Scenes from the Port Jefferson Veterans Day service held by American Legion Wilson Ritch Post 432 on Saturday, Nov. 11. Photo by Aramis Khosronejad
Photo by Aramis Khosronejad
Photo by Aramis Khosronejad
By Aramis Khosronejad
American Legion Wilson Ritch Post 432 recognized Veterans Day on Saturday, Nov. 11, with a ceremony at the Port Jefferson Veterans Memorial Park in front of the harbor.
The ceremony consisted of a speech saluting and memorializing U.S. troops and veterans. Wilson Ritch Post 432 is dedicated to providing “support all around” to service members and veteran families, according to post Cmdr. Bob Masterson. The post was established in 1919 and has provided services for the Long Island veterans and the military community ever since.
Masterson was appointed commander this year, a position he said was a “great honor” for him. Masterson has been a member of Post 432 for 30 years. He was born in the Bronx and joined the military in 1961, serving as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. Once he left the Army, he came out to the Long Island area and “did what I could to support the post.”
This Veterans Day service has lasted for five decades, according to Masterson. The ceremony aims to “tell the general public what us veterans have been through,” he said.
The commander also stated how the post aims to “try to enlist as many veterans that are still out there, to get them involved in the American Legion and give them the support they need.” “Whether it’s physical or emotional support or employment support, all they need to do is go to a local post and sign up and build the American Legion and its cause,” he continued.
The Veterans Memorial in Port Jeff represents an ideal place to hold the Veterans Day ceremony because of the “history and tradition” the harbor has, Masterson said.
He went on to explain the services that the Legion provides for Veterans. “We support Stony Brook Veterans Home,” he explained. “For those inside the home, we prepare events for them and have parties for them — support all around.”
Masterson concluded his commemoration by saying, “Give my blessing for all that [veterans] have done for us. It keeps us moving forward.”
Members of American Legion Post 432’s color guard. Photo courtesy Bruce Miller
By Sofia Levorchick
Members from American Legion Post 432 in Port Jefferson Station gathered at Steven J. Crowley Memorial Park in Terryville on Memorial Day, May 29, honoring and remembering America’s veterans.
Every year, the post spotlights Port Jefferson native Steven J. Crowley – the man for whom the park is dedicated. Crowley served as a security officer in the U.S. Marine Corps and died in the line of duty in 1979 when a student riot attacked the American embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. He was just 20 years old.
The ceremony began with the color guard as Post 432 members saluted in silence, provoking a solemn and patriotic spirit. Edward Haran, commander of Post 432, deliveredthe dedication, honoring those who gave their lives in service to the nation.
“May the ceremonies of today deepen our reverence for our old friends and comrades, especially Corporal Crowley,” the post commander said. “Let us renew our pledge of loyalty to our country and its flag. Let us resolve by word indeed to emphasize the privilege and duty of patriotism.”
He then welcomed the Crowley family to place a wreath and flowers in honor of their fallen loved one.
Ladies Auxiliary members during Memorial Day services on Monday, May 29. Photo courtesy Bruce Miller
A legion member’s trumpet let out the somber tune of “Taps” as the American flag was lowered. Haran concluded with, “To all those who stand with us today, you will now consecrate yourselves with us to emulate the sacred service that those who rest in the heroes’ [graves] may not have died in vain,” he said.
After the ceremony, Mike Williams, chaplain of Post 432, discussed why this annual service is held in Crowley’s honor. “Crowley is prominent in our post, gave his life for our country, and we must remember and honor him,” Williams said, emphasizing that Crowley was a local man whose influence and legacy are still felt within the post and greater community.
Haran advised those in attendance to seek to learn from Crowley’s example of service. “I think what they can learn is the sacrifice that he, and others like him, made for our country and all the wars,” he said. “Just keep them in our minds and offer prayers for the families of the veterans.”
The legion members also reflected on the meaning of Memorial Day. Williams referred to the day as a moment to reflect upon and honor America’s fallen.
“Memorial Day is a day of solemn remembrance of all those who gave their lives to our country,” he said.
Haran noted the personal significance of the day. “I lost a number of friends during Vietnam,” he said. Memorial Day “gives me pause to go back and think about them and offer a prayer for them.”
Before the American Legion members left to attend another memorial service in Port Jefferson and the Memorial Day Parade in Setauket, Bruce Miller, second vice-commander of Post 432 and Vietnam War veteran, spoke on behalf of the Steven J. Crowley ceremony, emphasizing the value of appreciating and honoring fallen heroes and the legacies they have left for the nation.
