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Peter Sloniewsky

Centereach High School

By Peter Sloniewsky

Middle Country Central School District Board of Education convened a regular meeting Jan. 22 at Centereach High School. At the meeting, they covered a variety of matters, including provisions for special education. 

The board approved committee recommendations from a series of past meetings with regard to special education. Specifically, they provided the programs and services recommended by meetings of the Committee on Pre-School Special Education, Sub-Committee on Special Education and the district administration office’s annual review. 

They also replaced some of the district’s impartial hearing officers. The IHOs oversee due-process hearings requested by parents or school districts regarding disputes over individualized education programs for special-education students, class placement decisions, services and accommodations for such students and disciplinary action for students with disabilities. 

In New York, IHOs are independent and neutral individuals certified by the New York State Education Department who are assigned cases on a rotational basis. At this meeting, the board approved the addition of four new IHOs and removed four existing IHOs. 

Lastly, on the point of special education, the board approved a contract with the therapy agency Little Angels Center to continue to work alongside students’ individualized education plans throughout the remainder of the school year. 

Assistant Superintendent for Business Beth Rella presented a report on property-tax exemptions that reduce a property’s assessed value before taxes have been calculated. She covered the exemptions that the district is both enrolled in and has opted into, including some basic points as to how they’re set. 

After the opening executive session, the board recognized the elementary students of the month: Thomas Castelli, Kayla Kowalczyk, David O’Leary and Aubrie Riccio. They then presented a certificate of appreciation to the owners of Salvino’s Pizzeria in Selden for providing free Thanksgiving Day meals to hundreds of families. 

The board also gave Athlete of the Month awards to Madelyn Madrigal (basketball), Andrew DiMondo (wrestling), Sheyla Lynton (basketball), Ryan Hicks (basketball), Anthony Cardiello IV (fencing) and Ava Kahler (track and field). 

Lastly, the board approved past treasurer’s reports, minutes from their last meeting, a listing of extracurricular classroom activity and the calendar for the 2025-2026 school year and opened the floor for 40 minutes of public comment. 

The board will meet next Feb. 5, 7 p.m., at Centereach High School.

For more information visit the school website: www.mccsd.net.

Port Jefferson Village Hall. Photo by Heidi Sutton 2023

By Peter SLoniewsky

Guidelines surrounding membership rates and a junior golfers program at the Port Jefferson Country Club is a recent topic of contention. 

Because the country club is owned by the Village of Port Jefferson, the rates it charges to members require approval by the Port Jefferson Board of Trustees after they have been discussed by the club’s Board of Governors and approved by the club’s general manager and Country Club Management Advisory Council. 

December 4 meeting

This year, the club introduced a membership rate proposal to the entire Board of Trustees at their Dec. 4 work session. This proposal contained two major differences: it gradually eliminated the junior members program for children 12-18 and proposed a new initiation fee. The website also states that members must be 19-29 on Apr. 1 to play golf. Junior members are not permitted as guests.

At the meeting, the club’s general manager, Tom Natola, advocated for removing the junior membership option on the basis that many members with junior memberships had parents who were members. Natola said that it made more sense to sell family memberships and eliminating the junior program would incentivize this. 

He also said that there was a liability concern for juniors on the courses. At this meeting, both Mayor Lauren Sheprow and trustee Xena Ugrinsky discussed eliminating the junior program straightaway due to liability although they did not directly advocate for it. 

Both at the meeting and afterward, parents provided significant blowback. Port Jefferson parent Nicole Connolly, whose son and daughter are both junior golfers, said there has been a pattern of policymaking that has eroded the program over the past several years. According to Connolly, negotiations two years ago included significant parent resistance against a CCMAC proposal to disproportionately increase junior membership rates. 

CCMAC Chair Lisa Perry told TBR News Media that “the country club has always supported junior golfers and their families.”

She added that the Port Jefferson High School golf teams play for free at the club. 

