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Medical Compass

Diabetes. METRO Photo
In some patients, small amounts of wine may reduce cardiovascular risks

By David Dunaief, M.D.

Dr. David Dunaief

Our understanding of diabetes — its risks and treatment paradigms — is continually evolving and improving. This is good news, since the current rate of diabetes among the U.S. adult population is 13 percent, while another estimated 88 million U.S. adults have prediabetes (1).

What is prediabetes? Typically, it’s when fasting glucose levels (HbA1C) sit in the 5.7 and 6.4 percent range.

With diabetes comes a host of other health complications, including increased heart attack risk. However, cardiovascular risk and its severity may not equally affect men and women. In two trials, women with type 2 diabetes had greater cardiovascular risk than men. In one retrospective study, women with diabetes were hospitalized due to heart attacks at a higher rate than men, although both had substantial risk increases, 162 percent and 96 percent, respectively (2).

What might reduce our risks for diabetes or its complications? Fortunately, we have options. These include diet improvements, timing of blood pressure medications, and, oddly, modest wine consumption.

Diet bests metformin for diabetes prevention

All too often in the medical community, we are guilty of reaching for drugs and either overlooking lifestyle modifications or expecting that patients will fail with them. This is a disservice; lifestyle changes may be more effective in preventing this disease.

In a head-to-head comparison study, diet plus exercise outperformed metformin for diabetes prevention (3). This study was performed over 15 years of duration in 2,776 participants who were at high risk for diabetes because they were overweight or obese and had elevated sugars.

There were three groups in the study: one received a low-fat, low-calorie diet with 15 minutes of moderate cardiovascular exercise; one took metformin 875 mg twice a day; and one was a placebo group. Diet and exercise reduced diabetes risk by 27 percent, while metformin reduced it by 18 percent over the placebo, both reaching statistical significance. Note that, while these are impressive results that speak to the use of lifestyle modification and to metformin, the diet they used was not an optimal diabetes diet.

Blood pressure medications’ timing

Interestingly, taking blood pressure medications at night has an odd benefit, lowering the risk of diabetes (4). In a study, there was a 57 percent reduction in the risk of developing diabetes in those who took blood pressure medications at night rather than in the morning.

It seems that controlling sleep-time blood pressure is more predictive of diabetes risk than morning blood pressure or 48-hour ambulatory blood pressure. This study had a long duration of almost six years with about 2,000 participants.

Researchers used three blood pressure medications in the trial: ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and beta blockers.

The first two have their effect on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) of the kidneys. According to the researchers, these had the most powerful effect on preventing diabetes. Furthermore, when sleep systolic (top number) blood pressure was elevated one standard deviation above the mean, there was a 30 percent increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Interestingly, the RAAS-blocking drugs are the same drugs that protect kidney function when patients have diabetes.

Can wine help?

Diabetes patients are often warned to limit or eliminate alcohol. A significant part of the reasoning relates to how the body metabolizes alcohol and sugars. So, the results of a study that showed small amounts of wine could have benefits in reducing diabetes-associated complications among those whose sugars were well-controlled sent ripples throughout the medical community.

The CASCADE trial, a randomized controlled trial, shows wine may have heart benefits in well-controlled patients with type 2 diabetes by altering the lipid (cholesterol) profile (5).

Patients were randomized into three groups, each receiving a drink with dinner nightly. One group received five ounces of red wine, another five ounces of white wine, and the control group drank five ounces of water. Those who drank the red wine saw a significant increase in their “good cholesterol” HDL levels, an increase in apolipoprotein A1 (the primary component in HDL) and a decrease in the ratio of total cholesterol-to-HDL levels compared to the water-drinking control arm. In other words, there were significant beneficial cardiometabolic changes.

White wine also had beneficial cardiometabolic effects, but not as great as red wine. However, white wine did improve glycemic (sugar) control significantly compared to water, whereas red wine did not. Also, slow metabolizers of alcohol in a combined red and white wine group analysis had better glycemic control than those who drank water. This study had a two-year duration and involved 224 patients. All participants were instructed to follow a Mediterranean-type diet.

Does this mean diabetes patients should start drinking wine? Not necessarily. This was a small study, and participants were well-controlled type 2 diabetes patients who generally were nondrinkers.

We need to reverse the trend toward higher diabetes prevalence. The good news is that we’re continuing to learn what lowers diabetes risk and, for those with Type 2 diabetes, what can improve cardiovascular risks.


(1) cdc.gov. (4) Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 2015;29(5):713-717. (3) Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. Online Sept. 11, 2015. (4) Diabetologia. Online Sept. 23, 2015. (5) Ann Intern Med. 2015;163(8):569-579.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

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Antioxidant diet may improve outcomes

By David Dunaief, M.D.

Dr. David Dunaief

Heart failure (HF) occurs when the heart’s pumping is not able to keep up with the body’s demands for blood and oxygen and may decompensate. Unlike a heart attack, which is acute, heart failure develops slowly and may take years to become symptomatic.

There are two types of heart failure, systolic and diastolic. The basic difference is that the ejection fraction, the output of blood with each contraction of the left ventricle of the heart, is more or less preserved in diastolic HF, while it can be significantly reduced in systolic HF.

We have more medical research on systolic heart failure. Fortunately, both types can be diagnosed with the help of an echocardiogram, an ultrasound of the heart. The signs and symptoms of both include shortness of breath on exertion or when lying down, edema or swelling, reduced exercise tolerance, weakness and fatigue.

Major lifestyle risk factors for heart failure include obesity; smoking; poor diet, including consuming too much sodium; being sedentary; and drinking alcohol excessively. Conditions that increase your risk include diabetes, coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.

