‘Sweet Memories’ art installation arrives at the Stony Brook Train Station

‘Sweet Memories’ art installation arrives at the Stony Brook Train Station

Members of the Three Village community traveled back in time on Monday, December 2nd to visit an imaginative old-fashion pushcart of newspapers, candy and treats at the Stony Brook Train Station. The pushcart, and a host of other turn of the century items, are all part of a new holiday art exhibit titled Sweet Memories created by the talented Michael Rosengard. 

The Three Village Community Trust hosted the artist reception as part of its ongoing Stony Brook Train Station Beautification Project. Located outside the front entrance of the historic Stony Brook Station House, Sweet Memories is meant to create a sense of nostalgia for those visiting or passing by the station. It highlights a simpler time in America, as well as the importance of the Long Island Rail Road in bringing families together this time of year. 

By the size of the turnout for the reception, and the enthusiasm of the crowd, the installation is an instant “holiday classic.” The community’s renowned art institutions were represented by Lois Reboli, President of the Reboli Center for Art and History, and Ned Puchner, Executive Director of Gallery North. Also attending the reception were Suffolk County Legislator Steve Englebright and Town of Brookhaven Councilmember Jonathan Kornreich, as well as key members of the Three Village Historical Society, the Three Village Civic Association and the Stony Brook School  

The response to the display certainly thrilled artist Michael Rosengard, who noted, “I’m passionate about improving our community. This project is meant to promote the sense of joy and pride so many of us feel for the Three Villages! I’m thrilled to see so many people here today with smiles on their faces. This is such a great way to bring the community together for the holidays. I hope everyone tells their family and friends to visit the display and take photographs.” 

Herb Mones, president of the Three Village Community Trust observed, “All of Michael’s work enriches the cultural and social fabric of our North Shore community. His art installation demonstrates the vibrant, creative, and giving spirit of so many of our residents. The Three Village Community Trust and its partners in the Station Beautification Project are proud to facilitate Sweet Memories.”

Over the past three years, the Three Village Community Trust, along with the Three Village Civic Association, the North Suffolk Garden Club, the Three Village Chamber of Commerce, the Three Village Rotary, the Three Village Historical Society, and students and faculty at the Stony Brook School have engaged in the Beautification Project at the Stony Brook Train Station.

Significant progress has been made removing debris, weeds, and invasive plants from the landscaped beds. Now, a wide variety of Long Island native plants have been added to the landscaped beds. The art installation of Sweet Memories is another part of the beautification project. 

Those attending the reception enjoyed a variety of old fashion candies and treats provided by the artist. Hot chocolate, coffee, and lunch was generously donated by Bagel Express. Sweet Memories is now on display at the Stony Brook Train Station until Dec. 20th.