As a result of these controversies, the Board of Trustees requested that Natola prepare another proposal for their Dec. 18 public meeting. 

Questions of CCMAC involvement

Complicating this, the process that led to the Dec. 4 proposal is unclear.  Sheprow said, “[the Board of Governors] made recommendations to the country club manager, who reviewed the recommendations with the Country Club Management Advisory Council, also volunteers, after which the country club manager developed the recommendations he deemed appropriate.” 

Perry said “The CCMAC reviewed the rates that were proposed by their general manager and agreed to recommend the rates to the board of trustees for their Dec. 18 meeting.’

CCMAC’s involvement in the process is enforced by Chapter 25 of the Village of Port Jefferson code. If it was not included in the process prior to the Dec. 4 rejection, the sourcing of that proposal is unclear. 

CCMAC voted on a proposal on Dec. 17 that was then presented to the trustees at their Dec. 18 meeting. At this meeting, Sheprow expressed some regret for a lack of consideration of families and junior members throughout the processes that led to the Dec. 4 proposal, although she encouraged stakeholders to get involved earlier in the process. She also attributed a lack of communication to an effort to balance the budget, despite the requirement in the village code of CCMAC input. 

The Dec. 18 proposal was largely similar to the Dec. 4 proposal but would further restrict juniors to times after 2 p.m. and increase the juniors’ fees by $1,000 — an increase that trustee Kyle Hill described as “insanity.” 

The trustees voted to table the matter of junior membership and new limitations that it would place on junior members’ play times. 


This debate was cut short on Dec. 24 with a surprise announcement from Natola that “junior rates and playing and access policies will stay the same in 2025 as they were in 2024” and  “there will be no further discussion at the Board of Trustees level related to the Junior Membership package.” 

While this announcement was a win for the juniors, it brings back some questions about power in this process. 

Natola requires approval from the CCMAC and the Board of Trustees to approve rates. His declaration in this memo that there would be no further discussion is not supported by the club’s governing rules. 

Trustee Stan Loucks, who served as a liaison between the trustees and the club for eight years, told TBR News Media that he had no insights as to why the message was sent. He added that “[Natola’s decision] should most likely go back to the trustees for approval.

Whether a vote will be called is unclear, although Hill told TBR News Media that “it’s inappropriate for any village employee to say that a discussion among trustees is over” and “any Board of Trustee member can bring it up for discussion at a meeting.” He also noted that the Christmas Eve send date had stood in the way of discussion throughout the holiday season.

Future plans

For the future, Loucks emphasized a more stringent relationship between the club and the trustees and said he would support the appointment of a liaison to the club to guide the process in the future. 

Additionally, in an email to TBR News Media, Sheprow wrote that “it is imperative that rate structure considerations support a long-term strategic plan” and work on such a plan would begin “immediately” while reinforcing the roles of the Board of Governors, CCMAC and the trustees alongside concerns about the club’s budgeting. 

The resolution of this situation is still unclear. The specifics of the junior membership plan are still unspecified and the trustees have not yet considered it. The Board of Trustees will meet next for a public meeting on Jan. 29.

For more information go to the Port Jefferson Country Club website: www.portjeffcc.com.


Paul Braile

By Peter Sloniewsky

Paul Braile’s volunteer commitments keep him constantly busy exemplifying his dedication to his community. Whether running Santa Claus Central at the First Methodist Church or managing work for the Port Jefferson Charles Dickens Festival, Braile’s packed schedule reflects his extraordinary commitment to volunteerism and his gift for bringing people together.

Braile has worked in theatrical stage lighting since 1995 on projects for television, movies, theater and corporations including the Super Bowl, Glee and the CBS Thanksgiving Day Parade. In 2001, he moved from New York City to Port Jefferson Village and founded Paul Braile Creative, a company specializing in innovative lighting design.

