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breast cancer research

Assistant Professor Michael Lukey and postdoctoral researcher Yijian 'Evan' Qiu. Photo courtesy of Michael Lukey lab

By Daniel Dunaief

Cancer is a dangerous and wily adversary. Just when researchers think they have come up with a plan to defeat a deadly disease that takes many forms and that attacks different organs, cancer can figure out a way to persist.

Researchers have known that breast cancer uses the amino acid glutamine to power its high energy needs. To their disappointment, when they’ve blocked glutamine or reduced its availability, cancer somehow carries on.

An adaptable foe, cancer has figured out how to find an alternative metabolic pathway that can use the same energy or carbon source when its level gets low.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Assistant Professor Michael Lukey and postdoctoral researcher Yijian “Evan” Qiu have discovered how a form of breast cancer has a back up plan, enabling it to survive despite glutamine deprivation.

“Analysis of tumor samples has revealed that glutamine is often depleted within the tumor microenvironment, so we were interested in understanding how seemingly ‘glutamine addicted’ cancer cells adapt to this challenge,” Lukey explained..

In research published last week in the journal Nature Metabolism, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory researchers discovered and quieted a type of breast cancer’s alternate energy source.

This form of breast cancer typically uses glutamine, which is one of the most common amino acids, to power its disease-driven machinery. When Qiu and Lukey blocked the formation of alpha-ketoglutarate, which is a metabolite normally derived from glutamine and then glutamate, they significantly repressed the growth of tumors in animal models of the disease.

Cancer cells turn on this alternative pathway that can catalyze glutamate into alpha-ketoglutarate.

“Cancer is always evolving and adapting,” said Qiu. “We need to stay ahead as scientists.”

The results of this research suggest a possible approach to treating cancer, depriving the disease of ingredients it needs to feed the kind of runaway growth that threatens human health. Limiting key ingredients could come from applying specific inhibitors, extracellular enzymes or antimetabolites.

Their work could have implications and applications in other forms of cancer.

The time between observing a promising result in the lab and a new therapy typically takes years. In this case, however, treatments that use inhibitors of glutamine have been well-tolerated in animals and humans. Qiu also did not observe any side effects in animal models in his study, which could potentially accelerate the process of creating a new therapy.

To be sure, developing treatments that cut off cancer’s primary and back up energy supply may not be sufficient, as cancer may have other metabolic moves up its figurative sleeves.

“Cancer cells typically exhibit metabolic flexibility, such that they can adapt to a variety of metabolic stresses,” said Lukey. “It remains to be seen if they can ultimately adapt to long-term blockade of the axis that we identified, but so far we have not seen this happen.”

A search for the back up plan

Qiu and Lukey speculated at the beginning of Qiu’s Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory experience in August of 2020 that cancer cells likely had another energy option.

“The fact that cancer cells that should be dependent on glutamine adapted in glutamine-free media in weeks made me believe that the cancer cells must have such a plan B,” Qiu explained.

To figure out why glutamine inhibitors weren’t shrinking tumors in animal models or humans, Qiu removed glutamine from cancer cells, causing over 99.9 percent of the cells to die. A few, however, survived and started proliferating in weeks.

Qiu used RNA-seq analysis to compare the parental and adaptive cells and found that the cells that are glutamine independent upregulated a serine synthesis pathway. These adaptive cells used PSAT1, or phosphoserine aminotransferase 1, to produce alpha-ketoglutarate.

As for human patients, the scientists don’t know what kind of stress is activating a Plan B for metabolism, which they are currently exploring.

A ‘passion’ for the field

Lukey and Qiu submitted the paper for publication about a year ago. After conducting additional experiments to verify their findings, including confirming that some of the metabolite entered the cell, these researchers received word that Nature Metabolism would publish the research.

Lukey appreciated Qiu’s passion for science and suggested his postdoctoral researcher combines his technical proficiency with good ideas to generate promising results.

Lukey suggested that researchers in the field have developed a growing consensus that effective strategies to target tumor metabolism will likely involve combination therapies that disrupt a critical metabolic pathway in cancer cells and simultaneously block the adaptive response to that intervention.

From China to Buffalo to LI

Born in Yiyang, Hunan province in China, Qiu moved several times during his childhood, to Sanya, Hainan and Changsha, Hunan.

Qiu knew he wanted to be a scientist when he was young. He enjoyed watching ants, observing the types of food they carried with them. He earned his PhD from Clemson University in South Carolina, where he built his knowledge about metabolism-related research and benefited from the guidance of his mentor James Morris.

