Setauket Artists’ Exhibition: An autumn tradition
By Irene Ruddock
As autumn rolls around, people start to think of the comforts of home: a cozy fireplace, baking and perhaps redecorating their homes. What better way to perk up a home than to bring in some beautiful art to soothe the soul?
Now in its 36th year, the Setauket Artists’ Exhibition, featuring the works of over 40 artists, will return to the Setauket Neighborhood House, 95 Main St., Setauket from Oct. 23 to Nov. 17 with viewing daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The show will be judged by respected watercolorist and juror Lucy Taylor of the Art league of Long Island.

The artists
Lana Ballot
Rina Betro
Sheila Breck
Renee Caine
Al Candia
Gail Chase
Anthony Davis
Jeanette Dick
W.A. Dodge
Paul Edelson
Stu Gottfried
Donna Grossman
Melissa Imossi
Laurence Johnston
Anne Katz
Flo Kemp
Karen Kemp
Michael Kutzing
John Mansueto
Jane McGraw-Teubner
Terrance McManus
Eleanor Meier
Fred Mendelsohn
Jim Molloy
Muriel Musarra
Iacopo Pasquinelli
Paula Pelletier
Denis Ponsot
Joan Rockwell
Robert Roehrig
Irene Ruddock
Eileen Sanger
Carole Link Scinta
Sungsook Setton
Barbara Siegel
Patricia Solan
Angela Stratton
Mary Jane van Zeijts
Annemarie Waugh
Laura Westlake
Marlene Weinstein
Patricia Yantz
Reinforcing the group’s motto — “Art for a Lifetime” — the artists strive to provide art that has a meaningful impact on the viewer. It is art that invites you to breathe softly, to take a walk down a hidden path, put your feet into the cool waters or sit in a rocker on the porch enjoying the last days of summer. (See Laura Westlake’s “Red Rocker.”)
The Setauket Artists revel in capturing the beauty of our local scenes such as Carol Linke Scinta’s atmospheric “Gamecock Cottage,” Patricia Yantz’s soothing “West Meadow Wonder,” Barbara Siegel’s nostalgic “Sound View Pavilion” or Rina Betro’s “Sweet Caroline” — an oil painting of the beloved and historic Caroline Church.
Collectors of Anne Katz’s and Paula Pelletier’s watercolors will enjoy their luminescent, pastoral paintings while others will seek out Stu Gottfried’s pastels that define the hustle and bustle of city life. 2016 Honored Artist Robert Roehrig will lead you to stroll along Long Island’s South Shore delighting you with a stunning sunset, Jeanette Dick will charm you with her alluring “Geisha,” and Renee Caine will guide you through the elegant splendor of “Monet’s Giverny.”
In a contemporary turn, view Annemarie Waugh’s “Avenue of Trees,” which is magically childlike and truly a breath of fresh air. The Setauket Artists are joined for the first time by the well-known oil painter W.A.Dodge who will display his stunning “Orange Rhymes with Blue,” and Denis Ponsot, instructor of watercolor at the Art League of Long Island, whose painting of “The Red Canoe” will make you want to grab the oars and paddle away.
Portraitist Terrance McManus captures the sweet innocence in “Island Boy” and the warmth and wisdom emanating from “The Professor.” Other well-known artists joining the group for the first time are the renowned oil painters Laurence Johnston and John Mansueto and pastel painter Lana Ballot, instructor at the Atelier at Flowerfield. The Setauket Artists are honored to have as our guest artist, master watercolorist and former judge Antonio Masi, famous for his paintings of New York City bridges.
Several artists have donated paintings to be raffled off including 2015 Honored Artist Jim Molloy who will contribute his giclee painting, “Turning Tides,” with proceeds to benefit the organization. Fred Bryant of Bryant Funeral Home in Setauket will once again sponsor the exhibit. Fred, patron of the arts, has generously contributed to the art group for ten years leading it to the professional organization that it is.
An opening reception will be held on Sunday, Oct. 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. at which scholarships will be awarded to three local students, Daniela Winston and Lexie Buynoch for art and Jacob Henretta for science in memoriam of recently deceased Setauket Artists Michael R. Kutzing, David Smith and Flori Sternlieb. If you miss the first reception, you may join Setauket Artists for their free evening wine and cheese reception on Friday, Nov. 11 from 5 to 7 p.m. where many new affordable paintings will be featured just in time for the holidays. Entertainment will be provided by singer Caterina Dee whose lilting and sultry voice made the evening complete last year.
For additional information, visit, Setauket Artists on Facebook or call 631-365-1312. Irene Ruddock is the coordinator of the Setauket Artists.