Suffolk County Leg. Rob Trotta congratulates latest Eagle Scout of Troop 214

Suffolk County Leg. Rob Trotta congratulates latest Eagle Scout of Troop 214

Brayden Michael Dickneider receives a proclamation for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout from Suffolk County Legislator Rob Trotta.

Suffolk County Legislator Rob Trotta recognized Brayden Michael Dickneider of Troop 214 for attaining the esteemed rank of Eagle Scout at his Court of Honor at the Smithtown Presbyterian Church on January 4. During the ceremony, he presented Brayden with a proclamation to acknowledge this accomplishment.

Brayden completed the requirements to be eligible to receive the rank of Eagle Scout. For his community service project, Brayden installed a new fence at the Smithtown First Presbyterian Church.

“This is a very proud moment for Brayden, his family and friends and the other scouts. This accomplishment will be with him for the rest of his life, and I am sure he will serve as an inspiration to the younger scouts,” said Suffolk County Legislator Rob Trotta.



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