Harborfields science students complete Cold Spring Harbor Labs program

Harborfields High School science research students Jessica Dean, Jackson Dunham, Alexa Green, Riley Lyons and Leah Vapnyar recently completed their final session at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Science Journal Club. The lab offers this program exclusively to Harborfields students.
During this school year, these five students attended 15 biweekly sessions at the Carnegie Library on the CSHL campus and presented landmark papers with both scientists and archivists. Additionally, they received a behind-the-scenes look at three labs on the cutting edge of research in breast cancer, neuroscience,and plant genetic engineering. Each student was presented with a certificate by the library archivists and scientists they had worked with throughout the year.
“The Science Journal Club gave these students not only an opportunity to enhance their public speaking skills, but also a chance to see real-world applications of the science concepts they learn in class,” science research teacher Michael Pinto said.