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Image from BNL
Lab celebrates a year of scientific successes, from creating the biggest bits of antimatter to improving qubits, catalysts, batteries, and more!

With one-of-a-kind research facilities leveraged by scientists from across the nation and around the world, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory is a veritable city of science. Each year brings discoveries, from the scale of subatomic particles to the vastness of Earth’s atmosphere and the cosmos, that have the potential to power new technologies and provide solutions to major societal challenges. Here, the Lab presents, in no particular order, its top 10 discoveries of 2024 … plus a few major Brookhaven Lab milestones.

Heaviest antimatter nucleus

Antimatter sounds exotic, but it really does exist — just not for long. This year, scientists studying collisions of atomic nuclei at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) — an “atom smasher” that recreates the conditions of the early universe — discovered the heaviest antimatter nucleus ever detected. It’s composed of four antimatter particles: an antiproton, two antineutrons, and a particle called an antihyperon. It lasts only a fraction of a second before decaying into other particles. To find it, physicists from RHIC’s STAR collaboration searched through particles streaming from billions of collisions to find just 16 of the rare “antihyperhydrogen-4” particles. There used to be lots of antimatter, back when the universe first formed, but when antimatter meets ordinary matter, the two self-destruct. The ability to create new antimatter particles today, like these heavy antimatter nuclei, gives scientists new ways to test for matter-antimatter differences that might explain why the universe is made only of matter.

Low-temp, direct conversion of natural gas to liquid fuel

Brookhaven Lab chemists engineered a highly selective catalyst that can convert methane, a major component of natural gas, into methanol, an easily transportable liquid fuel, in a single, one-step reaction. This direct process for methane-to-methanol conversion runs at a temperature lower than required to make tea and exclusively produces methanol without additional byproducts. That’s a big advance over more complex traditional conversions that typically require three separate reactions, each under different conditions, including vastly higher temperatures. The simplicity of the system could make it particularly useful for tapping “stranded” natural gas reserves in isolated rural areas, far from the costly infrastructure of pipelines and chemical refineries, and without the need to transport high-pressure, flammable liquified natural gas. The team made use of tools at two DOE Office of Science user facilities at Brookhaven Lab, the Center for Functional Nanomaterials and the National Synchrotron Light Source II. They are exploring ways to work with entrepreneurial partners to bring the technology to market.

Plants’ sugar-sensing machinery


Proteins are molecular machines, with flexible pieces and moving parts. Understanding how these parts move helps scientists unravel the function that a protein plays in living things — and potentially how to change its effects. This year, a team led by Brookhaven Lab biochemists working with colleagues from DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory discovered how protein machinery in plants controls whether the plants can grow and make energy-intensive products such as oil — or instead put in place a series of steps to conserve precious resources. The researchers showed how the molecular machinery is regulated by a molecule that rises and falls with the level of sugar, the product of photosynthesis and plants’ main energy source. The research could help identify proteins or parts of proteins that scientists could engineer to make plants that produce more oil for use as biofuels or other oil-based products.

Protecting a promising qubit material

Tantalum is a superconducting material that shows great promise for building qubits, the basis of quantum computers. This year, a team that spans multiple Brookhaven departments discovered that adding a thin layer of magnesium improves tantalum by keeping it from oxidizing. The coating also improves tantalum’s purity and raises the temperature at which it operates as a superconductor. All three effects may increase tantalum’s ability to hold onto quantum information in qubits. This work was carried out as part of the Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage, a Brookhaven-led National Quantum Information Science Research Center, and included scientists from the Lab’s Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science Department, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, and National Synchrotron Light Source II, as well as theorists at DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. It built on earlier work that also included scientists from Princeton University.

Where cloud droplets are born

A team led by Brookhaven Lab atmospheric scientists made the first-ever remote-sensing observations of the cloud-droplet “birth zone” at the base of clouds, where aerosol particles suspended in Earth’s atmosphere give rise to the droplets that ultimately form clouds. The number of droplets formed in this transition zone will affect a cloud’s later stages and properties, including their reflection of sunlight and the likelihood of precipitation. The research was made possible by a high-resolution LIDAR system that sends laser beams into the atmosphere and measures the signals of backscattered light with a resolution of 10 centimeters. This tool, developed by the Brookhaven scientists in collaboration with colleagues from the Stevens Institute of Technology and Raymetrics S.A., will enhance scientists’ understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions and help them gain insight into how changes in atmospheric aerosol levels could affect clouds and climate — without having to fly up into the clouds.

Hacking DNA to make next-gen materials

Scientists at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) are experts at using DNA as a tool for “programming” molecules to self-assemble into 3D nanostructures. By directing molecular and nanoscale building blocks toward specific arrangements they’ve designed, the researchers create novel, functional materials that exhibit desirable properties like electrical conductivity, photosensitivity, and chemical activity. This year, a team of researchers from CFN, Columbia University, and Stony Brook University significantly improved this process and expanded its applications. By stacking several material synthesis techniques, the team developed a new method of DNA-directed self-assembly that enables the production of a wide variety of metallic and semiconductor 3D nanostructures — the potential base materials for next-generation semiconductor devices, neuromorphic computing, and advanced energy applications. It is the first method of its kind to produce robust and designed 3D nanostructures from multiple material classes, setting the stage for new breakthroughs in advanced manufacturing at small scales.

Scientists calculate predictions for EIC measurements

Nuclear theorists used supercomputer calculations to accurately predict the distribution of electric charges in mesons, particles made of a quark and an antiquark. These predictions will provide a basis for comparison in future experiments at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), a facility that, among other goals, will explore how quarks, and the gluons that hold them together, are distributed within mesons, protons, and neutrons. The calculations also helped validate “factorization,” a widely used approach for deciphering particle properties. This approach breaks complex physical processes into two components, or factors, and will enable many more EIC predictions and more confident interpretations of experimental results. Calculations like these will help EIC scientists unravel how the fundamental building blocks that make up atoms stick together.

Atomic ‘GPS’ uncovers hidden material phase

schematic shows how the absorption of a laser photon initiates a small change that propagates throug

Brookhaven scientists created the first-ever atomic movies showing how atoms rearrange locally within a quantum material as it transitions from an insulator to a metal. Their research marked a methodological achievement, as they demonstrated that a materials characterization technique called atomic pair distribution function (PDF) is feasible — and successful — at X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facilities. PDF is typically used to observe materials that change over minutes to hours at synchrotron light sources, but the bright and short X-ray pulses produced by an XFEL facility enabled the capture of atomic movement on a picosecond time scale. With the new ultrafast PDF technique, which provides atomic routes like a navigation app, the researchers discovered a “hidden” material state, providing new insight into what really happens when certain quantum materials are excited by a laser.

Chemists engineer surprising battery chemistry

Lithium-metal batteries, which have lithium metal anodes, can store more than twice the energy of lithium-ion batteries with graphite anodes. Yet most battery-operated devices are still powered by lithium-ion batteries. This year, Brookhaven chemists made significant contributions to DOE’s lithium-metal battery efforts by adding a compound called cesium nitrateto the electrolyte separating the battery’s anode and cathode. Their addition ultimately targeted the interphase, a protective layer formed on the battery’s electrodes and closely linked to the number of times a battery can be charged and discharged. The cesium nitrate additive made the batteries recharge faster while maintaining cycle life. However, closer analysis with tools at the National Synchrotron Light Source II and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials revealed two surprises: an unexpected interphase component and the absence of one previously considered essential for good battery performance. Though these findings challenge conventional battery beliefs, they create new opportunities for battery engineering.

