Congratulations to the top two Rocky Point students

Congratulations to the top two Rocky Point students

Rocky Point High School valedictorian Isabella Rooney (right) and salutatorian Sofia Haviland. Photo courtesy of the Rocky Point school district

Rocky Point High School is proud to congratulate Isabella Rooney as its Class of 2024 valedictorian and Sofia Haviland as its salutatorian. 

Isabella Rooney

Rooney is honored to be named the top student, calling it a privilege to earn the title in such a phenomenal class of peers. “Our school is full of so many talented, dedicated and hardworking individuals,” she said. “I could not be more excited and grateful.”

The valedictorian has taken more than two dozen Advanced Placement, honors and college-level courses while at the high school. In her senior year alone, she has taken seven AP classes while dancing and training for more than 20 hours each week. 

“It has been extremely difficult to balance studying and homework with the physical and emotional demands of Irish dance,” she said. “But this year has taught me a lot about time management and the value of a positive mindset in achieving one’s goals.”

Rooney is a member of the History Honor Society, Homecoming Float Design team, Math Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, National English Honor Society, National Honor Society, Science Honor Society, Student Council and Yearbook Club.

Her community involvement includes participation in various back-to-school and toy drives for the Heather N. Kaplan Foundation. She is also involved in the National Art Honor Society’s Mr. Gobbles charity, the Student Council holiday clothing drive, peer tutoring with the English, Math and Science honor societies and teaches classes at Inishfree School of Irish Dance in Sayville, sharing Irish culture through community performances.

Among many other awards, she has been honored as a third-place recipient in the Mid-Atlantic Region in Irish Dance, placed eighth in the country in Irish Dance, 18th in the Irish Dance World championships and honorable mention in the 2023-24 Suffolk County High School Art Exhibition.

Rooney plans to attend university to study molecular biology. She also looks forward to traveling more after graduation, studying abroad in the United Kingdom and Ireland to further her education and Irish dancing career.

She will leave her fellow high school peers with these wise words, “You will never regret hard work.”

Sofia Haviland

Sofia Haviland takes pride in her accomplishment as salutatorian. “It makes me feel like all of my hard work the past few years has finally paid off,” she said.

When asked about her greatest accomplishment in high school, Haviland noted her role in organizing a clothing swap event as the president of the Human Rights Club, helping to promote sustainability in fashion and discourage the overconsumption of clothing. “This experience taught me the importance of community and working together to create an impact and real change,” she said.

Haviland has taken advantage of many of Rocky Point’s AP, honors and college-level courses, including 12 AP courses and 12 honors courses. She is a member of the high school’s Human Rights Club, where she has served as president for the past two years, and is secretary of the National Science Honor Society. She is a member of the History Honor Society, National English Honor Society, National Honor Society and the New York State Math Honor Society. She is also a member of the school’s pit orchestra and the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra of New York.

Among many different awards, she has been selected to both the Long Island String Festival Association Division III Orchestra and the Suffolk County Music Educators’ Association Division III Orchestra. She looks forward to joining the freshman class at Boston University where she will major in chemistry.

Haviland leaves her classmates and future high school seniors with the wise words, “Relax, don’t stress over the little things.”

The 2024 Rocky Point High School graduation will take place Wednesday, June 26, at 6 p.m. at the Upper Turf Field.


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