Typically, heart failure is treated with blood pressure medications, such as beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers. We are going to look at how diet and iron levels can affect heart failure outcomes.

Increasing antioxidants in the diet

If we look beyond the usual risk factors mentioned above, oxidative stress may play an important role as a contributor to HF.

In a population-based, prospective study, the Swedish Mammography Cohort, results show that a diet rich in antioxidants reduces the risk of developing HF (1). In the group that consumed the most nutrient-dense foods, there was a significant 42 percent reduction in the development of HF, compared to the group that consumed the least. According to the authors, the antioxidants were derived mainly from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, coffee and chocolate. Fruits and vegetables were responsible for the majority of the effect.

What makes this study so impressive is that it is the first of its kind to investigate antioxidants from the diet and their impacts on heart failure prevention.

This was a large study, involving 33,713 women, with good duration — follow-up was 11.3 years. There are limitations to this study, because it is observational and the population involved only women. Still, the results are very exciting, and it is unlikely there is a downside to applying this approach to the population at large.

Addressing iron deficiencies

An observational study that followed 753 heart failure patients for almost two years showed that iron deficiency without anemia increased the risk of mortality in heart failure patients by 42 percent (2).

In this study, iron deficiency was defined as a ferritin level less than 100 μg/L (the storage of iron) or, alternately, transferrin saturation less than 20 percent (the transport of iron) with a ferritin level in the range 100–299 μg/L. The authors conclude that iron deficiency is potentially more predictive of clinical outcomes than anemia, contributes to the severity of HF and is common in these patients.

These studies suggest that we should try to prevent heart failure through dietary changes, including high levels of antioxidants, because it is not easy to reverse the disease. Those with HF should have their ferritin and iron levels checked, because these can be addressed with medical supervision.


(1) Am J Med. 2013 Jun:126(6):494-500. (2) Am Heart J. 2013;165(4):575-582.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

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Simple changes can help you improve lung function

By David Dunaief, M.D.

Dr. David Dunaief

As we are learning to live alongside COVID-19, we also have a heightened awareness of the importance of strong lung function. For those with chronic obstructive lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, as well as those who smoke and vape, the consequences of COVID-19 are especially severe.

The good news is that we can improve lung function with simple lifestyle modifications including exercising, eating a plant-based diet with a focus on fruits and vegetables, expanding lung capacity with an incentive spirometer, and quitting smoking and vaping, which damage the lungs (1). Not only people with compromised lungs will benefit from these techniques, studies suggest everyone will benefit.

Improving asthma

In a randomized controlled trial of asthma patients, results show that after 14 days those who ate a high-antioxidant diet had greater lung function than those who ate a low-antioxidant diet (2). Additionally, those who were in the low-antioxidant diet group also had higher inflammation at 14 weeks. Inflammation was measured using a c-reactive protein (CRP) biomarker. Those who were in the low-antioxidant group also were over two-times more likely to have an asthma exacerbation. 

The good news is that the difference in behavior between the high- and low-antioxidant groups was small. The high-antioxidant group had a modest five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit daily, while the low-antioxidant group ate no more than two servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit daily. Carotenoid supplementation, instead of antioxidant foods, made no difference in inflammation. The authors concluded that an increase in carotenoids from diet has a clinically significant impact on asthma and can be seen in a very short period. 

Focusing on COPD

Several studies demonstrate that higher consumption of fiber from plants decreases the risk of COPD in smokers and ex-smokers. Bear with me, because the studies were done with men or women, not both at the same time.

In one study of men, for example, results showed that higher fiber intake was associated with significant 48 percent reductions in COPD incidence in smokers and 38 percent incidence reductions in ex-smokers (3). The high-fiber group ate at least 36.8 grams per day, compared to the low-fiber group, which ate less than 23.7 grams per day. Fiber sources were fruits, vegetables and whole grain, essentially a whole foods plant-based diet. The high-fiber group was still below the American Dietetic Association-recommended 38 grams per day. This is within our grasp. 

In another study, women had a highly significant 37 percent decreased risk of COPD among those who consumed at least 2.5 serving of fruit per day compared to those who consumed less than 0.8 servings per day (4).

The highlighted fruits shown to reduce COPD in both men and women included apples, bananas, and pears.

Using incentive spirometry

An incentive spirometer is a device that helps expand the lungs by inhaling through a tube and causing a ball or multiple balls to rise in a tube. This action opens the alveoli and may help you breathe better. 

Incentive spirometry has been used for patients with pneumonia, those who have chest or abdominal surgery and those with asthma or COPD, but it has also been useful for healthy participants (5). A small study showed that those who trained with an incentive spirometer for two weeks increased their vital capacity, right and left chest wall motion, and right diaphragm motion. This means it improved lung function and respiratory motion. Participants were 10 non-smoking healthy adults who were instructed to take five sets of five deep breaths twice a day, totaling 50 deep breaths per day. The brands used in the study are inexpensive and easily accessible, such as Teleflex’s Triflo II.

In another small, two-month study of 27 patients with COPD, the incentive spirometer improved blood gases, such as partial pressure carbon dioxide and oxygen, in COPD patients with exacerbation (6). The authors concluded that it may improve quality of life for COPD patients.  

Increasing exercise

Exercise can have a direct impact on lung function. In a study involving healthy women ages 65 years and older, results showed that 20 minutes of high-intensity exercise three times a day improved FEV1 and FVC, both indicators of lung function, in as little as 12 weeks (7). Participants began with a 15-minute warm-up, then 20 minutes of high-intensity exercise on a treadmill, followed by 15 minutes of cool-down with stretching.

