Monthly Archives: May 2012

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Leaving the earth at least as good as he found it spurs his research

Jason Graetz’s friends want him to hurry up and build a better mousetrap or, more specifically, a better fuel-cell vehicle. When he socializes, Graetz is often urged to create an automotive alternative, especially as the cost of gas hovers near $4 a gallon.

As the head of the Energy Storage Group in the Sustainable Energy Technologies Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Graetz is working on developing fuel cells that use lithium or hydrogen.

“In both cases, we’re developing new materials,” Graetz offered. “The Holy Grail for these projects is developing systems for automotive applications.”

Creating a hydrogen system presents practical problems, including how to store the hydrogen. At room temperature, hydrogen gas is stored in compressed tanks, which take up so much space that they would occupy most of the trunk and part of the back seat in a typical car, Graetz explained.

Storing hydrogen in a solid state, however, provides a potential answer. “Hydrogen goes into metal very much like a sponge,” Graetz offered.

He hopes to find a material that’s lightweight and that might require a storage tank the size of a gas tank.

The key is finding the right material. Graetz has found promising results with aluminum hydride, which is five times better than other options, such as iron titanium hydride, at storing hydrogen.

Getting hydrogen into aluminum “takes extremely high pressure” Graetz said. “We need to come up with a more clever way.”

The recipe is complex and involves introducing another molecule that helps stabilize the aluminum hydride. That molecule, called a ligand, hangs off the aluminum hydride and gives it more stability.

While that procedure works, the process is still a matter of “keeping cost and energy inputs low for each step,” he explained. “It has to be a pretty inexpensive material to be viable.”
Scientists and auto manufacturers are years from using hydrogen in fuel-cell cars, Graetz suggested, but that only increases the need to conduct research now.

Cars that use lithium are further along, although there are still research challenges with them as well.

Tapping into the resources available through BNL, Graetz has been able to put a lithium battery into a synchrotron, which shoots X-rays through the battery as it’s operating. That allows him to see how the lithium changes as it charges and discharges.

“This informs us about how the material is working and how it’s not working,” he explained. “We can see things like where the degradation is occurring.”

He can then return to the lab to synthesize, or create, new materials and make alterations to improve the performance of the battery.

Graetz has used the synchrotron in the manufacture of lithium-related materials to see how different properties of his creations — such as their shape — change when reactions occur at different temperatures and pressures and over different amounts of time.

Using a clear chamber, Graetz can mix lithium with other elements and observe the process.
In a full-size reactor, making these molecules can take a day or two. After the reaction, the scientists may not have the product they sought. With the clear chamber, they can make adjustments to conditions as they’re building these materials.

“Most syntheses are done blind,” Graetz said. “This allows us to see what’s happening in real time and make changes on the fly.”

Graetz’s interest in improving and understanding the materials around him extends beyond the lab. He’s gone a few rounds with his washing machine and drier in the home in Calverton he shares with his wife Ronia and their son, who was born last summer.

And, when he’s not fixing or improving something, Graetz enjoys rowing as a crewmember of a six-man outrigger canoe. The BNL scientist has returned to Hawaii, where he went to high school, for a 42-mile competition with his New York-based friends.

Professionally, he doesn’t need his friends to encourage him to build a better fuel-cell car. He says he feels that urgency when he thinks about his son.

“I feel a certain responsibility for the classic idea of leaving a place as least as good as you found it to the next generation,” he offered. “To do that, I feel we need to transition to more sustainable fuels.”

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Mildred Kramer, above, celebrated her 100th birthday on Monday in Belle Terre. Photo by by Caitlin Ferrell

By Caitlin Ferrell

Mildred Kramer celebrated her centennial Monday, reaching a milestone fewer than .02 percent of Americans do.

The Belle Terre resident was born April 30, 1912, and spent her 100th birthday with several family members and friends.

Though undiagnosed, her family and friends believe she suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. “She doesn’t realize what’s happening,” Kramer’s niece, Maureen Schecher, said.

Because of Kramer’s disintegrating memory, most of her early life is a mystery, though Schecher said Kramer was born in Far Rockaway and grew up in Queens. Her parents died in their 40s and Kramer was raised by her step-sister, Mary “Marnie” Flood. Kramer also had two younger sisters, Fidelis and Nora. Her three sisters passed away decades ago.

After graduating from Our Lady of Wisdom, a Catholic high school, “She started working right away,” Schecher said about her aunt.

On October 11, 1941, she married her husband Robert, who died six years ago at the age of 97. The couple met on a double date, according to family friend John Surace.

“She was with the other guy and he was with the other girl,” Surace said. “And Bob leaned over to the guy and said, ‘I’m goin’ to take her.’”

Mildred Kramer is all smiles with her late husband Robert. Photo from Maureen Schecher
Mildred Kramer is all smiles with her late husband Robert. Photo from Maureen Schecher

The couple moved to a small apartment in Hempstead. Robert Kramer worked as an engineer for Republic Aviation Corp. and Mildred Kramer worked as a secretary to the Supreme Court in Nassau County.

“The biggest part of her life was her marriage to my uncle and her career at the courthouse,” Schecher said. Colleagues called her the “walking encyclopedia” for her vast knowledge.

Friends describe Mildred Kramer as smart and serious, happy and loving.

Schecher said that at the age of 58, her aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer and was told she would only have five years to live. She retired soon after, and the Kramers moved from Freeport to Belle Terre.

“She thought it was time to go and start a new life,” Schecher said.

Nancy Henry, a longtime neighbor, recalled meeting the Kramers more than 30 years ago, when they lived around the corner. “She was a beautiful woman,” Henry said. “She still is, for a 100-year-old woman.”

Mildred Kramer and Henry began playing weekly games of Mahjong. “There were ten of us who played,” Henry said. Kramer played Mahjong while her husband golfed.

The couple also owned a boat and would go on day trips. Robert Kramer would fish.

When he reached his 80s, arthritis hit his joints. At the same time, his wife’s eyesight began to worsen. Henry said that Robert Kramer would drive her to the grocery store and wait while she did the shopping. He also took her to the beauty parlor every week to get her hair done.

“They were just such nice people,” Henry said.

Mildred Kramer still has her hair done every week and gets a manicure every two weeks. She has a bit of ice cream every night as well as a little John Begg scotch – continuing a tradition from her marriage.

“I think if she knew what was going on, she’d be amazed that she did it,” Schecher said. The centenarian has stayed in the same house she shared with her husband, with a live-in nurse, Cherry.

Friends visited Monday to celebrate Kramer’s 100th birthday. They brought cards and balloons, squeezed her hands and told her how extraordinary it all was. A card from President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama sat on the table next to cards and flowers from friends and family. Schecher served ice cream cake on 100th birthday plates. She had to order the plates online because no party store had them in stock. The party didn’t last long, as the guest of honor grew tired and needed to lie down for a nap.

“She’s very comfortable, she’s in her own home,” Henry said. “She was always very good with all the people she knew. She was very friendly, very helpful, she was thought of in a very fond way.”