“It is important to remember these people on this day — and all days — for they have sacrificed much,” he said.
American Legion Post 432 hosts Memorial Day service to honor the fallen. Photo by Raymond Janis
Members of the American Legion Post 432, based out of Port Jefferson Station, held a series of services throughout the community to honor the sacrifices made by American servicemen.
The day began at Steven J. Crowley Memorial Park in Terryville. Cpl. Crowley was a security guard for the United States Marines. In 1979 Crowley made the ultimate sacrifice when he died in the line of duty when the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, was besieged by a student riot.
Kevin Powers, sergeant at arms at Post 432, grew up with Crowley. The two later served together in the Marine Corps.
“He was a good man,” Powers said. “I knew Steven since elementary school and we graduated together. I miss him dearly.”
The memorial service at Crowley Park is an annual tradition at the post. Powers suggested that this event is a yearly reminder of Crowley’s legacy of service and helps to keep a fallen comrade’s memory alive.
“We do this every year,” he said. “It’s an honor to do that for him and for all of the men and women in the service who gave their lives to protect our freedom.”
Ron Romaszka, commander of Post 432, reflected upon his own experiences during the Vietnam War and his brothers in arms who died in combat.
“I lost a lot of guys over in ‘Nam,” he said. “I don’t talk about it all the time. That’s mine and I keep that inside.” On the importance of the day in hand, he added, “Memorial Day has always been a very important day for me. For all of the veterans here, they all have a special feeling inside, and that’s why it’s an important day for all of us.”
Romaszka also touched upon the role of the American Legion in serving veterans throughout the community. “We stand behind every veteran that’s out there,” the post commander said. “For any veteran that needs assistance of any kind, we’re there to assist them. Whether it’s financial, whether it’s medical — whatever it is, we’re there for them.”
The post held a similar ceremony at the Port Jefferson Memorial Park in the village. Trustee Bruce Miller, who also serves as 2nd vice commander of Post 432, shared that freedom is inextricably linked to the sacrifices of American veterans.
“We come to honor the fallen on Memorial Day,” he said. “It is important to look back and remember that our freedom is not free, that we have our freedom because people have fought and died for it.” He added, “It is important to recognize their sacrifice and the sacrifices of those serving today.”
While it may be a solemn occasion, Miller said veterans can find solace this Memorial Day in knowing that American forces are not currently in the line of fire.
“This is the first year in the last 20 that we are not at war,” the village trustee said. “Veterans can rejoice that none of our soldiers, sailors or marines are coming under fire. But as the Ukrainians have shown us, we must always be ready.”
‘Port Jefferson is a great place to live and people have worked hard to create that freedom. I’m very thankful for their service, for those who have lost their lives, and we honor them.’
— Margot Garant
Mayor Margot Garant offered her own take on Memorial Day. She said she witnessed firsthand the sacrifices of American veterans as several of her family members, including her brother and father, have served.
“I feel that every day in our community is Memorial Day,” she said. “It gives us a time to pause and remember and be thankful for all of the great things that we have.” The village mayor added, “Port Jefferson is a great place to live and people have worked hard to create that freedom. I’m very thankful for their service, for those who have lost their lives, and we honor them.”
The day concluded with one last service at the post, followed by refreshments. To learn more about Post 432 and its various offerings, visit
Community members and elected officials during the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony in Port Jefferson Dec. 4. Photo from Kara Hahn
People gathered in Port Jefferson early Sunday morning to remember and pay tribute to the fallen on the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
On Dec. 4, members from American Legion Wilson Ritch Post 432 of Port Jefferson Station joined elected officials including village trustee Bruce Miller, state Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D-Setauket), Legislator Kara Hahn (D-Setauket) and Town of Brookhaven Councilman Jonathan Kornreich (D-Stony Brook) nearly eight decades to the date of one of the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.
Each year on or around the anniversary of the day, ceremonies are held across the United States to honor all those who lost their lives when the U.S. Naval Base in Pearl Harbor was attacked on Dec. 7, 1941.
More than 3,500 Americans lost their lives or were wounded on that solemn day.
At the monuments for all American wars, wreaths were laid by American Legion Posts 1941, 417, Setauket VFW Post 3054 and the Ward Melville H.S. Patriot League Club.
2019 boys and girls participants in Boys and Girls State from Greenlawn American Legion.