What is impressive is that it was done in older adults, not those in their twenties and not in elite athletes.

Note that you don’t need a treadmill to do aerobic exercise. You can walk up steps or steep hills in your neighborhood, do jumping jacks, or even dance in your living room. Whatever you choose, you want to increase your heart rate and expand your lungs. If this is new for you, consult a physician and start slowly. You’ll find that your stamina improves rather quickly with consistency.

We all should be working to strengthen our lungs. This three-pronged approach of lifestyle modifications – diet, exercise and incentive spirometer – can help without expending significant time or expense.


(1) Public Health Rep. 2011 Mar-Apr; 126(2): 158-159. (2) Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Sep;96(3):534-43. (3) Epidemiology Mar 2018;29(2):254-260. (4) Int J Epidemiol Dec 1 2018;47(6);1897-1909. (5) Ann Rehabil Med. Jun 2015;39(3):360-365. (6) Respirology. Jun 2005;10(3):349-53. (7) J Phys Ther Sci. Aug 2017;29(8):1454-1457. 

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

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Consequences can be greater than snoring and fatigue

By David Dunaief, M.D.

Dr. David Dunaief

Good sleep contributes to our physical and mental wellbeing, however many of us struggle to get quality, restful sleep. For those with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), quality sleep is especially elusive.

Sleep apnea is an abnormal pause in breathing that occurs at least five times an hour while sleeping. It can have an array of causes, the most common of which is airway obstruction. Some estimates suggest that about 30 million people suffer from sleep apnea in the United States (1).

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), also known as sleep-disordered breathing, may affect up to 30 percent of adults. OSA diagnoses are classified as either mild, moderate or severe. It’s estimated that roughly 80 percent of moderate and severe OSA sufferers are undiagnosed.

Risk factors for OSA include chronic nasal congestion, large neck circumference, excess weight or obesity, alcohol use, smoking and a family history (2). Many of these factors, however, are modifiable.

Significant symptoms of OSA tend to be quality of life issues and include daytime fatigue, loud snoring, breathing cessation observed by another, impaired concentration and morning headaches. While these are significant, it’s more concerning that OSA is also associated with an array of more serious health consequences, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and depression.

Fortunately, we have an arsenal of treatment options, including continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices; oral appliances; lifestyle modifications, such as diet, exercise, smoking cessation and reduced alcohol intake; and some medications.

What is the impact on cardiovascular disease risk?

In an observational study, the risk of cardiovascular mortality increased in a linear fashion with the severity of OSA (3). For those with mild-to-moderate untreated sleep apnea, there was a 60 percent increased risk of death; for those in the severe group, this risk jumped considerably to 250 percent. However, the good news is that treating patients with CPAP considerably decreased their risk by 81 percent for mild-to-moderate patients and 45 percent for severe OSA patients. This study involved 1,116 women over a six-year duration.

Another observational study with male subjects showed similar risks of cardiovascular disease with sleep apnea and benefits from CPAP treatment (4). There were more than 1,500 men in this study with a 10-year follow-up. The authors concluded that severe sleep apnea increases the risk of nonfatal and fatal cardiovascular events, and CPAP was effective in curbing these occurrences.

In a third study, this time involving the elderly, OSA increased the risk of cardiovascular death in mild-to-moderate patients and in those with severe OSA by 38 and 125 percent, respectively (5). But, as in the previous studies, CPAP decreased the risk in both groups significantly. In the elderly, an increased risk of falls, cognitive decline and difficult-to-control high blood pressure may be signs of OSA.

Is there a cancer connection?

In sleep apnea patients under age 65, a study showed an increased risk of cancer (6). The authors believe that intermittent low levels of oxygen, caused by the many frequent short bouts of breathing cessation, may be responsible for the development of tumors and their subsequent growth.

The greater the percentage of time patients spend in hypoxia (low oxygen) at night, the greater the risk of cancer. For those patients with more than 12 percent low-oxygen levels at night, there was a twofold increased risk of cancer development when compared to those with less than 1.2 percent low-oxygen levels.

Does OSA affect male sexual function?

It appears that erectile dysfunction (ED) may also be associated with OSA. CPAP may decrease this incidence. This was demonstrated in a small study involving 92 men with ED (7). The surprising aspects of this study were that, at baseline, the participants were overweight, not obese, on average and were only 45 years old. In those with mild OSA, the CPAP had a beneficial effect in over half of the men. For those with moderate and severe OSA, the effect was still significant, though not as robust, at 29 and 27 percent, respectively.

An array of other studies on the association between OSA and ED have varying results, depending on the age and existing health challenges of the participants. Some study authors have postulated that other underlying health problems may be the cause in some patient populations.

Can diet help?

For some of my patients, their goal is to discontinue their CPAP. Diet may be an alternative to CPAP, or it may be used in combination with CPAP to improve results.

In a small study of those with moderate-to-severe OSA levels, a low-energy diet showed positive results. A low-energy diet implies a low-calorie approach, such as a diet that is plant-based and nutrient-rich. It makes sense, this can help with weight loss. In the study, almost 50 percent of those who followed this type of diet were able to discontinue CPAP (8). The results endured for at least one year.

The bottom line is that if you think you or someone else is suffering from sleep apnea, it is important to be evaluated at a sleep lab and then follow up with your doctor. Don’t suffer from sleep apnea and, more importantly, don’t let obstructive sleep apnea cause severe complications, possibly robbing you of more than sleep. There are many effective treatments.


