0 942
By Daniel Dunaief After searching in 40 other places — albeit from millions of miles away — Deanne Rogers and her scientific colleagues from the...

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I just realized that February is American Heart Disease Awareness Month. My wife pointed out that this is also International Typewriter Appreciation Month, whatever...

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Jonathan Liu wants to see inside people’s brains. Specifically, he is working on a way he hopes will eventually give neurosurgeons a clearer look...

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Many of us have inflammation in our bodies, inflammation that is a potential underlying cause for a great number of diseases. Can we demonstrate...

0 873
He takes over a team that has had a hand in everything from the creation of video games to the silicon drift detector (which...

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Valentine’s Day is one of the wonderful things about winter. For many, it lifts the mood and spirit. A traditional gift is chocolate. But...

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Finding new materials has been a field where industrious and determined workers mixed elements, hoping to come up with the right combination to form...

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In a study published on Jan. 31 in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers investigate the myths, facts and assumptions associated with losing...

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This is the second in a two-part series that began last week on two scientists at Stony Brook Medical School who are working to...

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When we make our New Year’s resolutions to exercise regularly, the goal for many is to change body composition, to lose weight or at...