The American Legion Greenlawn Post 1244 each year selectshigh school juniors to send to a weeklong summer camp called Boys and Girls State. The educational program’s instruction on government is regarded as one of the best for U.S. high school students.
Last week, the organization received a $5,000 grant from state Sen. Jim Gaughran’s (D-Northport) office and has become a significant source of funding that expects to help grow the local program.
“We’ve been receiving typically $50 and $100 from people to sponsor kids,” said Legionnaire Charlie Armstrong, who organizes the program for the Greenlawn post on a volunteer basis. It cost about $500 to send each student.
The post funded 22 kids last year, 20 boys and 2 girls from local high schools. They are currently in the process of talking with principals and guidance counselors at 10 to 12 local school districts and expect to identify candidates for the 2020 season in the upcoming months. The additional revenue means the post can likely fund more students to attend.
“The American Legion Greenlawn Post 1244 is committed to ensuring students are exposed to how government is supposed to function,” Gaughran said. “These are critical teachings which allow students real exposure to the fundamentals of government and encourage young adults to be active, engaged citizens. I am proud to provide funding to allow them to expand this great program and thank the Greenlawn American Legion for their unwavering commitment to creating meaningful opportunities for our youth.”
William Floyd student Damian O’Malley participated in the 2019 session, which he said taught him about leadership and the benefits of teamwork. He said it was by far one of the best experiences he’s ever had. He engaged in county, city and party caucuses, which, he said caused him to speak out for which position he wanted.
“I also got to step out of my comfort zone, when I stood in front of everyone in my county and ran for county judge,” he said. “During the week, I met so many people who I would have never gotten the chance to meet, had it not been for this experience.”
The program dates back to the 1930s, but the Greenlawn Post has been running its program since 2009. Each year more and more students from the area are participating, though more opportunities are available for Boys State than Girls State, which is organized through the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary.
“When we saw the positive effect this program had on the students we sent, it became our goal to give as many more young people as possible the opportunity to have this experience,” Armstrong said. “After all, they are the future of our country.”
The program aims to objectively expose students to the rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities of a franchised citizen and includes practical training with fictitious local city, county and state governments created by students who are elected and appointed to various offices.Some of the program’s more prominent graduates includes U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, astronaut Neil Armstrong and television reporter Jane Pauley. Locally New York State Supreme Court Justice Jerry Asher and Suffolk County Legislator William “Doc” Spencer (D-Centerport) are graduates of the program. Former President Bill Clinton, who famously shook the hand of then President John F. Kennedy as a Boys State/Nation candidate, is memorialized in an iconic photo that reveals the aspiring glance of a future world leader.
In a telephone interview Asher said that the program for him was formidable and a very positive experience. Asher attended in 1958 and met two college friends during the training, one that became his college roommate and a lifelong friend.
“It was a very structured environment, a bit like the military,” he said. “We learned about local governments and the issues of the day and held elections for town, county and state governments and had time for sports competition and music.”
He said the lesson to be learned is:Be involved in your community and public service.
The funding will allow 11 Long Island high school students to attend the program. It is the first year Greenlawn is receiving money from the New York State Senate for the program.
Students interested in applying must be in their junior year of high school and should contact either their guidance counselor or Charlie Armstrong at 917-337-2234 or by email at [email protected].
Boats cover Northport Harbor during last year’s event.Photo from Bob Slingo
Centerport Yacht Club will be hosting the second annual Let’s Take a Veteran Sailing event on Saturday, July 30. The event was created by SailAhead, a nonprofit organization that works to support and heal wounded veterans.
Sailboats will come from near and far to join the fleet of 45 boats. With the support of American Legion Greenlawn Post 1244, 140 registered veterans, mostly from Long Island, will attend this event. The purposes of the event is to spread post-traumatic stress disorder awareness throughout the community, as well as spread awareness of the SailAhead program so that more wounded veterans can be helped.
The sailing event will last four hours and the flotilla will sail on the Long Island Sound.
Maureen Pouder, third from left, poses for a photo with Town of Brookhaven officials and members of the American Legion after receiving recognition for her artwork. Photo from the Town of Brookhaven
From a flower to an old barn, artist Maureen Pouder draws her inspiration from the simple things in life.
The Miller Place resident was honored during the Town of Brookhaven’s last meeting on for her work on an old mailbox for the American Legion Arthur H. Clune Post 1533 in Mastic Beach. Pouder, a recreation specialist for the Town of Brookhaven, met members of the post around four months ago through Marcel Van Orden, a post member and one of Pouder’s art students at the Mastic Recreation Center.