Qiu and his wife Peipei Wu, who is a postdoctoral researcher in Chris Hammell’s lab and focuses on epigenetic gene regulation in skin stem cell development, live in Oyster Bay.

The scientific couple don’t have much overlap in their work, but they do get “lots of inspiration from each other, during our discussion outside of work,” said Qiu.

Qiu enjoys fishing and caught and ate a catfish from the Hudson River. He appreciates drawing scenery, animals and a range of other visuals, including cartoon characters. He designed T-shirts for his department during his PhD.

As for his research, Qiu hopes the metabolism finding may lead to new treatments for cancer. He also suggested that this approach may help with other cancers.

“What I have found in my study can be applied for many other cancer types that are also dependent on glutamine, such as lung and kidney cancer,” he said. He also can not rule out “the possibility that the treatment may help reduce metastasis.”

An important topic for follow up studies, Lukey suggested, is to address how the metabolic interventions Qiu used might affect immune cells and the anticancer immune response.

Photo courtesy of Stony Brook Medicine

Breast cancer research at the Stony Brook Cancer Center is taking a long-lasting, impactful leap forward thanks to the generous support from the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund. The Fund, which has been supporting research grants at Stony Brook for the last 25 years, has established a new $5.5 million endowment that will be used in perpetuity to fund breast cancer research at Stony Brook Medicine.

Carol M. Baldwin dedicated her life to helping other women overcome the struggles associated with breast cancer after her own diagnosis in 1990 and enduring a double mastectomy. After raising her six children on Long Island, New York, she formed the Fund in 1996 with her family, friends and health professionals with a mission to fight and ultimately win the battle against breast cancer. That same year, Stony Brook dedicated the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center in recognition of her efforts to raise funds for cancer research. The care center continues to operate today within the Stony Brook Cancer Center. In addition to cancer care, the center treats patients with benign conditions of the breast and offers community education on overall breast health and cancer prevention.

“Carol was very supportive of local women who were newly diagnosed and would become their advocate to make sure they received the right treatment,” said Brian J. O’Hea, MD, director of the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center. “This newly endowed fund will allow the expert care and research to continue and will ensure Carol’s legacy will always live on here at Stony Brook.”

Over the past few decades, the Fund has provided seed grants to more than 100 researchers at Stony Brook Medicine as they investigate the causes, prevention and treatment of breast cancer. In memory of Carol, who passed away in 2022, the new endowed Fund will ensure that breast cancer research at Stony Brook will continue for years to come. With the State Endowment Match Challenge and the Simons Infinity Investment Challenge, this gift will have an impact of $16.5 million.

“Through the support of the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund, our researchers will learn more about breast cancer, providing us better methods of detection and treatment,” said William Wertheim, MD, interim executive vice president of Stony Brook Medicine. “This endowed gift will allow that important work to continue in perpetuity as our researchers search for advances in technology and medicine.”

This past May, the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) awarded the center a full three-year reaccreditation. According to O’Hea, NAPBC-accredited programs have demonstrated excellence in organizing and managing a breast care center to facilitate multidisciplinary, integrated and comprehensive breast cancer services.

Zhe Qian

By Daniel Dunaief

Addition and subtraction aren’t just important during elementary school math class or to help prepare tax returns.

As it turns out, they are also important in the molecular biological world of healthy or diseased cells.

Some diseases add or subtract methyl groups, with a chemical formula of CH3, or phosphate groups, which has a phosphorous molecule attached to four oxygen molecules.

Nicholas Tonks. Photo courtesy of CSHL

Adding or taking away these groups can contribute to the progression of a disease that can mean the difference between sitting comfortably and watching a child’s performance of The Wizard of Oz or sitting in a hospital oncology unit, waiting for treatment for cancer.

Given the importance of these units, which can affect the function of cells, researchers have spent considerable time studying enzymes such as kinases, which add phosphates to proteins.

Protein tyrosine phosphatases, which Professor Nicholas Tonks at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory purified when he was a postdoctoral researcher, removes these phosphate groups.

Recent PhD graduate Zhe Qian, who conducted research for six years in Tonks’s lab while a student at Stony Brook University, published a paper in the journal Genes & Development demonstrating how an antibody that interferes with a specific type of protein tyrosine phosphatase called PTPRD alters the way breast cancer spreads in cell cultures.

