Times … and dates: March 14 to March 21, 2024

Times … and dates: March 14 to March 21, 2024

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TICK, TICK, TICKING AWAY Last chance to see tick, tick ... BOOM! at Theatre Three in Port Jefferson. The show starring Jason Furnari, Robbie Torres and Veronica Fox closes on March 16. Photo by Steven Uihlein, Theatre Three Productions, Inc.
Thursday March 14

Long Island School Fair

Cold Spring Harbor Public Library, 95 Harbor Road, Cold Spring Harbor will host a Long Island School Fair from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Get ready to explore the best schools in the area. Come and meet representatives from various schools and learn about their programs, extracurricular activities, and more. Prior registration is appreciated but not required. 516-364-5414

Friday March 15

Third Friday at the Reboli

The Reboli Center for Art and History, 64 Main St., Stony Brook continues its Third Friday series with a closing reception for its Bricks and Steel exhibit from 6 to 8 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Free. No reservations required. 631-751-7707

Symphony Orchestra Concert

The Northport Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Music Director Eric Mahl, will present a special family concert of classical music at Northport High School, 154 Laurel Hill Road Northport at 7 p.m. The concert will feature excerpts from musical works by a variety of composers including Mussorgsky, Rossini, Grieg, Saint-Saens, and others. Admission is free; bring your children and show them what a wonderful world awaits them as they learn about these classical masterpieces! www.northportsymphony.org.

Game Night in St. James

Celebrate St. James hosts an adult Game Night at the St. James Community Cultural Arts Center, 176 Second St., St. James from 7 to 10 p.m. Enjoy board games, card games and light refreshments. $10 donation. To register, visit www.celebratestjames.org. 631-984-0201

NHS Pub Nite

Start your St. Patrick’s weekend with the Northport Historical Society, 215 Main St., Northport’s annual Pub Nite at 7 p.m. Enjoy live Irish music by The O’McSki’s Regulars with dinner provided by The Shipwreck Diner. Plus, Curator Terry Reid challenges you throughout the evening with Northport trivia for a chance to win prizes! Ages 21+ only. Tickets are $70 per person, $60 members at www.northporthistorical.org. 631-757-9859

WinterTide Concert

The Village of Port Jefferson Dept. of Recreation and the Greater Port Jefferson Arts Council continue their Winter Tide concert series at the Port Jefferson Village Center, 101 E. Broadway, Port Jefferson with a performance by Huntington-based husband/wife duo Princess Peapod in the Sail Loft Room (3rd floor) from 7 to 8 p.m. Harmonious vocals will delight during this special evening. Tickets are $5 at the door. 631-802-2160

Saturday March 16

Caumsett Hike

Join the staff at Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve, 25 Lloyd Harbor Road, Huntington for a Winter Water Walk for adults from 9:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Observe winter waterfowl, explore the beach, and also learn about ponds on this 4 mile walk to and from the water. Bring binoculars! $4 per person. Advance registration required by calling 631-423- 1770.

HHM Polar Plunge

Hope House Ministries presents the first Hope House Alumni Polar Plunge & Breakfast at Harborfront Park and the Port Jefferson Village Center, 101 E. Broadway, Port Jefferson from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All plungers must check in between 10 and 11 a.m. at the  Village Center; plunge is at 11:15 a.m. at the beach by the PJ Big Chair. Come out for the event and learn more about the Hope House Endurance Team and their work to support those in recovery. Register at www.hhm.org/polar-plunge-2024

SWR Garden Club presentation

Wading River Congregational Church, 2057 North Country Road, Wading River hosts a presentation by the Shoreham-Wading River Garden Club at 10:30 a.m. Master Gardener Nancy Gilbert from Wind’s Way Farm in Jamesport will give a talk on “Gardening for Birds. What to Plant and Which Birds Like It.” Admission is free and all are welcome.  Donations for food pantries will be appreciated. 631-987-3733

Spring Festival and Egg Hunt

Sweetbriar Nature Center, 62 Eckernkamp Drive, Smithtown hosts its annual Spring Festival and Egg Hunt from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy games, an egg hunt, animal presentations, crafts, face painting, and more. A special long-earned guest will be available for photo opportunities and refreshments will be available for purchase. Bring a basket. Rain date is March 17. $25 per child, $5 adults. Register at www.sweetbriarnc.org. 631-979-6344

Irish Comedy Night

In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, the Smithtown Performing Arts Center, 2 E. Main St., Smithtown presents an Irish Comedy Night at 8 p.m. in partnership with Governor’s Comedy Clubs. Comedic line-up includes Mick Thomas, Sean Finnerty, Debbie D’Amore and Dennis Rooney. Tickets are $40 per person at www.smithtownpac.org.

