Mayor-elect Lauren Sheprow celebrates on Election Night. Photo by Aidan Johnson
By Raymond Janis & Aidan Johnson
In a historic upset, trustee Lauren Sheprow — a write-in candidate — was elected Village of Port Jefferson mayor Tuesday night, June 20, capping off a contentious season in the village.
In a contested race to succeed Mayor Margot Garant, who is running for Town of Brookhaven supervisor, Sheprow defeated Deputy Mayor Kathianne Snaden 956-796.
Incumbent trustee Stan Loucks and former village clerk Bob Juliano were elected with 935 and 1,244 votes, respectively, in an uncontested race. Voters also elected Tara Higgins as village justice with 1,381 votes.
Sheprow announced her bid for mayor in March, running on a platform of change and pledging to move the village in a new direction.
‘Our Village Hall is now open to all residents.’
— Lauren Sheprow
Her campaign hit an unexpected stumbling block on May 30, just three weeks before Election Day, when the Suffolk County Board of Elections removed her name from the ballot due to faults in her petitions after charges brought on by Snaden’s campaign.
Despite the unfavorable Suffolk BOE decision, Sheprow became a write-in candidate. In an interview, the mayor-elect commented on the race’s conclusion.
“It was an uphill climb all the way, but the determination of my supporters and the residents themselves made it possible to overcome every challenge,” she said. “I also want to congratulate Kathianne Snaden for a spirited race. I know we both want the best for Port Jefferson and its future.”
She added, “I’m humbled and honored by the unwavering support and the positive feedback I received from all the residents I met with throughout the village during this whole process.”
Before entering the board last year, Sheprow had worked as a media relations professional at Stony Brook University and Mather Hospital. Her father, Harold, had served as village mayor from 1977-85 and 1987-91.
Sheprow also congratulated the newly elected trustees and village justice, expressing optimism and pledging to follow the public will.
“I look forward to working with this board … to make positive change and a fresh start for Port Jefferson,” she said, adding, “Our Village Hall is now open to all residents. Whether you voted for me or not, I am listening.”
In a separate interview, Garant thanked the community for entrusting her throughout her 14 years at the helm. “I think I’ve done my job, and I’ve left this community in a good spot,” the outgoing mayor said. “I just hope for the base to know to keep it going forward.”
After four years of service on the Board of Trustees, Snaden’s tenure now ends as the deputy mayor had vacated her trustee seat to run for mayor. In the wake of the election result, Snaden released a statement expressing her gratitude for those who supported her campaign.
“While I may not have won this election, I am grateful for the opportunity to have shared my vision for the future of this village,” she said. “I believe that together, we can continue to make this village an even better place to live, work and raise a family.”
She added that she would remain involved, saying:
“To the Port Jefferson community, I want to say that I will continue to be a voice for positive change and progress. I will continue to work to ensure that this village remains a wonderful place to call home. I will continue to be an advocate for our community, and I will work to build bridges and bring people together.”
Incumbent trustee Stan Loucks, left, and former village clerk Bob Juliano were also elected to the village board Tuesday night. File photos by Raymond Janis
Loucks, who has been on the board since 2015, ran alongside Snaden on the Unity Party ticket. While thanking the community for its vote of confidence in him, he expressed sympathy for his running mate.
“I think the village lost a very valuable person with Kathianne Snaden,” he said. “But congratulations, I guess, to the opponent.”
Outside of the uncontested Higgins, Juliano received the highest vote count of any candidate. In a phone interview, the first-time elected official thanked the community for its strong support.
“I am humbled by the support and encouragement that I have been getting from everyone,” he said. “I promise to do my best and make Port Jefferson a better place for us all,” adding, “I’m looking forward to sitting down with all the new board members and discussing where we want to see Port Jefferson head.”
The current board will convene for one final meeting this Monday, June 26, at 3:30 p.m. The new mayor and trustees will swear into office outside Village Hall on July 4 following the annual parade.
The stakes for the future of Port Jefferson are very high. It seems we have a real election this June in Port Jefferson, so we need a real contest of ideas.
I have iterated many issues for this campaign in The Port Times Record. More are specified here. We know Deputy Mayor Kathianne Snaden and trustee Stan Loucks will have much support from the development class. Will trustee Lauren Sheprow and trustee candidate Bob Juliano represent the residents?
Years of hard work and research done by our Port Jefferson residents for the master plan committee have been discarded in favor of developers’ plans for future intensive — and not always attractive — development.
I believe our current leadership has permitted blight to be exploited in order to extract concessions for larger zoning — zoning not recommended by our residents’ committee.
