Times … and dates: August 29 to September 5, 2024

Times … and dates: August 29 to September 5, 2024

EVERYONE LOVES A PARADE The Greenlawn Fireman's Fair kicks off with a parade along Broadway on Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. File photo by Sara-Megan Walsh/TBR News Media
Thursday Aug. 29

Kitten Adoption Event

The League for Animal Protection of Huntington Grateful Paw Cat Shelter, 3 Verleye Ave., East Northport will hold a kitten adoption event at from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Come meet your purrfect purring partner! 631-757-4517

Greenlawn Fireman’s Fair

The Greenlawn Fire Department’s Fireman’s Fair, 23 Boulevard Ave., Greenlawn will return tonight (parade at 7 p.m. along Broadway), Aug. 30 and Aug. 31 from 7 to 11 p.m. and Sept. 1 from 5 to 11 p.m. New York State’s longest-running Fireman’s Fair, the event will feature lots of family fun, food and raffles with great prizes. Rain date are Sept. 2. For more information, call 631-261-9106.

An Evening of Jazz

The Jazz Loft, 275 Christian Ave., Stony Brook presents a concert by the Interplay Jazz Orchestra at 7 p.m. The 17-piece orchestra performs original compositions and arrangements written by band members.

Tickets are $30 adults, $25 seniors, $20 students, $15 children, free for children ages 5 and under. thejazzloft.org

Friday Aug. 30

Greenlawn Fireman’s Fair

See Aug. 29 listing.

Shinnecock Pow Wow

The Shinnecock Nation hosts the 78th annual Shinnecock Pow Wow at 1 West Church St., Southampton today at 3 p.m. and Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and 2 at 10 a.m. Featuring Native American dances, crafts, storytelling, vendors, native foods, demonstrations and drumming competitions. Admission is $20 adults, $10 seniors and children ages 6 to 12, children under 5 years old free. 631-283-6143

Musical Moments

Musical Moments in Kings Park returns to Russ Savatt Park, 14 Main St., Kings Park from 7:30 to 9 p.m. with a concert by the Eagle River Band, courtesy of the Kings Park Civic Association. Weather permitting. Bring seating. 516-509-7231

Happenings on Main Street

Northport Arts Coalition concludes its Happenings on Main Street, free concerts at the Northport Village Park Gazebo at the harbor Friday evenings at 7 p.m., with Godfrey Townsend. Bring seating. 631-261-1872

Alan Howarth at the CAC

Join legendary composer Alan Howarth, best known for his collaborations with John Carpenter, and his work on the Star Trek films, for a live concert of his iconic film music at the Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington at 7 p.m. Featuring music from Escape From New York, Halloween II, III & IV, The Thing, Big Trouble In Little China, Christine, They Live, Prince Of Darkness, and more! Preceded by a Q&A. Tickets are $27, $20 members at cinemaartscentre.org.

The Edward Twins

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson welcomes back The Edward Twins tonight and Aug. 31 at 8 p.m. Remember all the wonderful Variety shows we all grew up on in the 70’s & 80’s? Now is your chance to see them live and re-created by Las Vegas’ number one impersonators of all time. Sonny & Cher, Billy Joel, Elton John, Neil Diamond, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Lady Gaga, Celine Dion, Rod Stewart, Bette Midler, Barbra Streisand, Andrea Bocelli, Tom Jones, and many many more. Tickets are $65. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit theatrethree.com. 

Saturday Aug. 31

Greenlawn Fireman’s Fair

See Aug. 29 listing.

Shinnecock Pow Wow

See Aug. 30 listing.

The Edward Twins

See Aug. 30 listing.

Lighthouse Music Fest

Huntington Lighthouse Preservation Society presents its 15th annual Music Fest at the Huntington Harbor Lighthouse from 11 a.m. to dusk. Bands of all musical genres will perform on top of the lighthouse. There is no fee to attend and no registration necessary. Just drop anchor with and enjoy a day of  fun. Rain date is Sept. 1. 631-421-1985, www.lighthousemusicfest.org

Sherwood-Jayne House Tours

Preservation Long Island offers Saturday tours of the Sherwood-Jayne Farm House (c. 1730), 55 Old Post Road, Setauket through Oct. 5 at 11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Built around 1730, the Sherwood-Jayne Farm House survives today in its original 18th century agrarian landscape. It served as the home of the Jayne family, including William Jayne II, a prominent Loyalist during the Revolutionary War until it was sold in 1908 to New York attorney Howard Sherwood who used the house to showcase his collection of American and European antiques. This guided tour explores the first and second floors of the house. Tickets are $10 adults, free for ages 15 and under. To reserve your spot, visitpreservationlongisland.org/tours/.

