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farewell to 2024

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Another year has almost gone. Maybe it was a good year for some of us or perhaps not. Maybe we’re wondering where all the days went when we could’ve sworn there were months left to lose ten pounds, learn to play the piano or master the art of relaxation. Time — it moves slowly but passes quickly.

2024 was a year of great change and tumult. November brought one of the most talked-about elections in recent history — a race that pitted the first Black Vice President, a woman, against a former president who survived an attempted assassination in July. The year also bore witness to nature’s fury with catastrophic storms like Hurricane Milton, Beryl and Helene wreaking havoc across the country, not to mention right here on the North Shore. And while some of the troubles of  2024 may fade into the past, remember — we endured it together as a community.

No matter how 2024 treated us, the good news is that a new year lies ahead. New Year’s Eve has a way of inspiring hope — a symbolic chance to start fresh to envision the possibilities of a blank slate. After the ball drops in Times Square, there’s a unique energy in the air — a sense of renewal that hopefully propels us into a year filled with potential.

But remember, 2025’s promise is only as meaningful as the actions we take to shape it. 2025 does have one very massive roadblock — December 31, 2025. So before another 365 days roll around, let’s set goals that matter — big, small or both, that we can achieve by the end of next year. Want to get involved in our community? Take that first step. Want to learn something new or pursue a long-held interest? Go for it. This is a cliche but it’s true — there’s nothing to lose and everything — even something — to gain. But above all, let’s be the change we want to see in our lives and in the world. If 2024 was a disappointment, let the fresh pages of a new calendar inspire us to address the challenges we see before us. Let’s not be deterred by the belief that meaningful change is only achievable by “others.” Change starts with all of us — and it can absolutely begin now.

As we bid farewell to 2024, all of us  wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. May 2025 bring joy, opportunity and the necessary inspiration to make it the best year yet. As J.P. Morgan wisely said, “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.”