The Industrial Development Agency of Brookhaven Town is giving away our tax base. What is “industrial” about apartment developments?
As a former school board member and president, I worked productively on repowering and to improve our tax base for 12 years, then leading this fight on our village board of trustees for eight years after that.
I speak regularly with National Grid leaders and have addressed our issues and advocated with LIPA’s CEO, Thomas Falcone. Who will lead this effort, which has such a profound impact on our tax base? What is their network to do this?
I worked on our environmental issues for 30 years. The Conservation Advisory Committee needs to be made a board again. The Architectural Review Committee should be made a board.
The ride from Port Jeff only gets worse. All our elected leaders want “a better ride.” But who will “herd the cats,” so to speak? We need leadership to galvanize and focus around these efforts.
Looking at recent events, I fear the Long Island Rail Road will eliminate the Port Jefferson Branch line completely. I have worked to secure better service and clean energy service. We need to coordinate our efforts with our neighbors in Port Jefferson Station/Terryville.
Tax revenue is going down, with a significant chance of plummeting. Debt will be going way up. Taxes are going up. There are options for solar power that can recoup some of this revenue.
I have the network to implement these strategies. So far, my efforts to implement these strategies have not been ignored — they have been rejected. Cleaner air, more revenue? We cannot let petty politics continue to thwart residents’ interests.
For a long time, merchants have advocated parking garages in Port Jefferson. Residents do not want Port Jefferson to look like Queens. I have proposed underground parking garages. Yes, this can be done. The Dutch have done this, creating parks to enhance their country and eliminating flooding at a bargain.
How to pay for this? Claim our share of town, county, state and federal funds for open-space preservation in the form of open-space creation — “parks above parking.” This makes our village more attractive to visitors and prospective residents.
Claim infrastructure-hardening funding. Remember what the Dutch have done. Lease newly created parkland to restaurants for alfresco dining. Other parties may see value in this option as well. Let’s not forget parking fees.
Merchants pay the village PILOPS — payments in lieu of parking spots. But there could be actual parking spots to purchase by investing in Port Jefferson.
Condominiumize parking slots. Merchants and investors could purchase parking spots in prime locations for their exclusive use or derive revenue and tax deductions.
Our downtown businesses, apartments and fire department suffer from toxic intrusion when they flood. Investing in health is always a wise decision.
If you want a better future, we need to ask hard questions of our candidates.
Bruce Miller is a former Port Jefferson Village trustee
Declared candidates for trustee. (Left to right) Rebecca Kassay, Bruce Miller, Gerard Gang, Ana Hozyainova and Lauren Sheprow.
Photos of Kassay and Miller from the village website, all others courtesy of the candidates
As the June 21 election day nears, village trustee candidates had an opportunity to state their positions on a number of pressing issues. Candidates elaborated on their positions on issues ranging from the East Beach Bluff to the school district’s declining student enrollment to public engagement.
Would you vote to appropriate any funding to any upland project to protect the Port Jeff Country Club without a voter referendum?
Gerard Gang: It really depends upon what type of project is needed. I think if it involves the safety of the people and the village, the trustees were put in place by the people to make certain decisions, especially if it’s a safety issue. If it’s something of a large percentage and it’s within the code and regulations then, yes, it should be brought up for a referendum.
Ana Hozyainova: Absolutely not.
Rebecca Kassay: No, I would not vote to appropriate funding for an upland project at the country club without a voter referendum. At last Monday’s board meeting, I challenged my fellow board of trustee members and the mayor to consider passing a resolution at the coming June 20 board meeting to reduce the amount of the bond from $10 million to $5 million because that $5 million has already been spent on the lower wall. My challenge to them is to reduce the current bond amount and, in that, whichever step that the village would like to look at next — whether it’s an upper wall or upland improvements — the village board would need to involve the residents with a public hearing and my hope would be a public referendum for the work that comes next. The residents would need to be on board in order to approve the funds for the next project.
Bruce Miller: No.
Lauren Sheprow: That has already been done. There has been a vote to appropriate funding for the upland projects. They had a vote. I think that what the board of trustees did back at the end of 2021 when they unanimously agreed to fund the preservation of the East Beach bluff was exactly their responsibility. It was not an easy decision. I think it was a very difficult decision, but it was the decision that they were charged to make when they took their oath as trustee.
Aside from redistricting, how would you help boost student enrollment at Port Jefferson School District?
Gang: You could boost student enrollment in the school district outside of redistricting by bringing in new programs that may encourage other school districts to send their students to our schools for a special need, a special program, a special talent or craft or trade. Truly, the more programs we can create, the more parents will try to move into this village. I would love to bring back the sailing team. The elementary school through the high school had an incredible sailing team. If we can set ourselves apart from another school, they will come.