His volunteer work began in 2005 with the Greater Port Jefferson/Northern Brookhaven Arts Council where he provided lighting for the Charles Dickens Festival. Each year since (with the exception of 2020), Braile has illuminated 16 locations across the village creating magical displays for the community. Today, he serves as the vice-chair of the Arts Council.

Chair of the Council Allan Varela described Braile’s “creative sense and tireless work ethic” as unparalleled, citing his reconstruction of the Roe House Santa’s Workshop. Renamed ElfWorks, the project has become a beloved attraction delighting children and adults alike.

Beyond the Dickens Festival, Braile extends his talents to other community events. He creates lighting for the Port Jefferson High School prom where he also served as president in 2024. Introduced to the prom in 2005, Braile continues to help transform parents’ ideas into reality saying, “It’s all about community and what one can do that can make a difference.”

Braile’s influence goes beyond his artistry. Jon Famularo, a lighting designer who credits Braile with inspiring his career, described him as a mentor since middle school. Famularo praised Braile’s high-quality work and dedication saying, “Regardless if you know him or not, most everyone who sees the product he delivers is blown away.”

Port Jefferson Village Trustee Kyle Hill remarked that Braile’s imagination and creativity “know no limit” while Renee Lemmerman, director of recreation in Port Jefferson, described him as “kind, generous, creative, funny” and a “problem solver.” Co-worker Cindy Pipia added that Braile is a “visionary who strives to make all he brings to his volunteer activities better and better every year.”

Braile’s commitment to volunteerism stems from his love for his community. He describes Port Jefferson as “a community where strong friendships are born and continue to develop.” As for the future, Braile plans to continue volunteering, mentoring and contributing to the village he loves.

Four members of the New Lane Memorial Elementary School Safety Patrol being honored for their bravery. Photo courtesy of MCCSD

By Peter Sloniewsky

The Middle Country Central School District Board of Education met Nov. 20 to focus on various administrative, celebratory and policy matters. 

The board approved several consent agenda items, including personnel changes, special education arrangements and financial updates. They also approved an extension with the Town of Brookhaven Highway Department. At the end of the meeting, they voted to serve disciplinary charges against two individuals associated with the district. 

The board recognized the elementary students of the month, secondary students of the month and athletes of the month across the district. Math teacher Kristyn Cayea was honored with a Certificate of Pride for her acceptance to the Master Teacher Program through the State University of New York. 

The board also watched a number of presentations. A report from PTA President Lynn McMillin  as well as an instructional overview of the district’s social studies curriculum by Director of World Studies Amy Pacifico were presented. Then, Superintendent Roberta Gerold discussed regionalization and proposals to better unify needs for districts across the state. 

The next board meeting will be held Dec. 18 at 7:00 p.m.

File photo

By Peter Sloniewsky

The Huntington Town Board met Nov. 7 to discuss budgeting, zoning changes and community welfare.

Various department heads presented preliminary budgets for 2025 and the board scheduled public hearings for resident feedback on project funding and tax implications.

The board approved a $1,000 donation from Reworld for the Pink in the Park Breast Cancer Awareness Fair. Rink fees were waived for the Andrew McMorris Foundation charity hockey game, a match between the Suffolk County Sheriff’s office and Suffolk County firefighters to support the foundation’s mission to end drunk and impaired driving.

The board named the Hubbs-Burr Marstellar House in Commack as a historic landmark. The house, built in 1840, is noted as one of the best Queen Anne-style houses of the area and was inhabited by some of the town’s first residents.

Public hearings were announced on new measures to combat coastal erosion, on public safety, on sewer construction and on fire prevention measures.

There was another meeting Nov. 19  for which we have no details, and there will be another meeting Dec. 10.

Earl L. Vandermulen High School. File photo

By Peter Sloniewsky

The Port Jefferson School District Board of Education met Tuesday, Nov.12 at Earl L. Vandermeulen High School to discuss finances and capital-improvement projects, resolve standing litigation and a variety of other matters.

