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Lesley Thorne

Floating humpback whale offshore of Delaware. Photo courtesy the Marine Education, Research & Rehabilitation Institute

This year has been tough for the population of humpback whales, as eight of them from Maine to Florida have had so-called unusual mortality events as at Feb. 7.

Indeed, a 41-foot humpback whale was discovered washed up Jan. 30 at Lido Beach on the South Shore. The whale likely died after a vessel strike, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Officials said.

Threats to whales in the area include getting hit by boats, becoming entangled in fishing lines and ocean noise.

The last of these potential dangers to humpbacks has received considerable attention from some members of the popular press, who have suggested that the process of installing wind farms along the coastline has or may create the kind of noises that can cause trauma to whale ears and that might throw a whale off course in its search for food.

To provide a broader context, unusual mortality events have been occurring for humpback whales since 2016, as 180 have been stranded along East Coast states since that time, according to NOAA data.

Scientists were able to study about half of the total humpback whale strandings from 2016 and attributed about 40% to ship strike or entanglements. The rest either died from starvation, parasites, inconclusive causes, or were in places where it would have been difficult to study and analyze them. 

The combination of whales distracted by feeding and boat traffic has led to some of the deaths.

“Our waterways are one of the busiest on Earth,” said Nomi Dayan, executive director of The Whaling Museum & Education Center of Cold Spring Harbor. “During busy eating months, when they are gorging, it’s harder to pay attention” to what’s around them.

Many of these humpback whale deaths occurred during periods when wind farm activity was low along the Eastern Seaboard.

“What we’re seeing right now [in terms of whale strandings] is something that has been going on for years,” said Lesley Thorne, associate professor in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University. 

In a press conference last month, officials suggested that the wind farms, which are designed to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels, cut down on carbon emissions and slow global warming, are not likely to make what is already a challenging period for humpbacks even worse.

“At this point, based on the information that we do have, we do not believe the evidence supports that those planned construction activities would exacerbate or compound these ongoing unusual mortality events,” Ben Laws, biologist with NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources, said during a Jan. 18 conference call with reporters.

‘What we’re seeing right now [in terms of whale strandings] is something that has been going on for years.’

— Lesley Thorne

As part of the investigation process, NOAA has brought together an independent team of scientists to coordinate with the Working Group on Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Events to review data, sample stranded whales and determine the next steps for this investigation.

The scientists include marine mammal stranding network members, academics and veterinarians with local state and federal biologists.

At this point, most of the surveys off the coasts of New York and New Jersey are “characterizing the seafloor and the sub-bottom for engineering purposes for the foundation of offshore wind facilities as well as looking at cable burial risks along that route,” Brian Hooker, marine biologist in the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, said on the press call.

Slower boat speeds

Reducing boat speeds in areas where whales are likely hunting for food or migrating can reduce the likelihood of vessel strikes and, in the event of contact, can improve the outcome for whales.

“What’s been demonstrated in the past is that, with faster vessels, collisions are more likely to occur and it’s more likely for that collision to be fatal,” Thorne said. The specific speeds or thresholds that are more likely to cause fatal collisions vary depending on the whale species.

The whales around Long Island include sei whales, North Atlantic right whales, finback whales, minke whales and, rarely, blue whales, according to Dayan.

Some management strategies for a host of whales such as the North Atlantic right whale include seasonal management areas, in which boats around a particular area during a specific season are required to travel more slowly.

By Daniel Dunaief

Long-finned pilot whales can’t stand the heat, so they are heading north.

Amid increases in ocean temperatures caused by global warming, long-finned pilot whales have moved the center of their range to the north, according to a 25-year study Lesley Thorne, Assistant Professor in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University and Janet Nye, Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences and Adjunct Professor of SoMAS, recently published in the journal Scientific Reports.

What’s more, these whales are swimming farther north despite the fact that some of their prey, including fish and invertebrates such as squid, aren’t shifting as far north, while others are moving into deeper offshore waters.

That could have broad ecological consequences for both regions, as whales may head towards areas to compete against other predators for the same prey, while some fish populations in deeper waters offshore may increase, putting pressure on the creatures that live in those areas.

“We know that different species are responding in different ways to climate change,” Thorne said. “That will impact all the dynamics” including food webs and competition. 

Climate change may change the predator-prey dynamics in unexpected ways, Nye explained in an email. “We know that it would be wrong to assume that all species would shift at the same rate in response to changing environmental patterns, but this is one of a growing number of papers to illustrate that the rate at which individual species” in different feeding groups changes can be different, which alters the way ecosystems function.