(1) sleepapnea.org. (2) JAMA. 2004;291(16):2013. (3) Ann Intern Med. 2012 Jan 17;156(2):115-122. (4) Lancet. 2005 Mar 19-25;365(9464):1046-1053. (5) Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012;186(9):909-916. (6) Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 Nov. 15. (7) Sleep. 2012;35:A0574. (8) BMJ. 2011;342:d3017.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

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Different dietary approaches may help modulate the immune system

By Dr. David Dunaief

Dr. David Dunaief

Autoimmune disease is when the body’s immune system attacks the organs, cells and tissues and causes chronic inflammation. However, this umbrella term refers to more than 80 different diseases (1). Some are familiar names, like type 1 diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Others, like Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome and Cogan syndrome, are less well-known.

Chronic inflammation is the main consequence of immune system dysfunction, and it is the underlying theme tying these diseases together. Unfortunately, autoimmune diseases tend to cluster (2). Once you have one, you are at high risk for acquiring others. They disproportionately affect women, although men are also at risk.

Treating autoimmune diseases with meds

The primary treatment is immunosuppressives. In RA, for example, where there is swelling of joints bilaterally, a typical drug regimen includes methotrexate and TNF (tumor necrosis factor) alpha inhibitors, like Remicade (infliximab). These therapies seem to reduce underlying inflammation by suppressing the immune system and interfering with inflammatory factors, such as TNF-alpha. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), a class that also includes Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine), may slow or stop the progression of joint destruction and increase physical functioning.

However, there are several concerning factors with these drugs. First, the side-effect profiles are substantial. They includes risks of cancers, opportunistic infections and even death, according to black box warnings (the strongest warning required by the FDA) (3). Opportunistic infections include diseases like tuberculosis and invasive fungal infections.

It is no surprise that suppressing the immune system would increase the likelihood of infections. Nor is it surprising that cancer rates would increase, since the immune system helps to fend off malignancies. In fact, a study showed that after 10 years of therapy, the risk of cancer increased by approximately fourfold with the use of immunosuppressives (4).

Second, these drugs were tested and approved using short-term clinical trials; however, many patients are prescribed these therapies for 20 or more years.

So, what other methods are available to treat autoimmune diseases? Medical nutrition therapy using bioactive compounds and supplementation are being studied. Medical nutrition therapy may have immunomodulatory (immune system regulation) effects on inflammatory factors and on gene expression.

Managing inflammation with nutrition

Raising the level of beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid bioactive food component, by a modest amount has a substantial impact in preventing RA. Several studies have also tested dietary interventions in RA treatment (5). Included were fasting followed by a vegetarian diet; a vegan diet; and a Mediterranean diet, among others. All mentioned here showed decreases in inflammatory markers, including c-reactive protein (CRP), and improvements in joint pain and other quality of life concerns.

Fish oil’s effects

Fish oil helps your immune system by reducing inflammation and improving your blood chemistry, affecting as many as 1,040 genes (6). In a randomized clinical study, 1.8 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation had anti-inflammatory effects, suppressing cell signals and transcription factors (proteins involved with gene expression) that are pro-inflammatory.

In RA patients, fish oil helps suppress cartilage degradative enzymes, while also having an anti-inflammatory effect (7). A typical recommendation is to consume about 2 grams of EPA plus DHA to help regulate the immune system. Don’t take these high doses of fish oil without consulting your doctor, since fish oil may have blood-thinning effects.

Probiotic supplements

Approximately 70 percent of your immune system lives in your gut. Probiotics, by populating the gut with live beneficial microorganisms, have immune-modulating effects that decrease inflammation and thus are appropriate for autoimmune diseases. Lactobacillus salvirus and Bifidobacterium longum infantis are two strains that were shown to have positive effects (8, 9).

In a study with Crohn’s disease patients, L. casei and L. bulgaricus reduced the inflammatory factor TNF-alpha (10). To provide balance, I recommend probiotics with Lactobacillus to my patients, especially with autoimmune diseases that affect the intestines, like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.

Increasing fiber intake

Fiber has been shown to modulate inflammation by reducing biomarkers, such as CRP. In two separate clinical trials, fiber either reduced or prevented high CRP in patients. In one, a randomized clinical trial, 30 grams, or about 1 ounce, of fiber daily from either dietary sources or supplements reduced CRP significantly compared to placebo (11).

In the second trial, which was observational, participants who consumed the highest amount of dietary fiber (greater than 19.5 grams) had reductions in a vast number of inflammatory factors, including CRP, interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and TNF-alpha (12).

Immune system regulation is complex and involves over 1,000 genes, as well as many biomarkers. Dysfunction results in inflammation and, potentially, autoimmune disease. We know the immune system is highly influenced by bioactive compounds found in high-nutrient foods and supplements. Therefore, bioactive compounds may work in tandem with medications and/or may provide the ability to reset the immune system through immunomodulatory effects, treating and preventing autoimmune diseases.


(1) niaid.nih.gov. (2) J Autoimmun. 2007;29(1):1. (3) epocrates.com. (4) J Rheumatol 1999;26(8):1705-1714. (5) Front Nutr. 2017; 4: 52. (6) Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Aug;90(2):415-424. (7) Drugs. 2003;63(9):845-853. (8) Gut. 2003 Jul;52(7):975-980. (9) Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 1999 Jul-Nov;76(1-4):279-292. (10) Gut. 2002;51(5):659. (11) Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(5):502-506. (12) Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010 May 13;7:42.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

Many people suffer from IBS.
Fructose, lactose and gluten may be contributors

By David Dunaief, MD

Dr. David Dunaief

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), its symptoms can directly affect your quality of life. They include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea.

According to estimates, 10 to 15 percent of the population suffers from IBS symptoms, although only five to seven percent have been diagnosed (1).