First, the board approved a myriad of capital-improvement projects across district property. It approved a roof replacement at the Spring Street School building, which is used for BOCES programs, noting its compliance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act. It also approved flooring changes at Vandermeulen High School.

The BOE also accepted a slew of financial reports, including evaluations of its cash flow, general funds and appropriations statuses. It formally approved a budget development calendar for the 2025-2026 school year. A donation of $1,664.42 was accepted from the Vandermeulen Class of 2024 for the Aida Ramonez Scholarship Fund, created to honor an 11-year-old middle-school student who unexpectedly passed away in 2022.

Additionally, action was taken to settle outstanding litigation. With a total payout of $16.5 million, the board resolved lawsuits brought by seven people alleging sexual abuse that occurred years ago. The settlement represents one of numerous lawsuits brought against Long Island schools under the 2019 New York State Child Victims Act, which allows survivors of sexual abuse a longer time frame to file a claim for monetary damages.

According to a statement the school board will pay for the settlement using a combination of debt financing and existing reserve funds, underpinning the need to “mitigate the overall financial impact on the community.” That being said, the board noted that, “Unfortunately, we have not been able to secure any insurance coverage to date for these claims.” 

The meeting also included approval for a wrestling camp hosted throughout the winter season at Vandermeulen High School, the recognition of teacher Megan O’Neill as an eligible teacher-evaluator and acceptance of recommendations from the board’s Committee on Special Education.

The next regular business meeting will be held on Dec. 10.

By Peter Sloniewsky

The Smithtown Central School District Board of Education convened Nov. 12 to discuss a range of financial and legal matters, approve community donations and review correspondence submitted by residents.

During the meeting, the board approved financial reports totaling more than $110 million, which included treasurer’s reports, classroom expenses and other districtwide allocations.

The board also accepted a variety of donations aimed at enhancing school resources and community engagement. These included a $1,000 monetary gift from the New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal, a commemorative bench valued at $2,300 from Smithtown East High School’s Class of 2024 and a $2,700 inflatable tunnel donated by Smithtown High School East’s gridiron club. Additionally, the board approved facility-use requests for several organizations, including FIRST Long Island, the Rotary Club of Smithtown and Backyard Pigskins, a youth flag football program.

Board of Education meetings are typically held at William J. Brosnan School. Photo credit GoogleMaps

By Peter Sloniewsky

The Northport-East Northport Union Free School District Board of Education met Nov. 7 at the William J. Brosnan Building to outline goals and review new proposals aimed at enriching student life and academic pathways.

Opening the public session, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Dana Boshnack introduced a series of new course proposals designed to expand student opportunities. Among these were four career/technical education pathways: animation, photography, video/digital film and digital art. She also proposed an advanced engineering “capstone” course for seniors developed in partnership with Project Lead the Way and Rochester Institute of Technology. New social studies options including Humanity in Crisis and Modern Media Savvy aim to address global issues and media literacy skills essential in today’s world.

Following the course proposals, Boshnack and Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Student Support Services Louis Bonadonna provided a “comprehensive review” of student performance and improvement strategies. They outlined a framework for setting board priorities based on student success indicators and announced teams dedicated to supporting school improvement efforts. Their analysis included math and reading benchmarks tracked by the iReady program, state-standardized testing data for grades 3-8 and New York State Regents Exams. Collectively, the data confirmed that the district is effectively meeting state performance standards.

To conclude the meeting, the board addressed a state regionalization proposal. In New York, regionalization promotes collaboration among local superintendents to identify district strengths and needs with the goal of establishing advocacy priorities for state aid. This approach encourages resource sharing among districts, especially in areas with limited access to educational funding.

The Northport-East Northport BOE will meet again Nov. 21 at 6 p.m. with a public comment period at 7 p.m. at the William J. Brosnan Building.