X-rays unlock structure and function in cells

Every plant, animal, and person is a complex microcosm of tiny, specialized cells. These cells are like their own worlds, each with unique parts and processes that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Being able to see the inner workings of these microscopic building blocks at nanometer resolution without harming their delicate parts has been a challenge. But this year, Brookhaven Lab biologists and scientists at the National Synchrotron Light Source II used a combination of X-ray methods to see inside cells in a whole new way. By using both hard X-ray computed tomography and X-ray fluorescence microscopy, they can reveal not just the structural details but also the chemical processes inside cells. This multimodal X-ray imaging approach could have significant implications in fields such as medicine, bioenergy, agriculture, and other important areas.

Other major milestones Brookhaven Lab celebrated this year

Electron-Ion Collider begins procurements

DOE gave the go-ahead for the purchase of “long-lead” equipment, services, and/or materials needed to build a state-of-the-art Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). This nuclear physics facility will be built at Brookhaven in partnership with DOE’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and a wide range of other partners to explore the inner workings of the building blocks of matter and the strongest force in nature. Purchasing materials and equipment needed for sophisticated components for the EIC accelerator, detector, and supporting infrastructure ensures that the team will be ready when construction begins. It’s an important step toward the ultimate goal of efficiently delivering one of the most challenging and exciting accelerator complexes ever built by the mid 2030s.

Scientific data storage record

The Lab’s Scientific Data and Computing Center now stores more than 300 petabytes of data — the largest compilation of nuclear and particle physics data in the U.S. For comparison, that’s far more data than would be needed to represent everything written in human history plus all the movies ever created. The cache comes from experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, located at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Thanks to a combination of relatively economical tape storage and a robot-driven system for mounting data to disks, the cache is easily accessible to collaborators all around the world. The system is set up to meet evolving and expanding data needs for a range of existing experiments at Brookhaven and beyond, including the future Electron-Ion Collider.

NSLS-II celebrates 10 years of light

On Oct. 23, the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) celebrated its 10th anniversary of first light, the moment when its first X-rays were delivered. Over the last decade, this ultrabright light source has grown from six beamlines to 29, ramped up its accelerator current from 50 milliamperes to 500 milliamperes, hosted nearly 6,000 visiting researchers from around the world, and published more than 3,200 research papers. Since 2014, NSLS-II has enabled researchers to study the physical, chemical, and electronic makeup of materials with nanoscale resolution. And with continual advancements over its 10-year history, the facility remains one of the world’s most advanced light sources, accelerating breakthroughs in fields ranging from biology to quantum information science.

Atmospheric observatory opens in Alabama

Brookhaven Lab’s world-leading atmospheric scientists led the plan to install a suite of DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility instruments at a new observatory in the Southeastern U.S. The Bankhead National Forest observatory opened on Oct. 1 and hosted its first scientific workshop and media tours earlier this month. For at least five years, the observatory will provide data for scientists to investigate the complex interactions among clouds, vegetation, and aerosols suspended in the atmosphere. The observatory will contribute valuable insights into aerosol-cloud interactions and feed data to weather and climate models for a more comprehensive understanding of Earth’s atmospheric dynamics.

The research described above was funded primarily by the DOE Office of Science. RHIC, CFN, NSLS-II, and ARM are DOE Office of Science user facilities.

Brookhaven National Laboratory is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit science.energy.gov.

Brookhaven National Laboratory Director JoAnne Hewett. Photo by Jessica Rotkiewicz/BNL

By Daniel Dunaief

Instead of flying a plane through clouds and gathering data during a three to five second window of time, researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory are one of three teams proposing constructing a cloud chamber.

This new research facility would allow them to control the environment and tweak it with different aerosols, enabling them to see how changes affect drizzle formation.

“This is fascinating,” said JoAnne Hewett, Director of BNL and a self-professed “science geek.”

Hewett, whose background is in theoretical physics and who came to BNL from SLAC National Accelerator Lab in Menlo Park, California, has been the director of the Upton-based lab since April of 2023.

In a celebrity podcast interview, which will be posted on TBR News Media’s website (tbrnewsmedia.com) and Spotify, Hewett addressed a wide range of issues, from updates on developing new technologies such as the Electron Ion Collider and the construction of buildings, to the return of students to the long-awaited reopening of the cafeteria.

The U.S. Department of Energy is currently considering the proposals for the cloud chamber and has taken the first steps towards initiating the project.

Hewett, who is the first woman to lead the national lab in its 77-year history, is hoping the winner will be announced this year.

More x-ray tools

In a discussion about the National Synchrotron Lightsource II, which is a circular electron accelerator ring that sends x-rays into the specialized beamlines, Hewett described a study at the recently opened High Energy X-ray Scattering beamline, or HEX.

The state-funded HEX, which is designed for battery research, recently hosted an experiment to examine the vertebrae from Triceratops.

The NSLS-II, which opened a decade ago and has produced important results in a range of fields, will continue to add beamlines. BNL recently received approval to build another eight to 12 beamlines, depending on available funding. The lab will add one beamline in 2025 and another two in 2026.

Electron-Ion Collider

BNL, meanwhile, is continuing to take important steps in planning for an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), an ambitious $2.8 billion project the lab won the rights to construct.

The collider, which will reveal secrets of the quarks and gluons that make up atoms, will start construction in 2026 and is expected to generate data sometime in the early 2030’s.

As groups of scientists develop plans for the EIC, they apply to the government to reach various milestones.

In March of this year, the lab met a hurdle called CD3A, which provided $100 million in funding for long lead procurements for some of the parts for the 2.4 mile circumference particle collider.

The next review, called CD3B, will be in early January and will involve $50 million in funding.

The funding for these steps involves ordering parts that the lab knows will be necessary.

The EIC will address five key questions, including how does a proton acquire its spin, what is the nature of dense gluon matter, how do quarks and gluons interact within a nucleus, what is the role of gluons in generating nuclear binding energy, and how do the properties of a proton emerge from its quark and gluon constituents.

Researchers expect the results to have application in a wide range of fields, from materials science, to medicine, to creating tools for complex simulations in areas including climate change.

Return of students

After the Covid pandemic shut down visits from area primary schools, students are now returning in increasingly large numbers.

In 2023, around 22,000 students had a chance to find scientific inspiration at BNL, which is starting to approach the pre-pandemic levels of around 30,000.

School buses come to the science learning center on the campus almost every day.

In addition, BNL hosted a record number of student internships, which are typically for college-age students.

In addition to inspiring an understanding and potentially building careers in science, BNL is now opening a new facility. The science users and support center, which is just outside the gate for the lab, is a three-story building with meeting room space.

“It’s going to be a one-stop-shop” for visiting scientists who come to the lab, Hewett said. Visiting scientists can take care of details like badging and lodges, which they previously did in separate buildings.

Additionally, for staff and visitors, BNL reopened a cafeteria that had been closed for five years. The cafeteria will serve breakfast and lunch with hot food.

“That’s another milestone for the laboratory,” Hewett said. With the extended time when the cafeteria was closed, just about everything will be new on the menu. The reopening of the facility took years because of “all the legalese” in the contract, she added.

A new vision

Hewett spent the first nine months of her tenure getting to know the people and learning the culture of the lab.

She suggested she has a new vision that includes four strategic initiatives. These are: the building blocks of the universe, which includes the Electron-Ion Collider; leading in discovery with light-enabled science, which includes the National Synchrotron Lightsource II; development of the next generation information sciences, including quantum information sciences, microelectronics and artificial intelligence; and addressing environmental and societal challenges.

As for the political landscape and funding for science, Hewett suggested that new administrations always have a change in priorities.

“We’re in the business of doing science,” she said. “Science does not observe politics. It’s not red or blue: it’s just facts.”