Sunday March 17

Shamrock Bird Walk

Bundle up and join the staff at Sunken Meadow State Park, Sunken Meadow Parkway, Kings Park for some late winter birding from 1:30 to 3 p.m. On this brisk stroll along the beach, marsh, and creek, we will discover the birds that make Sunken Meadow their home for the winter. $4 per person. Reservations taken on eventbrite.com.

Northport Walking Tour

Northport Historical Society, 215 Main St., Northport presents a Historic Main Street Walking Tour at 1:30 p.m. Join local historian Dan Sheehan as he weaves the tale of Northport’s Historic Business District during this lively walking tour of Main Street. Travel back in time as you hear the stories of the people and landmarks that helped shape Northport, including Jack Kerouac, the Northport Oyster Barons, Rum Runners and the Trolley. All ages welcome. Cost is $7 per person at www.northporthistorical.org. 631-757-9859

Reboli lecture and book signing

Join the Reboli Center for Art and History, 64 Main St., Stony Brook for a lecture titled The History of Mary L. Booth with Tricia Foley from 3 to 5 p.m. A book signing will follow. Light refreshments will be served. Free. No reservations required. 631-751-7707

Ridotto Concert

Huntington Jewish Center, 510 Park Ave., Huntington hosts a Ridotto concert, concerts with a touch of theater, at 4 p.m. Violinist Jennifer Choi, cellist Yves Dhar, and pianist Sayaka Tanikawa perform works by JS Bach, Brahms Piano Trio no.2, Schnittke and more. Margaretha Maimone is narrator. Tickets are $35, $30 seniors, $25 members, $12 students. For reservations, call 631-385-0373, or email [email protected]

Monday March 18

SHS lecture

The Spring Lecture Series continues at the Smithtown Historical Society’s Frank Brush Barn, 211 E. Main St., Smithtown with Long Island Role in the American Revolution at 7 p.m. Join local historian Nole Gish as he discusses Long Island’s significant role in the journey for American Independence almost 350 years ago. Free but donations suggested. Lighy refreshments will be served. 631-265-6768

Preparing for the Solar Eclipse

Comsewogue Public Library, 170 Terryville Road, Port Jefferson Station presents The Solar Eclipse” What You Need to Know from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Learn all about solar and lunar eclipses with Helene Link Robinson in advance of the upcoming solar eclipse in New York on April 8. Open to all. Call 631-928-1212 or visit www.cplib.org to register.

TVHS lecture

Three Village Historical Society continues its lecture series at the Setauket Neighborhood House, 95 Main St., Setauket at 7 p.m. Should “Founding Fathers” be called “Founding Figures”? Is there room in the story of America’s founding for an enslaved woman of color? Join historian and author Claire Bellerjeau as she introduces Elizabeth, or Liss. Enslaved on Long Island, Liss showed great agency when she risked everything to escape with a British commander during the Revolutionary War. Free, donations appreciated. To register, visit www.tvhs.org. 631-751-3730

Tuesday March 19

NSJC Social Club event

North Shore Jewish Center Social Club, 385 Old Town Road, Port Jefferson Station invites the community to a concert by  Johnny Whimple, an NSJC favorite guitarist and singer, in the Social Hall at 11 a.m. Bagels, cream cheese and coffee will be served. $5 per person, $4 members. 631-928-3737

Easter Wreath Craft

Seniors ages 60 and older are invited to make a free Easter craft at the Rose Caracappa Senior Center, 739 Route 25A, Mt. Sinai at noon. Participants will be making an Easter-inspired wreath for the refrigerator. Supplies will be provided. Sponsored by Bellhaven Center for Rehabilitation & Nursing Care. To register, call 631-451-5312.