Kassay: It’s a very difficult challenge for districts nationwide and even worldwide in developed countries. For me, I would like to look into what has worked and what is working for districts that are also facing this challenge, and look for the proven solutions before guessing at what might actually help our school district.
Hozyainova: I am certainly open to exploring different ways in collaboration with the schools, which would require a number of studies to understand what is causing the decline in enrollment. We, as a government agency, are not able to mandate people to have children, and for us to attract more student populations requires an in-depth understanding of the factors that drive the decline in student enrollment. Only after we have understood those factors can we develop appropriate policies to encourage greater student populations.
Miller: I have 40 years of experience looking at this stuff. More condominiums mean more permanent residents and, therefore, a potential for more students. We’re having a lot of apartments instead. There are a lot of studios and one-bedrooms coming in — not typically the profile for families to stay and raise their kids long term.
Sheprow: This goes back to the affordability of living in Port Jefferson and trying to keep taxes down. The school district is out of the purview of the board of trustees, although there is a strong relationship there and a collegial relationship right now, which is good. There are a couple of steps that would have to be taken in order to help make living in Port Jefferson more affordable and attractive for young families. One of the things I have talked about is taking a look at the efficiency of operations. Are we being as efficient and as effective as we can operationally to keep our budgets under control? Are we being creative enough to help keep our finances in check and reduce our expenditures so that we aren’t reliant on taxpayer revenue to operate efficiently?
How can the village government be brought closer to the people?
Gang: Through communications. Communication is key. We’re talking about the possibility of changing the website once I’m in the office. Any way we can involve the residents and entice them to show up to meetings will also help the relationship between the village and the residents.
Hozyainova: The village government needs to go and speak to the people. Setting up various events that are dedicated specifically to the discussion of Port Jefferson’s issues — that are outside of business hours and that include younger children, older children, teenagers, and various levels of the population would be useful in making sure people have ample opportunities to engage the government.
Kassay: I think that having residents feel more confident that the village is seeking a dialogue — as opposed to the village moving forward on agendas that the public hasn’t been consulted about or given feedback about — is a really important first step. I think that the government — the board of trustees members and the mayor — are perhaps looking into ways to engage residents, similar to the new “residents night” that they will host usually once a year, where it’s a more informal way for residents to just discuss what’s going on in the village, any questions they may have, and feel that their voices are truly being heard.
Miller: One of my suggestions — and I’ve been insisting on this for quite a long time — is to have public meetings at Village Hall, but also to have them on Zoom where people can actually participate. I think the trustees on the board today are open. If you call them, it’s not like you will get put off. There’s another question of openness, which is a transparency issue, but that’s tangential. That was my position regarding the bluff, which is that you needed a public hearing on that.
Sheprow: If you have public forums at the Village Center or at the country club, you have ready-made facilities that you can benefit from. Even bringing in a representative to the board of education meetings once a month or so would be a good idea, whether it’s the mayor or a liaison from the board of trustees. I think that would be something that would also help to create more exposure and engagement from the community. Again, the community has to be interested and take that responsibility on, too.
If elected, you will be serving alongside one other candidate in this race. What is your message to your fellow candidates and do you have any concluding comments on this election?
Gang: My message to all the other candidates is to continue to be honest and to put your best foot forward for the good of this village. Everything in my campaign is based around increasing revenue and being there for the residents — a reach-out program, fuel assistance, health screenings, durable medical equipment that can be loaned, health insurance issues just to help our seniors have clarity, swimming programs, a calendar of events. I would love to see a program implemented that would help with tax abatement for our seniors, where they can work within the village for a minimum wage. Just imagine what this village could offer, if I became a trustee, to all of the age groups for additional amenities in this village.
Hozyainova: During my canvassing, the two biggest issues that came to the fore were government transparency and government accountability. My hope would be that whoever gets elected would engage with the people and their needs and that all of the policies put forward would reflect the wishes of the people of Port Jefferson to the greatest benefit of everyone involved. I believe that I have the skills to do so, but even if I am not elected I will continue pressing and advocating on behalf of my fellow neighbors and residents.
Kassay: I hope that if I am elected, whichever other candidate is elected will join me in asking questions, having deeper conversations about village actions, about the future of the village regarding large infrastructural planning, and generally engage in more dialogues between board members. I think that one of the most important takeaways from my first two years as a trustee is that we need a culture — both on and beyond the board of trustees — of conversation. That includes listening and sharing perspectives.