She suggested that generally, traditional basic research tends to do fairly well.

The BNL lab director, however, is “always making a concerted effort to justify why this investment [of taxpayer dollars] is necessary,” she said. “That’s not going to change one bit.”

After a recent visit to Capitol Hill, Hewett described her relationship with the New York delegation as “great.” She appreciates how the division that affects people’s perspectives in different parts of the world and that has led to conflicts doesn’t often infect scientists or their goals.

In the field of particle physics, “you have Israelis and Palestinians literally working together side by side,” she said. “It all comes to down to the people doing the science and not the government they happen to live under.”

Hewett also continues to believe in the value of diverse experience in the workplace. “We need the best and the brightest,” she said. “I don’t care if they’re pink with purple polka dots: we want them here at the laboratory doing science for us. We want to develop the workforce of the future.”

Adding key hires

As Hewett has settled into her role, she would like to fill some important staff functions. “This is really two or three jobs that I have to get done in the time it takes to do one job,” she said. “A chief of staff is very much needed to help move some of these projects along.”

Additionally, she is looking for someone to lead research partnerships and technology transfer. “As you do the great science, you want to be able to work hand in hand with industry in order to do the development of that science,” she said.

She said this disconnect between research and industry was known as the “Valley of Death.” Institutions like BNL “do fundamental science and industry has a product, and you don’t do enough of the work to match the two with each other.”

Image from BNL

At the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, scientists make history while expanding the frontiers of discovery.

Brookhaven Lab will host a celebration for the milestone anniversaries of two Nobel Prize-winning discoveries — as well as future explorations in physics. This symposium will be held at Brookhaven Lab on Friday, Nov. 22, from 1 to 6 p.m. EST in Berkner Hall.

The event, titled “Decades of Discovery at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Charge-Parity Violation, J/psi, and Future Endeavors in Physics,” is free and open to the public. Visitors to the Laboratory ages 16 and older must bring valid, government-issued photo ID. Digital IDs and copies cannot be accepted.

Those who can’t join in person may attend virtually.

Whether participating in person or virtually, attendees are asked to register as soon as possible.

Register here

About the event

This symposium will feature talks on the discoveries of charge-parity (CP) violation, the J/psi particle, and their impacts on physics research.

“Physicists study particles to unlock mysteries of how the universe works,” said JoAnne Hewett, director of Brookhaven Lab, theoretical physicist, and a featured speaker at the event. “As we celebrate and build on these discoveries, we look ahead to experiments around the world, including the future Electron-Ion Collider, which will use the J/psi for precise measurements inside the atom’s nucleus. We have questions that, today, are unanswered and will be resolved years from now.”

The event will also provide insights on current and future experiments to advance our understanding of the universe, particularly at the:

The list of speakers scheduled to present — including Hewett, Nobel Laureate Samuel Ting, distinguished physicist Martin Breidenbach, former Brookhaven Lab Director Nicholas Samios, historian Robert Crease, and others — is available here.

Refreshments will be served for those who attend in person. The symposium will conclude with a toast to discovery science’s past, present, and future.

About the Nobel Prize-winning discoveries
From left: Nobel Laureates Val Fitch and James CroninenlargeFrom left: Nobel Laureates Val Fitch and James Cronin

60 years since CP violation discovery: This occurred at Brookhaven Lab in 1964, when Val Fitch and James Cronin led a team that discovered a violation of charge conjugation (C) and parity (P) — called “CP violation” — in an experiment at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS). Fitch and Cronin were presented with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1980.

Nobel Laureates Samuel C.C. Ting (front) with collaboratorsenlargeNobel Laureates Samuel C.C. Ting (front) with collaborators

50 years since J/psi discovery: This occurred in 1974, when the J/psi particle was discovered by teams at both Brookhaven Lab and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), which today is DOE’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Samuel C.C. Ting and his team discovered what he called the “J” particle using the AGS at Brookhaven. Burton Richter and his team found the same particle, which he called the “psi,” at SLAC. Ting and Richter shared the Nobel prize for Physics in 1976.

These discoveries are two among seven recognized with the Nobel Prize at Brookhaven Lab.

SLAC is also hosting an event to celebrate discovery of the J/psi particle. That symposium will be held on Friday, Nov. 8. For more information, visit the event webpage.

Brookhaven National Laboratory is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit science.energy.gov.

From left, Oscar Rivera-Cruz from the University of Puerto Rico, BNL materials scientist Anibal Boscoboinik, Alexander Bailey from West Virginia State University, and Jeremy Lopez from the University of Puerto Rico. Photo courtesy of BNL

By Daniel Dunaief

It’s been a banner year for ideas and potential products that trap noble gases at Brookhaven National Laboratory. So-named for their full complement of electrons, noble gases tend to be less reactive than other atoms that can add electrons to their outer shells.

While their name sounds grandiose, these gases are anything but, particularly when people inhale the radioactive and prevalent gas radon, which can cause lung cancer or when the decay of uranium into xenon makes a nuclear reactor less efficient.

When he was studying how hydrocarbons react at the active site of zeolite models, Brookhaven National Laboratory’s material scientist Anibal Boscoboinik made an accidental discovery about a decade ago that some nanomaterials, which are incredibly small, trap these gases.

Among several other projects he’s working on, Boscoboinik has since studied these nanocages, learning about the trapping mechanism and making variations of these materials and trapping methods that can be useful for a wide range of applications. 

The Battelle Memorial Institute, which partners with Stony Brook University to form Brookhaven Science Associates and manages nine national labs across the country, named Boscoboinik an “inventor of the year” for his work developing these materials.

Battelle awards an inventor of the year to a researcher from each institution under its management, recognizing efforts that contribute to science or engineering and that can have a positive impact on society.

“It feels really good to be recognized for the work,” said Boscoboinik, who is proud of the many people who made this progress possible directly and indirectly. “It would be amazing if we get to see something that stemmed from an accidental discovery doing very basic fundamental research becoming a real-life application that can benefit society.”

At the same time, three students from minority serving institutions were selected to receive seed grants as a part of MSI (for Minority Serving Institutions) Connect at BNL, in which they seek to commercialize a way to remove radon from the air.

They may work in a business to business model to supply other companies that can incorporate their materials into products.

The students, Jeremy Lopez Flores and Oscar Rivera-Cruz from the University of Puerto Rico and Alexander Bailey from West Virginia State University, will enter phase 2 in the process. The next phase of funding comes from other sources, such as FedTech. Boscoboinik will advise the students as they develop the company and any potential products.

These undergraduate students are looking to remove radon from the air at a concentration of four picocuries per liter, which is equivalent to smoking eight cigarettes a day.

“I am certainly pleased that the value of our collective output was recognized,” said Bailey, who is from St. Albans, West Virginia, in an email. Bailey, a sophomore double majoring in chemistry and math, plans to attend graduate school after completing his undergraduate studies.

Rivera-Cruz, who is a senior majoring in Cellular and Molecular Biology, appreciated the guidance from Boscoboinik, whom he described in an email as an “incredible resource for the team” and suggested that the team was “extremely grateful and lucky” to have Boscoboinik’s support.

In other research

As a staff member at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Boscoboinik spends half his time working with scientists from around the world who come to the CFN to conduct experiments and half his time working on his own research.

The process of granting time to use the facilities at BNL is extremely competitive, which means the projects he works on with other scientists are compelling. “While I help them with their research, I get to learn from them,” he said.

Boscoboinik regularly works with the group of Professor Guangwen Zhou from Binghamton University. In recent work, they explored the dynamics of peroxide formation on a copper surface in different environments.