Neighborhood Summer Shindig

Lewis Oliver Farm Sanctuary,  Burt Avenue Northport invites the community to a Neighborhood Summer Shindig from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Enjoy refreshing watermelon, lemonade and other goodies while listening to the sounds of Northport’s very own legendary musical duo, Steve & Sandy Edwards. Visit with Annabelle the cow, goats, sheep, alpacas, chickens, ducks, peafowl, and turkeys. 631-261-6320

Candlelight Vigil

In honor of International Overdose Awareness Day, the Northport Drug and Alcohol Task Force, The Village of Northport, Town Of Huntington Opioid and Addiction Task Force, CN Guidance and Counseling Services, the Town of Huntington and others will hold the 5th Annual Night of Remembrance “Together We Can” Candlelight Vigil for family and friends of those lost to drug and alcohol-related overdose at Northport Village Park, 63 Bayview Ave., Northport from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. All are invited to come honor and remember lost loved ones, and if you would like, bring a picture to place on the memorial wall the night of the vigil. 631-261-7502

Tribute to Elton John

Smithtown Performing Arts Center, 2 East Main St., Smithtown will present “Sir Elton — Featuring Lance Millard,” the quintessential homage to the incomparable Elton John, at 8 p.m. With over 25 years of dedication, Lance Millard embodies the spirit of Elton with unmatched precision and passion, enthralling audiences night after night. Tickets are $42 per person. To order, call 1-800-595-4849 or visit www.smithtownpac.org.

Sunday Sept. 1

Greenlawn Fireman’s Fair

See Aug. 29 listing.

Shinnecock Pow Wow

See Aug. 30 listing.

Caumsett Hike

Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve, 25 Lloyd Harbor Road, Huntington hosts a Late Summer Seasonal Stroll from 9:45 to 11:45 a.m. In a series of short 1.5 mile seasonal strolls, witness summer’s subtle change as she withers and goes to seed. Dress for the possibility of long grass. Adults only. $4 per person. Reservations required by calling 631-423-1770.

Ronkonkoma Street Fair

Ronkonkoma Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Labor Day Weekend street fair on Hawkins Avenue between Portion and Wittridge roads from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Featuring more than 200 vendors, live music, children’s rides, arts and crafts, giveaways and more. Free admission. 631-963-2796, www.ronkonkomachamber.com

The Mondays in concert

The Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame, 97 Main St., Stony Brook  presents a concert by The Mondays from 3 to 4 p.m. The event is free with general admission ticket purchase. 631-689-5888, limusichalloffame.org. 

Monday Sept. 2

Shinnecock Pow Wow

See Aug. 30 listing.

Tuesday Sept. 3

NSJC Social Club event

North Shore Jewish Center Social Club, 385 Old Town Road, Port Jefferson Station invites the community to a concert by vocalist Susan Capri who will entertain you with your favorite songs in the Social Hall at 11 a.m.  Bagels, cream cheese and coffee will be served. $5 per person, $4 members. 631-928-3737

Avalon Astronomy Event
The Observatories at Avalon Nature Preserve, Shep Jones Lane, Stony Brook will be hosting a live observing session (weather permitting) titled An Evening with the Ringed Planet from 8:30 till 10:30pm. Using telescopes, they will be providing both digital and visual views of the 6th planet, Saturn, and a variety of deep space targets. Free. No registration necessary. 631-689-0619

Wednesday Sept. 4

NY Marketplace Enrollment

Comsewogue Public Library, 170 Terryville Road, Port Jefferson Station hosts a New York State of Health Marketplace Enrollment session from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Health & Welfare Council of Long Island’s certified Navigators will be available to help you apply for health insurance. No registration required. Open to all. For documentation requirements and other questions, call HWCLI at 516-505-4426.

Cruise Night at The Shoppes

The Shoppes at East Wind, 5720 Route 25A, Wading River hosts a Cruise Night Car Show every Wednesday through October from 5 to 9 p.m. Visit the Shoppes, enjoy a bite to eat and then check out the fine array of classic cars in the parking lot. 631-929-3500

Camera Club Meeting

The Paumanok Camera Club will hold its first meeting of the season at the Town of Brookhaven’s New Village Rec Center, 20 Wireless Rd, Centereach at 7:30 p.m. Open to all with an interest in photography; new members welcome. Share your work, improve your skills, meet new friends. PaumanokCameraClub.org

Thursday Sept. 5

Purple Party

In recognition of the Town of Brookhaven going purple for National Recovery Month, the Port Jefferson Station/Terryville Chamber of Commerce will host a Purple Party at the Train Car, 1 Rose Ave., Port Jefferson Station at 7 p.m. Come help light the train car purple with snacks, guest speakers, Narcan training and more. Free. 631-821-1313, PJSTChamber.com


‘Legally Blonde The Musical’

The John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St., Northport presents Legally Blonde The Musical from July 11 to Sept 1. Elle Woods appears to have it all until her life is turned upside down when her boyfriend dumps her to attend Harvard. Determined to get him back, Elle charms her way into the prestigious law school. An award-winning musical based on the adored movie, the show follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. Tickets range from $80 to  $95. To order, call 631-261-2900 or visit engemantheater.com. 