Miller: My message to whoever wins is that I hope we can cooperate, get together and just work for the betterment of Port Jefferson. There’s much to do in the village and we all need to try to get on the same page on many of the issues. We’re going to have differences on some of them, and that gets handled by a vote. We need to cooperate with one another. I think we’ve always been civil toward one another, and I hope we will continue with that as well.
Sheprow: I have a lot of respect for everyone who’s vying for this position. I learned a lot about them through the candidates forum. I feel like it would be a pleasure to serve with any one of them. I would just reiterate that it would be an honor and a pleasure to serve at the behest of the residents of our community. I would do all that I am able to do to make sure that my door is always open. I really look forward to serving my community and will be a responsible steward of the people of Port Jefferson, the infrastructure of Port Jefferson — and the whole environment of Port Jefferson.
Voting information
Voting will be held at the Village Center on Tuesday, June 21, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Mayor Margot Garant was reelected by Port Jefferson residents for a seventh term.
Along with fellow trustee incumbents, Kathianne Snaden (936 votes) and Stanley Loucks (930 votes) the Unity Party announced their victory win Tuesday night.
Garant took home 913 votes, while candidate Barbara Ransome — on the Alliance for All ballot — had 513. Suzanne Velazquez, who ran alongside Ransome, received 552 votes.
“I can’t even believe this,” said Garant to her crowd of supporters the night of the win June 15. “I’m so lucky to be here with you guys, to be serving you in this beautiful village.”
Suzanne Velazquez and Barbara Ransome on voting day. Photo by Julianne Mosher
Ransome, who serves as the director of operations for the Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce, said that she and her campaign-mate were saddened by the loss.
“We worked hard to have a high integrity campaign,” she said. “We were disappointed because our hopes were that people really wanted change and that didn’t happen.”
But she and Velazquez took the high road, calling Garant after the results were announced to congratulate her on the win.
“I told her the chamber will still be a great partner to the village,” she said.
Velazquez agreed, and said she was thankful to all the people who supported Team Alliance for All.
“I’m proud to have the opportunity to run for village trustee, especially walking the various neighborhoods, meeting and talking with our neighbors,” she said. “As mentioned in our campaign, both Barbara and I are involved in our community and will continue to be — always trying to make Port Jefferson a great place to live, work and play every day. We have and hope to continue our good, working relationship with Village Hall to make Port Jefferson Village the healthy community we all want it to be.”
Garant, who has been the village’s mayor for 12 years, said she is grateful to serve the community for another two years.
“Sixty-five percent of the voter population that turned out said we are doing a great job,” she said. “So, we’re going to advance this community together. I want to thank our opponents for bringing out the issues, and for engaging our constituents. We are now putting our heads back down and going back to work.”
When announced, Snaden and Loucks were overjoyed. Loucks made a point to thank the mayor, too.
“Margot is the one who needs to be thanked,” he said. “She held the group together — and it wasn’t an easy year, it was a very difficult year.”
He said he’s honored to live, and help lead, this village.
Mayor Garant with her parents. Photo by Julianne Mosher
“We’re living, in my opinion, in the best village anywhere — not only on Long Island, but in New York state,” he said. “You’ve got everything here — and Margot has led us through it.”
Snaden, who was reelected to her second term, also thanked the mayor for her support from the beginning.
“I knocked on Margot’s door three years ago and I said I want to make a difference. I want to help. What can I do?” she said. “And she sucked me in — and I thank her for that because there was no turning back at that point. It opened up doors that I was able to see where I could help. I grabbed it and I ran with it. And the support that you guys all give me is what keeps me going every single day.”
John Reilly also scored 869 votes as judge in the Justice Court.
Mayor Margot Garant was voted by Port Jefferson residents for a seventh term.
Along with fellow incumbents, Trustee Kathianne Snaden (936 votes) and Trustee Stanley Loucks (930 votes) the Unity Party announced their victory win Tuesday night.
Garant took home 913 votes, while candidate Barbara Ransome — on the Alliance for All ballot — had 513. Suzanne Velazquez, who ran alongside Ransome, received 552 votes.
“I can’t even believe this,” said Garant to her crowd of supporters. “I’m so lucky to be here with you guys, to be serving you in this beautiful village.”
Check back here for more updates on the village election.
Stan Loucks, Margot Garant, Kathianne Snaden, Barbara Ransome and Suzanne Velazquez at Tuesday’s debate.
Photo by Julianne Mosher
For two hours on Tuesday night, dozens of people sat inside the Port Jefferson Village Center to watch the highly anticipated election debate, hosted by the League of Women Voters.