In his own work, Boscoboinik is also interested in trying to help the nuclear energy community.

During the breakdown of radioactive uranium, the process heats up water in a tank, moving a turbine that produces energy.

The breakdown of uranium, however, produces the noble gas xenon, which is a neutron absorber, making reactors less efficient.

Boscoboinik anticipates that any new product that could help the field of nuclear energy by removing xenon could be a decade or more away. “This is a highly regulated industry and changes in design take a very long time,” he explained.

Boscoboinik is also collaborating with researchers from Johns Hopkins University on metal organic frameworks. Some molecules pass through these frameworks more rapidly than others, which could enable researchers to use these frameworks to separate out a heterogeneous collection of molecules.

Additionally, he is developing processes to understand dynamic conditions that affect different types of reactions. At this point, he has been looking at the oxidation of carbon monoxide, which he called the “drosophila” of surface science for its widespread use and versatility, to develop the methodology. In oxidation, carbon monoxide mixes with oxygen to make carbon dioxide.

In his work, Boscoboinik has collaborated with Qin Wu, who deploys artificial intelligence to interpret the data he generates in his experiments.

The long-term plan is to develop complex-enough algorithms that suggest experiments based on the analysis and interpretation of data.

Outside the lab

Boscoboinik is a part of a collaborative effort to combine science and music. “We use music as a way to enable conversations between scientists and the general public” to help make the sometimes complex and jargon-laden world of science more accessible, he said.

In Argentina, research groups have taken famous musicians to the lab to perform concerts while encouraging conversations about science. During the course of their visits, the musicians speak with scientists for the benefit of the public. In prior seasons, the musicians used popular songs to relate to the research the scientists they interview do. Part of the plan is to make new songs related to the research.

Boscoboinik is part of a collaboration between Music for Science, the network of Argentinian scientists abroad, and the Argentinian diplomatic missions, including the embassies and the consulates. At some point in the future he may create a show that relates noble gases and music.

As with his some of his scientific work, the connection between music and research is a developing proof of concept that he hopes has broader appeal over time.

By Daniel Dunaief

Superman’s x-ray and heat vision illustrate an important problem.  On the one hand, the x-ray vision comes in handy if Superman is looking outside, say, at a bank and can see thieves dressed like the Hamburgler as they try to steal from a vault. On the other hand, Superman has heat vision, which he uses in battles to blow up concrete blocks or tear open a hole in a wall.

But, aside from a few realities getting in the way, the struggle scientists using x-rays to see inside cells contend with tracks with these two abilities.

Researchers would ideally like to use x-rays to see the inner workings of a cell. X-rays can and do act like Superman’s heat vision, causing damage or destroying the cells they are trying to study.

Recently, scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory, however, figured out how to protect and preserve cells, providing an opportunity to study them without causing damage.

Not only that, but, to extend the fictional metaphor, they used the equivalent of Wonder Twin Powers, combining the structural three-dimensional picture one beamline at the National Synchrotron Lightsource II can produce with the two-dimensional chemical image from another.

After three years of hard work, researchers including Qun Liu, structural biologist; Yang Yang, associate physicist; and Xianghui Xiao, FXI lead beamline scientist, were able to use both beamlines to create a multimodal picture of a cell on different scales and with different information.

“Each beamline can create a full picture, but providing only partial information (structure or chemicals),” Liu said. “The correlative imaging for the same cell using two different beamlines provides a more comprehensive” image.

The key to this proof of concept, Liu explained, was in developing a multi-step process to study the cells.

“The novelty is how we prepared the samples,” said Liu. “We can take the sample from one beamline, move it to a second one, and can collect data from the same orientation. Before this, it was not easy” to put together that kind of information.

In a paper published in the journal Nature Communications Biology, the scientists detailed the cell preparation technique and showcased the results.

The potential application of this technique extends in numerous directions, from finding the way new pathogens attack cells, to understanding the location and site of action of pharmacological agents, to understanding the progression of disease, among other applications.

“Our technique combines both X-ray fluorescence and X-ray nano-tomography so we can study the entire cell for both the elements and the structure correlatively,” Yang explained.

Supported by the Department of Energy Biopreparedness Initiative, the scientists are doing basic research and developing techniques and protocols and procedures in preparation for the next pandemic. They have 10 projects covering different pathogens and aspects. Liu is the principal investigator leading one of them. 

To be sure, at this point, the technique for preserving and studying cells with these beamlines is in an early stage and is not available to labs, doctors, or hospitals on a routine basis to test biological samples.

Nonetheless, the approach at BNL offers an important potential direction for clinical and fundamental benefits. Clinically, it can help with disease diagnosis, while it can also be used to study stresses of cells and tissues under metal deficiency or toxicity. Many cancers include a malfunction in the homeostasis, including zinc, copper and iron.

Fixing and re-fixing

The process of preparing the samples required three steps.

The researchers started with a chemical fixation with paraformaldehyde to preserve the structure of the cell. They then used a robot that rapidly froze the sample by plunging it into liquid ethane and then transferring it to liquid nitrogen.

They freeze-dried the cells to turn the water into ice that is not crystallized. As a part of that process, they left the cells in a controlled vacuum to turn the ice slowly into gas. Removing water is key because the liquid would otherwise be too mobile for x-rays to measure anything reliably. After absorbing the x-rays, the liquid would heat up and further deform the cells.

The preparation work takes one to two days.

“If you fail in any of the steps, you have to start all over again,” said Yang.

Zihan Lin, who is a postdoctoral researcher in Liu’s lab and the first author on the paper, spent more than a year polishing and preparing the technique.

“We believe the cells were preserved [near] their close-to-native status,” said Yang.

They used an X-ray computed tomography (XCT) beamline, which provides a three-dimensional view of the structure of the cell. They also placed the samples in an X-ray fluorescence beamline (XRF), which provided a two-dimensional view of the same cells.

In the XRF beamline, scientists can find where trace elements are located inside a cell.

Liu is collaborating with researchers at other labs to understand the molecular interactions between sorghum, an important grain crop, and the fungus Colletotrichum sublineola, which can damage the leaves of the plant.

The DOE funded project is a collaboration between BNL and three other national laboratories.

Liu is grateful for the help and support he and the team received from the staff working at both beamlines, as well as from the biology department, NSLS-II, BNL, and DOE. The imaging may help create bioenergy crops with more biomass and less disease-caused yield loss, he suggested.

Future work

Current and ongoing work is focused on the potential physiological states of the cell, addressing questions such as why metals are going to specific areas.

Yang is the science lead for a team developing the Quantitative Cellular Tomography beamline at the NSLS-II. Within five years, this beamline will provide nanoscale resolution of frozen cells without requiring chemical fixation.

This beamline, which will have a light epi-fluorescence microscope, will add more detail about sub-cellular structure and will not require frozen cells to have chemical fixation.

While the proof of concept approach with these beamlines is still relatively new, Yang said she has received feedback from scientists interested in its potential.

“We have quite a few people from biology departments that are interested in this technique” to study biomass related structures, she said.

A future research direction could also involve seeing living cells. The resolution would be compromised, as the X-rays would induce changes that make it hard to separate biological processes from artifacts.

“This could be a very good research direction,” Liu added.

More than 250 students from 65 Suffolk County schools entered science projects in the 2024 Elementary School Science Fair hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory on June 8.

Students used the scientific method to explore all kinds of questions about their favorite things and the world around them. The annual fair organized by Brookhaven Lab’s Office of Educational Programs celebrated and showcased all projects submitted, ranging from finding the best detangler for Barbie dolls’ hair to using a hand-crafted wind tunnel to test wing shapes for the best lift.

