Updates from the Town of Brookhaven

By Samantha Rutt
On March 14, the Town of Brookhaven board met for its monthly meeting. Proceedings began at 3 p.m. as opposed to the usual later start time, as the board has now taken the role of the planning committee [See “Town of Brookhaven board amends town code and serves as the planning board,” March 7].
Supervisor Dan Panico (R) noted, “Welcome to Brookhaven Town Hall for our Town Board meeting, we start earlier now as we have taken on the planning board matters. We are now embarking on the first meeting of the joint town board, planning board series — the new process in the Town of Brookhaven.”
Following Panico’s brief statement, the meeting kicked off with a presentation by Councilwoman Jane Bonner (R-Rocky Point), recognizing the Rocky Point Cheerleading team for their National Championship title back in February.
Also at the meeting, the Town Board voted to approve several motions including:
- United States Fish and Wildlife Services designated piping plovers as a threatened species on the Atlantic Coast, including the Fire Island National Seashore. From this designation, the Town Board approved a motion to employ a monitor to inspect town beaches during the piping plover breeding season, between May and September, to aid in the preservation of the threatened species.
- Town of Brookhaven designated the month of April as Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month throughout the Town of Brookhaven. CDH is a rare muscle condition that occurs during prenatal development, prohibiting the child from properly developing the diaphragm.
- Bonds totaling $2,289,000 were approved to authorize funding for the cost of the replacement of Sheep Pasture Road Bridge in Port Jefferson. The authorization will include design and construction of a steel and concrete bridge, acquisition of right-of-way and any associated incidental expenses.
- Designated the month of April to be National Donate Life Month throughout the Town of Brookhaven. This establishment aims to encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to celebrate those who have saved lives though the gift of donation.
During the meeting, the board voted to move several motions, all information can be found at the Town of Brookhaven’s website, brookhavenny.portal.civicclerk.com.
In other news, on March 15, Panico announced the 2024 Great Brookhaven Cleanup, a program the town has hosted for nearly 15 years. The cleanup will take place on Saturday, May 18. Residents, community organizations and local businesses are among those who have participated in the past and look to contribute in this year’s event.
Panico explained that the town spent more than $162,000 last year on roadside litter cleanup. Those who elect to participate in this year’s program will gather with their respective groups in their areas and clean the roadside.
“Keeping our neighborhoods clean is very important to us. It gives us all a sense of pride to look out and appreciate the beauty of where we live,” Panico said.
To register, visit www.brookhavenny.gov or call 631-451-TOWN (8696).