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Rotary of Stony Brook

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This year the organizers of the Three Village Electric Holiday Parade had to go about things differently due to COVID-19 restrictions and social-distancing guidelines.

Instead of vehicles and floats decorated with lights traveling down Route 25A in Setauket with hundreds bundled up and standing along the road, the parade turned into a drive-thru light show presented by the Rotary Club of Stony Brook Dec. 13 and held on the Ward Melville High School grounds. The show took place from 5 to 6:30 p.m., and spectators lined up in their cars up and down Old Town Road to get a peek of the holiday fun long before the gates opened.

Various businesses were on hand as well as students from Three Village school district. To comply with social-distancing guidelines, only a few representatives from each group stood with their entries. Many used photo cutouts and videos to represent those who could not be there.

To celebrate the high school seniors, Three Village parents set up more than 500 lighted bags on the school’s front lawn, each with a student’s name on it.