The Huntington Arts Council recently announced the winners of its latest exhibit, Objects Found. Juried by Tara Leele Porter of Red Lotus Fused Glass Art, artists were invited to submit work that incorporated salvaged materials like buttons, antiques, toys and textiles to complete their work.
Participating artists include Beth Atkinson, Lisa L. Cangemi, Kathleen Celestin-Parks, Janet Costello, Heather Gottfried, Naomi Diracles, Terry Finch, Jim Finlayson, Anindita Ghosh, Bill Grabowski, Jeffrey Grinspan, Lenore Hanson, Beth Heit, Julianne Jimenez, Julianna Kirk, Liz Kolligs, Stephen S. Martin, Martha McAleer, Glenn McNab, Kristen Memoli, John Micheals, Gabriella Grama, Gail Neuman, Ellen Paul, Jonathan Pearlman, Howie Pohl, Denis Ponsot, Meryl Shapiro, Sally Shore, Lauren Singer, Toxic/Nature Studios by Scott Schneider and Nancy Yoshii.
“Selecting for this show was challenging because of all the high quality artwork. The artwork varies from minimalist to maximalist with their narrative composed of everyday materials manifested in sublime ways and are like pieces of Jazz who found their form bebopping down the rabbit hole,” commented Porter.
Jeffrey Grinspan of Commack won Best in Show for “Parallel of Truths and Desire.” Honorable Mentions were awarded to Beth Atkinson of Northport for “Games People Play”; Ronkonkoma’s Gabriella Grama for “Evanescence” (see above); Jonathan Pearlman of East Quogue for “Skate Boys”; and Meryl Shapiro of Forest Hills for “Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night.”
“[This is] a wonderful compilation of artistic expression through a vast variety of objects and creative techniques,” said Executive Director Marc Courtade. “I certainly welcome everyone to stop by the gallery to see this exhibit.”
Objects Found will be on view at the Huntington Arts Council’s Main Street Gallery, 213 Main St., Huntington through March 23. Admission is free. For further information, call 631-271-8423.