Touch A Truck scouting recruitment events head to Kings Park and Huntington...

Touch A Truck scouting recruitment events head to Kings Park and Huntington Sept. 23

Spend the afternoon checking out an array of trucks and vehicles and learn about all the other fun things you can do as a scout! In conjunction with the Kings Park School District, Superintendent of the Kings Park School District Dr. Timothy Eagen, Walt Whitman Mall Shops, Town of Huntington, and the Suffolk County Police Department 4th & 2nd Precinct, the Matinecock District (Scouts BSA) will be holding this dual hands-on event for all youths in Suffolk and Nassau County on Saturday September 23 at the William T. Rodger Middle School (97 Old Dock Road) in Kings Park from 10 a.m. to noon and Walt Whitman Mall (160 Walt Whitman Road) in Huntington from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

You can attend any event you want, or you can stop by and check out both.  At this free event, the youths and their family members will be able to touch and step into fire trucks, police cars, Town Trucks, Huge construction vehicles, Emergency Vehicles, Buses, Ply cars, SCC Police helicopters, and view the inside of an ambulance with a quiet hour from 10am-11am for our audio sensitive guests.

To learn more about the Boys Scouts of America and how you and your family can get involved and both boys and girls can be a part of a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, or Venture Crew, contact District Executive Tali Powell at [email protected].  You can also go to: to find a local unit near you.