By Leah S. Dunaief

Just for fun during a break, I wandered around the office, asking staffers what they liked best about themselves and what they liked least. I got some interesting answers after assuring them they would not be identified nor fired as a result of their responses.
I would ask you the same question, dear reader. But first, perhaps you would like to know what some of the others said. These are not direct quotes but are intended to summarize the thoughts.
“ I like my ability to analyze a situation, to think it out,” said one. “By the same token, I don’t like that I tend to overthink issues and questions, like this one. Or my self-criticism.”
“I’m pleased that I’m steadfast and see my way through a project or a decision,” said another. “I’m not easily dissuaded or derailed.” What wasn’t appreciated? “I’m shrinking, losing height as I age.”
Here are some more comments, some delivered off the top of their heads; others after some premeditation, were emailed to me.
“Three things I like about myself: My sense of humor; my capacity for compassion and thoughtfulness, although it can be heartbreaking at times; and my ability to see multiple facets of a situation.” As far as dislikes: “Although I like being direct, sometimes I can be too direct and it may take people off guard; I don’t have much patience; I can’t seem to stick with an exercise regimen.”
This same person added, “Well it’s been an interesting exercise. I have been doing a little experiment of my own with this. I’ve been asking my friends and family which has led to great conversations. So thank you for that!”
Not having enough patience was often cited as a shortcoming. Other positives were offered with enthusiasm.
“Comfortable in my own skin!”
“Good listener!”
“A good friend!”
“My curiosity!”
Another staffer referred to a sense of humor twice: “I like my humor—but sometimes it gets me into trouble.” This same person “cares about other people.”
“I like that I get along well with other people,” was shared with me by another. “I am a team player and I always pay my bills on time.” On the other hand, “I have a time management problem, and I worry too much. In fact, I worry about worrying too much.”
And here is an almost universal one. “I can’t stay on a diet!”
So it seems only fair that I tell you my top likes and dislikes. Here goes, dislikes first.
I’m a lifelong procrastinator. ‘Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow’ was a saying made for me. Now in my defense, I will suggest that there might be some wisdom in that because…sometimes problems and chores disappear by tomorrow. But most of the time, that’s a lame excuse. I’m sure one of the appeals of journalism for me is that it has unyielding deadlines for press time, thus forcing me to get going.
Another personal drawback is my tendency to keeping my desk messy. I know where everything is, but no one else does. Then I have to go through extended bouts of straightening the many papers.
A third is my inability to resist a nosh, especially if it is something sweet.
As to my likes, I, too, value my sense of humor, which has enabled me to endure the incongruities of life. Also I am intrigued by and deeply interested in others’ lives, which I guess is a help in interviewing. And lastly, I am grateful for my appreciation of the natural beauty in the world. Snow-covered mountains, a slow moving river under umbrellas of green trees, the waves in the harbor rhythmically caressing the shore, the light on the underbellies of the clouds after a rain, the bluejays casing my deck for next year’s nesting, the bright yellow forsythia after a brown and grey winter, all bring joy to my soul.