Your Turn: Be Ready To Vote
Your vote is the most valuable treasure you own. Take good care of it, use it wisely, never sell it and demand a great return on your investment. I have spent years encouraging people to vote. This year is quickly becoming a time when we must protect and defend our right to vote! Below are a few suggestions some should be done now so you will be prepared:
1. Items 1a, 1b,and 1c require the assistance of the Suffolk County Board of Elections. It is suggested that you contact them by email so you spend time on a long phone hold:
1a. If you have moved in the past year, make sure you are registered. Contact the board of elections. Check online for their contact information.
1b. If someone in your family has or will turn 18 before Nov. 3, ask how they register and what documents must be provided.
1c. Request an Absentee Ballot. You can get the request form online, print it out, fill it out and mail it to the board of elections. Do this as soon as possible.
2. Your Ballot will be mailed to you, ask the BOE when they mail the ballots so you can watch for it. When it arrives, Vote and mail back right away. Do not wait until the middle of October as the mail might be delayed then.
3. If you plan to vote in person, make sure your polling place has not been moved. Wear a mask, gloves and carry hand sanitizer and most importantly, practice social distancing.
4. Try to avoid taking children to the polls. If you must, make sure they have well-fitting masks, keep them close, no wandering. Before getting back in the car everyone should sanitize their hands.
5. If you decide to vote in person bring proper identification: driver’s license, passport. There can always be a first time when you will have to show ID.
Live at polling places vs. total mail in ballots for Mount Sinai School District
In Mount Sinai, the voting data of this past year’s school budget vote showed a huge increase.
Vote Counts 2014 – 2019 based upon in person voting:
Lowest count was 962 while the highest was 1557. The average for those five years was 1352.8.
In 2020 ballots were mailed to all registered voters in the school district and could be mailed back or put in a drop box in the district office lobby.
The total number of votes cast was 2993. This number is 1641 more votes than the average of the past five years.
There is a fantastic website which is designed to answer voter questions and provide information, state specific, for voters. The site is presented by the National Association of Secretaries of State and it can be reached at
Vote as if your life depends upon it, because the American way of life does.
Lynn Jordan is a lifelong Long Island-based community advocate, stemming from her time as a volunteer district lobbyist to PTA Council President at the Comsewogue School District, which preceded her 19-year tenure as a nurse at Mount Sinai Middle School, following which she served 12 years on the Mount Sinai board of education.