Community Volunteer Fair heads to Emma Clark Library Sept. 25

Community Volunteer Fair heads to Emma Clark Library Sept. 25

Emma Clark Library, 120 Main St., Setauket will host a Community Volunteer Fair on Wednesday, Sept. 25 from 4 to 7 p.m. 

Representatives from over a dozen organizations will be at the event including the American Red Cross, Avalon Nature Preserve, Bethel Hobbs Community Farm, Emma Clark Library’s Teen Department, Guide Dog Foundation, Last Chance Animal Rescue, Open Door Exchange, Parker Jewish Institute – Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands Program, Sisters of St. Joseph, Sweetbriar Nature Center, Theatre Three, Three Village Historical Society, Three Village Lending Aids Society and the Ward Melville Heritage Organization. 

Furthermore, there will be a table with materials from organizations who were unable to attend the fair but are also looking for volunteers. There is no registration necessary and the event is open to all. For more information, call 631-941-4080.