“Our judges enjoyed reading through the projects and were impressed with questions, ideas, and designs,” Amanda Horn, a Brookhaven Lab administrator who coordinated the science fair, said before announcing the winning projects. “We certainly have some future scientists and engineers here today.”

Local teachers and Lab staff volunteered as judges to pick the top spots and honorable mentions for each grade level, from kindergarten to sixth grade. The competition also included a Judges’ Choice award for creative questions.

Students who earned first place in their grade level received medals and ribbons, along with banners to hang at their school to recognize the achievement. All participants received a ribbon in recognition of having won their grade level competition at their school.

Science Fair awards

The following students earned first place in their grade level: 

◆ Kindergartener Eden Campbell, Ocean Avenue Elementary School in Northport for “Tasting Color.” Eden’s project explored whether the color of food affects its taste. What was her favorite part of the experiment? “Eating the jellybeans,” she said.

◆ First grader Milan Patel, Ocean Avenue Elementary School in Northport for “How Does the Direction of a House Affect the Amount of Heat Absorbed from the Sun?” 

◆ Second grader Advika Arun, Bretton Woods Elementary School in Hauppauge, for “Slower and Steadier the Safer it Will Be.” For her experiment, Advika crafted small parachutes to test which materials fostered a slow and safe landing. She found that nylon worked the best. “I liked the part where we dropped them and we saw the speed they went,” she said. She added of her first-place win, “I’m really excited!”

◆ Third grader Isla Cone, Love of Learning Montessori School in Centerport, for “The Impact of pH on Boba.” Isla tested food-friendly liquids with different pH levels to find out which could form boba, the round and chewy pearls found in bubble tea. She confirmed that boba spheres occurred in liquids with a pH between 4 and 10. “I wanted to do a project that was related to food,” she said. “My favorite part was getting to eat all the stuff!”

◆ Fourth grader Jude Roseto, Cutchogue East Elementary School in Cutchogue, for “Rise of the Machines: AI vs. Human Creativity Writing.” 

◆ Fifth grader Luke Dinsman, Northport Middle School in Northport, for “Maximizing Moisture — Nature Knows Best.” In his project, Dinsman found that homemade, natural moisturizers worked better than store-bought lotions at treating the dry skin he experiences as a swimmer. A shea body butter with beeswax turned out to be the best option. Making the lotions and testing them was the best part of the process, Luke said. He added, “It’s just a really cool project.”

◆ Sixth grader Owen Stone, East Quogue Elementary in East Quogue for “Can Common Foods Help Grow Potatoes?” 

Judges’ choice

Kindergarten: John Jantzen, Sunrise Drive Elementary School in Sayville

First Grade: Julianna Zick, West Middle Island Elementary School in Middle Island

Second Grade: Timothy Donoghue, Riley Avenue Elementary School in Calverton

Third Grade: Charlotte Sheahan, Pulaski Road School in East Northport

Fourth Grade: Dominick Padolecchia, Sunrise Drive Elementary School in Sayville

Fifth Grade: Isabella Maharlouei, Raynor Country Day School in Speonk

Sixth Grade: Zoe Wood, Northport Middle School in Northport

Honorable mentions

Kindergarten: Michael McCarthy, Pines Elementary School in Smithtown; Scarlett Luna, Hampton Bays Elementary School in Hampton Bays; Autumn Vlacci, Riley Avenue Elementary School in Calverton

First Grade: Tyler Paino, Bretton Woods Elementary School in Hauppauge; Logan Pierre, Brookhaven Elementary School in Brookhaven; Nora Boecherer, Edna Louise Spear Elementary School in Port Jefferson

Second Grade: Charlotte Tholl, Forest Brook Elementary School; Gabi Opisso, Cutchogue East Elementary School in Cutchogue; Matthew Ingram, Ocean Avenue Elementary School in Northport; Erios Pikramenos, Frank J. Carasiti Elementary School in Rocky Point; Maya Salman, Edna Louise Spear Elementary School in Port Jefferson

Third Grade: Emma Puccio Edelman, Hiawatha Elementary School in Lake Ronkonkoma; Vincent Calvanese, Pines Elementary School in Smithtown; Kaylee Krawchuck, Ridge Elementary School in Ridge; Isabella Guldi, Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School in Rocky Point

Fourth Grade: Juliam Gianmugnai, Ridge Elementary School in Ridge; Joseph Frederick, Lincoln Avenue Elementary School in Sayville; Gabriel Affatato, Pulaski Road School East Northport; Levi Beaver, Raynor Country Day School in Speonk

Fifth Grade: Evangeline Jamros, Edna Louise Spear Elementary in Port Jefferson; Colette Breig, RJO Intermediate School in Kings Park; Riona Mittal, Bretton Woods Elementary School in Hauppauge

Sixth Grade: Eamon Ryan, Lindenhurst Middle School in Lindenhurst; Michael Mineo, Silas Wood 6th Grade Center in Huntington Station; Alex Uihlein, Montauk Public School in Montauk.

Science Fair Expo

While their projects were on display, students and their families browsed a Science Fair Expo that featured up-close, hands-on demonstrations guided by Brookhaven Lab staff, interns, and volunteers.

The activities connected to science concepts and tools found across the Lab, from magnets and particle accelerators to electron microscopy and conductors. Students peered through microscopes, learned how fuel cells and solar panels work, became junior beamline operators, and more.


F. William Studier, senior scientist emeritus at Brookhaven National Laboratory, in 2004. (Roger Stoutenburgh/Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Prestigious honor recognizes development of widely used protein- and RNA-production platform

F. William Studier, a senior biophysicist emeritus at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, has won the 2024 Richard N. Merkin Prize in Biomedical Technology [https://merkinprize.org/] for his development in the 1980s of an efficient, scalable method of producing RNA and proteins in the laboratory. His “T7 expression” technology can be used to make large quantities of nearly any RNA or protein and has been for decades, and continues to be, a mainstay of biomedical research and pharmaceutical production. Studier’s approach has been used to produce numerous therapeutics, diagnostics, and vaccines — including the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines credited with extending millions of lives in recent years [see: https://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=218806].

“F. William Studier’s brilliant work on the T7 system transformed biomedicine, saving millions of lives globally and improving the chances for further research that will change healthcare delivery,” said Dr. Richard Merkin, CEO and founder of Heritage Provider Network, one of the country’s largest physician-owned integrated health care systems. “His work exemplifies why I created this prize initiative that honors and showcases amazing innovators like Bill. I’m honored to be celebrating his remarkable achievements.”

The Merkin Prize, inaugurated in 2023, recognizes novel technologies that have improved human health. It carries a $400,000 cash award and is administered by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, one of the world’s leading biomedical research institutes. All nominations for the 2024 Merkin Prize were evaluated by a selection committee composed of nine scientific leaders from academia and industry in the U.S. and Europe. Studier will be honored in a prize ceremony held on Sept. 17, 2024.

“The T7 system has been influential in biomedicine and has had important clinical implications for many years, but Bill Studier’s contribution to the field has really not been as celebrated as it ought to be,” said Harold Varmus, chair of the Merkin Prize selection committee. Varmus is also the Lewis Thomas University Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, a senior associate at the New York Genome Center, and a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the origins of cancer.

“Bill Studier’s development of T7 phage RNA polymerase for use in preparing RNA templates for multiple uses in research labs worldwide has been a truly revolutionary technical advance for the entire field of molecular biology,” said Joan Steitz, the Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University.

“Today, virtually every protein you want to produce in bacteria is made with a T7 system,” said Venki Ramakrishnan of the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, and a winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. “There’s not a single molecular biology or biochemistry lab I know that doesn’t use T7.”