Incumbents trustee Kathianne Snaden, trustee Stan Loucks and Mayor Margot Garant sat alongside Barbara Ransome and Suzanne Velazquez to answer questions from the audience surrounding village issues and how they will work toward them if elected.
Two trustee seats are up, with the two incumbents and Velazquez vying for the spots. Ransome, the director of operations with the Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce and a past village trustee, is looking to take over Garant’s seat as mayor.
After opening remarks, the first question up was regarding uptown revitalization. Garant said, “Everyone knows uptown is a very challenged business improvement district.” With a master plan in place, she and her team have helped initiate the start of building mixed-use spaces as of three months ago — bulldozing the vacant Bada Bing location to start construction with the Conifer Realty apartments. More plans are being implemented to continue the growth and revitalization of Upper Port, which will continue to take time and planning.
Ransome added that during her tenure with the chamber, membership has increased by 50%. By working with landowners, landlords and closely with Stony Brook University, she said the village is a vital place to conduct business.
“There has always been a line of communication to try to encourage businesses to come down into the village as well in Upper Port,” she said.
The topic of cannabis became heated when all five participants had different views on smoking or ingesting the plant within the village. Garant noted that under Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) legislation, cannabis can be ingested or smoked and for dispensaries to operate, but the village has until the end of the year to opt out. As of right now, Garant has not made a decision because she said it is a “tough decision.”
“Cannabis dispensaries are clean and safe,” she said. “People will want to go to other places and purchase it and come back, but I think it might be an incentive for uptown redevelopment. So, I’ve not closed the door on this. I’d like to hear from my community before I make that kind of decision.”
The village currently has a code which prohibits the use or smoking of tobacco or cannabis products on any village-owned property, which includes village parks but excludes the golf course at the country club.
“We know when we’re on a golf course in the open space, some of the ladies and gentlemen like to enjoy a smoke,” she said. “If we cannot enforce one type of tobacco, it’s difficult to enforce another type of tobacco. So, we’re looking to make it the policy of membership — when you join the country club to prohibit the use of cannabis as a policy when you become a member.”
Ransome said that is called “privilege.”
“It should be an even-lane regulation,” she added.
Loucks believes there should be absolutely no use of cannabis anywhere within the village, while Snaden looked at the issue from both a financial and public safety point of view.
“It could be an opportunity for our town,” she said. “There are tax implications there where we would receive tax revenue but, as the commissioner of public safety, I have a lot of concerns.”
Velazquez, too, was concerned about the close vicinity of the middle and high schools, but also as a health care professional who acknowledges the positives medicinal marijuana could have on a person.
Things got heated again when the discussion of bus shelters and the future of transportation came up. Garant said previously there were issues with graffiti and homeless people using the shelters as a home, along with the loss of the Stony Brook shuttle during COVID. However, she said the shuttle is coming back with the university sporting 50 percent of the bill.
Snaden, who is also the liaison to the village parking and transportation departments, said that the bus will help continue to bring business back.
“I think it’s very important for businesses to have students and staff and anybody else on that shuttle route come into the village to patronize the businesses and the restaurants without their vehicles,” she said.
Velazquez agreed, but was upset by the lack of places for people to sit while they waited for their buses, and that Port Jefferson is the only train station on Long Island that has removed its benches.
“I think that we should make sure that we have places for people to sit,” she said. “Seniors, the disabled or just people wanting to enjoy. I think we should have bus shelters and benches at the train station for everybody to use — not just select who should be allowed to rest.”
Snaden rebutted, noting the reason benches were removed at the train station was because of the multitude of complaints that they received of criminal activity going on around the benches.
“It’s not about selectivity,” she argued. “We do not discriminate as to who can sit and who can rest. We welcome everyone to this village, and we help them in any way that we can. We cannot have crime, we cannot have drug deals, we cannot have what was going on at the train station.”
For public safety concerns, Loucks started off with how proud he was that the Suffolk County Police Department Whiskey Tour would be patrolling the village at night, afterhours.
“They have a little bit more clout than our code officers,” he said. “Our code officers are somewhat restricted with what they can do but are always the first ones there.”
Snaden, who throughout her two years as trustee has implemented several different policies for public safety including the “See Something — Say Something” campaign, as well as a new kiosk for code enforcement to be readily available during their tour.
Ransome argued that when the officers are off duty is when trouble arrives, especially when the bars are let out. She said she would prefer officers to be touring during later hours.
“I think that we need to change our shifts on our codes so that they are working in conjunction with Suffolk County,” she said.
Snaden responded that she is working on making the now part-time officers full time.
