Seniors get service boost in Smithtown

Seniors get service boost in Smithtown

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The Smithtown Senior Citizens Department is now offering in-home medical alert services. Photo by Jared Cantor

The Smithtown Senior Citizens Department announced it would be offering in-home medical alert monitoring services to low- and moderate-income senior residents living in Smithtown.

Voice Care clients participating in the program would wear an easy-touch activator that can be worn as a pendant or on the wrist, the department said in a statement. When activated, professionally trained emergency operators will respond 24/7 to help with any situation.

“Our objective with this personal emergency response system is to ensure the well-being of our seniors and enable them to remain safely in their homes,” said Laura Greif, program director. “Perhaps just as important is to provide seniors with the peace of mind knowing that if they ever need help they will get it.”

Voice Care is an income and age eligible program that requires a brief in-home assessment. The service is available for a monthly monitoring fee of $18.

There are no initiation fees, contracts or cancellation penalties.

Funding for this program is provided by a federal grant from Housing and Urban Development awarded to the Town of Smithtown Community Development Department.

For more information about Voice Care residents can call 631-360-7616 or visit