Van Orden was originally tasked with reinventing the post’s mailbox. Pouder came on board after Van Orden mentioned it in conversation. In a couple weeks, the duo transformed the old rusted delivery mailbox into an American-inspired mural depicting the American flag and a bald eagle. The mailbox will help collect unserviceable flags, which the legion burns every Flag Day, said past post commander, George Barnes. He added that the mailbox mural was so beautiful that he hates to put it outside.
Maureen Pouder stands to the right of the American Legion Arthur H. Clune Post 1533’s new flag depository mailbox she painted. Photo from the Town of Brookhaven
“Painting [it] like a mural brings attention,” Pouder said. “People will walk past a mailbox and not take a second look. But when it’s painted like a mural they really look at it and they’ll see it’s a flag depository.”
Receiving town recognition is an honor for Pouder, who started working for the municipality in 2008. For the past several years, she’s held art classes at the Blue Point, Shoreham and Mastic recreation centers where she teaches watercolor, oil and acrylic painting skills. The artist also runs Brookhaven’s annual art shows, which are held in Port Jefferson.
Pouder has painted murals for the Cedar Beach Nature Center, among other places on Long Island. Last year, the artist decorated a bra to help raise $2,000 for breast cancer. She used wool roving and barbed pin to create flowers and butterflies on the bra.
“She’s a very talented artist … she’s also a very hard worker,” said Kurt Leuffen, superintendent of Brookhaven’s parks and recreation department. “She’s been teaching art for the last couple of years [and] she’s done a very good job. I would say all participants really enjoy her as an instructor — she’s very good, she’s very thorough and she’s very helpful.”
Leuffen has known Pouder for nearly 25 years. He added that town employees and those at Pouder’s recreation centers are proud of her and lucky to have her as an employee.
While Pouder knows various art media, she said she loves painting with watercolor, acrylic and oil paint the most. Although she can finish a watercolor painting in a couple of days, oil paintings take her several weeks, as they need more time to dry. Pouder added that she gets more joy when she donates her time to work on a painting like her mailbox mural, because she knows her work is truly appreciated.
“Maureen’s artwork and volunteerism is very well known throughout the community,” said town Councilwoman Jane Bonner (C-Rocky Point). “We are all grateful that she shares her time and talent so generously.”
Bruce Blanco smiles with other members of the riders. Photo from Blanco
For one man, riding isn’t just a way of life — it’s a way to honor his son.
Bruce Blanco, president of the American Legion Riders Chapter 1244, first got involved with the American Legion in 2010, after his son Michael Edward Blanco, a lance corporal in the United States Marines, passed away on Feb. 15, 2010.
“I am living in the eyes of my son,” Blanco said in a phone interview. “He is my hero.”
Blanco, a Commack resident, said that whenever his son was on leave he would lend a hand to local organizations like the American Legion, so Blanco “took over the things he would do,” once his son passed.
Michael Blanco served in the U.S. Marines. Photo from Bruce Blanco
The American Legion Riders started in 1993, when American Legion members decided they wanted to create an environment where members could come together to share their love of motorcycles. Blanco described the American Legion Riders as “riding billboards for veterans,” that help bring attention to and raise money for veteran events.
Blanco, who has been president for the past year, said that through the organization he has been able to spend time with veterans, play bingo or share a meal, stood in as family for burial services when a veteran had no other family left, and raised money to provide veterans and their families with meals for the holidays. According to Blanco, in the last year alone, the riders were present at more than 100 military funerals. They also participate in local celebrations like the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day parades in Huntington and King’s Park, and organize welcome homes from the airport.
According to Blanco, his chapter only has 24 members, but provide at least 150 different missions each year for veterans. They are one of only three rider posts in Suffolk County, and he said they are the most active chapter in New York State.
One of his fondest memories with the riders thus far, was fulfilling a wish of a veteran in his early 90s, who had always wanted to ride a motorcycle.
“We had all of his family and friends out to see him,” he said. “It was just a really nice day.”
Blanco said he thinks the organization is so important because it reminds veterans that they are not alone.
Blanco poses with Post American Legion Post 1244 Commander Dennis Madden. Photo from Bob Santo.
“We show vets love and give them the support they deserve,” he said. “When you have veterans who think they’re alone and then we can be there for them, that makes my day.”
He said he has seen some American Legion posts lose support and membership in the past few years. Some were even forced to close their doors.
