Shelter Pet of the Week: Cranberry Sauce
This week’s featured shelter pet is Cranberry Sauce, one of several cats abandoned when their parents moved and now safe at the Smithtown Animal Shelter. She is a little love bug that will brighten your day.
According to the shelter’s staff, this little lady is all love all of the time. She follows you around and demands attention. She is a stage 5 clinger and you won’t mind one little bit!
Cranberry can be adopted alone or with one of her housemates. She has an overactive thyroid and will need a home that can manage that
If you are interested in meeting Cranberry Sauce, please fill out an application to schedule time to properly interact with your prospective soul mate in a domestic setting.
The Town of Smithtown Animal & Adoption Shelter is located at 410 Middle Country Road, Smithtown. Visitor hours are Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Sundays and Wednesday evenings by appointment only). For more information, call 631-360-7575 or visit
For more information regarding rescue animals available for adoption visit:. TownofSmithtownAnimalShelter.