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Cold Spring Harbor School District

Cold Spring Harbor Central School District inducts 63 student-artists, the largest number in the district’s history, into the National Art Honor Society. Photo courtesy CSHCSD

This year, the Cold Spring Harbor Central School District’s annual National Art Honor Society induction ceremony was especially significant. Sixty-three exceptionally talented student-artists represented the district’s largest number of students achieving this honor. 

The annual National Art Honor Society induction ceremony was held on Nov. 1 in the Cold Spring Harbor Jr./Sr. High School Performing Arts Center. The stage was adorned with student artwork and the NAHS executive board performed the candle lighting ceremony for the inductees. Art Department Chair, Christine Oswald, along with co-adviser, Laura Cirino and fellow art teachers welcomed family members on behalf of the district’s Art Department. 

“I am always impressed by the extraordinary talent demonstrated by these young artists,” Superintendent of Schools Jill Gierasch said. “To have the largest number of students inducted into the National Art Honor Society in our district’s history is truly a remarkable achievement.”

To add to the festivities, a special videotaped message was played for the students from 2013 CSH alumna Hannah Fagin, who is now an artist and educator at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Families in attendance were also captivated to view a video of world-renowned artist Domingo Zapata, who taught and painted alongside AP art students in September. Zapata is only one of seven living artists featured in the Louvre and in 2019 completed a 30,000-square-foot mural in Time Square, making it the second largest mural ever painted in the world.

Each inductee signed the NAHS book and recited the official pledge: “I will in my life, to the best of my ability through my talents in art, help to create a more beautiful world for myself, for humankind and for all living things,” as they officially became members.

Analyzing Ötzi

Fifth-grade students from Cold Spring Harbor Central School District’s Lloyd Harbor Elementary School took part in a field trip to Cold Spring Laboratory’s DNA Learning Center’s Human Inheritance exhibition featuring Ötzi the Iceman on Jan. 6.

Students studied the 3-D replica of the 5,000-year-old mummy and learned how, through analysis of Ötzi’s stomach and intestines, many pollen types were revealed and studied to help scientists learn exactly when Ötzi died. 

Under the guidance of DNA Learning Center educator Megan Capobianco, the students studied pollen grains under the microscope and then went on a scavenger hunt, which included skulls dating back 6 million years, bacterial illnesses, eye color, blood type and more. The fifth-graders learned that not only pollen was found in Ötzi’s digestive system but also wild goat, red deer, plants and wheat. 

The DNA Learning Center is located at 334 Main St. in Cold Spring Harbor. Upcoming Ötzi the Iceman museum tours for the public include Feb. 8 at 9 a.m. and March 7 at 12:30 p.m. For more information, call 516-367-5170 visit www.dnalc.cshl.edu.

Photos courtesy of Karen Spehler/ CSHSD