Swing Into Spring Festival

The Jazz Loft, 275 Christian Ave., Stony Brook and Suffolk County Legislator Steve Englebright present the 7th annual Swing Into Spring Music Festival tonight through March 23, bringing with it an assortment of opportunities to hear live jazz music throughout Setauket and Stony Brook at six locations including The Jazz Loft, Sweet Mama’s, Schnitzels, The Country House, Madiran Wine Bar, Bliss Restaurant and the Three Village Inn.  For a full schedule of events, visit www.thejazzloft.org or click here. 631-751-1895

Travel Presentation Club Meeting

The Travel Presentation Club will meet at the Emma S. Clark Memorial Library, 120 Main St., Setauket at 7 p.m. John Colatosti will make a presentation entitled “Travel around the world in 80 days.” All are welcome.Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Wednesday March 20

Swing Into Spring Festival

See March 19 listing.

Provost Spotlight Talk

Stony Brook University, 100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook will present a Provost Spotlight Talk at the Charles B. Wang Center Theatre at 11:30 a.m. Barry Barish, 2017 Nobel Laureate, will give a presentation titled Gravitational Waves: Unraveling the Mysteries of Our Universe with a reception to follow. Free and open to the public. 

Needle Felting Workshop

Huntington Historical Society presents a Needle Felting Rabbit workshop at the Conklin Barn, 2 High St., Huntington from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Learn the creative art of wool felting! Your instructor, Michele Miroff, will provide all materials and guide you through creating an adorable wool-felted rabbit. Fee is $40, $35 members. To register, visit www.huntingtonhistoricalsociety.org.

The Scooches in Concert

The Scooches will bring an eclectic mix of Roaring ‘20s, global folk, blues, gospel, New Orleans jazz, Americana, and more to the Cinema Arts Centre’s Sky Room, 423 Park Avenue, Huntington from 7 to 10 p.m., as part of the monthly Hard Luck Café concert series co-presented with the Folk Music Society of Huntington. An open mic, for which sign-up is at 6:30 p.m, precedes the concert. Tickets are $25, $20 for Cinema Arts Centre/FMSH members). To purchase in advance, visit www.cinemaartscentre.org.

Thursday March 21

Swing Into Spring Festival

See March 19 listing.

Thankful Thursday at the Vanderbilt

Suffolk County Vanderbilt Planetarium, 180 Little Neck Road, Centerport continues its Thankful Thursdays series tonight with a free family-friendly planetarium show titled STARS: The Powerhouses of the Universe narrated by Mark Hamill at 7 p.m. After the show, the observatory will be opened to the public and an astronomy educator will invite you to look through a telescope at the night sky (weather permitting). Recommended for ages 6+. Register at www.vanderbiltmuseum.org.

How to Survive Rising Food Prices

Join Comsewogue Public Library, 170 Terryville Road, Port Jefferson Station for an informative lecture on How to Survive Rising Food Prices from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Discover ways to save money in the supermarket along with how to prepare meals that are budget-friendly with Janice Imbrogno. Open to all. Call 631-928-1212 or visit www.cplib.org to register.


‘Tick ,Tick … Boom!’ 

Theatre Three, 412 Main Street, Port Jefferson presents tick, tick…Boom! from Feb. 17 to March 16. This semi-autobiographical pop/rock musical by Jonathan Larson, the Pulitzer-Prize and Tony Award winning creator of RENT, inspired Lin Manuel Miranda’s 2021 Netflix movie adaptation and explores the sacrifices one man makes and the passion it takes to pursue a dream. Tickets are $40 adults, $32 seniors and students. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com. 

‘The Thanksgiving Play’

The Theaters at Suffolk County Community College present The Thanksgiving Play at the Ammerman Campus, 533 College Road, Selden, Islip Arts Building, Theatre 119 from March 7 to 17. Four (very) well-intentioned theatre people walk into an elementary school. The work at hand: a Thanksgiving pageant that won’t ruffle any feathers. What could possibly go wrong? Admission is $15, veterans and students $10. For tickets, call 631-451-4163.

