Letters to the Editor: Feb. 29, 2024
Environmental matters
I was delighted to see John Turner’s new column (“Living Lightly”) in the Arts & Lifestyles section, Feb. 15. Mr. Turner is a well-regarded figure in the environmental movement on Long Island, and his contribution to your paper in the form of a column of practical advice for a more Earth-friendly lifestyle is greatly appreciated.
All too often, we fall into a funk of inaction regarding the overwhelming challenges of the environmental crisis. It can seem quite impossible for any one person to effect change when the problems we are facing are so huge. Mr. Turner’s column will hopefully look at, and remind us all, of the simple choices we can make as individuals to move toward a cleaner and healthier planet.
On the theme of a cleaner and healthier planet, I was also very pleased to see your Feb. 15 editorial on the future of the Town of Brookhaven landfill [“Where does Brookhaven’s garbage go from here?”]. I’m astounded that the town makes no significant effort to inform its populace of future plans regarding the landfill. Similarly, the town’s general lack of communication about waste collection is baffling. We could all use a little guidance about how best to sort recyclable plastics and metals, for instance. Helpful hints about reusable plastics and disposal of organic and inorganic waste, provided on a regular basis by mail, email and/or press releases would go a long way toward generating trust and pride among Brookhaven’s residents.
Douglas Baldwin
Sound Beach
Port Jeff school board needs three candidates to assess the future
Good day Port Jefferson School District parents, it is decision time!
Since I left the Board of Education in 2006 the educational quality of our district has been in a freefall (see The Washington Post surveys).
Parents need to put forward three candidates for the board who will look closely at the state of the district and make decisions based on the educational needs of your kids.
You can do this! America is about intelligent people — and Port Jefferson School District has an abundance — stepping forward and bringing their skills to a collective entity, the Board of Education, for the best outcomes for our kids.
The current board seems obsessed with the needs of the lacrosse team. Millions have been proposed to this end — and rejected by residents. Educational opportunities for your kids have been decimated over the years.
Do we want to:
Keep the Port Jefferson schools the way they are?
Merge with the Three Village school district — assuming Three Village is of like mind? (Merge in total or merge at the high school level only.)
Or tuition our kids to the Three Village district – sending only our high school kids to Three Village.
You must gather together for your kids. There are people who will support you for election and as a board member. The future is in your hands if you do not let it slip through your fingers. Talk among yourselves. You have the people who can lead!
Bruce Miller
Port Jefferson