“The PTPs are important regulators of the process of signal transduction — the mechanisms by which cells respond to changes in their environment,” explained Tonks. “Disruption of these signal transduction mechanisms frequently underlies human disease.”

To be sure, Tonks cautioned that the study, which provides a proof of concept for the use of antibodies to manipulate signaling output in a cancer cell, is a long way from providing another tool to combat the development or spread of breast cancer.

The research, which formed the basis for Qian’s PhD project, offers an encouraging start on which to add more information.

Blocking the receptor

Qian, who goes by the name “Changer,” suggested that developing a compound or small molecule to inhibit or target the receptor for this enzyme was difficult, which is “why we chose to use an antibody-based method,” he said.

By tying up a receptor on the outside of the cell membrane, the antibody also doesn’t need to enter the cell to reach its target.

The Antibody Shared Resource, led by Research Associate Professor Johannes Yeh, created antibodies to this particular receptor. Yeh created an antibody is shaped like a Y, with two arms with specific attachments for the PTPD receptor.

Once the antibody attaches, it grabs two of these receptors at the same time, causing a dimerization of the protein. Binding to these proteins causes them to lose their functionality and, ultimately, destroys them.

Cell cultures of breast cancer treated with this antibody became less invasive.

Limited presence

One of the potential complications of finding a new target for any treatment is the side effects from such an approach.

If, for example, these receptors also had normal metabolic functions in a healthy cell, inhibiting or killing those receptors could create problematic side effect.

In this case, however,  the targeted receptor is expressed in the spine and the brain. Antibodies normally don’t cross the blood-brain barrier.

Qian and Tonks don’t know if the antibody would affect the normal function of the brain. Further research would help address this and other questions.

Additionally, as with any possible treatment, future research would also need to address whether cancer cells developed resistance to such an approach.

In the time frame Qian explored, the cells in culture didn’t become resistant.

If the potential therapeutic use of this antibody becomes viable, future researchers and clinicians might combine several treatments to develop ways to contain breast cancer.

Eureka moment

In his research, Qian studied the effect of these antibodies on fixed cell, which are dead but still have the biochemical features of a living cell He also studied living cells.

When the antibody attaches to the receptor, it becomes visible through a staining process. Most antibody candidates stain living cells. Only the successful one showed loss-of-signal in living staining.

The antibody Qian used not only limited the ability of the receptor to send a signal, but also killed the receptor. The important moment in his research occurred when he discovered the antibody suppressed cancer cell invasion in cell culture.

Outside of the lab, Qian enjoys swimming, which he does between four and five times per week. Indeed, he combined his athletic and professional pursuits when he recently raised funds for Swim Across America.

“I not only want to do research, but I also want to call more attention to cancer research in the public,” said Qian.

The Swim Across America slogan suggests that each stroke is for someone who “couldn’t be with us” because of cancer. In the lab, Qian thinks each time he pipettes liquids during one of his many experiments it is for someone who couldn’t make it as well.

Qian, who currently lives in Hicksville, grew up in Suchow City, which is a village west of Shanghai and where Cold Spring Harbor Asia is located. 

Qian has been living on Long Island since he arrived in the United States. Qian graduated from Stony Brook University in October and is currently looking for a job in industry.

Looking back, Qian is pleased with the work he’s done and the contribution he’s made to breast cancer research. He believes the antibody approach offers a viable alternative or complement to searching for small molecules that could target or inhibit proteins or enzymes important in the development of cancer.

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The Ward Melville Heritage Organization hosted A “Taste” of Stony Brook Village … Ladies Night In! Feb. 26 at WMHO’s Educational & Cultural Center. Gloria Rocchio, president of WMHO, said the organization reached the event fundraising goal of $5,000 for breast cancer research at Stony Brook Medicine.

The night featured a fashion show celebrating clothing store Chico’s 25th anniversary in Stony Brook Village Center, which was the chain’s first one in New York.

The night also included music by Roberta Fabiano, food sampling, hair and virtual reality demonstrations, raffles, giveaways and raffle baskets. Members of Roseland School of Dance were on hand to teach attendees how to dance the Macarena and the cha-cha slide, too.

Rocchio said WMHO raised $45,000 during its Walk for Beauty at the Stony Brook Village Center Oct. 21. She said the organization plans to present a check for $50,000 to Stony Brook Medicine in the near future.

Michael Schatz. Photo courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

By Daniel Dunaief

What if an enormous collection of Scrabble letters were spread out across the floor? What if several letters came together to form the word “victory”? Would that mean something? On its own, the word might be encouraging, depending on the context.