“This award is a great honor for Bill Studier, recognizing the significance of the research and technology he pioneered. It reinforces how basic research — asking fundamental questions about the way the world and everything in it works — can result in important and unexpected advances that continue to have impact even decades after the initial discoveries,” said Brookhaven National Laboratory Director JoAnne Hewett. “It is fabulous to see Bill recognized for his lifetime of work and the critical role it has played in biotechnology and medicine.”

Studier’s T7 expression system uses the T7 promoter to “turn on” a gene of interest and the T7 RNA polymerase to transcribe that gene into messenger RNA (mRNA) so that E. coli ribosomes can use the RNA-encoded information to synthesize the desired protein. The system can also be used to make desired mRNAs as, for example, was done to make the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. (Tiffany Bowman/Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Driven by basic biology

Studier grew up in Iowa and became fascinated with biophysics while an undergraduate at Yale University. Then, during graduate school at the California Institute of Technology in the early 1960s, he was introduced to bacteriophage T7, a virus that infects Escherichia coli bacteria. He wondered how T7 could so effectively and quickly take over E. coli, rapidly turning the bacterial cells into factories to produce more copies of itself. That question launched a career focused on the basic biology of T7.

“I’ve always been interested in solving problems,” Studier told Brookhaven National Laboratory in a 2011 profile [https://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=22241]. “The motivation for my research is not commercial application. My interest is in basic research.”

When he joined Brookhaven Lab in 1964, Studier focused on sequencing the genes of the T7 bacteriophage and understanding the function of each of its corresponding proteins during infection of E. coli. By 1984, he and Brookhaven colleague John Dunn successfully identified and cloned the protein within T7 that was responsible for rapidly copying T7 DNA into many corresponding strands of RNA [see: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.81.7.2035]. RNA is the molecule that instructs cells which amino acids to link up to build a particular protein — a critical step in protein synthesis and therefore the bacteriophage’s ability to infect E. coli.

Studier realized that the protein, called the T7 RNA polymerase, might be able to quickly and efficiently produce RNA from not only T7 DNA but also from the genes of any organism. If a gene was tagged with a special DNA sequence, known as the T7 promoter, then the T7 RNA polymerase would latch on and begin copying it. In 1986, Studier described this system in the Journal of Molecular Biology [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3537305/].

“His work really illustrates that sometimes a remarkable technology can emerge not only from people trying to build technologies but from someone who is trying to use basic science to understand a fascinating biological phenomenon,” Varmus said.

Speeding science

Before Studier’s development of the T7 system, scientists who wanted to produce RNA or proteins generally inserted the genes into the natural E. coli genome and let the E. coli polymerase produce the corresponding RNA at the same time as the bacteria produced its own RNA and proteins. But the E. coli machinery was relatively slow, and scientists often ran into problems with the bacteria turning off their DNA-reading programs. T7 polymerase overcame both these problems: It was far faster, and E. coli had no built-in way to shut it off.

Within a few years, biologists had rapidly switched from their older methods to the T7 system for producing both RNA and proteins. When proteins are the desired end result, the E. coli molecular machinery for translating mRNA into proteins is used after the T7 system makes the RNA.

Studier continued studying the T7 polymerase and promoter, fine-tuning the system for years and publishing new improved versions as recently as 2018.

As of 2020, the T7 technology had been cited in more than 220,000 published studies, with 12,000 new studies using the technology published each year. There are more than 100 different versions of the T7 technology available commercially and 12 patents in Studier’s name related to the system.

Making medicine

The T7 technology has also had immediate impacts in industry, with more than 900 biotech and pharmaceutical companies licensing it to produce therapeutics and vaccines.

In 2020, scientists used the T7 platform to produce enough mRNA for COVID-19 vaccines to vaccinate millions of people in the U.S. and around the world. With the T7 promoter placed next to the gene for the COVID-19 spike protein, the T7 polymerase could generate many kilograms of mRNA — the active molecule in the vaccines — at a time.

“I think it’s an incredible testament to this technology that, decades after its development, it’s still the go-to method for RNA and protein production,” said John Shanklin, a distinguished biochemist and chair of the Biology Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory, who considered Studier a mentor for many years.

Those who know Studier say the Merkin Prize is well-deserved; Studier changed the course of biomedicine while working quietly on basic science questions that interested him.

“Almost no one has heard of Bill Studier because he is a quiet, modest guy who had a small lab,” said Ramakrishnan, who worked with Studier at Brookhaven in the 1980s. “But he is an absolutely fantastic role model of what a scientist should be like.”

“He has flown under the radar and hasn’t been recognized for his accomplishments very much,” Shanklin agreed. “This is a well-deserved honor.”

Studier was also committed to guaranteeing access to his technology. When Brookhaven was in the process of licensing and commercializing the T7 system shortly after its development, Studier ensured that it remained free for academic labs while charging commercial licensing fees to companies.

F. William Studier earned a bachelor’s degree in biophysics from Yale in 1958, followed by a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in 1963. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Biochemistry at Stanford University School of Medicine, and then he joined Brookhaven Lab’s Biology Department in 1964 as an assistant biophysicist. Over the years, Studier rose through the department’s ranks, receiving tenure in 1971 and becoming a tenured senior biophysicist in 1974.

He served as chair of the Biology Department from 1990 to 1999 and then returned to research. He also served as an adjunct professor of biochemistry at Stony Brook University. His achievements have been recognized by election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1990, the National Academy of Sciences in 1992, and as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2007. He retired from the Lab in 2015 and was named senior scientist emeritus. In 2018, he was elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He holds 15 patents of which nine have been licensed and commercialized, including those on the T7 system.

Studier’s research at Brookhaven Lab was supported by the DOE Office of Science.

From left, Dmitri Denisov and Anatoly Frenkel (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

       Honor recognizes distinguished contributions to particle physics, chemistry, and materials science

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has recognized two staff scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory with the distinction of Fellow: Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for High Energy Physics Dmitri Denisov and Senior Chemist Anatoly Frenkel. Each year, AAAS bestows this honor on select members whose “efforts on behalf of the advancement of science, or its applications, are scientifically or socially distinguished.” Marking the 150th anniversary of the program, new fellows will be honored at a forum on September 21, 2024, at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.

AAAS is the world’s largest general scientific society and publisher of the Science family of journals. The tradition of naming Fellows stretches back to 1874. AAAS Fellows are a distinguished cadre of scientists, engineers, and innovators who have been recognized for their achievements across disciplines ranging from research, teaching, and technology, to administration in academia, industry, and government, to excellence in communicating and interpreting science to the public. Denisov and Frenkel are two of 502 scientists, engineers, and innovators spanning 24 scientific disciplines who are being recognized as members of the 2023 class of AAAS Fellows.

Dmitri Denisov

Denisov has been a long-time leader in particle physics, a field in which experiments often run for decades and a discovery can rewrite an entire science program — and therefore, it can be challenging to plan ahead. Denisov’s strategic guidance and many advisory roles have significantly shaped the future of particle physics in the U.S. and around the world.

He was recognized by AAAS for “distinguished contributions to particle physics through experiments at high energy colliders, and for guidance of the field through numerous management and advisory roles.”

“Research in particle physics advances our understanding of the universe at every level, from its smallest particles like quarks and leptons to its largest objects like galaxies,” Denisov said. “My experience leading institutions and experiments that help uncover these mysteries has been deeply rewarding. In addition to developing the unique facilities, accelerators, detectors, and computational techniques that enable this research, I’ve had the pleasure to collaborate with many international partners — and those team efforts are a critical component of the field’s success. I am flattered to be recognized with AAAS fellowship and looking forward to continuing my contributions to the particle physics community and AAAS.”

