The Board of Directors for Long Island Elite (LIE) presented UCP of Long Island (UCP-LI) with a donation of $110,000 at their holiday party in December. 

“This is the largest amount of money we have raised for any organization in a 12-month period in our 20-year history. We are so very proud of our members and their support of UCP-LI’s incredibly important mission,” said Frank Morizio, LIE Board President.

The Long Island Elite was founded in 2002 and is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to fostering the growth and development of local business professionals, and emerging regional leaders. The members of LIE are leaders in the business and non-for-profit sectors who believe in the philosophy of standing together to support each other’s careers and helping those who are less fortunate. In 2014, Long Island Elite started selecting one local non-profit to be their annual charity partner each year. 

“We are honored to have been chosen as Long Island Elite’s 2022 Charity Partner. Thanks to this incredible partnership, their support will help us build an adaptive playground at The Children’s Center at UCP-LI. We value the relationships made and can’t wait to see what the future brings,” said Colleen Crispino, President and CEO of UCP-LI.

For children with disabilities, playgrounds are more than just fun; they support the development of fine and gross motor physical skills, physical stamina, and encourage increased/spontaneous interaction with peers. 

“The adaptive playground will allow the children we serve to play and grow just like other children. Every child deserves to be able to play. This playground will have a wheelchair swing, a sensory play area, as well as wheelchair accessible musical instruments and chimes,” said Ms. Crispino.