Festival of One-Act Plays

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson presents the 25th annual Festival of One-Act Plays from  Feb. 24 to March 23 at The Ronald F. Peierls Theatre, on the Second Stage. Selected from over 2,000 submissions world-wide, these eight cutting-edge premieres are guaranteed to entertain and engage. Directed by Jeffrey Sanzel, the plays will feature Sean Amato, Ginger Dalton, Jae Hughes, Brittany Lacey, Phyllis March, Andrew Markowitz, Linda May, Rob Schindlar, Evan Teich, Steven Uihlein, Julia Albino, Courtney Gilmore, Gina Lardi, and Cassidy Rose O’Brien. Please Note: Adult content and language. All seats are $25. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

‘Jersey Boys’

John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St. Northport presents Jersey Boys, the story of Franki Valli & The Four Seasons, from March 14 to May 26. They were just 4 guys from Jersey until they sang their very first note–a sound the radio just couldn’t get enough of. But while their harmonies were perfect on stage, off stage was a different story–a story that has made them a sensation all over again. Winner of the 2006 Tony© Award for “Best Musical,” Jersey Boys features the top ten hits “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Walk Like A Man,” “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You,” and “December, 1963 (Oh What A Night).” To order tickets, call 631-261-2900 or visit www.engemantheater.com. 

‘The Crucible’

Star Playhouse at the Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Road, Commack presents Arthur Miller’s The Crucible on March 16 at 8 p.m. and March 17 at 2 p.m. This exciting drama about the Puritan purge of witchcraft in old Salem is both a gripping historical play and a timely parable of our contemporary society. Tickets are $32 $25 member/senior/student. To order, visit www.starplayhouse.com.

Vendors Wanted

Smithtown Historical Society, 239 E. Main St., Smithtown seeks vendors for its Easter Festival on March 30 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Rain date is March 31) $75 for a 10’ by 10’ spot up to March 22, $100 after March 22. Call 631-265-6768 or email [email protected] for an application or more info.

Benner’s Farm, 56 Gnarled Hollow Road, East Setauket is now accepting vendors for its popular Easter Egg Hunts on March 29, March 30 and March 31. $50 for one day, $90 two days, $125 three days for a 10’ X 10’ spot. To apply, call 631-689-8172 or email [email protected].

Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce has a few more vendor spaces left for its 15th annual Health and Wellness Fair at the Meadow Club, 1147 Route 112, Port Jefferson Station on April 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Reservations of $300 non-chamber members, $250 chamber members, $100 non-local not-for-profit includes a 6’ table, white table cloth and two chairs. Call 631-473-1414 for more information.

Hallockville Museum Farm, 6038 Sound Ave., Riverhead seeks vendors for its annual Fleece & Fiber Festival on May 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Rain date is May 19). $155 early bird rate for 10 X 10’ outdoor space, $175 after March 1. Artisans sharing handmade and authentic works for sale may apply at www.hallockville.org by April 1. 631-298-5292.

Three Village Historical Society, 93 North Country Road, Setauket seeks vendors for its annual Community Wide Yard Sale on May 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Each 10 x 10 space is up for grabs at $50, $35 members. Reserve your spot now at www.tvhs.org/yardsale. 631-751-3730

The Whaling Museum, 301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor seeks vendors for its annual Sea Glass Festival on July 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vendors offering handmade or one-of-a-kind items honoring historic glass are welcome to apply. Get all the details and access the vendor application at cshwhalingmuseum.org/seaglass.

Farmers Markets

Huntington Farmers Market

Spirit of Huntington Art Center, 2 Melville Road North, Huntington Station hosts the Long Island Winter Farmers Market every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through March. 631-470-9620

Port Jefferson Farmers Market

The Port Jefferson Winter Farmers Market returns to the Port Jefferson Village Center, 101 E. Broadway, Port Jefferson on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through April 28. 631-802-2160

Lake Grove Farmers Market

Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove hosts a Winter Farmers Market in the southwestern quadrant of the parking lot (adjacent to Bahama Breeze) on Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 516-444-1280

Class Reunions

Centereach High School Class of 1974 will hold its 50th reunion at the Meadow Club, 1147 Route 112, Port Jefferson Station on April 26 from 6 to 10 p.m. For more information, email Jean Ann Renzulli at [email protected].

Port Jefferson High School Class of 1964 will hold its 60th reunion at the Meadow Club, 1147 Route 112, Port Jefferson Station on Oct. 17. For more information, email Mike Whelen at [email protected].