New principal for Northport High School
Northport High School has a new principal.
Daniel Danbusky was appointed by the Board of Education at the Nov. 5 meeting, effective immediately.
Danbusky has been assistant principal at the high school since 2012, and prior to that, spent 11 years as a social studies teacher, coach and Dean of Students at the Brentwood school district.
“I knew immediately that even though it was very difficult to come to the decision to leave Brentwood, I had arrived in the right place,” Danbusky said in an email. “The students here impress me on a daily basis. Whether it is walking around the art and music wing and seeing their creativity, or attending a fundraiser or community event and seeing the philanthropic spirit that exists in the student body, is beyond humbling.”
Danbusky said he is not the type of person who does well sitting in an office — so students can expect to see his face a lot.
“There is nothing greater about working in a school than being with the students, so I want to maximize my contact with them,” he said.
Danbunsky received a B.A. in history and a Master’s in teaching from Union College.
He is replacing Irene McLaughlin, who was recently appointed Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.
“I think he’s a terrific guy,” McLaughlin said in a phone interview. “He has incredible integrity and has established a great relationship with the students, faculty and staff. He’s the total package.”
McLaughlin said there were about 20 candidates when the search for a new principal started.
“It was a collaborative nature, which is important because you’re selecting who will now lead the high school every day,” she said.
Danbusky said one of his favorite parts of the job is seeing the students.
“They are some of the most motivated, talented, empathetic and selfless students I have ever had the privilege to work for in my 15 years in high schools,” he said.
Looking to the future, Danbusky said he hopes to foster better relationships with the middle schools “because coming into the high school of 2000, kids can be overwhelming.”