Joshua Ayres of Troop 75 attains rank of Eagle Scout
Recently, Suffolk County Legislator Rob Trotta and Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick attended the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Joshua Ayres at the Kings Park High School, where Joshua is a senior.
Through his scouting activities, leadership skills, acquiring merit badges, and completing his community service project, Joshua received the rank of Eagle Scout. For his Eagle Scout project, he created and supervised the building of an outdoor fitness gym with four stations on the field of the Kings Park High School. Joshua donated the remaining $900 that he raised for the project to the track team.
At the Eagle Scout Court of Honor, Legislator Trotta presented Joshua with a proclamation and Assemblyman Fitzpatrick provided him with a certificate and a letter of commendation for his attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout.
“This is a wonderful occasion for Joshua, his family and friends and the other scouts. This accomplishment will be with you for the rest of your life, and I hope you will serve as an inspiration to the younger scouts,” said Leg. Trotta.