Currently overseeing Brookhaven’s world-leading high energy physics program as a deputy associate laboratory director, Denisov is responsible for the Lab’s strategic plan for exploring the universe at its smallest and largest scales. Central to the program is close cooperation with other U.S. laboratories, the international particle physics community, and funding agencies. By balancing those complex collaborations with available funding and international priorities set forth by the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel’s P5 report, Denisov ensures Brookhaven contributes its expertise and cutting-edge capabilities to the world’s most pressing particle physics questions in the most valuable ways.

Under Denisov’s leadership, Brookhaven Lab continues the important role as the U.S. host laboratory for the ATLAS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s highest energy particle accelerator. The Lab participates in many areas of the ATLAS experiment, such as construction, project management, data storage and distribution, and experiment operations. Brookhaven is leading the U.S. contribution to a major upgrade to the ATLAS detector and construction of superconducting magnets in preparation for the LHC’s high-luminosity upgrade.

Denisov also oversees Brookhaven’s important roles in the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) based at DOE’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) and the Sanford Underground Research Facility, from design and construction to operations and analyses. DUNE scientists will search for new subatomic phenomena that could transform our understanding of neutrinos.

Denisov provides crucial support for other international experiments that the Lab’s high energy physics program actively participates in. These include the Belle II experiment at Japan’s SuperKEKB particle collider, for which Brookhaven provides critical computing and software, and the Rubin Observatory that is currently under construction in Chile. Once the Rubin Observatory begins capturing the data from the cosmos, physicists in Brookhaven’s high energy program will take on roles involving operations, scientific analysis, and computing.

At home at Brookhaven, Denisov oversees the Physics Department’s contributions toward a new collaborative effort between DOE and NASA that aims to land and operate a radio telescope on the lunar far side. Called LuSEE-Night, the project marks the first step towards exploring the Dark Ages of the universe, an early era of cosmological history that’s never been observed before. LuSEE-Night’s goal is to access lingering radio waves from the Dark Ages — a period starting about 380,000 years after the Big Bang — by operating in the unique environment of radio silence that the lunar far side offers.

All the while, scientists in the Lab’s high energy physics program under Denisov’s leadership are regularly pioneering new detector technologies, software, and computing solutions that could be used for future particle physics facilities and experiments — and other scientific efforts beyond the field of high energy physics.

“We are thrilled by Dmitri’s distinct recognition by the AAAS Fellowship and look forward to his continuing leadership of Brookhaven’s high energy physics program in the coming years following the 2023 P5 recommendations,” said Haiyan Gao, Brookhaven Lab’s associate laboratory director for nuclear and particle physics.

Before arriving at Brookhaven Lab, Denisov contributed 25 years to the high energy physics program at Fermilab. There, he was most prominently known for serving as the spokesperson for the DZero experiment, which used Fermilab’s Tevatron collider to study the interactions of protons and antiprotons. Denisov led the collaboration of scientists from 24 countries and oversaw publication of over 300 scientific papers written by the collaboration. Strong contributions from Brookhaven’s DZero group were critical for the success of the experiment.

Denisov earned his master’s degree in physics and engineering from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1984 and a Ph.D. in particle physics from the Institute for High Energy Physics in Protvino in 1991. Before joining Fermilab in 1994, he was a staff scientist at the Institute for High Energy Physics and the SSC Laboratory.

Anatoly Frenkel

Anatoly Frenkel is a senior chemist in the Structure and Dynamics of Applied Nanomaterials group of Brookhaven Lab’s Chemistry Division and a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering at Stony Brook University (SBU). He is also an affiliated faculty member in SBU’s Department of Chemistry and Institute for Advanced Computational Science.

He was recognized by AAAS for “distinguished contributions to the development and applications of in situ and operando synchrotron methods to solve a wide range of problems in chemistry and materials science.”

“It is an honor to have been nominated and elected to be an AAAS fellow,” Frenkel said. “This recognition reflects on more than two decades of work, going back to the time we first learned how to analyze nanostructures, then properties, and, finally, mechanisms in different types of functional nanomaterials.”

Frenkel’s research focuses on understanding the physicochemical properties of nanocatalysts — materials with features on the scale of billionths of a meter that can speed up or lower the energy requirements of chemical reactions. He’s particularly interested in understanding how materials’ physical structure and other properties relate to their functional performance, the mechanisms of catalytic reactions, and the mechanisms of work in electromechanical materials. He is a long-time user of the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), a DOE Office of Science user facility at Brookhaven Lab that produces bright beams of X-rays and other forms of light that scientists use to learn about material properties.

Over the course of his career, Frenkel has developed new approaches for studying materials while they are operating under real-world conditions — known as in situ/operando research. In this work, he uses synchrotron techniques, such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray imaging, and X-ray diffraction — all at NSLS-II — as well as advanced electron microscopy techniques at Brookhaven Lab’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN), another DOE Office of Science user facility. These studies provide detailed insight into materials’ performance and may guide the design of new materials with improved functionality for a wide range of applications. Frenkel has also advanced the use of machine learning and other forms of artificial intelligence to discover important material properties purely from their experimental X-ray signatures. Recent examples include studies to understand how catalysts change as they operate under harsh conditions and to discover ones that could potentially convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into useful products.

“Anatoly’s work to probe how catalysts convert waste products, such as the greenhouse gas CO2, into useful products is important to our efforts in clean energy research at Brookhaven, and it is well deserving of this award,” said John Gordon, chair of the Chemistry Division at Brookhaven Lab.

“Anatoly has been a valued member of our faculty,” said Dilip Gersappe, Stony Brook University Materials Science and Chemical Engineering department chair. “We are thrilled that his pioneering work in developing multi-modal methods for nanomaterial characterization, and the use of novel approaches to identifying spectroscopic signatures through machine learning, has been recognized by this honor.”

Frenkel earned a master’s degree in physics from St. Petersburg University in Russia in 1987 and his Ph.D. from Tel Aviv University in Israel in 1995. He pursued postdoctoral research at the University of Washington, Seattle, and then joined the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as a research scientist from 1996 to 2001. He served on the faculty of Yeshiva University as a Physics Department chair from 2001 to 2016 and was a visiting scientist (sabbatical appointment) at Brookhaven Lab in 2009. He’s been a joint appointee at Brookhaven and Stony Brook University since 2016.

At Brookhaven, Frenkel has served as spokesperson and co-director of the Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium since 2004, and he’s arranged a series of courses on X-ray absorption spectroscopy held at Brookhaven Lab continuously since 2005 and at various institutions around the world. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society (2017) and has held a series of visiting professor fellowships at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

Brookhaven National Laboratory is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit science.energy.gov.

Amanda Liang with the winning bridge design. Photo by Kevin Coughlin/BNL

Amanda Liang, a ninth grader from Paul J. Gelinas Junior High School in Setauket, won first place at the 45th annual Bridge Building Competition hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory on April 3. 

The competition shows students in grades nine through 12 what it’s like to be an engineer as they attempt to design a strong bridge out of only basswood and glue with a set of challenging specifications in mind. Their structures were put to the test under a crushing machine that slowly added more and more weight from above until the bridges broke or bent more than one inch.

The event is organized by Brookhaven Lab’s Office of Educational Programs (OEP) to advance its mission to cultivate the next generation of STEM professionals.

