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Selden Middle School

Slyvia Zhao, Selden Middle School eighth-grade student. Photo courtesy MCCSD

Selden Middle School announced Sylvia Zhao, an 8th-grade student, as a recipient of the Long Island History Day special award for outstanding junior entry on radio or television history for her documentary, titled The Magic Behind the Music: How Guitar Pedals Changed Sound Forever.

“On behalf of Selden Middle School, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Sylvia for her well-deserved recognition,” said Andrew Bennett, Principal of Selden Middle School. “Her dedication to historical inquiry and her ability to convey complex narratives with clarity and creativity are truly commendable. A huge thank you goes out to Sylvia’s National History Day Advisor, Ms. Lisa Cook, for her guidance and support throughout this journey.”

Sylvia’s remarkable achievement comes after competing against students from across Long Island. Her documentary has garnered widespread acclaim for its exploration of the impact of guitar pedals on the evolution of music. 

Sponsored by 90.3 WHPC, the Voice of NCC, Sylvia’s entry stood out for its depth of research and compelling storytelling. Through her documentary, Sylvia delves into the transformative effects of guitar pedals, shedding light on how these devices have shaped the soundscapes of various music genres over the years. Her research not only highlights the technological advancements in music production but also underscores the profound cultural and artistic implications of these innovations.

For more information regarding the Middle Country Central School District and its students’ many achievements, please visit the District’s website: https://www.mccsd.net/.

From left, Dr. Richard Rugen, Chairman, WMHO; Gloria Rocchio, President, WMHO; Chris Richey, Trustee, WMHO; Dr. Taylor Evans, Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences; Kathleen Mich, Trustee, WMHO; Deborah Boudreau, Education Director, WMHO; Charles Napoli, Trustee, WMHO. In attendance virtually: Jamie Parker, The Fullwood Foundation; Nicole Sarno, Business Manager Director, Business Banking, Webster Bank; Jon Dilley, President, Mill River Wetland Committee. Not pictured: The Frey Family Foundation. Photo from WMHO

The Ward Melville Heritage Organization (WMHO) hosted its third Long  Island Sound Connections Summit last week. This virtual, hands-on collaborative learning program connects  students across Long Island Sound and allows them to conduct their own research to better understand the water  systems in their environment.  

Long Island Sound Connections is the first program to connect both shores with students from New York and  Connecticut — with virtual class check-ins, “summits” where students present their findings, an ongoing collection of  data, and an analysis on that information. The Long Island Sound Connections program was designed to help  students learn about the Long Island Sound and to inspire them to become ‘citizen scientists’ and protect their  environment. The program is offered via distance learning from the WMHO’s Erwin J. Ernst Marine Conservation  Center (EMCC), where students have front row seats to one of the most pristine natural resources in New York  State.  

Dr. Taylor Evans and WMHO Education Director Deborah Boudreau sharing information with classes about different species (such as horse shoe crabs) that have survived in the Long Island Sound, some for over 445 million years. Photo from WMHO.

WMHO collaborated with Stony Brook University’s Ecology and Evolution Distinguished Professor Jeffrey  Levinton, and Dr. Taylor Evans of Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences to  develop a system of data collection parameters for monitoring and analyzing West Meadow Creek’s water quality  and species counts. 

Professor Levinton and Dr. Evans will continue to support WMHO in developing this  multipronged project that seeks to educate the public by providing data representing the creek’s health over time to  the public and researchers. They will also assist participating classes to in continuing to learn about the Long Island  Sound environment on an ongoing basis.  

The third “summit” of classes in this program was between Ms. Michelle Miller and Ms. Doreen Barry’s 6th grade  Science class from Selden Middle School and Ms. Jess Castoro’s 6th grade Science class from Achievement First  Bridgeport Academy Middle School, who worked in collaboration with Mill River Wetland Committee. 

The 2023  “summit” participants have been researching the Sound for six months, and with assistance from professionals in the  field, have learned the environmental impact of industrialization, recent achievements on mitigating the effects, and  how to utilize their data in the future by monitoring the Sound. 

Each class created specialized newscasts to showcase  their findings on the relationships between water quality, animal and plant species, and even with human impact. In  this cross sectional study of the Sound, students compared and contrasted their two environments (suburban and  urban) and presented it to their partner class. 

In addition, the study is longitudinal and seeks to track changes over  time. Data will be added into the WMHOs software to create a data map and timeline to assist environmental  researchers of all ages to understand and appreciate similarities and differences across the Long Island Sound.  

With grants provided by the Fullwood Foundation, the Frey Family Foundation and Webster Bank, this program  was offered to participating classes free of charge. All costs associated with the program were sponsored by these  organizations.  

For more information about the WMHO, on the Long Island Sound Connection program, other historic,  environmental and scientific programs that the WMHO offers, please call 631-751-2244 or visit wmho.org. 