Diagnosing IBS is challenging. While the general perception is that IBS symptoms are somewhat vague, there are discrete criteria physicians use to provide a diagnosis it and eliminate more serious possibilities.

The Rome IV criteria comprise an international effort to help diagnose and treat functional gastrointestinal disorders. Using these criteria, which include frequency of pain and discomfort over the past three months, in combination with a physical exam helps provide a diagnosis.

So, what can be done to improve symptoms? There are a number of possibilities that require only modest lifestyle changes.

Addressing your mental state

The “brain-gut” connection refers to the direct connection between mental state, such as nervousness or anxiety, to gastrointestinal issues, and vice versa.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction was used in a small, but randomized, eight-week clinical trial with IBS (2). Those in the mindfulness group (treatment group) showed statistically significant results in decreased severity of symptoms compared to the control group, both immediately after training and three months post-therapy.

Those in the treatment group were instructed to do meditation, gentle yoga and “body scanning” — focusing on one area of the body for muscle tension detection. The control group attended an IBS support group once a week.

Possible link with migraines

A preliminary study has suggested there may be a link between IBS and migraine and tension-type headaches. The study of 320 participants, 107 with migraine, 107 with IBS, 53 with episodic tension-type headaches (ETTH), and 53 healthy individuals, identified significant occurrence crossover among those with migraine, IBS and ETTH. Researchers also found that these three groups had at least one gene that was different from that of healthy participants. Their hope is that this information will lead to more robust studies that could result in new treatment options (3).

Gluten consumption a factor?

In a small randomized clinical trial, patients who were given gluten were more likely to complain of uncontrolled symptoms than those who were given a placebo, 68 percent vs. 40 percent, respectively (4). These results were highly statistically significant. The authors concluded that nonceliac gluten intolerance may exist. Gluten sensitivity may be an important factor in for some IBS patients (5). I suggest to my patients that they might want to start avoiding gluten and then add it back into their diets slowly to see the results.

What about fructose?

Some IBS patients may suffer from fructose intolerance. In a study, IBS researchers used a breath test to examine this possibility (6). The results were dose-dependent, meaning the higher the dose of fructose, the greater the effect researchers saw. When patients were given a 10 percent fructose solution, only 39 percent tested positive for fructose intolerance, but when they were given a 33 percent solution, 88 percent of patients tested positive.

The symptoms of fructose intolerance included gas, abdominal pain, bloating, belching and alternating bowel habits. The authors concluded that avoidance of fructose may reduce symptoms in IBS patients.

According to another study, about one-third of IBS patients are fructose intolerant. When on a fructose-restricted diet, symptoms appeared to improve (7). Foods with high levels of fructose include certain fruits, like apples and pears, but not bananas.

Considering the effects of lactose

Another small study found that about one-quarter of patients with IBS also have lactose intolerance. Two complications are at play here. One, it is very difficult to differentiate the symptoms of lactose intolerance from IBS. The other is that most IBS trials are small and there is a need for larger trials. Of the IBS patients who were also lactose intolerant, there was a marked improvement in symptomatology at both six weeks and five years when placed on a lactose-restricted diet (8).

Though the trial was small, the results were statistically significant, which is impressive. Both the patient compliance and long-term effects were excellent, and visits to outpatient clinics were reduced by 75 percent. This demonstrates that it is probably worthwhile to test patients who have IBS symptoms for lactose intolerance.

Are probiotics part of the solution?

Treatment with probiotics from a study that reviewed 42 trials shows that there may be a benefit to probiotics, although the endpoints, or objectives, were different in each trial. The good news is that most of the trials reached one of their endpoints (9). Probiotics do show promise, including the two most common strains, Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteri, which were covered in the review.

All of the above provides hope for IBS patients. These are treatment options that involve modest lifestyle changes. I believe there needs to be a strong patient-doctor connection in order to select an approach that results in the greatest symptom reduction for a specific patient.


(1) American College of Gastroenterology [GI.org]. (2) Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Sep;106(9):1678-1688. (3) American Academy of Neurology 2016, Abstract 3367. (4) Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar;106(3):508-514. (5) Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar;106(3):516-518. (6) Am J Gastroenterol. 2003 June;98(6):1348-1353. (7) J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Mar;42(3):233-238. (8) Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2001 Aug;13(8):941-944. (9) Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Feb;35(4):403-413.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

Vitamin D. Pixabay photo
Cumulative impact of lifestyle changes can be significant

By David Dunaief, M.D.

Dr. David Dunaief

Most often associated with tremors and other movement disorders, Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder. Roughly 60,000 are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) annually in the U.S., and approximately one million Americans are living with PD (1).

Patients with PD suffer from a collection of symptoms caused by the breakdown of brain neurons. In medicine, we know the most common symptoms by the mnemonic TRAP: tremors while resting, rigidity, akinesia/bradykinesia (inability/difficulty to move or slow movements) and postural instability or balance issues. It can also result in a masked face, one that has become expressionless, and potentially dementia.

There are several different subtypes of PD; the diffuse/malignant phenotype has the highest propensity for cognitive decline (2).

There’s a lot we still don’t know about the causes of PD; however, risk factors may include head trauma, genetics, exposure to toxins and heavy metals, and lifestyle issues, like lack of exercise.

The part of the brain most affected is the basal ganglia, and the prime culprit is dopamine deficiency that occurs in this brain region (3). Adding back dopamine has been the mainstay of medical treatment, but eventually the neurons themselves break down, and the medication becomes less effective.

