Suffolk County Water Authority is urging water conservation, amid record heat

Suffolk County Water Authority is urging water conservation, amid record heat

A conservation-related press conference held in May. From left to right: County Legislator Presiding Officer Kevin McCaffrey, SCWA Chairman Charles Lefkowitz, County Executive Ed Romaine and Babylon Town Supervisor Rich Schaffer. Photo courtesy SCWA

By Peter Sloniewsky

In response to the early summer heat waves, Suffolk County Water Authority has increased its efforts to promote water conservation.

The prime action taken by SCWA is in the form of an odd/even lawn watering system. In this system, customers with odd-numbered addresses may only water their lawns on odd-numbered days, and the inverse for even-numbered addresses. SCWA has also enacted a policy that forbids watering between the peak water usage hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

On average, approximately 70% of the 70 to 80 billion gallons of water pumped by SCWA each year will be used between May and October, largely due to the prevalence of in-ground sprinkler systems.

Increased strain on the system due to heat waves requires the construction of additional infrastructure unless water usage is reduced elsewhere. In this case, about two-thirds of the hundreds of public water wells are only necessary because of irrigation demands. This infrastructure would cost millions, and would be paid for by customers through increased rates.

If every household and business is to follow SCWA’s odd/even lawn watering schedule, it would effectively cut the biggest driver of water use in half, allowing the utility to keep pace with demand and preventing any need for additional infrastructure.

Encouraging customer response

Reassuringly, SCWA’s guidance has been respected by customers. In a July 17 press release, Chairman Charlie Lefkowitz said, “During hot periods of the summer, we have to pump up to 530,000 gallons of water per minute to keep up. This year we haven’t seen those levels, and we think it’s because customers are responding to our calls to save water.” He described these statistics as an “encouraging sign” for the remainder of the season.

SCWA has also made it clear that this system benefits consumers as well.

Citing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the same press release explained that most lawns only need about 1 inch of water per week to remain lush and green, whereas watering every day can lead to harmful patterns of root growth.

Jeff Szabo, chief executive officer, noted the decrease in cost to consumers, saying, “SCWA may be the smallest utility bill that most of our customers pay but the savings can add up.” Reducing demand will also keep rates low by avoiding the need for expensive additional infrastructure.

In addition to the odd/even watering system, SCWA has both enacted and improved some previously set policies for water use.

In 2020, SCWA implemented a tiered rate structure that charges high-usage customers more. Taken in accordance with an initiative by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, SCWA set the policy in an effort to reduce peak-season water use by 15%. The policy has reduced water usage since.

In recent years, SCWA has offered a program, Water Wise, as well. This program offers customer account credits for the purchase of water-saving devices such as rain barrels, EPA low-flow showerheads and solar pool covers.

However, as Lefkowitz made clear in the press release, “None of these things are a silver bullet for solving water conservation alone. … It’s going to take years to change the culture on Long Island but SCWA and other water providers in the region knowbthat this is necessary because our summers aren’t getting any cooler.”