“So that would help with those hours, and for them to work closer with Suffolk County later hours into the evening,” she said.
The LIPA power plant and water quality in the harbor were also discussed, with everyone equally acknowledging the importance fiscally of the plant and of renewable green energy. Loud music was asked about, and what the village can do to better control noise after dark, as well as political signs outside of businesses in the village.
When the conversation about the Port Jefferson Country Club came up again, Loucks noted that as of that day, the club had 700 new members.
“I believe the country club is the crown jewel,” he said. “If you’ve not gone up to the country club and walked around the facilities, you really don’t know what you’re missing.”
Ransome agreed, but argued about the senior citizen discount that was taken away, as well as allowing more walkers on the property.
“I think we need to do a better job with our contract we have with our current vendor there, which is The Crest Group, because right now we’re only getting $20,000 a month from the rental of that facility, which is extraordinarily less than what happened when Lombardi’s was there,” she said.
Loucks argued back that when the Lombardi Group left, the space was empty.
“No one wanted to go up there,” he said. “$20,000 per month goes directly to the village — the village residents pay absolutely no tax money to support the club. Zero. It is a self-sustaining country club.”
Other topics included the marrying of Upper Port and downtown, planning committee critiques, the Gap store vacancy and its parking, also the continuous Lawrence Aviation impact and its future.
Port Jefferson Village Hall. File photo by Heidi Sutton
Port Jefferson Village residents have the opportunity to vote on Tuesday, June 15, from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. at the Village Center, located at 101 E. Broadway. Two village trustee positions will be accounted for, as well as the mayor’s position.
On the ballot are five residents: incumbents Mayor Margot Garant, trustees Kathianne Snaden and Stan Loucks; newcomer Barbara Ransome will be up against Garant, with running-mate Suzanne Velazquez vying for trustee.
Alliance for All
Suzanne Velazquez, who’s running for trustee, and Barbara Ransome, vying for the mayor spot. Photos by Julianne Mosher
While new on the ballot, Ransome and Velazquez aren’t new to the area. Running under the Alliance for All party, the duo believes new leadership is needed.
As a member of the Port Jefferson community for 37 years, Ransome previously held trustee and deputy mayor positions under former Mayor Jeanne Garant. She said she decided to run because she believes there needs to be change.
“We have had an administration now that’s been in for six terms, and it’s long enough,” Ransome said. “We feel that there is sometimes a level of complacency that can happen when you have someone in for too long of a time. So, we feel that we could bring fresh eyes, and new perspectives.”
Ransome was in village government from 1995 to 2008. She was owner of a flower shop in East Main Street for 13 years, and now owns and operates a bed and breakfast, The Ransome Inn.
For the last decade, she has held the title of director of operations for the Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce.
“What I bring to the table is not only my commitment of service over self, but my experience,” she said. “I’ve never wavered in my experience and working with the village.”
She added that there is an “atmosphere in the village, that there is privilege with certain situations, and we just want to be able to evaluate and reassess the operational departments in the village to make some positive changes.”
Ransome said that since beginning her professional career in the village in the early ’90s, there are still problems people are complaining about.
“So, I believe when we’re elected, we can kind of go through some of this and explore why these things haven’t been done differently, or better,” she said.
One of Ransome’s biggest criticisms is of village code enforcement.
“I think we can be a lot better with our ambassadors, that the code enforcement officers should be stronger ambassadors,” she said. “There should be a stronger presence. In the morning, when the bars are let out, where we have a lot of mischievous activities, we shouldn’t have to tell our code people to be more visible, they should be more visible. They shouldn’t have to be directed to see things if they’re so well trained.”
If elected, Ransome would leave the chamber to be a “full-time” mayor.
“I certainly feel I have the energy to take on this position,” she said. “I am in a very unique and good position where I can do this.”
As part of the Alliance for All campaign, Ransome and Velazquez created flyers in three languages prominent in the village — English, Spanish and Chinese.
“We got a very positive response, people are looking for change,” Ransome said. “I think it’s past due. I just felt now that this is my time, and I didn’t want to wait another two more years.”
A horticulturist by trade, she said her running is like a winning plant which grew in great conditions.
“In the realm of that industry, there are things that are there are plants that are called proven winners,” she said. “That’s why I’m a proven winner. You can plant me, and I grow really well. This plant does very well in this in this area.”
Velazquez is a clinical associate professor at Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare, an administrator and village business owner. A mom of a senior in the Port Jefferson School District, she said she was raised by the mantra: “Service to humanity is the greatest work of life.”
“I’ve always been invested in community service and public service,” she said.
