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Anthony Dattero

By Anthony Dattero

As a school guidance counselor at Paul J. Gelinas Junior High School — for three decades now — and a parent whose children have thrived within our outstanding district, I feel compelled to share my concerns regarding the proposed reconfiguration orchestrated by our superintendent and voted upon by our board of education. 

There are many reasons to doubt the motivation and the lack of details starting with why this move is necessary and why this monumental move is in our students’ best interests. The challenge to the district should be to prove “the why” in comparison to our current proven educational model. Our current model has served our students well, offering significant academic and social-emotional advantages that have stood the test of time.

The notion of transitioning to a common middle school model is, frankly, mind-boggling and irresponsible. Three Village school district has distinguished itself by providing top-notch opportunities for our students across diverse areas, while also fostering nurturing environments during pivotal transitional years — sixth grade at the elementary level and ninth grade at the junior high school level.

Having actively participated in the superintendent’s public forums and committee sessions, I remain unable to find any compelling reason or explicit need to dismantle a system that has proven its effectiveness over the years. 

Why fix what isn’t broken? 

Our district has maintained its uniqueness for over 40 years, resisting the trend toward common middle school models adopted by other districts.

Despite the district’s efforts to gauge community sentiment through surveys, many — including myself — find these surveys incomplete and misleading. 

The supposed cost-saving benefits of reconfiguration have also been debunked, with recent revelations indicating potential excessive costs for retrofitting the high school to accommodate an entire grade level. 

More is not better if space is valued. Think about what happens if we were to add more people to a dance floor — creativity would likely decline and apologetic exchanges of “I’m sorry” or “Excuse me” or unpleasant looks would likely increase.

In an era where student vulnerability is heightened by social media and external influences, cramming more students into the high school environment seems counterintuitive to their well-being. It is imperative that we prioritize the best interests of our students above all else.

The district has failed to provide all stakeholders with clearly defined and transparent comparisons representing the pros, cons, trade-offs and other options that could enhance our current configuration. 

Let us stand united in advocating for the preservation of what works, ensuring that our students continue to receive the exceptional education and support they deserve. Our students deserve our best so they can realize the best version of themselves.

Superintendent also addresses Regents score worries with end of Do No Harm

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Reconfiguring Three Village Central School District and changing start times could cost nearly $3 million, according to Superintendent of Schools Kevin Scanlon, who urged the Board of Education to decide by January whether to adopt the plan.

The superintendent advised that decisions are necessary soon to provide the district time to enact all the proposed changes by the target 2025-26 school year.

“We should try to do it all at once, as opposed to doing one piece here and then having another transition for families in another piece,” Scanlon said during a Dec. 13 presentation to the BOE.

The proposal entails moving sixth grade up to the junior high schools, bumping ninth grade up to the high school and making secondary school start times later. The plan aims to improve financial stability, realign the district in light of declining enrollment, bring the district into line with state norms and address health concerns surrounding early start times for adolescents.

Scanlon estimated costs to reconfigure buildings to accommodate the grade changes could be about $2 million for projects like converting faculty rooms back into classrooms and configuring spaces for science labs, art and music.

According to Scanlon, the start time change would require adding buses to the district’s rotation at a cost of $963,000 if implemented at the same time as the grade changes, and more if implemented in 2024-2025, before sixth and ninth move up.

Scanlon left on the table the possibility of repurposing an elementary school or the North Country administration building, though he warned the funds from such moves would not “solve all the world’s problems in this regard,” and any such discussions would need to wait for recommendations from this year’s recently convened Budget Advisory Committee.

A couple of the trustees, including Karen Roughley, wondered if it was possible to do more to improve district finances, especially since BACs in former years have already suggested the board consider repurposing a school.

“I’m not sure why we are pushing it off again when we’ve been talking about it for two years now,” she said, adding that the board could also discuss the possibility of repurposing both an elementary school and the North Country building, rather than either/or. “We need to look at this district’s financial stability going forward.”

During the public comment section, Gelinas Junior High School guidance counselor and district resident Anthony Dattero gave a grave warning against moving too fast on reconfiguration. “There’s something in the chemistry of the district that is unique and different,” he said, pointing to the many accomplishments for athletics and scholarship frequently honored at board meetings. “The benefits [of reconfiguring] have to be also looked at with what we’re trading off.”

He said he believes keeping sixth and ninth graders in the younger schools gives them a chance to mature and therefore be better prepared for their next stage of education.

Board president Susan Rosenzweig indicated the board will consider allowing public comment at the start of their Jan. 10 meeting to allow residents to express concerns before the board’s vote, rather than after the fact.

Residents can watch Scanlon’s presentation and the resulting discussion in its entirety on the district’s YouTube page under the “Live” tab, starting at 1:37:00.

Regents scores

Scanlon also sought to ease parental concerns over the board’s Nov. 29 vote to end the so-called Do No Harm policy, under which Regents scores were only factored into a course grade if they helped the grade [See story, “Split 4-2 vote keeps Regents scores in final grades for Three Village students,” Dec. 1, TBR News Media].

According to Scanlon, teachers can adjust grades up to 5 points on their own, or up to 10 points with administration approval. under a policy enacted in 2016.

“Before there was a Do No Harm policy, we had something in place,” he said, adding that Three Village teachers want to see students succeed. “One test shouldn’t define a child.”

Board member Vincent Vizzo chimed in to say he saw this policy in action when he was principal of Murphy Junior High School. “Plenty of teachers have come forward to ask me, ‘Vin, I really want to adjust a grade for a student,’” he said. “The teachers are aware.”