-quality work and dedication saying, “Regardless if you know him or not, most everyone who sees the product he delivers is blown away.”

Port Jefferson Village Trustee Kyle Hill remarked that Braile’s imagination and creativity “know no limit” while Renee Lemmerman, director of recreation in Port Jefferson, described him as “kind, generous, creative, funny” and a “problem solver.” Co-worker Cindy Pipia added that Braile is a “visionary who strives to make all he brings to his volunteer activities better and better every year.”

Braile’s commitment to volunteerism stems from his love for his community. He describes Port Jefferson as “a community where strong friendships are born and continue to develop.” As for the future, Braile plans to continue volunteering, mentoring and contributing to the village he loves.

File photo by Raymond Janis

Putting the record straight

In response to Drew Biondo’s “A letter correction” in last week’s Letters to the Editor, I wholeheartedly stand by my declaration that “all elected trustees attended and sat at the dais,” regarding the town hall meeting about the East Beach bluff.

For the record, Drew Biondo was not elected. He was appointed. So yes, all elected trustees attended and sat at the dais.

Kathianne Snaden

Former Port Jeff Deputy Mayor

Port Jefferson 


Prom season is upon us

Prom season is upon us and there is probably no greater community tradition than the Port Jefferson Senior Prom. Since 1958, the senior prom has been a highly anticipated community event in our village. Valued partnerships with the school district, Village Hall, code enforcement and local businesses allow the Prom Committee to create a one-of-kind event not only for the senior class, but for the entire community.

We’ve been fortunate to have the extraordinary commitment of parents and community volunteers — some of whom have been volunteering with the prom for decades — to support us all along the way. Now, after a busy year of fundraising, creating, painting and constructing, we ae ready to build the prom! 

We begin Prom Build on Thursday, June 27, at 9 a.m. and will continue through Prom Night on Monday, July 1. We encourage community members to come lend a hand and take part in the transformation of the high school gym into an awe-inspiring venue, complete with custom designed vignettes, props and theatrical lighting. On July 1, we proudly show our creation to the public from 4-6 p.m., with the Drive-Up Procession and Red Carpet entrance following afterward. 

If you have never experienced the excitement of the Prom Build, we invite you to join in the amazing transformation of the high school. If you have volunteered at the prom before, we hope to see you and your friends again this year. The senior prom truly embodies the spirit of volunteerism and community, with volunteers of all ages and backgrounds working together to carry on the beloved tradition that is the Port Jefferson Senior Prom. 

Paul Braile 

President, Port Jefferson 

Senior Prom

May day

Russian nuclear missiles from Cuba have targeted the very heart and soul of America and shall be more destructive than Pearl Harbor. 

“Lord, what fools these mortals be” (Shakespeare). God bless America

Leonard Henderson

Port Jefferson