Is there hope? Yes, in the form of medications and deep brain stimulatory surgery, but also with lifestyle modifications. Lifestyle factors include iron, vitamin D and CoQ10. The research, unfortunately, is not conclusive, though it is intriguing.

Impact of iron in the brain

This heavy metal is potentially harmful for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis and, yes, Parkinson’s disease. The problem is that this heavy metal can cause oxidative damage.

In a small, yet well-designed, randomized controlled trial (RCT), researchers used a chelator to remove iron from the substantia nigra, a specific part of the brain where iron breakdown may be dysfunctional. An iron chelator is a drug that removes the iron. Here, deferiprone (DFP) was used at a modest dose of 30 mg/kg/d (4). This drug was mostly well-tolerated.

The chelator reduced the risk of disease progression significantly on the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) during the 12-month study. Participants who were treated sooner had lower levels of iron compared to a group that used the chelator six months later. A specialized MRI was used to measure levels of iron in the brain.

The iron chelator does not affect, nor should it affect, systemic levels of iron, only those in the brain specifically focused on the substantia nigra region. The chelator may work by preventing degradation of the dopamine-containing neurons. It also may be recommended that you consume foods that contain less iron.

Does CoQ10 help?

When we typically think of using CoQ10, a coenzyme found in over-the-counter supplements, it is to compensate for depletion from statin drugs or due to heart failure. Typical doses range from 100 to 300 mg. However, there is evidence that CoQ10 may be beneficial in Parkinson’s at much higher doses.

In an RCT, results showed that those given 1,200 mg of CoQ10 daily reduced the progression of the disease significantly based on UPDRS changes, compared to the placebo group (5). Other doses of 300 and 600 mg showed trends toward benefit, but were not significant. This was a 16-month trial in a small population of 80 patients. Unfortunately, results for other CoQ10 studies have been mixed. In this study, CoQ10 was well-tolerated at even the highest dose. Thus, there may be no downside to trying CoQ10 in those with PD.

Does Vitamin D make a difference?

In a prospective study, results show that vitamin D levels measured in the highest quartile reduced the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by 65 percent, compared to the lowest quartile (6). This is quite impressive, especially since the highest quartile patients had vitamin D levels that were what we would qualify as insufficient, with blood levels of 20 ng/ml, while those in the lowest quartile had deficient blood levels of 10 ng/ml or less. There were over 3,000 patients involved in this study with an age range of 50 to 79.

While many times we are deficient in vitamin D and have a disease, replacing the vitamin does nothing to help the disease. Here, it might. Vitamin D may play dual roles of both reducing the risk of Parkinson’s disease and slowing its progression.

In an RCT, results showed that 1,200 IU of vitamin D taken daily may have reduced the progression of Parkinson’s disease significantly on the UPDRS compared to a placebo over a 12-month duration (7). Also, this amount of vitamin D increased the blood levels by almost two times from 22.5 to 41.7 ng/ml. There were 121 patients involved in this study with a mean age of 72.

In a 2019 study of 182 PD patients and 185 healthy control subjects, researchers found that higher serum vitamin D levels correlated to reduced falls and alleviation of other non-motor PD symptoms (8).

Vitamin D research is ongoing, as this all seems promising.

So, what have we learned? Though medication is the gold standard for Parkinson’s disease treatment, lifestyle modifications can have a significant impact on both prevention and treatment of this disease. Each lifestyle change in isolation may have modest effects, but cumulatively their impact could be significant.


(1) parkinson.org. (2) JAMA Neurol. 2015;72:863-873. (3) uptodate.com. (4) Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014;10;21(2):195-210. (5) Arch Neurol. 2002;59(10):1541-1550. (6) Arch Neurol. 2010;67(7):808-811. (7) Am J Clin Nutr. 2013;97(5):1004-1013. (8) Neurologica. 2019;140(4):274-280.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

Mediterranean diet. Pexels photo
Diet plays a large role in quality of life as we age

By David Dunaief, M.D.

Dr. David Dunaief

What if I told you that approximately 85 percent of the U.S. population is malnourished, regardless of socioeconomic status and, in many cases, despite being overweight or obese (1)? The definition of malnourished is insufficient nutrition, which in the U.S. results from low levels of much-needed nutrients. Sadly, the standard American diet is very low in nutrients, so many have at least moderate malnutrition.

Most chronic diseases, including common killers, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers, can potentially be prevented, modified and even reversed with a focus on nutrients, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

Here’s a stunning statistic: more than 50 percent of American adults have a chronic disease, with 27 percent having more than one (2). This is likely a factor in the slowing pace of life expectancy increases in the U.S., which have plateaued in the past decade and are currently at around 77 years old.

I regularly test patients’ carotenoid levels. Carotenoids are nutrients that are incredibly important for tissue and organ health. They are measurable and give the practitioner a sense of whether the patient may lack potentially disease-fighting nutrients. A high nutrient intake dietary approach can resolve the situation and increase, among others, carotenoid levels.

Benefits of high nutrient intake

A high nutrient intake diet is an approach that focuses on micronutrients, which literally means small nutrients, including antioxidants and phytochemicals – plant nutrients. Micronutrients are bioactive compounds found mostly in foods and some supplements. While fiber is not considered a micronutrient, it also has significant disease modifying effects. Micronutrients interact with each other in synergistic ways, meaning the sum is greater than the parts. Diets that are plant-rich raise the levels of micronutrients considerably in patients.

In a 2017 study that included 73,700 men and women who were participants in the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, participants’ diets were rated over a 12-year period using three established dietary scores: the Alternate Healthy Eating Index–2010 score, the Alternate Mediterranean Diet score, and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet score (3).

