Brookhaven Highway Department installs new traffic signal at Wireless and Strathmore Village

Brookhaven Highway Superintendent Daniel Losquadro and Councilmember Jonathan Kornreich announced the recent installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Wireless Road and Strathmore Village Drive in South Setauket.
After numerous requests from residents in the South Setauket Park communities, a traffic study was conducted and it was determined that a new signal was warranted based on the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). A compilation of national standards for all traffic control devices, MUTCD defines the measures used by road managers nationwide to install and maintain traffic control devices on all public streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public travel. The total cost for the installation of the new signal and guide rail was $136,192.
“We often receive requests for new traffic signals or stop signs,” said Losquadro. “While it is not always found to be needed in a specific location, based on several factors including the number of cars utilizing the intersection on a daily basis, traffic patterns, etc., in this case it was warranted and has created a safer intersection for residents and motorists in the area.”
“My staff and I work hard to be proactive in keeping our neighbors safe, and we appreciate feedback from local residents and civic groups who have detailed knowledge of areas in need of attention,” said Councilmember Kornreich. “I would like to thank and encourage residents to continue to reach out to our office for any changes they would like to see made. Superintendent Losquadro and I are always looking for opportunities to make our community a safer place.”