Town of Smithtown officials deliver check to food pantry

Town of Smithtown officials deliver check to food pantry

Photo from Town of Smithtown

Town Supervisor Ed Wehrheim was joined by Town Clerk Vincent Puleo and Councilman Tom Lohmann on Thursday, to hand deliver a check to Pat Westlake at the Smithtown Food Pantry. The check for over $1600 was the result of a Battle of the Towns fundraiser organized by the Recreation Department back in March. Town employees and members of the public used the Kilter App in a 30 day fitness challenge against the Town of Riverhead. The proceeds from the event went to a cause of each Town’s choosing. The Town of Smithtown chose to donate proceeds to the Smithtown Food Pantry.

“I want to thank the Recreation Department, under the leadership of Tom McCaffery, for their unique team building and health conscious idea which not only got us in shape for the Summer, but did some genuine good in the community. This was a fantastic effort made by many Town employees and residents alike. I’m pleased to say that the money we raised for the Food Pantry will go towards major improvements which Pat Westlake has planned for this year,: said Supervisor Ed Wehrheim. “On a side note, I’d also like to commend Pat Westlake for her saintly efforts during the pandemic. Despite enormous heartbreak and the challenges which the pandemic caused for the food pantry, she made sure that families in need did not go without. Westlake went above and beyond during the holidays, and I commend her latest efforts to rebuild a better Food Pantry.”

The Kilter 30-day virtual fitness fundraising event was a competition between the Town of Riverhead and Town of Smithtown, New York. Town employees and Smithtown community members who registered for the event logged daily fitness routines from March 21st through April 19th, 2021. Healthy activities such as running, spinning, swimming, meditating, and even social activities like volunteering and advocacy were logged virtually, using the Kilter Fitness App each day. Points are earned every day for both personal and team scores. The Kilter Fitness App can be used for fundraising events like this or for personal health goals.

Due to NYS restrictions, residents mailed monetary donations and gift cards to Smithtown Emergency Food Pantry (Post Office Box 1663, Smithtown, NY 11787) in lieu of dropping off supplies and goods, during the pandemic. Under the leadership of Pat Westlake, the Food Pantry was able to deliver hundreds of grocery store gift cards on a regular basis to local families in need, giving them the independence of food shopping on their own. Westlake plans to keep this popular method alive by creating a shopping experience at the Food Pantry. Enspire Design Group (St. James, NY) Principal Architect & Founder Michael Morbillo has begun design plans to take the Smithtown Food Pantry into a phenomenal new era.

Community members who wish to help contribute to the renovations or donate to families in need can do so by mailing checks to Smithtown Food Pantry, 90 Edgewater Avenue, Smithtown, NY 11787 or via Post Office Box at PO Box 1663, Smithtown, NY 11787. For more information visit


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