Nye explained that researchers don’t yet have a good sense of how such mismatches would affect productivity of fisheries or the ecosystem as a whole, but they are “working on answering those questions with food web models and climate models.”

To be sure, Thorne indicated that the researchers would need considerably more data to validate any ecological conclusions, as they only looked at one species of whale and four main prey species.

“Understanding the specifics of the broader implications for a location would require looking at a range of important predator and prey species and assessing how the strength of interactions” might be affected by their responses to climate change, she said.

According to Thorne, this study and others suggested that species characteristics such as body size, mobility, thermoregulatory strategy and longitudinal range, in addition to the speed of change in the climate, can help predict the responses of marine species to climate change.

Whales such as the long-finned pilot whale examined in this study are challenging to observe because they have wide geographic ranges, could be difficult to track, and spend most of their time underwater, where they are difficult to see or track.

Additionally, even people with considerable maritime experience sometimes have difficulty differentiating between the long finned pilot whale and the short finned pilot whale, which are different species.

To address the central range of these long-finned pilot whales, Thorne and Nye used two data points: strandings, when whales strand on land, and bycatches, when people catching other fish with bottom trawls also bring up these whales in their nets.

Bycatches occur in part because pilot whales and other cetaceans depredate fishing gear, removing fish from fishing lines or trawls, which presents an easier meal than searching for food themselves. These whales, however, sometimes get caught in the nets themselves. 

People in the fisheries business sometimes use acoustic deterrents to keep the whales away. These efforts, however, can backfire, as the whales hear these sounds as something akin to a dinner bell and head for nets that could inadvertently trap them.

Strandings data is useful for looking at trends in the distribution of cetaceans because networks provide standardized observations throughout the coastline, dating back for decades.

Thorne is in the process of looking at strandings data more broadly. Her team is also looking at strandings of odontocete, or toothed whale, species along the east coast of the United States more broadly. She will also examine whether short-finned pilot whales, which are adapted to warmer waters, show similar trends.

“We are already examining the strandings data and testing our hypothesis that fish species may be shifting both horizontally (latitudinally or north-south) and/or shifting vertically (in depth),” Nye wrote. “I suspect that are doing a bit of both.”

Strandings represented about two thirds of the data in this study, while bycatch constituted the rest.

The shift in the central range represents a fairly dramatic geographic change in the center of the whale range and was considerably higher than that observed for their prey species.

Nye, who worked at Stony Brook from 2012 to 2020, said she was “shocked” that pilot whales were shifting much faster than the fish species, mostly because she knows how much the distribution of many species has changed over the last half century in the northeastern United States.

Whales are heading in the opposite direction that Thorne took in her career path. Thorne grew up in Kingston, Ontario and did her undergraduate work at the University of Guelph. She earned her PhD from Duke University and started as a lecturer at Stony Brook and was offered a tenure track position three years later.

During college. Thorne spent three years at the Huntsman Marine Science Center on the Bay of Fundy. Seeing the impact of the tides in the bay and taking field courses was “amazing,” she said. She first started working with whales at a research station on Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy in future years.

Married to Bernd Distler, who is a surface materials engineer, Thorne and her husband have a four-year- old daughter Annika and two-year- old daughter Franka.

As for what her work tells her about the changing world, Thorne said it was sobering to see first hand the rapid changes in temperature occurring in the Northeast and, specifically, in New York.

This kind of study, along with others that highlight the increases in temperature, should be “more than enough information” to encourage action, she said.

Above, a humpback whale breaks the surface of the water. Photo from Eleanor Heywood/National Marine Fisheries Service permit no. 21889

By Daniel Dunaief

The waters off the South Shore of Long Island have become a magnet, attracting everything from shipping vessels, recreational boaters, fishermen and women, potential future wind farms, and humpback whales.

While the commercial component of that activity can contribute to the local economy, the whale traffic has drawn the attention of scientists and conservationists. Whales don’t abide by the nautical rules that guide ships through channels and direct traffic along the New York Bight, a region from the southern shore of New Jersey to the east end of Long Island.

Left, Julia Stepanuk with a drone controller. Photo by Kim Lato

Julia Stepanuk, a PhD student at Stony Brook University in the laboratory of Lesley Thorne, Assistant Professor in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, is focusing her research efforts on monitoring the humpback whale’s use of this habitat.