Dawnwood Middle School student of the month, My’Kell Durham, with Assistant Principal Bruno Bernardino and teacher Margaret Porcelli, left photo. Selden Middle School student of the month, Logan Haberstroh, with Principal Andrew Bennett, right photo. Photos courtesy MCCSD

The Middle Country Central School District recently named My’Kell Durham and Logan Haberstoh as middle school students of the month for May, honoring the two students at a recent Board of Education meeting. 

Dawnwood Middle School student My’Kell Durham is an energetic student with a vibrant energy, smile and welcoming personality. He is eager to help those around him, listen to his teachers and put in extra effort in all subject areas. 

Throughout his years at Dawnwood Middle School, My’Kell’s growth as a student and individual has been recognized by teachers and peers. My’Kell has blossomed into a youngster exuding self-confidence and congeniality. Recently, My’Kell went around to students in his school to help raise awareness for the school’s dance and yoga fundraising event, culminating in the raising of $800. 

Selden Middle School student Logan Haberstroh excels academically. He has maintained impressive grades throughout middle school, with grades regularly averaging 95 or higher. As a member of the National Junior Honor Society, Logan has done community service at a local home for disabled adults and has worked to improve the gardens at New Lane Elementary School, where he attended elementary school. 

Logan enjoys being involved in the National Junior Honor Society, which provides him skills and knowledge to become a responsible local and global citizen.  

For more information regarding the Middle Country Central School District and its students’ many achievements, please visit the district’s website: www.mccsd.net.

Approximately 75 eighth grade students at Dawnwood Middle School and Selden Middle School in the Family and Consumer Science and Technology classes participated in the annual Shadow Day event, sponsored by the Middle Country Business Advisory Board. This was the first such event after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Students worked alongside or shadowed a family member or friend of the family and had an opportunity for a behind-the-scenes look at an average workday in a variety of careers, including paralegal, teaching, nursing, small business owner and corporate executive. 

The students saw firsthand how the education they are receiving at school, including 21st century skills such as time management, communication, teamwork and problem-solving, are directly connected to future employment.

“I observed in person and through participation in virtual meetings how a cohesive team works,” said Angela Patalano, an eighth grade student at Selden Middle School who shadowed a senior vice president of data and systems integration at Lifetime Brands. “I took a showroom tour and learned a great deal  about product categories and branding.”

Across from left, David Ebanks, Michael Barnum, Abigail Jones and Logan Aybar were named Middle Country school district’s students of the month for March. Photos from Middle Country school district

The Middle Country Central School District honored students of the month for March at a recent Board of Education meeting.

Centereach High School senior David Ebanks, Newfield High School senior Michael Barnum, Dawnwood Middle School sixth-grader Abigail Jones and Selden Middle School sixth-grader Logan Aybar were recognized for their academic and athletic achievements, perseverance and positive attitudes.

“Each month, it brings all of us here at Middle Country Central School District such joy to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of our students,” Superintendent of Schools Roberta Gerold said. “Watching our students grow brings an overwhelming feeling of fulfillment. Their successes here are just the beginning, and we can’t wait to watch all they accomplish in the months and years to come.”

Ebanks was chosen for his academic excellence and consistent “can-do” attitude — even in the face of obstacles. Teachers and administrators have recognized him as a respectful young man who walks around the school with a smile on his face, brightening the days of all who interact with him. Despite his wide range of successes academically and in extracurricular activities, he has remained humble.

Last month, he was honored during the Town of Brookhaven’s Black History Month celebration, recognizing him for his outstanding academic accomplishments throughout his high school career. Ebanks continued to thrive academically even while challenging himself by enrolling in college-level statistics and English courses during the current school year. Due to his hard work, he will graduate this June with an Advanced Regents diploma.

Ebanks has also left an invaluable mark on Centereach High School through his efforts as a peer tutor and his active role in the Bible club.

Barnum’s journey during his time at Newfield has been one of great success and resilience. Following his freshman and sophomore year achievements, both in the classroom and on the basketball court, he received unimaginable news in March 2015. He was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He spent the next 11 months keeping up with his academics through home teaching — even while facing intense chemotherapy treatment.

His diagnosis never altered his steadfast commitment to his studies and trajectory of excellence. He is in remission, and will be graduating on time this June with a potential to graduate with over 18 college credits.

During her first two quarters of middle school, Abigail has maintained a 98 GPA, with high honor distinction, and is an active member of jazz band and art club. Outside of school, she finds time to participate in dance, Girl Scouts, volleyball and piano. Her favorite subject is science, because of the hands-on experiments and interaction with her peers.

Logan’s academic excellence during his first two quarters as a middle school student earned him high honor roll. Although he enjoys all of his classes, his favorite class is math because he relishes the challenge of solving complex problems. He is an active participant of the science club and also enjoys attending after-school fitness intramurals. In his free time, Logan plays in soccer and basketball leagues and volunteers to prepare and deliver meals to homeless shelters. He is recognized as an attentive, genuine student who is a pleasure to have in class.