Scientific discovery and fun at Wading River School Science Fair

Scientific discovery and fun at Wading River School Science Fair

Photo from SWRSD

Encouraging the next generation of scientists, Wading River School’s Science Fair brought together a school community of scientific discovery and pure moments of fun.

While balloons, bubbles, plants, crystals, magnets, eggs and more may have played important roles in experiments, the action-packed, scientifically engaging event was all about the camaraderie and connections among the students as they explored their scientific interests and curiosities.

More than 100 young scientists participated, and Shoreham-Wading River High School students served as judges, noting that the steps of the scientific method were followed in each experiment.

Principal Mr. Louis Parrinello thanked all who made the Science Fair a tremendous success, including teachers, support staff, parents and chairpeople Mr. Mike Morano and Dr. Andrea Stadler. In addition to the top-level experiments of the students, highlights included Dr. Stadler’s exciting elephant toothpaste chemistry experiment and the Van de Graaff generator, an electrostatic generator that created some hair-raising moments.