Rebecca Kassay and NYS Assemblyman Ed Flood. Photos by Toni-Elena Gallo

By Peter Sloniewsky

In a recent debate at the TBR News Media office, New York State Assembly District 4 incumbent Ed Flood (R-Port Jefferson) and challenger Rebecca Kassay (D-Port Jefferson) highlighted their concerns regarding affordability, personal experiences in local and statewide government and their varying views on some hot-button issues. District 4 comprises Stony Brook, Setauket, Old Field, Poquott, Port Jefferson, Belle Terre, Port Jefferson Station, Terryville, Coram and Gordon Heights. 

Ed Flood

NYS Assemblyman Ed Flood

Incumbent Flood, a first-term assemblyman, previously worked as chief of staff to then-Assemblyman Dean Murray (R-Patchogue) and as assistant town attorney for the Town of Brookhaven and, until recent disbarment, ran his own law firm in Port Jefferson. In his opening statement, Flood, born in Port Jefferson Station, described a “mountain of extreme, high taxes” that he feels take away from the “dream” of Long Island life that inspired him to raise his family here. Flood’s platform largely revolves around his intention to “clamp down what we spend our money on,” and he casts himself as a vocal fiscal conservative in Albany. 

Rebecca Kassay

Democratic challenger Kassay highlighted her experiences in local politics and as a small-business owner. Describing a need for “proactive public servants,” Kassay depicted her experiences working with environmental issues as indicative of her effectiveness in uniting layers of government. Moreover, as co-founder of The Fox and Owl Inn, a Port Jefferson small business, Kassay has cast herself as being in a unique position to understand local affordability issues. She served as a trustee of Port Jefferson Village from 2020, including a spell as deputy mayor, before dropping out this year to run for the Assembly. 

Crime issues

Rebecca Kassay

Beyond his fiscal conservatism, Flood highlighted crime issues as a basis of his campaign. In addition to his opposition to bail reform passed in Albany, he made the claim that a decrease in overall crime has been counteracted with a general movement away from punishment for more petty crimes. Without punishment for such crimes, Flood argued, a small group of individuals are motivated to continue committing them. He also argued that the state Legislature is largely unresponsive to his concerns — that due to the Democratic legislative supermajority, Republican concerns over more controversial issues can go unheard and many processes of government can go on in secret. 

This led into a major subject of the debate in governmental transparency. Kassay responded that she had been irritated with Flood’s purported narrative that crime had increased, but that she was willing to increase the number of opportunities for police to interface with legislators in Albany. Moreover, Kassay made a case that her more extensive local government experience had prepared her to better deal with such concerns, and that her platform was better suited to bring more voices to the table. 

Flood’s disbarment as an attorney

This race includes controversy, as Flood was recently disbarred as an attorney. He claimed it was no fault on his part, and that he had almost entirely stopped practicing law due to his work in the Assembly, describing the timing of the process as “funny.” Kassay dissented from that description. 

Candidate intentions

Both candidates presented themselves as largely concerned about affordability, but dissented in their perception of the current Democratic administration in Albany. 

Flood claimed that “Albany has lost its way,” and presented himself as a vocal advocate for Republicans in state government. He said he was already positioned influentially on important committees and a willing bipartisan only interested in the public good.

Alternatively, Kassay emphasized her experience at the local levels of government and in community service, prioritizing better constituent service and looking forward to “greater results” than what she’s already accomplished.

Sarah Anker and NYS Sen. Anthony Palumbo. Photos by Toni-Elena Gallo

By Peter Sloniewsky

In their recent debate at the TBR News Media office, State Senate District 1 candidate Sarah Anker (D-Mount Sinai) and incumbent Anthony Palumbo (R-New Suffolk) highlighted their diverse experiences, local and statewide issues, and emphasized their relatively moderate stances. Senate District 1 covers the East End towns of Southampton, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island and Southold as well as part of eastern Brookhaven Town along the North Shore to Stony Brook.

