St. James Lutheran Church offers grief support group
Are you seeking help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or close friend? St. James Lutheran Church, 230 2nd. Ave., St. James will provide GriefShare – a 13-session program – at 7p.m. on Thursdays from September 1 through December 1 in the church library.
GriefShare is a weekly support group that will be hosted by Bonnie Spiegel a long-time Care Givers at St. James Lutheran Church. Each session will include an encouraging, information-packed video featuring leading grief recovery experts, a group discussion about the video content, and a workbook for journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics.
GriefShare is offered free of charge to all members of the community seeking bereavement support – a warm and caring group “oasis” during their long journeys through grief. It is offered without cost, completely underwritten by a generous grant from St. James Funeral Home, owned and operated with love by the Maher family.
Please contact the church office – (631) 584-5212 – for reservations. Complete program information is available online at