“This can help us understand how we focus our energy for monitoring and conservation,” she explained in an email. If the whales are traveling, it helps to know where to minimize human impact.

Ultimately, the work Stepanuk, who also earned her Master’s degree at Stony Brook in 2017, does provides ecological context for how whales use the waters around New York and how old the whales are that are feeding in this area.

In her dissertation, Stepanuk is “looking at the biological and ecological drivers, the motivators of where the whales are, when they’re there, specifically, from the lens of how human activity might be putting whales at risk of injury or mortality.”

Each summer, whales typically arrive in the area around May and stay through the end of October.

When she ventures out on the water, Stepanuk uses drones to gather information about a whale’s length and width, which indicates the approximate age and health of each individual. Since 2018, she has been gathering information to monitor activity in the area to track it over time.

With the research and data collected, she hopes to help understand the ecology of these whales, which will inform future policy decisions to manage risk.

Stepanuk’s humpback whale work is part of a 10-year monitoring study funded by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, which includes four principal investigators at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. The study looks at carbonate chemistry, physical oceanography, fish distribution, and top predator abundance, distribution and body condition, Thorne explained.

“My lab is leading the seabird and marine mammal aspect of this project,” said Thorne.

The grid over the whale demonstrates how members of Thorne’s lab measure the size of the whale from drone images. Photo by Julia Stepanuk

By documenting the ecological ranges of whales of different ages, Stepanuk may provide insight into the age groups that are most at risk. Many of the humpback whales that travel closer to shore are juveniles, measuring below about 38 feet.

Stepanuk has seen many of these whales, either directly or from the drones she flies overhead. She has also gathered information from events in which whales die after boats hit them.

Mortality events off the east coast have been increasing since 2016 as numerous whales have washed up along the coast. About half of the humpbacks in these mortality events have evidence of human interaction, either ship strike or entanglement, Stepanuk said.

“There have been many more strandings than usual of humpback whales along the east coast” in the last five years, Thorne explained.

Humpback whales likely have appeared in larger numbers in New York waterways due both to the return of menhaden in nearshore waters, which comes from changes in the management of this fish stock and from environmental management more broadly, and from an overall increase in the humpback whale population after 40 years of protection, Thorne suggested.

Ultimately, Stepanuk said she hopes to use the scientific inquiry she pursued during her PhD to help “bridge the gap between academic, policymakers, conservationists, interested parties and the public.” 

A part of Stony Brook’s STRIDE program, for science training and research to inform decisions, Stepanuk received training in science communication, how to present data in a visual and accessible way, and how to provide science-based information to policymakers.

For Thorne, this study and the analysis of the vessel strikes on humpback whales could be helpful for understanding similar dynamics with other cetaceans.

Julia Stepanuk and Matt Fuirst, a previous master’s student in Lesley Thorne’s lab, release a drone. Photo by Rachel Herman

“Understanding links between large whales and vessel traffic could provide important information for other studies, and could provide methods that would be useful for studies of other species,” said Thorne.

Stepanuk offers some basic advice for people on a boat in the New York Bight and elsewhere. She suggests driving more slowly if visibility is limited, as people would in a car in foggy weather. She also urges people to pay close attention to the water. Ripples near the surface could indicate a school of fish, which might attract whales.

“Slow down if you see dolphins, big fish schools and ripples,” she said. “There’s always a chance there could be a whale.”

If people see a whale, they shouldn’t turn off their engines: they should keep the engine in neutral and not approach the whale head on or cut them off. For most species, people can’t get closer than 300 feet. For North Atlantic right whales, which are critically endangered, the distance is 1,500 feet.

She suggests people “know the cues” and remember that whales are eagerly feeding.

Stepanuk has been close enough to these marine mammals to smell their pungent, oily fish breath and, when they exhale, to receive a residue of oil around her camera lens or sunglasses. She can “loosely get an idea of what they’re feeding on in terms of how bad their breath is.”

When she was younger, Stepanuk, who saw her first whale at the age of eight, worked on a whale watching boat for six years in the Gulf of Maine. An adult female would sometimes leave her calf near the whale watching boat while she went off to hunt for food. The calf stayed near the boat for about 45 minutes. When the mother returned, she’d slap the water and the calf would race to her side.

“Experiences like that stuck with me and keep me excited about the work we do,” Stepanuk said.

Video: Humpback whale lunge feeding off the south shore of Long Island