A 20 percent increase in diet scores (indicating an improved quality of diet) was significantly associated with a reduction in total mortality of 8 to 17 percent, depending on whether two or three scoring methods were used. Participants who maintained a high-quality diet over a 12-year period reduced their risk of death by 9 to 14 percent more than participants with consistently low diet scores over time. By contrast, worsening diet quality over 12 years was associated with an increase in mortality of 6 to 12 percent. Not surprisingly, longer periods of healthy eating had a greater effect than shorter periods.

This study reinforces the findings of the Greek EPIC trial, a large prospective (forward-looking) cohort study, where the Mediterranean-type diet decreased mortality significantly — the better the compliance, the greater the effect (4). The most powerful dietary components were the fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, legumes and moderate alcohol intake. Low consumption of meat also contributed to the beneficial effects. Dairy and cereals had a neutral or minimal effect.

Improving quality of life

Quality of life is also important, though. Let’s examine some studies that examine the impact of diet on diseases that may reduce our quality of life as we age.

A study showed olive oil reduces the risk of stroke by 41 percent (5). The authors attribute this effect at least partially to oleic acid, a bioactive compound found in olive oil. While olive oil is important, I recommend limiting olive oil to one tablespoon a day. There are 120 calories per tablespoon of olive oil, all of them fat. If you eat too much, even of good fat, it defeats the purpose. The authors commented that the Mediterranean-type diet had only recently been used in trials with neurologic diseases and results suggest benefits in several disorders, such as Alzheimer’s. 

In a case-control study that compared those with and without disease, high intake of antioxidants from food was associated with a significant decrease in the risk of early Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), even when participants had a genetic predisposition for the disease (6). AMD is the leading cause of blindness in those 55 years or older.

There were 2,167 people enrolled in the study with several different genetic variations that made them high risk for AMD. Those with a highest nutrient intake, including B-carotene, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, EPA and DHA- substances found in fish, had an inverse relationship with risk of early AMD. Nutrients, thus, may play a role in modifying gene expression. 

Though many Americans are malnourished, nutrients that are effective and available can alter this predicament. Hopefully, with a focus on a high nutrient intake, we can improve life expectancy and, on an individual level, improve our quality of life.


(1) dietaryguidelines.gov. (2) cdc.gov. (3) N Engl J Med 2017; 377:143-153. (4) BMJ. 2009;338:b2337. (5) Neurology June 15, 2011. (6) Arch Ophthalmol. 2011;129(6):758-766.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

It is very important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids, especially if you have a history of stone formation. METRO photo
Once you’ve had one stone, your risk for others increases

By David Dunaief, M.D.

Dr. David Dunaief

Kidney stones can have no symptoms, but more often they present with the classic symptoms of blood in the urine and colicky pain. This pain can be intermittent or constant, and it can range from dull to extremely painful, described by some as being worse than giving birth, shot or burned. The pain may radiate from the kidneys to the bladder and even to the groin in males, depending on the obstruction (1).

Stones are usually diagnosed through the symptoms and either abdominal x-rays or non-contrast CT scans.

Unfortunately, the first line treatment for passing kidney stones — at least small ones — involves supportive care. This means that patients are given pain medications and plenty of fluids until the stone(s) pass. Usually stones that are <4mm pass spontaneously. Location is an important factor as well, with stones closest to the opening of the urethra more likely to pass (2).

Generally, if you’ve passed a kidney stone, you know it. In the case of a stone too large to pass naturally, a urologist may use surgery, ultrasound, or a combination of methods to break it into smaller pieces, so it can be passed.

Unfortunately, once a patient forms one stone, the incidence of others increases significantly over time. The good news is that there are several lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

First, it is very important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids, especially if you have a history of stone formation (3). You don’t have to rely on drinking lots of water to accomplish this. Increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables that are moisture-filled can help, as well.

Calcium from diet vs. supplements

One of the simplest methods is to reduce your intake of calcium supplements, including foods fortified with calcium. There are two types of stones. Calcium oxalate is the dominant one, occurring approximately 80 percent of the time (4). Calcium supplements, therefore, increase the risk of kidney stones. When physicians started treating women for osteoporosis with calcium supplements, the rate of kidney stones increased by 37 percent (5). According to findings from the Nurses’ Health Study, those who consumed highest amount of supplemental calcium were 20 percent more likely to have kidney stones than those who consumed the lowest amount (6). It did not matter whether participants were taking calcium citrate or calcium carbonate supplements.

Interestingly, calcium from dietary sources actually has the opposite effect, decreasing risk. In the same study, those participants who consumed the highest amount of dietary calcium had a 35 percent reduction in risk, compared to those who were in the lowest group. Calcium intake should not be too low, for that also increases kidney stone risk. Changing your source of calcium is an important key to preventing kidney stones.

Watch your sodium intake

It’s important to reduce sodium for many reasons, but we’ll provide one more here. Again, in the Nurses’ Health Study, participants who consumed 4.5 g sodium per day had a 30 percent higher risk of kidney stones than those who consumed 1.5 g per day (6). The reason is that increased sodium causes increased urinary excretion of calcium. When there is more calcium going through the kidneys, there is a higher chance of stones.

Limit animal protein

Animal protein also may play a role. In a five-year, randomized clinical trial, men who reduced their consumption of animal protein to approximately two ounces per day, as well as lowering their sodium, were 51 percent less likely to experience a kidney stone than those who consumed a low-calcium diet (7). These were men who had a history of stone formation. The reason animal protein may increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones more than vegetable protein is that animal protein’s higher sulfur content produces more acid. This acid is neutralized by release of calcium from the bone (8). That calcium can then promote kidney stones.

