The tristate Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Facebook and Meetup groups invite the public to Cavi Gras, a fundraiser at The Bates House Sunday, March 4, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The event will support Cavalier Rescue USA, a nonprofit that is dedicated to finding loving families for Cavaliers who are in need of new homes. Attendees can enjoy the tastes of New Orleans at the Mardi Gras-themed party that will include music, live auction, Chinese auction and best mask contest.
Tickets are $20 at the door. To RSVP email [email protected]. For more information, call Erin at 516-246-4327, Dena at 631-796-3825 or Angela at 631-664-1211. The Bates House is located at 1 Bates Road in Setauket.