She said her skills in social work make her a great candidate for the ballot.
“That’s where I’m bringing the experience of skills to help improve the health of our community,” she said. “Looking at how can we improve, how can we move forward, and continue to move forward and make positive changes for everybody.”
Velazquez is a former president of the chamber, a member of the Port Jefferson Historical Society, a member of the PTA and is involved with the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.
A child from a military family, she said she moved around a lot growing up. But when she married her husband, they knew Port Jefferson was where they wanted to stay.
“Port Jefferson is really where I’ve laid my roots,” she said. “Because I’ve been here for the longest I have ever been in one place in my whole life.”
Velazquez said listening to people, building relationships and engaging in the community are skills that she uses in her daily life that can be used in problem-solving crisis situations in local government.
“I’m lending my ear and my voice right to the residents,” she said. “If they’re going to entrust me with the village, you have a professional ear and voice.”
Velazquez, if elected, wants to dedicate her platform to the “three e’s”: economic health, emotional and physical health, and environmental health.
The village should be fiscally responsible in strengthening Port Jeff as a place of opportunity and prosperity for all members, residents and businesses; improve public safety; foster a sense of belonging and inclusion of all voices; create recreation opportunities and quality of life programs; and protect and enhance natural resources — redevelop resources to better serve the needs of its community members.
The Unity Party
Above: Trustee Kathianne Snaden, Mayor Margot Garant and Trustee Stan Loucks, incumbents. Photo by Julianne Mosher
Incumbent Mayor Margot Garant would be heading into her seventh term if reelected. She said that having someone take over right now wouldn’t make sense because there would be a lot they need to catch up on.
“It would take somebody new literally two years just to catch up,” she said.
Mayor for 12 years, she said that the projects she has helped with do not happen overnight.And while the Alliance for All party demands change, Garant said the Unity Party is the change.
“There’s a lot on the horizon. In my opinion, the consistency or the continuity is really important because these are not small issues,” she said.
Projects like the Ørsted wind power, National Grid and LIPA, and the electrification of the LIRR and Upper Port’s revitalization have been decades in the making.
“That doesn’t happen overnight — that’s 12 years of being in front of them,” she said. “It’s our job to listen. I think we do a great job. We don’t always agree with you, but we will never ostracize you. We will always try and bring your viewpoint to the table and incorporate it as best we can.”
Garant said she chose to run again because she felt it was important to continue getting the village through the pandemic.
“The executive team that we have in place is exceptional,” she said. “People should be really proud of what we have here, we have something very special. I’m committed to keeping everything moving forward to large projects.”
Garant said the last time a Garant — her mother and former mayor Jeanne — left office, the village’s taxes went up 70%. And with over a decade under her belt, the daughter doesn’t want to leave anytime soon.
“We have a lot going on here, and I love what I do,” she said. “And I want to just keep on doing it.”
Trustee Kathianne Snaden moved to the village 16 years ago and became involved with the local government because she wanted answers to a problem she saw in the school district. She began attending every board meeting she could get to, work sessions and joined the parking committee. She studied the village inside and out.
She ran and won her current trustee position in 2019, but COVID-19 happened right in the middle of her term. Snaden decided to run again to continue the work she is proud to have accomplished and continue moving forward.
“I’ve made great strides with public safety and the relationship with the Suffolk County Police Department, and went through a year of a pandemic,” she said. “So, I’ve really only had one year in to actually be able to do things in a normal way. I’m not done. I want to continue to improve and learn.”
As liaison to public safety, parking committee and zombie house task force, she thinks that the last two years have been successful.
“I am proud of the work that I’ve done addressing the public safety issues. We see fast results because of the team that we have in place,” she said.
Snaden said that when calls were coming in about troublesome zombie homes in the village, she immersed herself into the situation, visited the spaces, took notes and took action. She worked with Pax Christi Hospitality Center when homelessness was a problem near the train station.
“I want to continue doing that to be the voice, to be an open line of communication with the residents and the school district for public safety purposes and for the families,” she said.
With Snaden’s public safety initiatives, including the “See Something, Say Something” campaign, the crime rate in the village has remained low.
“We have a vibrant business community, which brings people from all over from all walks of life, and all behavior statuses,” she said.
Snaden also helped implement code officers on bike patrol, a walking code ambassador dedicated solely to Main Street and a “whiskey tour” of officers at night.
“I think that’s a huge accomplishment on the part of code and public safety,” she said. “And I’m proud of that.”
Trustee Stanley Loucks has been a resident of Port Jefferson for 41 years. For 23 of those years, he worked in the village one way or another.