Genetic researchers are constantly looking at letters for the nucleotides adenine, guanine, cytosine and tyrosine, searching for combinations that might lead to health problems or, eventually, diseases like cancer.

For many of these diseases, seeing the equivalent of words like “cancer,” “victory” and “predisposition” are helpful, but they are missing a key element: context.

W. Richard McCombie

Michael Schatz, an adjunct associate professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory who is also the Bloomberg distinguished associate professor at Johns Hopkins, and W. Richard McCombie, a professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, use long-read sequencing technology developed by Pacific Biosciences to find genetic variants that short-read sequencing missed.

The two scientists recently teamed up to publish their work on the cover of the August issue of the journal Genome Research. They provided a highly detailed map of the structural variations in the genes of a breast cancer cell.

“This is one of many covers [of scientific journals] that we are pleased and proud of,” said Jonas Korlach, the chief scientific officer at Menlo Park, California-based Pacific Biosciences. 

“This is another example of how long-read sequencing can give you a more complete picture of the genome and allow researchers to get a more complete understanding of the underlying biology and here, specifically, that underlies the transition from a health to a cancer disease state,” he said.

Schatz and McCombie were able to see fine detail and the context for those specific sequences. They were able to see about 20,000 structural variations in the cancer genome. “It’s like using Google maps,” explained Schatz in a recent interview. “You can see the overall picture of the country and then you can see roads and zoom out.”

In the context of their genetics work, this means they could see large and small changes in the genome. Only about a quarter of the variants they found could be detected without long-read technology.

In breast cancer, scientists currently know about a family of genes that could be involved in the disease. At this point, however, they may be unaware of other variants that are in those genes. Schatz is hoping to develop more sensitive diagnostics to identify more women at risk.

People like actress and advocate Angelina Jolie have used their genetic screens to make informed decisions about their health care even before signs of any problems arise. Jolie had a double mastectomy after she learned she had the mutation in the BRCA1 gene that put her at an 87 percent risk of developing breast cancer.

By studying the sequence of genes involved in breast cancer, researchers may be able to identify other people that are “at high risk based on their genetics,” Schatz said.

Knowing what’s in your genome can help people decide on potentially prophylactic treatments. 

When people discover that they have breast cancer, they typically choose a specific type of treatment, depending on the subtype of cancer.

“There’s a lot of interest to divide [the genetic subtypes] down into even finer detail,” said Schatz, adding, “There’s also interest in transferring those categories into other types of cancer, to give [patients] better treatments if and when the disease occurs.”

The reduced cost of sequencing has made these kinds of studies more feasible. In 2012, this study of the breast cancer genome would have cost about $100,000. To do this kind of research today costs closer to $10,000 and there’s even newer sequencing technology that promises to be even less expensive, he said.

Pacific Biosciences continues to see a reduction in the cost of its technology. The company plans to introduce a new chip next year that has an eightfold higher capacity, Korlach said.

Schatz said the long-term goal is to apply this technique to thousands of patients, which could help detect and understand genetic patterns. He and McCombie are following up on this research by looking at patients at Northwell Health.

In this work, Schatz’s group wrote software that helped decipher the code and the context for the genetic sequence.

“The instrument doesn’t know anything about genes or cancer,” he said. “It produces raw data. We write software that can take those sequences and compare them to the genome and look for patterns to evaluate what this raw data tells us.”

Schatz described McCombie, with whom he speaks every day or so, as his “perfect complement.” He suggested that McCombie was one of the world’s leaders on the experimental side, adding, “There’s a lot of artwork that goes into running the instruments. My lab doesn’t have that, but his lab does.”

Working with his team at CSHL and Johns Hopkins has presented Schatz with numerous opportunities for growth and advancement.

“Cold Spring Harbor is an internationally recognized institute for basic science, while Johns Hopkins is also an internationally recognized research hospital and university,” he explained. He’s living in the “best of both worlds,” which allows him to “tap into amazing people and resources and capacities.”

Korlach has known Schatz for at least a decade. He said he’s been “really impressed with his approach,” and that Schatz is “highly regarded by his peers and in the community.”

Schatz is also a “terrific mentor” who has helped guide the development of the careers of several of his former students, Korlach said.

Down the road, Schatz also hopes to explore the genetic signature that might lead to specific changes in a cancer, transforming it from an organ-specific disease into a metastatic condition.