Letters to the Editor: Sept. 26, 2024
An open letter to the residents of Port Jefferson Station and Terryville
Many local residents are aware that there is a planned redevelopment at the Jefferson Plaza Shopping Center. However, not all our neighbors necessarily know the specific details which will shape the face of our community along the major thoroughfare of Route 112. This large-scale proposal may allow for up to 280 apartments and 49,000-plus square feet of commercial space on that 10-acre parcel. This intensive use has presented us all with an opportunity to see growth and revitalization of our area, but also the challenge to address potential negative impacts to the existing neighborhood.
Members of the Port Jefferson Station/Terryville Civic Association have worked diligently for the past two years to impress upon the Town of Brookhaven that we welcome this opportunity but that changes could help improve the project. In particular, we expressed a need for a comprehensive traffic study of the area which takes into account surrounding developments.
Others pointed out concerns about the unprecedented height of four-story buildings, voiced a desire for architectural design which could provide a sense of place, or questioned the need for full environmental review for a project which will nearly triple the density of any other multifamily developments in the town to date.
This entire proposal has its roots in a 2020 revision to the Town Code in the form of a Commercial Redevelopment District crafted and approved during the COVID-19 pandemic. This code, as written, seems vague and without any true metric on which to base a determination of the related density bonuses offered within the district. It is this CRD code which Staller Associates — owner of the Jefferson Shopping Center — is now pursuing for a precedent-setting change of zone on that property. It is my understanding that Brookhaven is prepared to vote on this motion and likely to approve it at its next Town Board meeting on Sept. 26 at Town Hall.
Last November, over 65 residents appeared at a public hearing to provide their input on what they wished to see for our community. Some of those comments have been incorporated by the developer into a few changes by the developer, at the urging and help of our Councilmember Jonathan Kornreich (D-Stony Brook). However, much still appears unresolved in the areas of public benefits, clarity on the commitment to a comprehensive traffic study, developing consensus on architectural design and a decision on the ultimate level of density upon buildout. Some believe we should trust this all gets dealt with during the site plan review process. I am hopeful and have advocated that these issues should be addressed before the zoning change is approved in order to achieve the best, transparent outcome possible for all parties.
I solicit my neighbors, regardless of your viewpoint, to go to Town Hall this Thursday evening so that your voice is heard. More “eyes and ears” on this pivotal project will helpfully inform our local decision-makers what the public feels about how best to proceed to take pride in the place we call home. In any event, stay engaged and get involved.
Ira Costell, President
Port Jefferson Station/ Terryville Civic Association
Port Jefferson electrification stuck in the slow lane
There is no funding allocated in the MTA’s proposed $68 billion 2025-2029 Five Year Capital Plan, just released, for advancement of the proposed $3.1 billion LIRR Port Jefferson Branch electrification project. Critical initial funding was not provided to pay for planning, preliminary design, engineering and the National Environmental Policy Act review to start advancement of this project. The next opportunity for funding will be under the 2030-2034 Five Year Capital Plan. Following the federal NEPA process is necessary to preserve future Federal Transit Administration funding eligibility.
There is only a vague reference in the plan to “improvements” on the Port Jefferson Branch. Contrast this with a specific reference to “looking at the feasibility to extend electrification of the Ronkonkoma Branch east from Ronkonkoma to Yaphank.”
Riders east of Babylon to Patchogue and Speonk can also only count on a vague reference to “improvements” which doesn’t include electrification. No specific dollar figures, detailed scope of work or implementation schedule are attached to either Port Jefferson or Speonk Branch improvements.
MTA Chairman Janno Lieber would have to request permission from the FTA to enter this project into the agency’s Capital Investment Grants (New Starts/Core Capacity) national discretionary competitive grant program.
Funding for final design and engineering, property easements, land acquisition and utility relocation could be allocated under the 2035-2039 Five Year Capital Plan. This would be followed by $1.6 billion — probably far more due to inflation — in local MTA funding included in the MTA 2040-2044 Five Year Capital Plan. These dollars are necessary to leverage FTA funding.
Based upon my past experiences on other FTA-MTA-LIRR projects, even if all goes well as I’ve outlined, Port Jefferson Branch electrification may not be completed until 2050. With inflation over time, the final project cost could easily grow to $4 billion and more.
The LIRR 1960s motto “Line of the Dashing Dan” should be changed to “Line of the Slow Moving Sloth” when it comes to completing LIRR Port Jefferson Branch electrification. The concept of electrification was first proposed back in the 1950s!
Larry Penner
Great Neck
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