“I never want to see this disappear,” he said. “The riders are trying to bring attention to what the American Legion does, and help to try and make it grow.”
The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund recently honored Blanco for the $1,000 donation he and the riders fundraised for in 2015. The scholarship fund gives money to children of fallen post-9/11 service members.
Mario Buonpane pays respects at a 9/11 memorial ceremony at Heckscher Park last year. File photo by Rohma Abbas
Mario C. Buonpane, Jr., a staunch local veterans’ activist, avid golfer and a family man, died on Monday after losing a vicious battle with prostate cancer. He was 83.
Buonpane, best known for his work with Huntington Town’s veterans — having served as a charter member and chairman of the Huntington Town Veterans Advisory Board and a past commander of the Northport American Legion Post 694 — is credited with spearheading the rehab of the Northport Veteran Administration Medical Center’s golf course, which brought golfers to the grounds and proceeds to the hospital, according to his son Mark Vincent (Buonpane).
Mario Buonpane speaks at last year’s town remembrance of 9/11. File photo by Rohma Abbas
“That’s his legacy,” Vincent said. “That will remain and serve the community for years and years to come.”
He received an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army and he joined the town’s veterans advisory board as a charter member in 1987. He became chairman in 1993, and since its inception, the group enhanced Veterans Plaza at Huntington Town Hall with the completion of a number of memorials honoring veterans of all wars fought by the U.S.
“Our Veterans Plaza is one of the finest on Long Island and we still have plans to improve it,” he wrote in a list of his accomplishments.
He was also the chairman of the legion’s Veterans Affairs Golf and Tournament Committee, through which he helped negotiate a contract to take over the golf course in 1996. When the group took over, the course hadn’t been mowed in five years, the greens were diseased and there were no facilities, according to Buonpane. Since then, the course touts a clubhouse with a deck, new fairways and more.
Buonpane was instrumental in getting the Northport American Legion’s Boys State and Girls State programs up and running. The programs select girls and boys off to participate in a model governments to teach them how they work, and under Buonpane’s leadership, the number of candidates the legion has sponsored has grown, from one in 1982 to about 20. The program, “teaches you how to be a good citizen,” Vincent said.
Aside from his many community contributions, Buonpane was, at heart, a family man, The father and husband, who worked for Grumman as an electrical engineer and designed electrical harnesses on the lunar module always had time for sports with the kids, Vincent said.
“He taught us great values, he taught us how to earn things the honest way, play by the rules, tell the truth and have great integrity,” Vincent said.
On his work at Grumman, Vincent said, “he contributed to the greatest journey humans had ever done.”
Buonpane’s dedication and never-give-up attitude was his trademark, the son said. He took up running in his 50s and could only run a few laps around the track but ultimately trained until he completed the New York City Marathon. He still went to the gym, even with stage 4 cancer.
“He was tough,” Vincent said. “He was a trooper.”
Others in the Huntington Town community were touched by Buonpane’s contributions, too. Supervisor Frank Petrone issued a statement on Buonpane’s death.
“He worked tirelessly to support efforts ensuring that we all remember, honor and respect our veterans and that veterans got the services and benefits they earned by serving our country,” he said. “We will miss his presence as the master of ceremonies at our wreath ceremonies and other veterans’ events.”
Joe Sledge, communications director at the Northport VA, also spoke highly of Buonpane’s contributions. Sledge said he had known Buonpane since he first started working the VA 23 years ago.
“It was he who sponsored my entry into the American Legion over 14 years ago,” he said. “He made many significant contributions to Northport VA Medical Center through his time, talent, and countless generous acts.All who knew him would agree that Mario was a thoughtful, hard-working man whose life’s mission was to brighten the lives of others, especially hospitalized veterans. He will be sorely missed.”
AMVETS Post 1998 in Port Jefferson Station is hosting a fundraising barbecue to support aging and otherwise needy local veterans.
The nonprofit’s annual BBQ will fire up on Saturday, Sept. 12, at 1 p.m. at the American Legion Post, 1450 Hallock Ave., Port Jefferson Station. There will be chicken, hot dogs, burgers, clams, drinks and dessert, as well as a Chinese auction and a raffle.
Tickets are $25 for adults, and kids under 12 are free. They can be purchased through AMVETS Post Commander Barbara Alt at 631-509-4151 or Post Historian Ed Bednarek at 631-331-3853. The tickets will also be on sale at the American Legion on the day of the barbecue.
Contact Alt or Bednarek for more information about the event.