Reverse blood pressure naturally

Some medical conditions may increase the likelihood of stone formation. For example, in a cross-sectional study with Italian men, those with high blood pressure had a two times greater risk of kidney stones than those who had a normal blood pressure (9). Amazingly, it did not matter whether or not the patients were treated for high blood pressure with medications; the risk remained. This is just one more reason to treat the underlying cause of blood pressure, not just the symptoms.

The most productive way to avoid the potentially excruciating experience of kidney stones is to make these relatively simple lifestyle changes. The more changes that you implement, the lower your likelihood of stones.


(1) emedicine January 1, 2008. (2) J Urol. 2006;175(2):575. (3) J Urol. 1996;155(3):839. (4) N Engl J Med. 2004;350(7):684. (5) Kidney Int 2003;63:1817–23. (6) Ann Intern Med. 1997;126(7):497-504. (7) N Engl J Med. 2002 Jan 10;346(2):77-84. (8) J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1988;66(1):140. (9) BMJ. 1990;300(6734):1234.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.

High-fiber salads can help fight hemorrhoid pain. METRO photo
Simple methods to prevent constipation can help

By David Dunaief, M.D.

Dr. David Dunaief

For some reason, there’s a social stigma associated with hemorrhoids, although we all have them. They’re vascular structures that aid in stool control. When they become irritated and inflamed, we have symptoms — and often say we “have hemorrhoids,” when we really mean our hemorrhoids are causing us pain.

Many of us have suffered at one time or another from inflamed hemorrhoids. They affect men and women equally, though women have a higher propensity during pregnancy and childbirth. When they’re irritated, hemorrhoids may alternate between itchy and painful symptoms, making it hard to concentrate and uncomfortable to sit. This is because the veins in your rectum are swollen. They usually bleed, especially during a bowel movement, which can be scary. Fortunately, hemorrhoids are not a harbinger of more serious disease.

There are two types of hemorrhoids: external, occurring outside the anus; and internal, occurring within the rectum.

When they are outside

Fortunately, external hemorrhoids tend to be mild. Most of the time, they are treated with analgesic creams or suppositories that contain hydrocortisone, such as Preparation H, or with a sitz bath, all of which help relieve the pain. Because they can be self-treated, they generally do not require an appointment with a physician. The most effective way to reduce bleeding and pain is to increase fiber through diet and supplementation (1). 

Sometimes, however, there is thrombosis (clotting) of external hemorrhoids. In these cases, they may become more painful and require medical treatment. If you have rectal bleeding and either have a high risk for colorectal cancer or are over the age of 50, you should see your physician to make sure it is not due to a malignancy or other cause, such as inflammatory bowel disease.

When they are inside

Internal hemorrhoids can be a bit more complicated. The primary symptom is bleeding with bowel movement, not pain, since they are usually above the point of sensation in the colon, called the dentate line. If there is pain and discomfort, it’s generally because the internal hemorrhoids have falled out of place, due to weakening of the muscles and ligaments in the colon. This prolapse allows them to fall below the dentate line.

The first step for treating internal hemorrhoids is the same as for external hemorrhoids: add fiber through diet and supplementation. Study after study shows significant benefit. For instance, in a meta-analysis by the Cochrane Systems Data Review 2005, fiber reduced the occurrence of bleeding by 53 percent (2). In another study, after two weeks of fiber and another two-week follow-up, the daily incidence of bleeding decreased dramatically (3).

When issues are more severe

There are several minimally invasive options, including banding, sclerotherapy and coagulation. The most effective of these is banding, with an approximate 80 percent success rate (4). This is usually an office-based procedure where rubber bands are place at the neck of each hemorrhoid to cut off the blood flow. To avoid complications from constipation, patients should also take fiber supplementation. 

Side-effects of the procedure are usually mild, and there is very low risk of infection. However, severe pain may occur if misapplication occurs with the band below the dentate line. If this procedure fails, hemorrhoidectomy (surgery) would be the next option.

Preventing hemorrhoid problems

First, sitting on the toilet for long periods of time puts significant pressure on the veins in the rectum, potentially increasing the risk of inflammation. Though you may want private time to read, the bathroom is not the library. As soon as you have finished moving your bowels, it is important to get off the toilet.

Get plenty of fluids. It helps to soften the stool and prevent constipation. Exercise also helps to prevent constipation. It is important not to hold in a bowel movement; go when the urge is there or else the stool can become hard, causing straining, constipation and more time on the toilet. 

Increasing your fiber intake

Eating more fiber helps to create bulk for your bowel movements, avoiding constipation, diarrhea and undue straining. Thus, you should try to increase the amount of fiber in your diet before adding supplementation. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and legumes have significant amounts of fiber. Grains, beans and nuts have among the highest levels of fiber. For instance, one cup of black beans has 12g of fiber. 

Americans, on average, consume 16g per day of fiber (5). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends daily fiber intake for those <50 years old of 25 to 38 grams, depending on gender and age (6). I typically recommend at least 40 grams. My wife and I try to eat only foods that contain a significant amount of fiber, and we consume approximately 65 grams a day.

You may want to raise your fiber level gradually; if you do it too rapidly, be forewarned – side-effects are potentially gas and bloating for the first week or two.


(1) Dis Colon Rectum. Jul-Aug 1982;25(5):454-6. (2) Cochrane.org. (3) Hepatogastroenterology 1996;43(12):1504-7. (4) Dis Colon Rectum 2004 Aug;47(8):1364-70. (5) usda.gov. (6) Am J Lifestyle Med. 2017 Jan-Feb; 11(1): 80–85.

Dr. David Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit www.medicalcompassmd.com.