In support of their mission of giving back to veterans and first responders, non-profit Paws of War recently hosted their “Hearts and Heroes” event at their headquarters in Nesconset, where they provided 27 service animals with free veterinary care, which included wellness checks, flea and tick medications, vaccinations, bags of dog food and microchipping service.
Dr. Marissa Altieri, DVM, treated over 27 service animals at Paws of War’s Hearts and Heros free vet Clinic. Photo by Anthony Lambroia

The pandemic has brought financial challenges to veterans and first responders. Many disabled veterans live on low or fixed incomes and their service animal’s medical care is essential so they can provide the level of support and comfort upon which the veterans depend.

“As a former veteran, I know how critical and expensive it is to take care of these service animals. They are more than just pets; these animals provide emotional support and tasks for these heroes when it is needed most,” said Kelli Porti, Veteran & Community Outreach Liaison for Paws of War. 

Dr. Marissa Altieri, DVM, volunteered her expert veterinary care to the pop-up clinic and its patients, donating her time to assist Paws of War as a way to give back to the community and support the non-profit’s mission.

“Veterinarians enable animals of all kinds to live their best life and to be as happy and healthy as possible. Service animals are responsible for their health and well-being and in many cases the lives of their owners. Volunteeringmy time and medical knowledge for Paws of War and their mobile clinic is my way to honor these veterans for all they have done for our country,” said Dr. Altieri. 

 Hearts and Heroes is part of a continual program, Vets for Vets, hosted by Paws of War that gives back to service men and women by providing free veterinary care for their service animals; their wellness is essential in providing their exceptional service to their owners who are U.S. military veterans suffering from the emotional effects of war.

For more information about Paws of War and their Hearts and Heroes program, visit their website,