‘King Lear’

The Carriage House Players at the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum in  Centerport closes their 35th annual Shakespeare in the Courtyard Festival with King Lear from Aug. 16 to Sept. 8. Performances are held on the Vanderbilt mansion courtyard stage on Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors and children under age 12 at vanderbiltmuseum.org. 


Up next at the John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St., Northport is the hilarious musical Clue from Sept. 12 to Oct. 27. Based on the iconic 1985 Paramount movie inspired by the classic Hasbro board game, the farce-meets-murder mystery begins at a remote mansion, where six mysterious guests assemble for an unusual dinner party where murder and blackmail are on the menu. When their host turns up dead, they all become suspects. Clue is the comedy whodunit that will leave you in stitches as they try to figure out…who did it, where, and with what! Tickets range from $85 to $95. To order, call 631-261-2900 or visit www.engemantheater.com.


Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson kicks off its 54th season with Roald Dahl’s Matilda from Sept. 14 to Oct. 20. Matilda is a courageous little girl with astonishing wit, a vivid imagination, and psychokinetic powers. Packed with high-energy dance numbers and catchy songs, the unique and unforgettable MATILDA is a joyous girl power romp. Children and adults alike will be thrilled and delighted by the story of the special little girl on an extraordinary journey! Tickets are $40 adults $32 seniors and students, $25 children ages 5 to 12, $25 Wednesday matinees. To order, call 631-928-9100 or visit www.theatrethree.com.

‘The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon’

Suffolk County Community College, 533 College Road, Selden presents The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon, a hilarious, crazy fairy-tale extravaganza, on Oct. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 6 and 13 at 2 p.m. in Theatre 119 in the Islip Arts Building. Two narrators attempt to recreate all 209 of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in a wild, fast-paced extravaganza. To make it more difficult, they attempt to combine them into one gigantic fable using Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and other more obscure stories like Lean Lisa and The Devil’s Grandmother. General admission: is $15, veterans and students 16 years of age or younger $10. SCCC students with current ID get one free ticket. To order, call 631-451-4163

‘Night of the Living Dead’

Smithtown Performing Arts Center 2 East Main St., Smithtown presents Night of the Living Dead form Oct. 5 to 27. Fall out from a satellite probe shot to Venus returns to Earth carrying a mysterious radiation that transforms the unburied dead into flesh-eating zombies. Seven people trapped in an isolated farmhouse, held hostage by the ravenous ghouls, begin to turn on each other as the dead encroach. A gripping terror-filled monochromatic play that brings all the fright of the cult classic to life. This blend of thrilling horror laced with touches of black humor envelops the audience in the action and unfolds into a shocking theatrical ending. *This production is recommended for audiences high school age and up. Tickets are $35 adults, $32 seniors and $25 students. To order, visit smithtownpac.org.

‘She Kills Monsters’

The Minstrel Players, Houghton Hallm Trinity Episcopal Church, 130 Main St., Northport returns in the fall with Qui Nguyen’s She Kills Monsters on Oct. 19 and Oct. 26 at 8 p.m., and Oct. 20 and Oct. 27 at 3 p.m. A comedic romp into the world of fantasy role-playing games, She Kills Monsters tells the story of Agnes Evans as she leaves her childhood home in Ohio following the death of her teenage sister, Tilly. When Agnes finds Tilly’s Dungeons & Dragons notebook, however, she stumbles into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure in the imaginary world that was Tilly’s refuge. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors and students. To order, call or text 516-361-7232 or email [email protected].


‘Happy Campers’

The Port Jefferson Documentary Series kicks off its Fall 2024 season with a screening of Happy Campers at the First United Methodist Church, 603 Main St., Port Jefferson on Sept. 5 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 adults, $5 children. portjeffdocumentaryseries.com. See more on page B5.

Class Reunion

Port Jefferson High School Class of 1964 will hold its 60th reunion at the Meadow Club, 1147 Route 112, Port Jefferson Station on Oct. 17. Members of the Class of 1963 are invited to join them. For more information, email Mike Whelen at [email protected].

CALENDAR DEADLINE  is Wednesday at noon, one week before publication. Items may be mailed to: Times Beacon Record News Media, P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733. Email your information about community events to [email protected]. Calendar listings are for not-for-profit organizations (nonsectarian, nonpartisan events) only, on a space-available basis. Please include a phone number that can be printed.