With the country club, for four years he served on the tennis board, five on the board of governors and eight on the management advisory committee. The last six years, he has served as village trustee and is currently deputy mayor.
Retired after decades in education, he has devoted his life now to serving his community in the village and as liaison to the country club and parks department.
“I’m proud of my accomplishments up at the country club,” he said. “ I introduced the bond to build a new maintenance facility up at the country club, we put in a new irrigation system, we created a new fitness center, renovated the locker rooms, increased our membership twofold. Over the years, I just want to continue to improve. I’ve got ideas about going forward with pickleball up at the country club and many more ideas to come down the road.”
He said that changing the current administration now could halt these plans, especially after having successful programs down at the Village Center.
“We don’t run a single recreation program that’s not filled with a waiting list,” he said. “We use every facility we could possibly use — our beach camp programs are stuffed, our tennis programs, golf programs are up.”
An earlier mayoral candidate, Melissa Paulson, a small-business owner, has recently dropped out of the race and said she supports the mayor’s Unity Party now.
There will be a meet-the-candidates night on Tuesday, June 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Center.
The print version of this story said Suzanne Velazquez is a clinical assistant professor at Stony Brook, but she is a clinical associate professor. This article has been updated.
Last month, local resident and nonprofit owner Melissa Paulson announced she would be running against incumbent Margot Garant.
Village clerk Barbara Sakovich confirmed that as of Wednesday, May 12, Paulson officially dropped out of the race.
However, Barbara Ransome, director of operations with the Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce, announced this week she would be running on the mayor ticket, with fellow chamber president, Suzanne Velazquez.
For the village’s election on June 15, the candidates are now as follows:
Margot Garant and Barbara Ransome for mayor; incumbents Kathianne Snaden, Stanley Loucks and newcomer Suzanne Velazquez are running for two trustee positions.
The Old Field Lighthouse. Photo by Huberto Pimental
When Old Field residents go to vote in the March village elections, there will be a familiar name missing from the ballot.
Michael Levine
Mayor Michael Levine has decided not to run again after 12 years in the position.
A partner with Rappaport, Glass, Levine & Zulio, LLP, Levine and his wife have lived in the village since 1992. He has two grown children, a son, who is also a lawyer, and a daughter, who is completing her master’s at Stanford University and planning to start medical school in the fall.
Recently, Levine answered a few questions via email discussing his decision not to run for mayor and his experience in the role.
Why did you decide not to run?
I’ve been the mayor for 12 years. It has been an unbelievable honor and privilege, but I decided it was time to give another resident the opportunity to be the mayor. All good things must come to an end every now and then.
What made you decide to run for mayor 12 years ago?
Twelve years ago, I was approached by numerous residents and asked to consider running for mayor because there was some animosity between certain board of trustees members at that time, and it was believed that an outsider who had no specific agenda might be able to calm things down and move the village forward. I believe I did just that — earned the trust of my fellow board members and helped to get the village back on the right track.
What did you find to be the most challenging part of being mayor?
One of the most challenging aspects of the position has been trying to keep village expenses under control in light of increased costs associated with goods and services and the 2 percent tax cap law. Even though from an outsider’s perspective the village is associated with some degree of affluence, the village operates on an incredibly shoestring budget and any unforeseen expenses can have a very detrimental impact on the overall financial health of the village.
What did you find the most rewarding?
One of the most rewarding aspects of being mayor has been getting to know some incredible residents and assisting them by timely considering their building permit applications. The turnaround time for the submission of an application for a permit to the time that it gets before the board for consideration is sometimes no more than a month or two. Another very rewarding aspect of the position has been the ability of the board to avoid lawsuits against the village. As an attorney, I know how to commence a lawsuit, but I also know how to avoid one too. During my administration, we have been very successful in avoiding litigation against the village.
Any advice for the next mayor of Old Field?
One of the keys to being a good mayor is to be responsive to the residents. I was elected 12 years ago to help out the residents of the village, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to be accessible at all times, try to give them what they want and be very open to their suggestions. I believe I did that, and this is one of the most important pieces of advice I can pass along to the next mayor.
Do you think you will still be involved in the village in some way?
I will continue to be very involved in the village. It’s in my blood to be community minded. I would hope every resident would feel the same way. Right now, I am working with other residents on a complete renovation of the village lighthouse with the hope that we will be able to fully restore it to its initial beauty.
The Village of Old Field will hold its election March 18 at the Keeper’s Cottage, 207 Old Field Road. Trustee Bruce Feller will be running for mayor, and Thomas Pirro will be running for a second term as trustee.