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Lefferts Tide Mill Design Contest

This summer, the Lefferts Tide Mill & Preserve hosted a design contest for its custom brew label, created in collaboration with Six Harbors Brewing Company in Huntington.

Artists and photographers were challenged to capture the 18th-century Lefferts Tide Mill and Dam in Lloyd Harbor in its prime. To spark creativity, participants were invited to join a tour presented through the Huntington Historical Society, paddle to the end of Puppy Cove in their kayaks, or visit their website for inspiration.

Over the summer, a barge was filled with restoration tools in front of the mill. Participants were tasked with portraying the essence of the Tide Mill—whether including the barge docked for the restoration work or not—in their artwork.

The organization received twelve unique entries, each offering a different perspective on this iconic landmark. A panel of three judges from the Board reviewed the submissions and ultimately selected a stunning aerial photograph. 

“It was a beautiful setting, with the Lefferts Tide Mill looking majestic as the subject of the photo,” commented judge Toby Kissam.

The winning entry was submitted by Peter Stango, who joined the group at a fundraiser on Aug. 16 to see his artwork featured on the Lefferts Tide Mill Lager label. He explained, “It was a drone shot, with a few Photoshop adjustments to remove the work equipment and complete the walkway.”

The Lefferts Tide Mill & Preserve is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2013, dedicated to preserving and protecting an 18th-century tide mill in the Village of Lloyd Harbor. This mill is considered the best-preserved tidal grist mill in the United States. Its design is based on U.S. Patent No. 3 for an “automatic mill,” signed by President George Washington. The surrounding mill pond has become a thriving habitat for native and migratory waterfowl, playing an important role in supporting the region’s biodiversity. For more information, www.leffertstidemill.org.