Julia Pincott won second place for her bridge design. Photo courtesy of John Glenn High School

“I want you to imagine your future selves as professional engineers and you’re contributing something important to society,” Bernadette Uzzi, OEP’s manager for K-12 programs told students at the start of the competition. “Perhaps you’re designing a bridge, and you have to continually refine the structure to adapt to our ever-changing world, or maybe you’re here at Brookhaven involved in constructing our new Electron-Ion Collider, which is a ground-breaking machine that will unravel the mysteries of nature’s strongest force. Regardless of your future career plans, today you are engineering students and you’re part of Brookhaven’s journey.”

Uzzi also reflected on the recent bridge collapse in Baltimore: “I’m reminded why it’s so important to give students real-world, relevant experiential learning experiences like this event.”

This year, students from 14 schools around Long Island submitted 240 bridges — 193 of which met all qualifications for testing such as using a symmetrical design and weighing under 25 grams.

Bridges are ranked based on efficiency scores that are calculated from the load the bridge supports divided by the mass of the bridge — all in grams.

Liang’s design earned the top spot with an efficiency of 3,441.43.

“I looked at a bunch of old national bridges and I took a lot of inspiration from them,” Liang said, adding later, “I was really excited especially because it was my first year. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. I didn’t expect this.”

Alexander Song and Daniel Liang, both juniors from Ward Melville High School in East Setauket, took second place and third place with efficiencies of 2,536.142 and 2,112.446, respectively.

The top two winners in Brookhaven’s regional competition qualified to compete in the International Bridge Contest on April 27 in New Philadelphia, Ohio.

Competition judges also issued an award for aesthetic bridge design to Julia Pincott, a senior at John Glenn High School in Elwood.

Some of the bridges entered into the competition. Photo from BNL

Throughout the bridge testing day, students had the chance to meet engineers from across the Lab, including longtime contest volunteers and Jordanna Kendrot, a safety engineer at the DOE-Brookhaven Site Office. Kendrot shared how in her own path to becoming a researcher, she found it was important to expand her studies beyond only engineering courses.

“It’s really about broadening your horizons and questioning the norms in engineering that will help us keep moving forward,” Kendrot said.

Amid all the bridge crushing, competition organizers tossed Brookhaven Lab and science trivia questions to students, who had a chance to win Lab merchandise for their correct answers.

Competitors tested their engineering skills in an additional STEM challenge to construct a miniature floating table. Students were also treated to a tour of the National Synchrotron Light Source II, a DOE Office of Science user facility that creates light beams 10 billion times brighter than the sun.

“This year’s bridge contest was a new experience for everyone,” STEM educator and event co-coordinator Theresa Grimaldi said. “It was the first time OEP organized this contest to be during school hours and it was such a pleasure to have the students here for the whole day, getting to know the engineers and touring the site.”

Brookhaven National Laboratory is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit science.energy.gov.

Brookhaven Lab biologist Meng Xie and postdoctoral fellow Dimiru Tadesse with sorghum plants like those used in this study. Note that these plants are flowering, unlike those the scientists engineered to delay flowering indefinitely to maximize their accumulation of biomass. Photo by Kevin Coughlin/ BNL

By Daniel Dunaief

A traffic light turns green and a driver can make a left turn. Similarly, plants on one path can change direction when they receive a particular signal. In the case of the sorghum plant, the original direction involves growth. A series of signals, however, sends it on a different trajectory, enabling the plant to flower and reproduce, halting the growth cycle.

Brookhaven Lab biologist Meng Xie and postdoctoral fellow Dimiru Tadesse in the lab. Photo by Kevin Coughlin/ BNL

Understanding and altering this process could allow the plant to grow for a longer period of time. Additional growth increases the biomass of this important energy crop, making each of these hearty plants, which can survive in semiarid regions and can tolerate relatively high temperatures, more productive when they are converted into biomass in the form of ethanol, which is added to gasoline.

Recently, Brookhaven National Laboratory biologist Meng Xie teamed up with Million Tadege, Professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Science at Oklahoma State University, among others, to find genes and the mechanism that controls flowering in sorghum.

Plants that produce more biomass have a more developed root system, which can sequester more carbon and store it in the soil.

The researchers worked with a gene identified in other studies called SbGhd7 that extends the growth period when it is overexpressed.

Validating the importance of that gene, Xie and his colleagues were able to produce about three times the biomass of a sorghum plant compared to a control that flowered earlier and produced grain.

The plants they grew didn’t reach the upper limit of size and, so far, the risk of extensive growth  that might threaten the survival of the plant is unknown.

Researchers at Oklahoma State University conducted the genetic work, while Xie led the molecular mechanistic studies at BNL.

At OSU, the researchers used a transgenic sorghum plant to over express the flowering-control gene, which increased the protein it produced. These plants didn’t flower at all.

“This was a dramatic difference from what happens in rice plants when they overexpress their version of this same gene,” Xie explained in a statement. “In rice, overexpression of this gene delays flowering for eight to 20 days — not forever!”

In addition to examining the effect of changing the concentration of the protein produced, Xie also explored the way this protein recognized and bound to promoters of its targets to repress target expression.

Xie did “a lot of molecular studies to understand the underlying mechanism, which was pretty hard to perform in sorghum previously,” he said.

Xie worked with protoplasts, which are plant cells whose outer wall has been removed. He inserted a so-called plasmid, which is a small piece of DNA, into their growth medium, which the plants added to their DNA.

The cells can survive in a special incubation/ growth medium, enabling the protoplasts to incorporate the plasmid.

Sorghum plant. Photo by Kevin Coughlin/ BNL

Xie attached a small protein to the gene so they could monitor the way it interacted in the plant. They also added antibodies that bound to this protein, which allowed them to cut out and observe the entire antibody-protein DNA complex to determine which genes were involved in this critical growth versus flowering signaling pathway.

The flowering repressor gene bound to numerous targets. 

Xie and his BNL colleagues found the regulator protein’s binding site, which is a short DNA sequence within the promoter for each target gene.

Conventional wisdom in the scientific community suggested this regulator protein would affect one activator gene. Through his molecular mechanistic studies, Xie uncovered the interaction with several genes.

“In our model, we found that [the signaling] is much more complicated,” he said. The plant looks like it can “bypass each [gene] to affect flowering.”

Regulation appears to have crosstalk and feedback loops, he explained.

The process of coaxing these plants to continue to grow provides a one-way genetic street, which prevents the plant from developing flowers and reproducing.

These altered plants would prevent any cross contamination with flowering plants, which would help scientists and, potentially down the road, farmers meet regulatory requirements to farm this source of biomass.

Ongoing efforts

The targets he found, which recognize the short sequence of DNA, also appears in many other flowering genes.

Xie said the group’s hypothesis is that this regulator in the form of this short sequence of DNA also may affect flowering genes in other plants, such as maize and rice.

Xie is continuing to work with researchers at OSU to study the function of the numerous targets in the flowering and growth processes. 

He hopes to develop easy ways to control flowering which might include spraying a chemical that blocks flowering and removing it to reactive reproduction. This system would be helpful in controlling cross contamination. He also would like to understand how environmental conditions affect sorghum, which is work he’s doing in the lab. Down the road, he might also use the gene editing tool CRISPR to induce expression at certain times.

Honing the technique to pursue this research took about four years to develop, while Xie and his students spent about a year searching for the molecular mechanisms involved.

Rough beginning

Xie departed from his post doctoral position at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in March of 2020, when he started working at BNL. That was when Covid altered people’s best-laid plans, as he couldn’t come to the lab to start conducting his research for about six months. 

Born in Shanxi province in China, Xie and his wife Jingdan Niu live in Yaphank and have a two-year old son, Felix Xie.

When he was growing up, Xie was interested in math, physics, chemistry and biology. As an undergraduate in Beijing, Xie started to learn more about biology and technology, which inspired him to enter this field.

Biotechnology “can change the world,” Xie said.