Legislative service and issues

Sarah Anker is running for New York State SenateL District 1.

Firstly, Anker and Palumbo both spent time focusing on their history of legislative service. Anker served for 13 years as a Suffolk County legislator until she was term-limited. Beyond that, Anker emphasized that she had been, and still is, an active citizen, describing herself as a “community advocate.” This background supported Anker’s enthusiasm for hyper-local issues, which have highlighted her time as a county legislator. 

Correspondingly, Anker’s platform is based upon local issues. Stating that, “The most important part of being a legislator is the needs of your constituents,” Anker spoke extensively on issues like traffic safety and water management, often with specific examples and detailed background. She also focused on solving the opioid crisis on Long Island. 

Palumbo served as a Suffolk County assistant DA before being elected state assemblyman 2013-20. Palumbo is the Republican Deputy Floor Leader in the New York State Senate alongside his roles as the ranking member of the Codes and Judiciary Committees. Palumbo’s platform was largely based in state politics considering his extensive time there, and he took note to emphasize his highly productive track record in office. 

Palumbo’s platform is largely defined by pro-taxpayer policies and fiscal conservatism in opposition to government wastefulness. Additionally, in line with his stances on property tax issues across Long Island, he spoke about support for new homebuyers from the state. A centerpiece of his platform, however, is his support for criminal-justice reform on the state level — Palumbo is strictly opposed to bail reform and views it as a misguided Democratic agenda item. 

Staller development at Port Jefferson Station

New York State Senator Anthony Palumbo

Both candidates also discussed the Staller proposal for Port Jefferson Station development in different terms. Anker stated she felt that the community had been under involved in the process — that “we want more people to come and stay here,” but that the proposed buildings were obtrusive and it was most important to preserve the suburban character of the area. 

Alternatively, Palumbo thought that Staller should receive the benefit of the doubt as a multigenerational, experienced developer. He framed the question simply: “We’re really asking what the state can do — the state can stay out of it.” Additionally, to him, debate over the project was emblematic of wider issues in New York’s focus on tenant-centered policy. 

Political moderation

Despite these differences, the candidates agreed on most issues and spent time emphasizing their relative political moderation. Anker noted that Palumbo’s mailers cast her as a progressive while she self-describes as “one of the most moderate and fiscal-conservative Democrats you can find,” with experience winning “seven times as a Democrat in one of the most Republican districts out of the legislative districts in Suffolk County.” Moreover,

Palumbo focused on what he depicted as commonsense issues which are more moderate than his widely-assumed agenda as a Republican. 

Long Island school costs

Both candidates also advocated for a reexamination of Long Island school costs. Palumbo advocated for consolidation, and claimed that immigrants were taking advantage of public schools. However, the center of his point was that he would look to reduce an “abundance of administration and staff while not compromising the education of the kids.” Anker also advocated to reexamine administrative pay, and claimed she was looking into an “alternative” way of funding schools to lessen the strain on homeowners. 

Criticisms and consensus

Both candidates took a few digs at their opponent. Palumbo attacked Anker’s record as a “full-time legislator,” claiming that she reported income from two independent business ventures while also a legislator — a claim that she did not directly respond to. He also criticized what Anker described as her proudest legislative achievement — a hotline for school shootings instituted after the Sandy Hook attack — as an “unfunded mandate” that doesn’t solve any parts of the underlying issue. 

Anker criticized Palumbo’s track record as not being local enough. She pointed at his policy proposal for a community preservation fund as something that had already been attempted in the Town of Brookhaven, and used his efforts on a bill to assist the Montauk Native Americans to describe him as lacking focus, even as Palumbo called himself “a Brookhaven guy.” 

Overall, both candidates reached consensus on a good number of issues but found room to criticize each other on lines beyond their partisan differences.

Election Day is Nov. 5. Early voting is still available through Sunday, Nov. 3. See www.suffolkcountyny.gov for Suffolk County locations and times.